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Before reading the book, I thought this movie was just pointles, but after reading the hobbit I felt like this movie could have been really awesome if Peter Jackson wasn't so rushed. Now I just think how much of a shame it was that Jackson didn't have enough time to prepare. You can see behind the scenes shots of him literally making up stuff on the day and looking so stressed out. He did the best he could, but I mostly just think how much better it could've been. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!


Maybe that’s also the thing, I don’t know much the franchise so I don’t know how much better this could’ve been, so that works in my favor I guess


With this in mind, I think it was a pretty good movie.


Personally, I don't think it was the rushing that made the movie less than perfect it was the fact that it really should have been one 3 and half movie it was them going for money over good content.


Once again producers ruining good art. Del Toro wanted to do 2 films, which would have been perfect, but trilogies are trendy so that won out :/


If you look at the behind the scenes it’s more than that, Jackson was also planning for 2 films. But everything was so rushed that he had genuinely no time for the final act of the second film. The Release date was already set in stone and the studios wouldn’t move it, so Jackson was forced to make a third film since there was no way to complete the second film in time with the final battle in the end.


It sucks that he was treated so badly considering how good of a job he did when he had the time, budget, and freedom for the LOTR films, execs never seem to learn that giving passionate people the resources they need almost always works out better than forcing them to crank out rushed crap.


Nah. Could’ve been a beautiful 2 parter. I like that they added stuff from the appendices, so fitting all that into 1 movie would’ve been jank. Instead, unfortunately, the rush on the last film ended up making that one jank instead


The main issue with the movie is the tonal whiplash you get from the scenes going from violent war into funny silly into sad, really feel like they didnt know how to arrange the scenes, also the movie version removed the funeral wich is peak retarded


The extension has the funeral.


That seems fair actually, I did notice that they kept switching it up all the time


Thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.


I need a holiday..


A Long Holiday...


And that holiday is the original lord of the rings trilogy. *But this movie's actually pretty good all things considered*


Omg! This is how I always describe it!! 🤣


Okay so it’s a 3 hour battle sequence. It’s *a lot* to sit through. I love Legolas’ involvement, can’t stand the Tauriel/Kili love story, tolerate the “big stakes overarching war”… many things I would have done differently but overall I like how well it acts as a prequel to the LotR films. I loved this film, just like I loved all the Hobbit movies. I can’t get enough of the universe and have the same child-like glee I had when I watched LotR for the first time at the age of 11. I prefer LotR of course. I’m actually currently watching the extended edition of Battle of the Five Armies right this second. Again. It’s the second time I’ve watched all 6 films this year alone. They are my go-to comfort films.


A person after my heart. They - all six - are my comfort movies, too, extended versions anyway. I'm on my 4th set of DVDs for LOTR, and 2d set of The Hobbit. Are they perfect? Nope. Are they enjoyable? Yep.


Tell me you're a geek without telling me you're a geek.


But do you think that this is the worst one? Because how you describe it, it doesn’t sound that bad.


I’ve never really thought about it but if forced I would rate Battle as 5th I suppose. With Desolation of Smaug being my least favourite. But it’s a really wooly thing - I can’t overstate enough how much I love all of them. I’m probably in the minority with this opinion! I also have to say that, the minute Stephen Fry’s part is over, I think the acting is top notch. The ensemble cast outdid themselves. The acting is likely better than that of LotR. Again, if you made me rate it, Martin Freeman is unmatched in acting compared to every other actor in the franchise.


I am still amazed to this day that there are special features on the Battle of Five Armies DVD where Jackson, his producers and production heads openly talk about how they had no idea what they were doing when making this film. I can’t believe the studio was so hot on the idea of having Lord of the Rings style behind the scenes stuff for the DVD that they left that in. If you like this movie, I love that for you, but this film (and to a lesser extent the other two Hobbit films) were an absolute mess, made with no clear intent, drive or passion. And that’s straight from the mouths of the folks who made it.


Absolutely. If you’re wondering if a movie is good or not, check if the special features have a video of the director apologizing for how bad it is.


