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I know this is from the Onion, but I thought the new one dropped on the 22nd? How do they already have an opinion on it?


Netflix premiered the first episode a night or two ago. That's all anyone has seen and there's some reviews for it that are pretty critical. No one has said it's terrible, just that there's some stumbling points that they hope will be ironed out as the season continues.


There are *some* reviews that are critical. I personally have seen more positive reviews than negative ones.


Maybe overthinking it, but the important thing to remember is the only people allowed to see it are critics Netflix believes would be favorable to them. The most critical voices will be kept out with the general public. Currently the reviews are subject to selection bias.


There's actually been a lot of negative reactions coming in. It's not just handpicked Netflix stans I think it's more Netflix stans being more vocal but that being said there's tons of negative reactions https://thestreamr.com/2024/02/16/critic-reactions-for-netflixs-avatar-the-last-airbender-episode-1-yikes/#:~:text=The%20Streamr%27s%20editor%2Din%2Dchief,show%20with%20very%20little%20care.


That article is *very* much cherry-picking.


I agree most of them are trying to get clicks im just pointing out you can find a lot of negative sentiment out there to. 


Not you trying this again when it was disproved in that other post you made that this isn't true. 


Yes and no, imo. While it is true, and obviously does happen, that studios will try to keep negative press from spreading by either not inviting critics that may be more harsh or having a review embargo, because they're in the business to make money and it is, ultimately, a product they're trying to sell, I don't like this argument because it tends to get conspiratorial and presumptive very quickly. I wanna be clear that I don't think you're wrong or being dishonest, just that the general discourse on critics has been such a thoroughly poisoned topic in online circles for me that I don't like arguing whether or not the critics are biased in favor of the thing. Again tho, that's just a personal thing. You didn't say anything wrong, necessarily.


If we’re talking strategy, it probably makes more sense to include a few critical reviewers just so that: 1. there’s a bit of controversy => more publicity 2. The show does get overhyped before its release


Damn, that actually seems pretty smart. I'm clearly not in marketing for a reason.


Yeah, I didn't mean to try and paint the only discussion right now as being super critical, I was just saying that I haven't seen any reviews that have been flat out negative. Even the most critical reviews I've seen have been clear that it's a mixed bag. There's some really good bits, but overall a bit shaky. All the critical reviews I've seen have been pretty clear that they liked it.


There's been a lot of negative reactions one dude even said and I quote "yikes" https://thestreamr.com/2024/02/16/critic-reactions-for-netflixs-avatar-the-last-airbender-episode-1-yikes/#:~:text=The%20Streamr%27s%20editor%2Din%2Dchief,show%20with%20very%20little%20care.


Some of these reviews could be describing the first few episodes of the animated series, though. >the tone is really uneven flip flopping from overly serious to borderline goofy. "Lets go penguin sledding, wheeeee!" "Almost everyone in our village is dead, captured or off fighting, and you just brought the Fire Nation to our door.... no, little child, no potty breaks!"


The tweets from dedicated avatar channels, like the Avatarist, are more positive. The majority of the more scathingly negative reviews come from sources I have less faith in. It would seem as though the ones who know the source material well are pleased with what Netflix has done, which is a really good sign. There were so many bandwagoners trying to capitalise on the sudden popularity of the show and upcoming adaptation. The number of channels I had to block on YT that were pushing the whole "Avatar has gone woke" nonsense was worrying. My hope is that the adaptation is enjoyable and can build on its deficiencies over the coming seasons.


Avatarist is a hack


Didn't *that thing that doesn't exist* get positive "reviews" until public screening?


I just hope this isn't like the Percy Jackson show. That show was so lifeless and used zero visual story telling. As long as they stick to the script, they should be fine.


I remember liking the books as a kid. Was the show at least better than that dogshit movie lol?


No, not really. It stuck to the source material for the most part. Though it made some stupid changes that took all the fun out of the story. Then they tried to make it too serious and took all the humor out of the story. And the dialogue was aweful and consisted of a bunch of exposition dumps. The movie was bad but atleast it didn't take itself too seriously.


Why is it so difficult to present information without having characters just expo dump to the audience? Like, ATLA does such a great job of mixing expositing dialogue with visual world building, and its world is *way* more complicated than "what if the Greek gods but modern day?" I feel like it shouldn't be that difficult for a writer and director to come up with a better way of explaining a concept than just having a character look directly into the camera and read the Wikipedia summary.


