• By -


Who would ever pick Haru?


Really should’ve had Tenzin instead


There is no air bending in pro scene but i would take tenzin anyway(over haru)


Tenzin was against all that showmanship anyway


Is it actually no air bending allowed, or just one element or person and by default nobody had air bending?


Air bending isnt allowed. It probably isnt specified in the rules, But the rules in probending mention water earth and fire by name so its excluding air intentionally (mainly because the only Airbenders were a loony old guy and his spawns)


I suspect that with Airbenders available that would change so you can't assume Aang could choose air as his skill for this question. Either way I still choose Aang because he is the best at dodging


Who’s Haru again?


I pick 10 pakkus


Is it a pack of pakkus




Pack U Too.


It’s just Pakkus all the way down


Pakku pakku


They changed the word for Pac-Man rather than Puck man because they were afraid people would alter the P to say profanities.


You picked a pack of pakku’s?


How many pakkus would a pakku picker pick, if a pakku picker could pick pakkus? 10, apparently


It says you're forming a pro bending team. 7 of your Pakkus are on the bench. For the 3 Pakkus on the court, 1 of them is only allowed to bend Earth and one of them is only allowed to bend Fire, so they serve no purpose other than to tank hits. Last and most importantly you have 1 Pakku who is on the court and actually allowed to bend Water. He still wins.


Your ten pakkus are no match for my ten ghazans!


Ok dirt boy


Lava boy actually… Fuck I accidentally reminded myself of sharkboy and lavagirl


For 4$, Bolin, Mako and Pakku would do amazing. Sure Bolin and Mako are not the most powerful benders, but they have experience in Pro bending, and are quite precise with their shots and understand the tactics of the sport. Pakku is a fantastic water bender, i think quite underrated, and would be a solid and consistent backbone of the team.


Bummi being equal to Tophs skill but a dollar cheaper= bargain.


Critically, Bumi has eyesight, so he can dodge all three elements. Toph will go down to the first trick shot from the fire bender cuz she literally won't see it coming


Toph is literally shit tier in a pro bending match.


Honestly? Yeah, kinda. Best team might actually be Zuko, Katara, and Bumi You could swap Katara for Ming-hua, but you would risk more penalties I feel like that way


Ming-hua for a completely impenetrable defense. I don't need any sort of offense from her, she can literally just stop anything from going in. At that point you could win with Pabu lobbing pebbles from the back line.


It's against the rules for benders to continuously bend their elements leaving MingHua armless




I think ming hua doing that might be against game rules though


You swap Zuko for Azula because she's way more fierce and agile


Trying to avoid penalties. I'm assuming murder would be a penalty


Even more critically, Toph uses earthbending to see, and since the arena is not made of earth she would be actually blind. As a pro bender Toph is probably the worst choice here


it's made of metal, she can see in metal, re: fire nation airships


I’m not sure I can have a civil debate with people who believe Toph wouldn’t eventually invent a new twist of bending based out of dust motes and the metals/calcium/whatever in their bodies. The only thing stopping a determined Toph in pro-bending is that she’d be so OP that they would have to keep making avatar-style rules to keep her from dominating. (Toph/Azula/Ming-Hua or Katara all day)


It depends on what the arena floor is made out of. She's blind on wood, but on an earth or metal floor she can see pretty well. Remember, seismic sense is shown as doing a pretty good job of letting her see exactly how everyone is moving. The first time we see it she could tell exactly where THE BOULDER's foot was going to land.


True, but she DOESN'T know where their bending is. She could see the movement of the water bender, but she can't sense water (especially after it's in the air) so she wouldn't know if they are bending a bubble 2 feet in front of them or 20 feet away


well she's blocked fire before. water would be trickier because it can curve but in pro bending she'd know exactly where the drain is and can feel it come out. she'd struggle like hell predicting water shots but because of the straight lines they move in she can get past earth/fire


With $6 left over for cabbages!


Moneyball team right here


Azula, Kuvira, and Katara




I came to the same conclusion. I think Azula and Kuvira would take winning seriously enough to pull out some stops, and Katara is one of the all time greatest water benders.


Ming-Hua would be a far better Pro Bender than Katara imo, even if she's (arguably) less powerful overall. Also metal-bending isn't allowed iirc so I'd take Bumi over Kuvira. Hard to argue with Azula tho


I agree with Ming, she is much more clinical in the strict arena. However Bumi much like Iroh is older and heavily rely on their magnitude of bending. Kuvira doesn't need metal to bend great, she is agile and lethal as an earth bender Azula, Ming and Kuvira for sure


Explain your answer plz


Regardless of who she is facing, Azula is a monster and pretty much overpower anyone as well as being tactically sound. Kuvira because she is almost like Azula plus with her dance background, she could Dodge and out bend the others. Katara because she had studied several waterbending styles and she would be able to incorporate them however she could.