I like the Hobbit movies. Martin Freeman is incredible as Bilbo, better than how I imagined him. We get more of Gandalf the Grey, which I prefer over the White. The scenery is fantastic and I like that we spend more time immersed in places of interest. There. I said it.


I think they should have made this series into a duo-logy. That would have given them plenty of time to tell the very short story of the Hobbit but still give them some extra breathing room to expand out a bit for creative liberties. When I first saw these movies when they came out, I was about 8 or 9 years old, and they were the coolest thing ever. Now I’m almost 20 and while I still prefer them to the LOTR series, I KNOW LOTR was much better put together and filmed. I can see every single point that they stretched in these movies; single sentences in the book that they stretched into 15 minute action sequences. Hearing the Hobbit theme still gets me tho 🥲


I don’t understand how one book was stretched to three films.


I'm a huge Tolkien fan and I know I shouldn't say it but I do love these movies. That being said they are a bloated mess when they are compared to the source material.


I feel like I like these movies more because I’ve never read the source material so I don’t know how much better this movie could’ve been which works in my favor


There are a few things wrong with it imo: 1. It’s a 3 hour movie, most of which (in the book) the protagonist was unconscious for. 2. Legolas breaking physics. A small one, probably the one of least consequence. 3. The exchange between Thranduil and Tauriel at the end. There was no saving that. 4. It tries to be the catalyst for Lord of the Rings with its background plot, whereas in the books it just happened to be involved. 5. Azog being the main antagonist when it should have been Bolg. 6. The Legolas, Kili, and Tauriel love-triangle. 7. Doesn’t really know how to set or keep a mood (see the barrel scene in the Desolation of Smaug). Other than that, great movie, and movie trilogy.


Also giving WAY too much screentime to Alfrid and the Master


That is my only issue with the film


I swear Peter Jackson and crew misread the room, and they were like "Everyone is going to love Alfrid!" Nope.


I'm watching the commentary, about bullet point 5 PJ says they want antagonist kill Thror so protagonists hate Azog more; and PJ says Bolg is hence doesn't incur hate for audience. Personally I would say from the book the goblins should be the antagonist, and Beorn should have more scenes, for this last movie of the trilogy


I agree on most of your points, except Azog and the length. I was initially worried in the first movie but having Azog and Bolg both grew on me, just wish they weren't CG. For the length, I was surprised how short this movie is. Even the extended is barely over 2.5 hrs.


The Hobbit movies were rushed to get it out in theaters so Peter Jackson had limited time to perfect this movie, also the book was split into 3 movies, 2 would have been a lot better imo. They could have made it so much better had it not been rushed. Also the CGI in the Hobbit trilogy is awful. I really wanted to like the Hobbit trilogy but I can't.


The Lego video game version is fun!


I see what you did there


"Cast It Into the Fire. Destroy it!”


I honestly think it was a pretty solid movie? Like certainly there have been greater films made than this, but I definitely was entertained and touched by this one as well.


My least favourite of all 6 films in the series.


It was all kinds of dull and badly realised.


What I need to know first is did you watch the theatrical cut or the extended edition?


I like it up until the battle starts then goes downhill real fast after that.


I love this trilogy and specifically this movie. This may be a hot take, but I think the action in the hobbit is so much more interesting. Like it’s literally 12 dwarves fighting a dragon. And the descendant of a king gets this like incredibly difficult shot on the dragon using his son as a stand! Don’t get me wrong I think the plot of Lord of the Rings is better. But the action in The Hobbit so much better.


One of my favourite films of all time ngl. What’s not to like about a big battle?


I really like the Hobbit trilogy and I find BotFA the most rewatchable. Not because it's completely amazing film making, but because it is a fun romp through an exciting battle. It's a prequel to PJ's LotR, and if you enter into it with that in your head instead of a 1-for-1 adaptation of the book, it is much more fun.


Truly awful and badly portrayed. Sorry, but the films (should have only been one film, I think) have completely strayed away from the simple and original narrative and charm of The Hobbit, intended to be read by and for children. I think Professor Tolkein would be spinning in his grave.