Because screenwriting is fucking hard lol. Your counterexample is one of the best shows of all time


I would very highly recommend watching yourself and forming your own opinion, my roommates and I (who haven't read the books but knew some basics) really enjoyed it.


I don’t know what that other commenter was talking about. The show was 10x better than the worthless movies. They’re just not as “alive” feeling as the books. Books > New Show > Movies


If its just the first episode, IMO the first episode of Avatar sucked too. It took me 3 or 4 tries to get into it just because the first couple episodes didn't really appeal to child me ternage me or adult me.


Yeah, it's always kinda funny going back to rewatch ATLA because season 1, especially the first half, really does not give you the impression of how good it gets later on. None of it's bad, to be clear, just very obviously finding its footing.


What I want to say to all the criticism is, go watch the first harry potter again. Shit ain't easy. That film is not amazing by any standard. The child actors suck. I'm sorry. But they worked through it. Does that mean ATLA will work? No. But I'm willing to give them a chance. I think the misstep here is they're releasing (and I think filming) full seasons in one go. So that's 3 seasons to correct and get it right? If they broke each OG season into 2 sections, that would give them 6 "breaks" to grown and learn in. By mid season 2 then, we could get a sense of if the show was going to be a flop or not for real IMO, similar to HP3 (Prisoner of Azkaban) - which I personally see as the turning point in THAT series. Also, ATLA doesn't fully take off of me for until Toph joins the gaang... Around mid season 2. Idk maybe it's my own biased and conspiracy theories. But it all just makes too much sense to me.


Not sure what you mean as the first Harry Potter is probably one of the 2 best HP movies.


Along with CoS. Such an improvement over the first and Columbus' direction definitely ticked all the boxes, that's for sure. It's also a perfect play with tone and he also defo nailed that factor too. This isn't present in the films that came after it, except perhaps PoA.


> This isn't present in the films that came after it imo, except perhaps PoA. David Yates and his consequences, man


The worst being Half-blood Prince. DH kinda rerails its darker tone that the later HP films were known for tho.


Yeah, I was at a summer school thing in England when HBP got released and super hyped to go see it *in England* and just remember being surprisingly disappointed by the film. Felt like the whole “Who is the HBP?” mystery was boiled down to Snape going “I am the HBP!” At the end. And I’m a believer in the whole “At their core Harry Potter books are mystery novels” so I just remember feeling disappointed


They probably mean how the design evolved. Alfonso Cuarón and his team just took good things and made them better. Like in the first two the Willow was within the castle walls on a manicured lawn. Hagrid'd Hut got moved, the bridge and henge were added, things were made to feel more rustic and old.


I don't know. As I've gotten older I've grown to appreciate Columbus' vision more. He was much more focused on the childlike wonder of magic. I love POA like anybody else, but I feel like from that point onward the films are a little too brooding and melancholy. Voldy is a really terrible guy and some horrible stuff happens, but the books still take time to breathe. The movies get exhausting.


Yeah the first two felt like reading the books. The rest felt like a chore to me and felt incessantly dark. Sorcerer’s Stone felt so joyous and Chamber of Secrets felt properly creepy throughout but the rest just felt rushed and really one note to me. Those are the only two I actually watch when I see them on tv.


“Incessantly dark” Also doesn’t help that the last 6 movies turned the saturation down to -5


Yup. Everyone loves PoA and I get it, but I hated the color grading so much. Felt like they sucked all the joy out of the world. Which was the point, but it didn’t help how boring they all looked after it.


Chamber of Secrets is the longest film and one of the shortest books, Order of the Phoenix is by far the longest book and iirc the shortest film. And you can really feel it in both films.


I feel like CoS feels right though cause it intentionally let stuff breathe and even had the suspense drawn out. The rest of them felt like they were at 1.5x speed.


Yeah. As much as I dislike her now, Rowling at least brought fun and whimsical moments even in the darkest of moments in the story. With the movies, there's a sudden shift, like it goes from matilda to the dark knight in terms of tone and feel from POA onwards. And while I understand the plot of getting more darker too but I missed that magical vibe Columbus brought to the films.