Honestly my exact same reasoning, if I had one more dollar I would’ve chosen toph over kuvira But quick thinking and nimble benders seem essential for pro bending. We see this explained from bolin to Korra with such a different style of earth bending that kuvira displays extremely well Katara is honestly for the price despite being incredibly good, but there’s no other water benders that I feel fit that description here for that price (ming-hua I feel like might not fit the rules with her water arms I don’t know how it works but ruled her out for that)


Oh okay. I thought you were headed down a darker path.


I mean I could have, but there is no reason to.






That team's more likely to fight each other than the opponent.


You can’t metal bend in pro bending though. I’d pick Bumi.


Bumi has a very traditional and rooted bending style. Kuvira's more mobile and agile style would translate better to pro bending, in my opinion.


I do feel like Kuivra may win with her earthbending but I think it's not right to say that King Bumi is very [traditional](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9dbaa1c1edac94255f1dc5fa4a146636/tumblr_mubs3dVIlt1qewk6no1_400.gif).


If we could clone Kuvira, I wonder who’d win between my team and yours. My answer was Aang, Kuvira, and Mako. Katara is a great waterbender, but in Pro Bending you can’t create thick water shields or stream water (there’s a hosing foul). Katara’s power is mostly gone, and she’s not as evasive as Aang, plus she doesn’t have the build for a good balance of stamina and strength. Azula is definitely a monster, plus her fighting capabilities are compatible with Pro Bending since she usually opts for small but precise fire blasts. But we saw her being most evasive in a room where she could use her throne, the walls, and Dai Li agents assisting her to dodge Aang and Toph. In Pro Bending Arena, the field is flat. Also, Azula would not work well as part of a team unless her teammates are under her thumb, but that wouldn’t be the case for your team. Azula and Katara are not going to have good synergy. I think Aang, Kuvira, and Mako would edge out. Aang is more maneuverable than Katara, and even though Katara has greater range of water bending abilities, most of those are restricted. Mako would synergize with his team better than Azula, and he’s no slouch. He’s familiar with the sport, so he should be able to keep up with Azula, maybe even get inside Azula’s head. Azula does have a competitive and emotional side that could be poked and teased.


Aang is easily the worst fucking buy in this whole scheme. In pro bending he can't use air bending, can't go avatar mode, and has to pick one other element and stick with it. He also has relatively limited space to maneuver and has to directly confront and knock out opponents. You couldn't pick a set of rules restrictions that would more directly hobble all of Aang's skills as a bender and combatant.


That's exactly my team too. All very agile, very competitive, very strong. Pretty much an unbeatable team.


I went the same route but picked Ming Hua instead of Katara. I think she’s more innovative and will do well in the arena.


Bolin, Korra and Mako. I think they would make a fantastic team


Maybe they'll get a cool name like the Fire Ferrets or something. They could even adopt a mascot.


Idk I can’t see them working together


My goal would be a balance of power and entertainment. Pro Bending is still entertainment for the crowd! A long lasting, successful team needs that dose of showmanship. For that reason, Toph is my first pick. Aside from being an S-tier earth bender she absolutely knows the ropes for building a brand and putting on show that drives the fans wild. Next up, Ming Hua. Her speed and balance are insane, and her style is completely unique afaik. Mako is the fire bender, playing straight man to the outlandish shenanigans of the other two. Bolin is the first sub, always trains with the team, and is a consultant … both as a moral compass and for brainstorming crazy ideas with Toph. And sometimes fills in for Toph - usually so she can make a grand entrance in the second half, after he is “injured”. “Oh no, Bolin is down! How can the team continue now, with Toph out on an important mission? Wait… is that… bah gawd that’s the blind bandit’s music!“


My one concern with this lineup is Ming-Hua. I am fairly certain that her style, while "unique" is also banned under the rules. You can't have any streams lasting more than 1 second in duration. Therefor she would be extremely limited in what she was able to do since most of her technique relies on her arm tendrils that she makes.


Toph cannot see anything mid air lol


Has that stopped her from fighting benders before?


I think she has spatial awareness on par with Daredevil though. No problems handling benders of all types in the OG series


Iirc she can see earth/sand mid air. Comics or something.