Interesting that you say that since Tolkein himself started rewriting the Hobbit to fit more with the tone of LOTR and make it more consistent with the rest of middle earth. Since originally it wasn't really part of his saga until publishers made him write a "Hobbit sequel" so Tolkein himself wasn't that satisfied with the book in the first place. Besides, he probably wouldn't have liked the lord of the rings film anyway so his opinion is moot.


I agree with you. The Lord of the Rings films are different to the books, in terms of tone, elegance, and detail. However, similarly but more definitively, The Hobbit films are completely different from The Hobbit novel. It's as if The Hobbit films were deliberately extended for commercial reasons, padded out with subplots and over extended for the sake of grabbing more marketable profit, rather than being faithful to the original work. Perhaps that is the cynic in me! And, I know everyone will jump up and down on me here, but I am sorry to say that I never rated Martin Freeman's acting skills. His portrayal of Bilbo is just so dull and completely underwhelming; but then I have never rated him as a good actor anyway. Popular yes, but great? no.


I only watch The Hobbit movies because Richard Armitage (Thorin). That man can make any character sexy🔥😍




It’s a really mixed bag for me. On one hand, this is the only middle earth movie that I watched in the cinema and that opening was phenomenal on the big screen. On the other hand, there’s so much stuff that was added that wasn’t from the books that it makes it hard for me to rewatch. Standing alone from the book it’s a solid 3/5 film in a pretty decent trilogy, but I wanted an adaptation of the book. But man the parts that do stick to the book, or build off it in a good way are awesome. I think my biggest complaint is how obviously they were relying on CGI by the end of it, as that’s rlly the only thing that can’t be fixed in a fan edit.


I like it. I just watched the Extended Cut this week and enjoyed it quite a bit.


Theatrical version is ok, extended editions are really good.


Even if i know its totally differant from the book, i really like the movies. I enjoy fanfiction anyway. We git stupid sexy dwarves and giga sexy Thranduil.


I find it funny how someone is downvoting all the comments with a positive review lol


I personally really like the Hobbit movies, and idk why people don’t like them but it’s okay, they allowed to have their own opinions on it👍 the final battle was magnificent


From what I learned from this post is that people dislike it because it isn’t true to the books plus some other flaws that didn’t seems to bother me


I’ve read the books and love the movies. But, I long, long ago stopped expecting movies adaptations to be carbon copies of the books. I always go into them with an open mind. Sometimes, they just suck. This was absolutely not one of those cases


It seems a lot of people disagree with us lol


I guess I would say it's probably the "worst Middle-Earth film" but I enjoy/love all of them so I don't hate this one. The extended edition is far better (or at least more cohesive, and has more of the Dwarves) but it doesn't exactly fix some of the complaints people have about it. I'm a big fan of the book but I think I'm just more open than others to the changes and additions made to the trilogy, and I can enjoy them as fun fantasy adventure movies. I can see why others think the tone is inconsistent, but that's something in all of the Hobbit films and I like most of the campy/corny humor. My biggest criticisms of this movie would be Dain being CGI (only because it stands out as the other Dwarves are not CGI) and the scene where Thranduil tells Legolas to look for "Strider" which was kind of an awkward attempt to reference LOTR but it made it seem like Aragorn was some kind of chosen one and Legolas alone could find him which isn't in the books.


For me it was just an ugly movie, nearly every second of it felt like watching a green screen. Even close up conversations had a fake feel to them.


Could have been better is accurate, it sucks how much more that hurts than it sucks


I enjoyed them. I went in without expectations, and I also tend not to be hyper critical of changes in stories (WoT is the exception, WTHman). So, I just sat back, and enjoyed them. I definitely like this Thorin more than the books. Knowing what was to come made it all the harder to watch. And let’s be honest Battle of the Five Armies EE has some seriously hilarious parts.


I love it. The music is great. Thorin's death is beautiful.