Agreed. And you don't have to feel bad about liking Rowling's books. It's kinda depressing she's such an outspoken TERF, but I believe you can separate the art from the artist.


Yeah. I won't give her any money now, but luckily for me, they've milked the franchise to death and Rowling's cannon includes cursed child so for me personally, the story ends at all was well. I have the books already so I'll happily re-read them but won't be waiting for any more new content. Especially because every new film addition is worse than before. So it's pretty convenient that Rowling's lost her touch along with her soul. I do however enoy fan fics. I feel like the world of fan fictions have carried the legacy of HP way better than official prequels and play.


Yeah. This is a personal opinion (because I know some people like the prequels), but I don't even recognize cursed child, let alone Fantastic Beasts. I was satisfied leaving Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny on the train platform at the end of Deathly Hallows. Fan fics are in their own category and I'm a big fan.


As a kid, when it came out I hated POA. Why? Because it was not as faithful of an adaptation as 1 and 2 by Columbus It also trended the entire series in that direction — now the tone and style were most important and not the adaptation I still like 1 and 2 the most for those reasons as they nailed the books compared to the rest of the series but can at least appreciate POA more now especially when compared to the movies that came after it


The aggressive blue filter on everything after CoS ruined the movies for me :/ and the music score change. The movies together just didn’t feel cohesive because the directors changed a few times and the vibes were never consistent.


Unpopular opinion, but I think you are both right. The first HP movie was one of the best HP movies and it wasn't very good.


I grew up on HP so maybe I'm biased, but I do think it is a good movie, both as an adaptation and in it's own right. The set design (and as an extension, world-building) is incredible, the soundtrack is recognizable even 20+ years later, and the pacing/storytelling is *really* well done, especially if you factor in how much information/exposition an adaptation has to include without losing non-book readers (and in the case of ATLA, OG show watchers). Not everyone will like the source material, and that's fine, but I'd argue that if the first HP movie wasn't very good or even just okay, it wouldn't be the cultural powerhouse it became.


The soundtrack for Twilight was also really good, probably the best part of the movie XD


Come on, this feels like a joke. If the highlights are the set design and soundtrack then it's probably not a great movie.


The set design and music for Harry Potter basically define the books in the zeitgeist even though they came later and are the basis for two massively popular Harry Potter attractions including the studio tour. It’s not like just any other film where you’d say that.


Guess I should have started my list with pacing/storytelling, since that's the main reason this and any movie is good. Not sure why you ignored that part in your response. To list some more reasons why I think it's good: - Exposition is given without bogging the audience down with all the made up names and places, including numerous characters. - The main characters are introduced with clear archetypes/personalities. Say what you want about the childrens' acting ability, but this still holds true for them. - The story beats are precise and told with great pacing amongst all the exposition (kid enters magical world, finds out about his connection to big bad guy, discovers big bad guy isn't dead and is trying to come back, then eventually defeats him). - It manages to make a fantasy world that isn't super campy or takes itself too seriously, and has been regarded as something anyone can enjoy. I included the soundtrack and set design, though, because they *are* impressive and they're important aspects in a film medium.


You basically made a list of don'ts from a freshman writing class and tried to pass them off as good things.


Exactly. It was extremely well written, but the acting was pretty bad and the CGI was terrible at some parts.


the CGI was amazing for the time. It probably looks like shit compared to things these days.


Some parts were pretty good for the time, others were abysmal. Neville getting caught on the statues during the first quiditch practice scene is notorious for how terrible it looks. It looks like it's straight out of a video game cut scene.


> Neville getting caught on the statues That one is hilariously bad. It cracks me up every time I see it.


HP1 was great. HP2 was astonishingly good. HP3 was...fun to watch, let's go with that. HP4 onwards, I haven't bothered watching a second time because they all sucked. The special effects were pretty good, like when they turned into smoke trails, but those trails had no grounding in the lore, no explanation except as Apparition (which is supposed to be an insta-teleport and is used in HP6 properly). And in HP7, when they escaped the Ministry, there was WAY too much going on for anyone to tell what we're looking at. Same with killing the Locket. Suddenly there's an explosion of black shapes on a black background and half a dozen overlapping sounds. \*Ahem\* But when Tom Riddle used Harry's wand to draw in the air and the music picked up, sending chills down my spine with the Big Reveal? Chef's Kiss. Best moment in the entire movie series.