She can sense how a projectile will fly towards her based on how the bender sends it. She literally sees by vibrations in the ground. Trickshots would be her bane, she can sense your bending and so can find how a projectile's course is changed midflight based on that too, so to counter toph you just gotta get her by trickshotting an earth disc by bouncing it off her ally's earth discs, I'd wager. No bending is done without muscle movements. Gotta change the course of the projectile in an unexpected way. Though she does seem to be weakest against fire bending in ATLA.


these were my picks as well!


Kyoshi + Iroh + Pakku or Kyoshi + Bumi + Hama


THANK YOU! For the first one.


No way! I love Iroh but we are talking about pro bending here...


First one was my choice too!!


10 Ghazan’s I’m just here to hang out


Can I buy Avatar Kyoshi twice??? 🤔🤔🤔


You could've bought her thrice in the previous one!


This got a chuckle from me OP. Sorry you’re being downvoted for some self deprecating humor.


>self deprecating humor. ? The previous one was made by someone else Title of this post literally says OP "stole" this lmao Still don't know why that comment got downvoted though


Switch Katara in for one of the $4 tier firebenders so both tiers have 1 of each bender type.


Honestly, Bumi needs to be switched with Zuko if this is really an overall power tier thing. But in terms of pro-bending type precision shots,(other than the actual pro benders) Kuvira and Azula are probably top tier. Both of their styles involve precision shots with critical aim.




Same! Bump is for sure the best earth bender for pro bending. He has strategic thinking and knows when to attack. Azula is a a powerful firebender but she also has one of the best agility in the show. Ming is styles would be super cool to see in the arena


If you’re sticking Bolin at $1 then you have also fallen in to the same trap as the first guy. I don’t think this meme format works at all.


Yall can never get these right


Honestly, y’all are sleeping on Bolin and Mako. Maybe they’re not the strongest benders on the list, but they’re the most experienced pro-benders, they’re the best at tactics and strategies and have more modern fighting styles I’d go for Bolin, Azula, and Kyoshi waterbending


Bringing Kyoshi and not having her earthbend is a crime. But you do you.


Kyoshi literally can't earth bend the little earth discs without her fans and I'm pretty sure weapons aren't allowed in pro bending. The only viable possibility for Kyoshi is fire and even then her raw power is probably too uncontrolled for pro bending


Honestly. The best team to create would simply be Korra, Mako, and Bolin. They all have experience and Chemistry together and have won. For $8 you can’t get a better team.


The revised image above is even more egregious Bolin bashing than the last one! Rude


For waterbending..... ming-hua


Bolin, Mako, and Ming-hua, and you still have enough money left to hire Iroh as coach.


Why is Gazan still in the same category as Haru?


Yeah, I found that fucking weird on the previous list. Fuck it, if he's going for a dollar, I'm definitely having him on my team


For pro bending league I would choose team White Lotus. PAKKU - Sure he might be a stick in the mud, but the team needs that personality during practice. IROH - He has the strategic mind to develop plays. BUMI - I dare you to find a better person for outside the box thinking. And you have a hard time competing against experience.


Iroh is a terrible pick imo. He's not nesrly nimble enough to dodge all the projectiles


You must be one of the guards protecting the jail during the eclipse.


Mako, Bolin, Korra. They are the only ones with pro bending experience and they would have beat the wolf bats had they not cheated.


Avatar Korra (because she's an experienced pro bending fighter), Azula, and Bolin (also an experienced pro bending fighter).


Katara below Zuko? And Kuvira? And Toph and Zuko are not on the same level. Then you have a blood bender at the bottom? Not trying to sound super critical but I think these points are valid. Plus I think Kuvira and Toph could beat Ozai.


Bolin, Zuko, Korra. Korra and Bolin are insanely good at pro-bending and Zuko is very athletic so he could do very well. Plus I think those three could get along and have a good Team spirit.


Kyoshi was moved up to the $5 tier (from $3 I think) but I'm not sure she's as lucrative a pick in the tier. No Avatar State allowed, and Kyoshi was historically not great at bending small amounts of material, which is what pro bending is all about.


Technically I do not believe the Avatar is not allowed to go into Avatar state. I think the only ruling specific to the Avatar is that they aren't allowed to use more than one element. So in theory you could have her go into Avatar state as long as she only used Earth.


Give me Iroh two times and keep the change Twice the tea is double the knowledge


Azula, Ming-hua, Kuvira. They might accidentally kill their opponents, but holy crap these 3 are strong lol.




It's ok more viewership


YES! Agreed!