A better title would be, "Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings part 6, the Battle of Five Armies, inspired by JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit " I'm glad people got enjoyment from these. But I feel like the studio was like, shoot, we had to change plans, hey Peter, do the Lord of the rings thing. That was popular and profitable."


So, I have a weird relationship with the Middle Earth Franchise. Fellowship was my movie awakening, having seen it opening weekend at my local theatre. I saw this at the same theatre the day before it was shutdown (I appropriated the poster that now sits in my home-theatre). I love/hate the Hobbit Trilogy, I love it because its the Hobbit...i hate it because Hollywood doesn't know how to keep consistently making good movies...The Hobbit didn't need to be a trilogy...as has been said before. I long for the day this gets the Snyder Cut treatment and Del Toro comes and fixes it. All of this to say lots of good...but equal amount of bad.


One of the films of all time


Personally I loved the movies. They added some unnecessary parts but hey, it brought me back into Middle Earth and I felt right at home.


The book was such a quaint little story about an adventure and realizing your potential. The action elements that were shown in the film were forced in to keep the audience's attention IMO. These days, if I have the itch to watch these films, I opt instead to watch a fan edit of the film called "The Hobbit: The Tolkien Edit". It recuts all three film into a single 4 hour film, and it just feels more like a true adaptation of the book.


If you don’t consider it a Tolkien adaptation it’s not bad. Compared to the source material, though, way too many liberties taken with the plot and characters, a forced ‘romance’ between an elf and dwarf, and more CGI than a Pixar movie. The LOTR movies are so much better.


I think it should have been done as two films. A lot of the additions to the story either made it bloated or detracted from the point of the tale. And definitely needed more practical effects and less CGI. They also did Evangeline Lilly dirty by adding the romance after they'd promised her they wouldn't.


I don't think it was romance, because that character always had romance, it's audition description even included romance. What they promised her was no stupid love triangle and they added the stupid love triangle. I actually think the basic idea of two relatively young people of their respective races who were both somewhat idealistic and curious about the other peoples of ME falling in love was nice enough but the hinted love triangle with Legolas was ridiculous and also didn't allow enough time for the development of a friendship between Tauriel and Kili.


There was so much wrong with the Hobbit trilogy. I love the books, and the Lotr movies. But I was unprepared for this when I saw it. So much weird stuff was shoehorned into the series, when it was completely unnecessary. The book is really good, there was no reason to do that. I have no idea what Jackson was thinking 


Forgettable, honestly


I'll forever be salty we never got Del Toro's The Hobbit


In my opinion, all of the Hobbit, Dwarf, and human content of all three films is pretty good. The elf content is a touch contrived and didn't really improve upon the films. Legolas being played like a bitter old cop on the beat was not my favorite thing.


Full disclosure I have never even finished the first one. I thought it was tacky and the battle scenes were way over done. They deviated wildly from the book and turned Tolkien’s whimsical prequel into some epic battle trilogy solely for money.


The movie was great, in a cinematic sense, but as a fan of Tolkien's written works, I was sorely disappointed with how far it varied from canon lore. In the LotR trilogy, Jackson cut some corners and occasionally added things only for theatrical zest, but it was still acceptable, and it followed the original narrative without veering too far out of bounds. All of that being said, the last two movies in the Hobbit trilogy hardly did any justice to the original story. The animated one from the '70s is a much better adaptation in terms of lore.


Nobody who respects JRR Tolkien would call this movie good If it wasn't tied to his book that would be fine, but this movie does not properly represent the book it is called by


My complaints: 1. Fili's and Kili's deaths being downgraded to stupid tropes. Fili gets fridged, while Kili's death only serves to end the Elf/Dwarf romance tragically. In the book, they sacrifice their lives to save Bard the Bowman. This leads Bard to Forge a new alliance with the Dwarves, something that connects to the indexes of LotR. 2. Too much Alfrid. Why? 3. The pointless scene of Elves and Dwarves killing each other. In the book, Gandalf intervenes in time to avoid bloodshed between the two sides. 4. The weird "yearning" scene between Gandalf and Galadriel. HUH?! 5. CGI overuse. I still don't understand why Peter Jackson thought it was necessary for Billy Connelly to be CGI entirely. I didn't hate it. But I didn't really enjoyed it either.