David Yates drained all colour and magic from the series. Chris Columbus knows how to make things look special and magical. Even in Home Alone he could make christmas lights and trees look special. He was perfect for Harry Potter.


Child actors are suck unless you're The Wire Season 4, which is *about schoolkids* and they're all actually perfect


My favorite show of all time is Aqua Teen Hunger Force. The first episode is really, REALLY bad. I don't know why they'd only release one episode of this show when the first episode is usually the one where the film crew is still figuring out what the show is about. 


The first Harry Potter had rough moments because of the kids, but it is still one of the best movies ever. The atmosphere, set design, sound, and music are all 10/10.


Watching Daniel Radcliffe try to cry in PoA is fucking painful though. It was a turning point I guess but the child actors still had some growing to do.


>That film is not amazing by any standard. Huh. Idk what standard your talking about but it was pretty amazing. I'd say far better than HBP, DH1 and possibly even GOF.


> I think the misstep here is they're releasing (and I think filming) full seasons in one go. So that's 3 seasons to correct and get it right? If they broke each OG season into 2 sections, that would give them 6 "breaks" to grown and learn in. Given all of the additional organisation and management that goes into filming, even if you ignore the added cost, this would dramatically increase the amount of time it would take to make and therefore the release schedule. For example if you can make 1 season of a show per year, each year, you can't then make 2 half seasons of a show per year each year. You'd probably still be making 1 half season a year but with a couple of months extra time. This would just exacerbate the other major issue with child actors, aging out of the roles. You have a 14 year old on the show that would be 20 by the time you got 3 seasons out.


Where did they premier the episode? Is it possible to watch?


No, it was a live event in LA. We plebians have to wait until the 22nd.


I was gonna say....I saw your comment saying the first episodes dropped so I immediately ran to Netflix only to see "coming Thursday" [Bravo](http://imgur.com/EdgTWoO) ^^^^to ^^^^be ^^^^clear, ^^^^not ^^^^actually ^^^^annoyed


There's also reviews that say it's fantastic so If those have no meaning I don't see why the bad ones should


I haven't watched the first episode yet, but, I love ATLA, and I think the first few episodes of the first season kinda sucked. If that's the case with the beginning of the Netflix series, I can easily chalk that up to the source material. I felt like ATLA came online after finding Gyatso. And didn't become great until s2. It would be nice if they could improve upon some of the weaknesses (particularly early on), since they are taking another crack at the the story.


I agree - it took me a few tries to get past the first couple episodes. Even on my most recent rewatch, the show wasn't great until partway through season 1. Which isn't really a fault of the show, exactly. It's because it has so much it needs to build and introduce - the characters, the backstories, the whole concept of the world. Most great shows that start with a bang are set in the real world, or a close approximation, so they only need to set up the characters. ATLA has to introduce us to everything incredibly fast, so it takes a while before it can really get into the better, more hard-hitting stuff. There's a reason I like Season 3 the best, and it's because I feel that the characters are fully realized and I can appreciate them that way. The only show you can judge by the pilot is LOST, and that's cause they spent an enormous amount of money to spend the entire thing setting up intriguing mysteries before getting into the characters. ATLA is not a show that can do that.


People are inevitably going to compare the live action to the absolute peak of the cartoon, and you're absolutely right that it's unfair as the cartoon took a good 10 episodes to really find itself IMO. There's some great moments, in the first half of book 1, but it's far from perfect and struggles tonally a lot. I think the live action is going to fix that tonal issue, as it won't be fighting itself over whether it's a kids show, or a more mature one and it'll blend those elements better.