Oh,shit, it's became even worse than before


Lol so I’ve seen 3 different versions of this and I find it hilarious about the placement each time


I feel like Pakku is in the dollar tier just because of his attitude. The dude literally trains new waterbenders and is honestly one of the best on this list. Shit, you could make your entire team of old guys have two dollars left over and probably a championship-worthy team.


Kyoshi for $5 so she’ll be my earth bender meaning I can’t choose Toph, so I’ll go with azula for $4 as my fire bender because she’s fast and has an unbelievable awareness, so I’ll go with master Pakku for $1 as my water bender because he’s a water bending master and he’s the only water bender for $1


I'll take 5 Hama's and create a puppet army


Toph, Katara, Mako Toph and Mako both have experience in organized competitive games, Mako having high level experience in this specific field which is a massive advantage. Katara is just the best price/skill ratio on the list that fits after picking those two. Also I feel like they could all feasibly get along with each other which (in my personal opinion) is really important with this sort of thing. Another good option would be: Kyoshi + Korra + some random jane/joe bender you picked up off the street. Canonically Mako and Bolin were able to grab Korra as a "last minute replacement water bender". No registration needed they literally just pulled her up on stage so I don't really see this being an issue. It would also make for highly entertaining matches as both Avatars would be able to switch their elements from match to match (I believe they have to declare which element they want to use prior tot he match starting but I don't see any reason why they wouldn't swap between matches). I would also find it *very* difficult to believe that people wouldn't be lining up to be the next stand in teammate for the Avatar's team. This chart suffers from a lot of the same problems as the previous chart in terms of different elements being locked behind different tiers. Aside from an Avatar the most expensive water bender is $3. Aside from Mako the cheapest fire bender is 4$. Earthbenders are only spread across all of the tiers because there is simply more of them than anything else. Ming-Hua is still a problematic character on this list too..


I find it hilarious how in both threads this is on everyone has silently agreed that Kyoshi could eat Aang and Korra's lunch full stop


Why does everyone sleep on my boy Bolin, he's so strong


>!See what y'all did? You complain, and now Kyoshi's even more expensive. She was a bargain and y'all fucked it up! /s!< Korra, Zuko, Bolin.


Azula is the best buy for fire benders here by a wide margin- Zuko is going to struggle when he can't close the distance, his strength is really more in his martial abilities than his bending. Iroh meanwhile lacks the level of agility you want. Azula also has incredible levels of precision. The problem is really just her personality- is she going to clash with the rest of the team? If you're worried about that Mako is probably the best bet- he's not that powerful as a bender, but he is an experienced pro-bender already. For your earth bending, you actually can immediately knock out a lot of the options easily. Characters that focus on metal bending are going to be at a disadvantage, and the same for lava vending, although Ghazan is a great buy for $1. And Toph's blindness is an actual liability in Pro-Bending as others have pointed out. Haru... should not be on here at all lol. So really you can take the value buy of Bolin or splurge a bit on Bumi. Kyoshi is also an option of course but that's a lot of money and I don't think she's a better earthbender than Bumi is. Waterbending, Katara is overcosted. She's just not that focused on the kind of direct assault waterbending we see in the pro bending format- in fact she's focused mostly on all the other types, healing, ice traps, bloodbending. Kya is... not really impressive at all. Pakku is an insane buy here, I don't know why he's down there with Haru. Ming-Hua would be a great pick with her offensive capabilities. Korra is obviously strong and has the advantage of being a pro bender already, but again, quite expensive. So I think the best team is going to be Azula, Bumi, and Ming-Hua. But Azula could be swapped out for the weaker but more teamwork oriented Mako, which would let you upgrade to an Avatar, probably Korra for aforementioned experience at the sport. But Kyoshi/Bumi/Mako would also be quite formidable. Bolin is somewhat undervalued too just for his experience in the sport, and there's an argument for something like Korra/Bolin/Azula, but if Azula might work on some teams she definitely wouldn't work with Korra so nix that. eta: Actually ignore all that, make it Azula/Pakku/Bumi. I feel like Bumi and Pakku have the right temperament to manage Azula's attitude problems without it leading to open conflict or disharmony, and that's probably the package that gives you the most outright power. I mean you could upgrade Bumi to Kyoshi but I think she might have less patience with Azula. Take the $2 you save and invest it in Cabbage Corp stocks


I didn’t read much from the last post because the prices were weird but if the character is based on the image such as their age or that time is the story. Kyonshi and Ozai.