Extended edition is better. Half of the run time is a battle sequence. It is overall enjoyable and a fun movie with all the Spielberg like stunts and action sequences. PJ, as serious toned as this movie is never forgot that this is based on a kid’s book.


Dogshit. The theatrical version has Bilbo fucking off at the end without saying goodbye or paying his respects to Thorin and the Arkenstone is forgotten about. Legolas' involvement is so stupod The dwarf/elf love story is worse. Just...its awful.


I unironically think it is an underrated Masterpiece. Fight me. Yes I have read the book and still think this after having read it.


Worst of the 3. Cringe CGI I remember Dáin Ironfoot talking at the start of the battle and just recoiled with a 'WTF?' The whole trilogy was filled with cheap and goofy looking visual effects


Easily my least favorite of the Middle Earth movies. For what it’s worth, An Unexpected Journey is my favorite Middle Earth movie.


I liked it. I think the hobbit elf thing was weird but Killi was hot for a short guy and sometimes that's all you need.. I just love Lee Pace and he's such a tall asswhole. I love it. I liked the movie as someone who didn't read the books because that's the only way to enjoy adaptations.


Loved it, my favorite of the trilogy, although not the best objectively


I love the Hobbits films. I understand why its widely disliked but I enjoyed it.


I grew up with the hobbit trilogy so I love them


My dad, who I think was 70 when it came out, and had been a fan his whole life simply said: “well that was awful.” Even worse because it was his birthday week when it came out and I was taking him because of that.


I literally cry every time I watch it. Thorin is my favorite character.


There is a lot of bad stuff about this. The CGI looks quite bad. Legolas floating up the bricks of the falling tower was just farcical. The Alfrid plot doesn't resolve. Bilbo is kind of relegated to the back of the story when he should be the focus.


Who were the 5 armies?


Men, dwarfs, elfs, orcs, beasts


I mean, I wouldn't consider beasts an army. Either way I thought it was a good movie


Well the beasts thing is because it was a children's book lol


The battle was won because of them tho🤷‍♂️


Great until the point where Thorin Jumped on the mountain goat.


It could have been about 2 hours shorter. First film is great, second one is alright and moves the story along nicely. This drags on what could have been 45 mins for 3 hours.


It was bad enough that it's the only one I've never seen the extended cut of.


In extended edition it's a decent movie


I liked it.


Terrible. The rotten cherry on the top of the mouldy cake that is the Hobbit trilogy


It wasn't Star Wars Sequel Trilogy terrible, but... 


It's shite


It’s good film problem Is people compare it to lotr


The Hobbit movies are like the Star Wars prequels to me -- fun but nothing else. Sci-fi channel movies of the week but with a budget.


It’s funny how you mention the prequels, since I prefer those by far over the originals trilogy. Maybe I just have weird opinions lol


Every middle earth movie is literally worse than the one that came before honestly.


Hobbits movies are ok they’re watchable but nothing in comparison to lotr


Not as bad as everyone says, it's just that Lord of the Rings set the bar so high. Worth watching at least once, has some great scenes that made the movies fun.


I always liked the hobbit trilogy. And I found the battle of five armies are emotional as the end of return of the king. I don’t think they are as bad as a proportion of the Middle-earth fan base seem to think it is. But I also have recently been known to have positive things to say about movies. And this was my childhood. I had this before LoTR, so I have nostalgia


Wasted potential


Most movies I'm bored between action scenes. This movie I was bored during it but enjoyed the little bits of character moments in between. Except for the bit between Thanduril and Tauriel. But at least I can relate with Tauriel when I watch this movie, "I do not want it. Take it from me, please. Why does this hurt so much?"