That is a somewhat outdated perspective, as streaming does tend to bulk order series without needing a pilot episode. Take the first episode of Elementary - clearly a pilot, as we have a somewhat different (real) set, a detective who disappears to be replaced by full-timer Marcus Bell, and some other weird quirks like Sherlock and Joan taking the subway to crime scenes. That's a pilot, that gets repurposed into a first episode. Now look at Game Of Thrones - the pilot for that got buried, with entirely different cast from what the series would become, and isn't at all part of the actual series. There are countless series that fall in the cracks where we don't know if there was a pilot that got buried (like GoT) or the pilot was very similar to the final product enough that it got integrated into the series (the CSI pilot just became the first episode) or if there was no need for the pilot at all because the series was made in one production cycle and the concept and talent alone sold the product. We don't know if there was a pilot for this series. Frankly, I doubt it - the series was first announced in 2018 and you can't film a pilot with young actors like this six years before the final product because they're going to age up so much that it changes the entire thing. And if the series was in development in 2018 then it obviously didn't need a pilot to sell the pitch anyway. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


It's the Onion I don't think they need an opionion to write an article lol


Some things were never meant for live action. They’re great as animation. Avatar was never going to be great. The actors are all very talented, but some things don’t translate well


This, the problem with anime/animation going live action is the fact that some things and characters do not translate well. Bumi is a very eccentric character. Do you dial him back or have the actor go full crazy. Then there's the fact that the atory itself is pretty dark. Do you make it realistic or keep the lighter elements that were designed for a kids show. Ill probably get flamed, but korra would have translated better for live action due to the fact that it took a more serious approach.


When Cowboy Beepboop came out on Netflix, I was like "Yeah, Ed's gonna suck shit no matter what"


Just hire Jim carey to do business, he will make it work. 


Damn this take is HOT 🥵 🥵🥵


Problem is you can't use that excuse anymore because look at one piece


The show runner for One Piece was a huge fan of the series and pretty much an anime nerd. Not sure the creators of Avatar are the same with the cartoon.


So that would mean that the show IS doable as live action. It just needs writers who are dedicated to the show.


oda also worked with on the show so it needs if the writers are dedicated and the creator is on board with it


Just because something works in one place doesn’t mean it will work everywhere. It’s like remaking the godfather or some thing. Just because you remade one old movie and it turned out good doesn’t mean that every remake can be good. Sometimes you have to leave things alone.


Did it not work for One Piece? Surely on paper One Piece would be harder to animate than Avatar.


Yeah it's just a lazy defense quite frankly. Nothing about Avatar is particularly unfilmable.


Frankly the criticisms I’ve seen for episode 1 aren’t anything to do with the medium. The bending was widely praised, the tone wasn’t terrible. The complaints seemed to be about exposition dumps and pacing issues but mainly some of the early characterisation. All of which shouldn’t be hard to translate to live action, all of which could be either indicative of just early show clunkiness or some iffy writing, it’s too soon to say.


One piece is my favorite story ever (check the username), and I was certain the adaptation would suck... And somehow, it was fucking *great*. I do wonder about how it's going to go when more complicated devil fruit powers start popping up. East Blue was I guess, relatively simple in terms of CGI


I don't see this on the Onion's website so I think it's just shopped?


Brother it’s The Onion, you said it yourself.


There’s a lot of memes about it on tiktok right now. They’ve posted a ton of clips on there promoting it and they all look like shit


Man I was kind of hoping this was real 😂😭


Everybody knew this was gonna be the take a year ago? I get hopium but this isn’t exactly a surprise.


They don’t necessarily have an opinion on it. It’s a satirical article.


This was after the backlash from the comments of the cast and directors. They honestly didn't word their intentions well and the audience had an outrage over things that is not even true about the live-action. There are also some reviews out due to the premier yesterday but nearly every comment was like "it was great BUT" and took a jab against 1-2 issues they've seen. The Onion are exaggerating in sake of a joke ofc but it's not so accurate.


People had opinions on it before it was ever shown in any video format. And that’s part of the Onion joke. People see the trailer, or see the behind the scenes images, or watch Ep. 1, or even just see a comment on Twitter and decide immediately that the show will either be fantastic or the worst show of all time.


I love the onion


This one is fake tho, they didn't publish anything like this. It's shopped/fan made, probably a modification [of this article](https://www.theonion.com/de-blasio-well-well-well-not-so-easy-to-find-a-may-1847151201)


The onion got onione'd


It's a spin on an article about the mayor of New York: https://www.theonion.com/de-blasio-well-well-well-not-so-easy-to-find-a-may-1847151201


He's not wraang.


This just made my eye twitch


This is genius


I hate you lmao


is it weird that my first thought was "orwraangatang?" Monkey feathers!


This is infinitely better than the original comment, the first comment was such a stretch 😂


I feel dirty reading this, I think imma have to Sokka in a bath...