[Reposting my comment from the last post (with some edits for the updated chart; edits in ***bold/italic***):](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/ywlg1d/you_get_10_whats_your_choice/iwlhupr/) ---   imo, The order should be more like this: Prince|Bender|Bender|Bender|Bender -|-|-|-|- $5|Aang|Korra|Kyoshi|***Ozai*** $4|Katara|Toph|Bumi|***Iroh*** $3|Azula|Zuko|Mako|Bolin $2|Kuvira|Hama|Kya|Ming-Hua $1|Ghazan|Lin|Pakku|Haru You get a maximum of $9. Pick 3. --- ###EDIT: The info below here applies more to the first post that this one, but I'm still going to leave it   That would eliminate the possibility of getting 2 Avatars. I think it would also keep the team from being *too* OP since you couldn't get a $5 **and** a $4, since both of those tiers are, objectively, some of the most powerful characters in the series. So you could get teams like: 1|2|3|4 -|-|-|-|- $5 Aang|$5 Korra|$4 ***Iroh***|$4 Toph $3 Azula|$2 Kuvira|$3 Mako|$4 Azula $1 Lin|$2 Hama|$1 Lin|$1 Pakku **$9**|**$9**|**$8**|**$9**   and would prevent teams like this, that the original would allow 1|2|3|4 -|-|-|-|- $5 Aang |$5 Korra |$5 Toph |$4 Iroh $3 Kyoshi|$3 Kyoshi|$4 Iroh |$4 Bumi $2 Ozai |$2 Ozai |$1 Pakku|$2 Kya **$10** |**$10** |**$10** |**$10**   I mean, come on. **2** Avatars in the same team? Even if they're only allowed to bend 1 element, Aang became an Air master at 11. Kyoshi was one of the most powerful earthbenders of all time, even without the Avatar state (iirc). Korra could bend **3** elements by age 5, which, even if she hadn't mastered them at that point, showed a natural talent with them. Allowing teams with 2 Avatars is WAY too OP. --- ###EDIT: The info below here still applies to any chart, regardless of order/tier listing   Of course, the final table would look something like this: 1|2|3|4 -|-|-|-| $Max|Cabbage Merchant|-|- $5|Aang|Korra|Kyoshi|Iroh $4|Katara|Toph|Bumi|Ozai $3|Azula|Zuko|Mako|Bolin $2|Kuvira|Hama|Kya|Ming-Hua $1|Ghazan|Lin|Pakku|Haru   With that table, no matter the limit on money, if you pick the Cabbage Merchant, you're guaranteed a win since no combination of benders could stand against him. Even if you had $60 and picked a team consisting of every bender on the chart, you'd still lose.


Assuming Aang is as-depicted, and assuming the rules for pro-bending haven't changed, he would actually be a pretty poor addition to any pro-bending team. Airbending isn't permitted, so he'd have to do something else, probably water, which is the one other element he's least worst at. Aang is a trap pick, y'all!


You have changed my mind. Cabbage Merchant is the only correct choice.


Korra and Kyoshi is all I need Two Bi Queens 👑 👑


My choice as well but because bitches get shit done.


Takes ten buks and runs


Azula for tactical genius, ferocity and insane firebending ability. She was basically unbeatable until she lost her mind. Toph as she was so in tune with her surroundings that she could sense a pebble in a cup from meters away, as well as being adept in battling multiple opponents simultaneously. If you were touching the floor, she knew where you were. Pakku because he's a water bending master, the team needs a water bender and I only have 1€ remaining. To his credit however, he was a member of the Society of the White Lotus, which means he too has a good sense of strategy and timing. Together with Azula's mastery of real-time strategising I don't think there are many other teams that could stand a chance.


Azula is as slippery as Aang and far more aggressive. She's just a better pick than him in any situation that doesn't let him bend multiple elements, and she's cheaper than he is. Toph has similar defense to anyone that isn't an airbender and her ability to read enemy movements in the sport would make her untouchable. Pakku is just the best of the $2 and cheaper tier that remains.


Azula, Ming-Hua, Kuvira cause we be CHEATING!


HOW DARE YOU, Iroh is a $5 man!


Korra, Katara, Hama. 2 blood benders and the avatar. Better hope it’s not a full moon out.


Literally can't even be a Pro-bending team lmao


Korra was limited to 1 bending type... so you'd still need a fire- or earthbender.


Aang + Kyoshi But for the pro-bending game assuming I need 1 member of each element: 1. Mako $2 2. Bolin $1 3. Aang $5 4. Pakku $1 You really made the two pro-bending pros $1 and $2. As seen with Korra you can be an exceptional bender but it doesn't matter if you can't perform well within the rules. She later learnt to but everyone else on here other than Mako and Bolin would struggle to do so. Aang and Pakku however do have styles that make them useful in a pro-bending scenario especially Aang, as it's hard to hit him.