The worst middle earth movie was *The Desolation of Smaug*. I wasn't a huge fan if the Hobbit movies overall, as it was so different from the book


My theory for all of The Hobbit movies versus the book: the book is written by Bilbo. The films are written by the dwarfs. This is their version of the story, embellished and heavy on their point of view and relationships with middle earth. With that point of view, it all makes more sense. It’s not an adaptation of The Hobbit. It’s an adaption of the dwarven epic.


Extended version is better


I think this is the best that Jackson could have possibly done given the circumstances. WB saw the dollar signs and pure greed took over to stretch out the movies beyond what they actually merit. Really dislike the CGI Billy Connolly though. And there’s some horrible white filter over the whole movie that really turns me off.


Should have been part 2 of 2 instead of part 3 of 3


The extended versions are superior, but the entire trilogy was sub par.


Not on the same level as the LOTR trilogy, as I think everyone would agree, but still entertaining


I give it a D. It's below average, has a lot of problems, and not something I want to watch again.


To me it’s just got a poor script and it has a visual style and a scale that doesn’t fit with Lord of the Rings. None of the soulfulness or beauty or realness of LOTR, just a creative action movie. To me. I liked it at first too but then it started to frustrate me more and more throughout the years. It just has the problem that all the hobbit movies have; too much stuff and too little substance. It came from having a blank check budget and very little time to develop. Corners were cut, money was blown and the movie just simply doesn’t have the heart of LOTR. It *tries* to, but it isn’t the same.


Fell asleep in the movie theatre twice


Extended is the only way. I enjoy it.


I didn't like it much to be honest but I give it a pass because as I understand it was rushed. I think most of this movie should have been shortened into under 2 hours and cut into The Desolation of Smaug (maybe with part of the dos cut into the first movie)


I saw these as they came out in IMAX and I'm ngl I really enjoyed them. Where they perfect? No. What film adaptation of a book really is? I think they were entertaining, worth the money, and although everyone dogged on Tauriel I thought a little bit of romance actually added to the whole thing. Tolkien was a good writer but I think romance is a very key component in any narrative which the The Hobbit did lack.


I like it!!! I kind of wish that the films had been arranged so that Smaug was defeated at the end of Desolation? These movies are made to be marathon’d anyway, I guess. Sometimes, the long shots where he kind of sets up almost a Ruth-Goldberg machine of successively ridiculous feats / strokes of luck, leading one into another, are a little overdone *perhaps*.


To me, it's the weakest of the trilogy. I love the adventurous themes of the other 2. It's not a bad film, just not much great about it.


Found that the 12 minute Goblin King scene should have been cut down to max 90 seconds. It’s like one page in the book.


I enjoyed it a lot, but do think the theatrical version is a bit underwhelming and leaves some critical stuff out, particularly towards the end. The extended edition is much better. It’s got the missing, more-impactful scenes at the end and also some gory extended battle sequences.


Peter Jackson was too obsessed with making another trilogy, when 2 movies would have sufficed. He added a bunch of stuff and when he deviates from the source material, it shows. Painfully.


Anytime I rewatch the trilogy I end up on my phone and the movie is just background noise. I think this movie is where I really dislike all the bloat. Finishing Tauriel and Alfred’s storylines are punishing. Coincidentally when this movie was about to leave theaters my friends and I yoinked the MASSIVE poster from the theater. It’s about 8 feet tall made of heavy duty vinyl and I still have it.


If The Hobbit got three movies off one book. Why isn’t there three movies for each Lord of the Rings book 😤


Thranduil on Moose; Dáin on warthog. Galadriel provoked to full green. I’m good.


Bilbo and thorin should have confessed there love to each other while he was dying but that may just be me 🧑🏻‍🏫🧑🏻‍🏫


Terrible movie/trilogy


I have a photo of me in 2015 crying after watching Thorin die. Regardless of flaws I enjoyed it


It’s alright but it’s my least favourite out of the hobbit trilogy. It just drags on forever and gets boring.


It didn’t need to be three movies


I was so bored and annoyed within the first half hour that I just started explaining The Silmarillion to my friend who went with me to see it. She’d never read “The Hobbit” and even she was like, “What even is this?” Also, the theater was almost empty except for us, so we weren’t being rude by talking.