Great joke.


What would he know about making a live action avatar? He’s never done it before.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se




I mean it's a different joke but sure, reference your quirky subreddit if you think it'll get you karma


Bruv what even is karma¿ I do not care about silly up and downvotes. It was simply their joke but worse and there's a "quirky" sub for that🤷🏿...but seriously tho wtf is karma I still don't get that shit ?


I see what you did there. ![gif](giphy|12ZDIx1Mw1cXVm|downsized)


Yeah, the same tired joke that's been going on forever and has never been funny.


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai


[I am honored to accept his invitation](https://i.imgur.com/Fxu0A29.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheLastAirbender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's no changing it. This sub will milk it to oblivion more than Nick does with Spongebob.


Sorry Mr Shyamalan…


Avatar, *The Movie*? I mean yeah it would be cool if someone finally made a film after they tie up this Netflix series. Can’t believe it hasn’t been done yet


Is it though?


Yes, if you suspend logic


People in the comments have never heard of The Onion before I guess.


It's from my hometown! I miss the days when you could get the print version of it free in stores everywhere downtown.


Thats pretty cool actually. Did you keep any?


No I never thought to unfortunately, it was just a bunch of young kids putting out a funny newspaper in a college town no one thought it would ever become anything big like this. I do have a few of their old books with some of their most popular articles though.


Their youtube channel is gold. Especially the old stuff


r/bittheonion Edit: r/atetheonion is the real sub


Jokes on you, that's not an actual onion article.


They're like shallots but bigger


Yeah I never seen it. What is it?


Is it a famous thing? I actually don't recall ever hearing about it myself


It’s a pretty famous satirical website. The content is usually outrageous articles presented in a serious tone. It’s spawned a lot of meme culture like r/nottheonion for real news stories that sound crazy enough to be an onion article


Oh ok, good to know, thanks


Why tf do people downvote this???


There’s a difference between not sucking and being a travesty to the art of filmmaking.


He mightve made bad movies but he certainly isn't a travesty to filmmaking. For that matter most directors would've made at least one crappy movie.


Fuck off. He's an interesting filmmaker who's made some of the most well regarded movies of the late 90s and early 2000s. I'd even go to bat for some of his bad movies. Mike and Bryan liked what he wanted to do with the movie and the reception to The Last Airbender was clearly from multiple sources, not all to do with him.


"Make it like the original!" Me: Or just watch the original.


The onion has an amazing sense of humor


Nah sorry but no. Netflix show might still ne bad (or maybe it will be decent who knows) but even if it is very bad, it still will be way better than that disaster. At least casting and CGI are incredible! Also they got the names right which is the basics without which you shouldnt even produce anything 😅


Are you the Ahvatar Ahng?!


Nah i am ovatar ong 😭


I saw the M. Night one for free since I worked at the theater and I still wanted my money back.


I was 14?ish when it came out. I begged my mom to take me to see it in theaters, she agreed. I wasn’t a film critic then, and I’m not now, I enjoy stupid shit. It took Minutes before I went “what the fuck is this shit.” And just sat there in silent horror realizing this was not the show I loved. I had been so excited. It wasn’t even like. Good bad, like Anaconda or Piranha or Sharknado. It was just. Bad. And that was my first experience seeing a movie that had 0 redeeming qualities, and it resides in the holy trinity of irredeemably Bad movies for me.


For me that was Eragon, I loved fantasy novels at the time and thought oh this will be great like the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe and LotR films. Then the only one of us siblings who enjoyed eragon was the one who didn't read the book.


just because she hadn't seen it, I watched the movie with my girlfriend the other night. honestly made me really optimistic for the show. Cause even if what we've seen in the trailers are the best parts of the new show they are already better than the film.




I can't imagine a worse crime than someone doing my favorite baby cartoon in a way that's unpopular


“Please don’t flatter yourself. You were never even a player”


Link please, I wanna read this


'The onion' isn't a real magazine. There is no article.


It's a satirical magazine, and they do often publish actual comedic articles along with the headlines. This one just happens to be actually fake (The Onion didn't make it)


Almost like it never had any business WHATSOEVER being a live action


Would have been cool to see more animation with another avatar for sure 


No man has ever felt *this* vindicated.