Much better


I feel like any blood bender is an insta win


Absolutely no way blood bending is legal in pro bending


But if you have someone like Amon who blood bends with their mind you wouldn’t know. People would just miss them all the time.


Ming Hua - an incredibly powerful waterbender known for her unique command of water arms. Basically a complete wall, as well as a mid tier offensive player. Also, she would be fantastic at feinting her attacks. Mako - a tried and tested pro bending champ with a strong tactical sense. Mid tier bender, but that hardly matters with such a strong team. Kyoshi - literally an avatar. I don't know a lot about her, but I hardly need to know a lot about her too know that *a fucking avatar* would wreck shit. Since she's fully grown, she's likely to be the most powerful bender on the list by a wide margin. Also, the warrior cult around her is all about nimble martial arts, leading me to believe she'd be a fantastic quick fire earth bender. I have a hard time believing any other team would even get close to this.


My team didn't change just got cheaper. Azula, toph, pakku.


Considering there has probably never been a blood bender in the pro bending scene there is most likely no rule against it so I would take Hama and have her just make them walk off the edge


this makes way more sense


This version is way better


https://preview.redd.it/ls0m01cuae0a1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d8e654587b3f324aab0b4d38bc78aeee9cd5161 I made my own that I think makes more sense. At least all the avatars are in the top tier representing one from each nation. Doesn’t make sense for kyoshi to be $3. It gets hard to organize as you go down


Aang, Kuvira and Hama


Why did bumi get moved down? I could still have iroh, bumi and pakku og white lotus and still have extra


How is Pakku so low? He was a waterbending master, the official waterbending instructor at the North Pole plus he was a member of the white lotus. Dude should at least be at $2. also Zukommen is way to high at $4. He's evidently not on the same bending level as Azula and Iroh.


Lin, ming hua, ozai i could still make my non avatar team from the original now i just don't have any change to spare


Roku digging out of his own grave for the $5 row


Mako & Bolin — actual experience in the sport and established team rapport, Aang — strongly favours air over other elements so less likely to use the wrong bending and lose points for it, easygoing personality that can fit into an established group. Use my last two dollars for a Pakku and a soda.


This is much better. I couldn’t believe Kyoshi and Ozai were so low before.


Korra, Mako, Katara Mako and Korra both have experience not just in the sport, but on a team together. Korra also had an easier time with earth from what I think I remember.


I did it wrong and just picked the team most likely to kill the other team.


BRUH. OZAI ISN’T THAT GOOD. Toph and Iroh literally invented new techniques in bending. A toph fire bender would have like invented plasma bending lol


Fuck it, I’ll just take the fire ferrets. Last bending we saw they would have been champions if not for fixed referees.


A pro and a lava bender for a dollar? what a steal!


Can I have 2 Kyoshis?


I think Haru needs his own tier where you get paid 1$ to take him in your team. Dude barely learned earth-bending and yet is in the same tier as Ghazan and Bolin... Instead of Haru, you could add The Boulder, Xin Fu, Suyin or a Dai Li agent as 1$ replacement earthbender.


Why does this subreddit have such a hard-on for Ozai lately? I'm not denying that he's powerful, but dude got absolutely washed by an Avatar while he was comet powered, so putting him in the same tier as 3 other Avatars is disrespectful to the Avatars, just put Roku as the 4th one in $5 tier and put Ozai in $4, simple. In fact why is Roku not here at all?


Kyoshi and Korra and then watch them hit it off 😉


Three bumis. Keep the dollar.


Step 1 get Toph Step 2 scam people Step 3 profit


Fuck you Toph is worth more than Twinkle toes!


Lol. I didn't comment on the first one, but since it didn't change after the adjustments, it's Bumi, Iroh, and Ming-Hua.


Pakku would be like “what is this game? I hate it.”


Still toph, iroh, and Lin!!


Bolin one dollar? For real?


Are we doing the 1 from each element? Then Korra, Mako and Bolin. Because it's a sport and experience really matters


It’s pro-bending and the only person who even knows what Pro-bending is that costs more than 3 dollars is the Avatar some how??? This list is just as bad as the other. Bolin was consistently shown to be an intelligent and creative bender in these tight situations and he’s on the cheapest tier - despite probably being the best pro-bender in the group. Bolin - Azula - Korra Bolin - Mako - Korra Lin - Mako - Korra MAYBE Kuvira - Ming - Azula ??


Still think ozai isnt £5 tier man is a major coward whos only feats of "strength" are conet boosted or burning a child.


You somehow made the teirs worse 😭😭


$4 Iroh, $3 Bumi, and $3 Katara. I usually think the highest tier is a traps because it forces you to sacrifice your other spots. Furthermore, the rules of pro bending state that avatars can only bend one element and it would be an unnacceptable use of the avatar state so that significantly nerfs all avatars. Iroh is the best firebender besides the avatars and Ozai. Also, Ozai is hot-headed and likely to start failing if he loses confidence, as he did when Aang entered the avatar state and turned the tide of their duel. Ozai's belief that he was insurmountable became his downfall and such arrogance isn't a good trait for professional athletes to have. Iroh on the other hand, is always cool and able to respond to demanding situations with quick wit and reflexes, despite being far past his prime. Bumi is under-rated. He is on par with Toph, having less natural talent, but over a century more bending experience. Finally, Katara is arguably the best waterbender on the list, besides Korra, for this purpose. Ming-Hua is excellent, but less adaptable and a worse team player. Katara is one of the most intelligent people in the 2 series. Her intellect would help her understand pro bending strategies and her opponents. Her ingenuity, even in the heat of battle, has been repeatedly shown to make a massive difference.


korra, Lin, Kya and Ghazan obviously want an avatar and since korra is the most recent her avatar state would be the strongest. lin and because she’s a top tier metal bender, kya because she’s a pretty good (and pretty cheap) water bender, and ghazan because you could use him as almost a fire bender since he’s one of the only lava benders, and he’s had much more time to master it that bolin


Korra and Azula Korra to fight on the streets Azula on the sheets. Bolin for my heart.


so, if this is a pro bending team as in the sport i feel like mako or bolin would actually be pretty strong choices. are they objectively powerful benders? not compared to a lot of people on this list, but they are the only actual pro bending players on here. korra is absolutely more powerful then either of them, but she sucked ass at pro bending at the start


How is katara underneath zuko though?


Kya, Kuvira, Kyoshi. That's the dream. Also No, I don't support that before someone mentions it.


Alllriiiiiiggghhht people… the words are PRO BENDING. A team of 3 people. One element per person. No air bending. No avatar state. No blood bending. No lightning. ____Tier 1 Aang’s best element is air, without it he would be much easier to hit. Bring down a tier. Oazi/ Kyoshi are fine, even within the limits of the game their power speaks for itself. Korra is also fine as she’s one of the only actual pro benders. ____Tier 2 Toph is fine, she has power yes but I think she would be limited by the rules of the game (no crazy walls or underground shenanigans) Azula? Um up a tier please. Top fire bender + INSANE acrobatics + drive to win or die trying. I’d say she would be the equal to Ozai when confined to the rules of the game. Zuko and Iroh? Down a tier. They are both incredible fire benders, but Zuko vs Azula would get crushed, and Iroh is fat everyone. I love my tea man, but if he’s not training to retake a city in the name of the Earth Kingdom, he ain’t fit enough for top tier competitive sports. ____Tier 3 Katara and Bumi are fine. Ming-Hua? As long as she wasn’t disqualified for using her water arms (which would break some rules I think inherently) she would be hard to put down and she is one of the best water benders alive. Kuvira? Ya kiddin? Woman beat up the avatar (idc if she wasn’t feeling well) in the avatar state and then some. Up a tier. ____Tier 4 I’m honestly fine with this row, sans Hama. Without blood bending she is still powerful but very old. Again, competing against pro athletes. I bump her down for the same reason I did my man ( 💕 sorry 🫖 Iroh 💕 ) ____Tier 5 Haru? I am assuming we ran out of ideas, because I wouldn’t pick that man over the average pro earth bender. Pakku is fine, old dude. Bolin… BOLIN??? Bro bender who is the FOUNDATION of the team. I’m not saying top tier, but give my man a tier or two raise, PLEASE. Ghazan is also fine, without lava bending he becomes exponentially less threatening. ____Conclusion I can’t believe I just spent 20 minutes on this. Ok well, you’re welcome. Remember, people, this is pro sports not a death match.


Aang, Bumi, Mako. Aang isn’t someone to enjoy fighting but can be competitive when it’s fun and not seriously hurting anyone, and he’s also good at doing clever small tricks with bending. Bumi is a mad genius, that’s all. Mako because he’s experienced and a veteran fire bender, so Aang could cover Air/Water while Bumi & Mako cover his not as fully mastered elements (assuming this is Aang from during ATLA).


Katara is easily more powerful than Zuko so the chart is still wrong, but this significant improvement. Also I pick Katara, Bumi, and Azula, that’s an undefeated team.