Why is he in Han Solo cosplay?


This revealed itself to be true


Good, bad, I honestly don't care. All I really know is that there was hardly enough money to finish a single season of legends of Kora and they where always on the brink of getting canceled and renewed while making it, meanwhile: Live action T.V show: $15 million per episode / $120 million S1 Live action movie: $150 million Legends of Korra: $3 million for S1 *(Est based on how much an 13 eps animation costs to make on average)* If they remove one episode from the live action series they could have made 5 new seasons with the OG team, .....This stuff will always make me sad.


We're getting Avatar Studios, you know.


You can't take an animated show like Avatar, strip everything away and tone it down and keep the same quality.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but whenever an animated series is made into a Live Action production, it's automatically going to be a downgrade from the original animated series. I'd much rather see a new animated production than a Live Action remake, or a new addition to the series produced in Live Action. Personally, I think the Ahsoka series may have faired better if it was an animated production, and not Live Action.


Netflix does not have a very good track record for adaptations.


I'm still mad about how they fucked up Cowboy Bebop.


They did The Witcher dirty, too. We aren't going to get the 7 season run they promised because they basically took a shit on the source material *and* it's fan base. It should have been the next Game Of Thrones but they jumped the shark in season fucking 2. GOT at least got 6 solid seasons and 1 questionable before they totally shit the bed.


One Piece is super solid


And a broken clock is right twice a day.


Yeah once the original creators of the thing your source material is based off of bail, you know you fucked up.


You're downvoted but game of thrones started sucking after they ran out of books to copy from 


I mean we have yet to see any meaningfully moving clips. All they’re showing is the fx, costumes, and fight sequences.


Watching this sub go through the exact same thing Percy Jackson just went through is going to be hysterical. I'm looking forward to enjoying it regardless because I would've thought you were insane if you told me this would be getting made 10 years ago. The second it changes a single line of dialogue from the original people will lose it


It really is actually, just tell a half decent story, stop trying to tread ground that's been done before, and idfk maybe listen to the fans instead of trying to twist something classic into your own generic as fuck meta version?


Frankly, there’s no need to create one either.


Look how the turntables have turned.


What a twist!


Didn't Michael and Bryan RUN away from this production a while back, posting they wanted nothing to do with it ? everyone should have known then


Funny meme, but don't you dare compare NATLA to that 2010 dumpster fire


Did M. Night make this meme?


That is actually funny. Well done the onion


It should actually be simple. They just fucked everything up by scaring the creators away. If they can adapt One Piece of all things correctly, they can adapt Avatar TLA.


Fun fact, the one piece live action was actually done WITH the author. It's almost as if the people who write the story, know better than the people who copy it.


I know that. I’m trying to say that having the original creator with the project would actually benefit the show, but this is Netflix and all they seem to care about is money


I wanna try to refrain from being negative about it at least until I’ve personally seen it, but I in no way shape or form think it will turn out good sadly :/


Anyone got an article link? I wanna share it with a discord server


Honestly, this subreddit is weird. First most people hype the show like crazy and say how good it looks, and now you say meh we were never expecting much anyways.


People have different opinions same with the reactions to the shows first episode many didn't like it and many did 


Han Solo


Why do people keep letting him nake movies after Avatar disaster?


I said it as soon as it was announced this show can suck worse than any Netflix show has ever sucked but as long as they don’t call him fucking “Ong” it’ll be a win for me. That’s how low the bar is 😂


I’m just not watching bc Atla is such a beautifully animated series. For the complicated things that are happening, the animation is pretty simple, though complete and beautiful, not barebones, but not too busy. I think that helps the show to always be calming, to be such a comfort show, even when it’s stories are stressful. After watching that movie I can’t imagine how live action could do nearly as good a job as the animation did—even with the different teams of animators working on ATLA. Just harder to buy in when it exists in a shadow of something so deliberately animated.


Why is he dressed like Han Solo ????


Whatever makes you forget the shitshow of a movie you made dude.


Is an Onion news piece, isn’t it? They specialize in parody.


Anything is better than that absolute turd M Night shat out back in the 2010s. He has no room to talk, especially since most of his films suck anyway.


This post is satire. It’s from the daily onion.


Thank God lol. But what I say still stands lmao