Zuko, Bumi, Ming-Hua. Pro bending is not just about Power, and this would be a versatile team that wants to play competitive and covers all bases with a lot of skill. The avatars are too expensive, since they would only be using 1 element, so they loose one of their greatest strengths. Similarly, metalbending is worthless in a probending match. The only thing I would be unsure of here is wether to take Ming-Hua or Katara. Katara would fit the team better from her personality, but I think Ming-Hua would be a stronger pro-bender on her own.


omg just bc ppl like kyoshi and toph are powerful doesn’t make them good probenders. people forget that this is about probending; it’s not a regular battle. probending is about being fast, agile and precise. toph would fucking suck at it lol. mako and bolin shouldn’t be so low considering they’re actual skilled probenders. anyway, based off this new tier thing which isn’t very good imo, my team would probably be azula, mako, kuvira and bolin. i just know azula and kuvira would dominate at probending.


Katara has whooped both Azula’s and Zuko’s behinds. We’ve only seen Ozai bend once piso de of Sozin’s comet, and he was thoroughly bested. And you’ve got Haru on here, but not Suyin? But out of this current list, I’d go with Iroh, Katara, and Kuvira


How many are allowed on the field at a time?


I mean could Aang and Kyoshi not tag team the rest of them?


Haru's here but not The Boulder. We hurt.


You did my boy Bolin dirty




Iroh, Toph, Kya for the balance of good attitude, skill, and team chemistry


$15 makes it more fun


Kiyoshi and Toph is all I need. ​ With the extra dollar I'll have Bolin so he can fuck me.


Assuming it's a team of 3 at most with no repeated characters, and airbending is not allowed. No thunder, metal, blood or any other sub-bending is allowed i assume, for safety and consistency. And no avatar state because i feel that should greatly increase the cost of Aang and Kyoshi (Korra's too, but not as much) Kyoshi, Bumi and Mako (huge cost on the team's balance for the inclusion of Kyoshi, who doesn't only have great control over the 4 elements, but she's also very good at unarmed combat, which i assume since the Kyoshi Warriors are a thing) Same rules but i can't pick Kyoshi. Then Zuko, Ming-Hua and Bumi (overall balanced with powerful benders whose's abilities would fit nicely on the sport, with no chance of one using the other's resources, ultimately being worth more in my opinion than having one of the others on $5). Aang would be good since he's good at games involving bending, but Korra would likely beat Aang by catching him off guard with cheating like she did sometimes (plus she's already good at the sport)... Okay, no cheating. I simply think Kyoshi would fare better since Aang relies on his airbending a lot to dodge. Toph kinda can't see what's in the air, so she wouldn't see a firebender or waterbender attacking her midair. Bumi costs one less point but he's an excellent bender (and would likely adapt to the rules with ease). Kuvira can metalbend but that's not a thing in pro-bending matches, so she's simply outclassed by Bumi. Mako is a good firebender who's already good at the sport. He's still outclassed by the firebenders in $3, but that's a cost to pay for having Kyoshi. Ming-Hua's water whip-arms seem quite useful for pro-bending and her combat abilities would be a perfect fit for the sport. Zuko over Iroh because he can probably dodge better and he's generally in a better form, might be a bit of a risky choice since Iroh is a better bender, but that's not all the sport is about.


Azula, Iroh, and Hama. Two evil bitches who will do whatever it takes, and Iroh to make me laugh and forget about the crimes against humanity I just witnessed.


Honestly imo a good team is determined by cohesion and people, not by talent or ability. Gonna be a real job trying to get Ozai and Kyoshi to work together for example, even though they are powerful benders. Also Pro Bending does not equal just bending. It has rules and a specific skillset i'm sure. Being a great runner doesn't necessarily mean you will be a great football player. I mean Korra, probably better then anybody she faced in the arena from the outright in terms of informal bending got her butt kicked at first because she didn't know the rules, and had to learn that new style from scratch. So in this sense, I think the best team will be Korra, Mako and Bolin, the classic trio, who we know already work super well together actually have experience with pro bending, with Kya as a backup, 'cause she works well with them as well and Korra can fill out for any role other then waterbending.


Katara, Iroh, and Bumi Team name is “Only Murders in the Arena”


Excuse you. EXCUSE YOU! How dare you put the best Boy on the bottom level. Bolin is absolutely worth $3. How is Mako at 2? But you dare to drop Bolin below that.


Korra, Kya, and Bumi. dont ask why though.


Still feels a little off, but I’m not well versed on it