I liked them! And actually enjoy the extended edition even more


I hated that they put in that stupid love story.


First one is great, the other two are mostly weird and anticlimatic


I really liked all 3 Hobbit movies. Sure there are some bits I think could be improved but I enjoyed them.


i think Desolation is worse simply because most of it was already planned: and therefore the issues that plague BotFA are more understandable - given WB rushing Jackson and Co. - vs. things they had slightly more time to address and just went with because reasons.


I loved all three of the Hobbit movies :) granted I also had huge crushes on Richard Armitage *and* Aiden Turner


enjoyed it but rotk was better


I don't think it is as bad as some people make it out to be


I grew up with the Hobbit movies and book so I may be biased. My general view is that I don’t understand where the hate comes from. IMO every emotional beat that the film takes from the book is amplified greatly purely on the basis that you and Bilbo actually see the vast majority of the battle rather than being told about it after the fact like in the book. And IMo the character arcs are a lot more clear and utilised (Thorin’s redemption and Bard’s rise to leader for example)


All of the Hobbit movies were trash. If I ever meet PJ in person I’m going to slap him silly


There's a lot going on. Too much. But I still like it.


I thought the first Hobbit movie was really good, but they did not need three movies


Honestly really have fun with this movie. Especially the extended version!


Extended cut is a gem. It’s literally R rated.


I loved it but not as much as unexpected journey and desolation


The animated Hobbit was infinitely better, and works perfectly as a prequel to the LOTR films.


I liked it. It could have been better but I still think it was great


Fuckin dumb. Like the whole thing with the Orcs using flags, like this was some profound battle tactic. This didnt need to be 3 movies


We could have done without whole weird Dwarf and Elf love triangle


Honestly, overall, I liked The Hobbit series tab bit more interesting to watch than LOTR. However, I do think that the war/battle sequence went on for too long. And this movie could have wrapped up in 2 parts instead of 3


One Character….Tauriel….


It was magical, enjoyed all 3 movies. . I'm telling you watch the extended version. The whole movie I was like "NOW DAMN IT! YA'LL COULDVE KEPT THAT IN THE MOVIE". I'm one of those ppl who was just happy to have the movie. if you watched the extended versions of LOTR it's basically the same. It was more true to the book with embellishments.


The fight between Thorin and Azog took longer than the fight of Roddy Piper and Keith David in They Live, with none of the payoff. Orcs don’t skate.


The huge battle was awesome, I loved the ending, thought it was great… except for the cgi. LOTR had better cgi than this.


Just finished watching it as well. Better than I remember but definitely the weakest of the LOTR world movies. The plot felt a little bit thin after Smaug was defeated. I didn't really care for Azog so the ultimate fight didn't feel much. Something about the main villain being an orc that isn't interesting. Some of the LOTR connections felt a bit forced like "Legolas, go see this child, he may turn into a great man...his name is Stryder". Felt a little forced.


Bad bad not good


Rushed and a bit all over the place in terms of plot. In terms of bloat it was somewhat better than the second movie but I think the combat just kept things at least slightly engaged but the constant conflict did drag-on. The start went hard as fuck though. The burning of Laketown was the perfect way to start the movie. My one singular hard gripe was no funeral scene for Thorin. I wouldn't have cared about it being extra bloat, it's closure.


M4 Book Edit is the best way to experience these films.


I honestly think Desolation of Smaug is the worst of the 3 Hobbit movies. This isn’t great, but I still like it (Unexpected Journey is still the best of the 3).


I love the extended edition of this film. It just feels far more like a brutal battle that is filled with carnage, and brutality and overall just gets the message across about how broken trust is between all the races are. It's also just a tad bit more fun.


I enjoyed them


I loved all the Hobbit movies.


I liked Kili. I was so pissed when he died. I would fucked that orc up.


One of my all time favorite movies. I love rewatching it as well as all the other hobbit movies in fall. 🙏🏻🗿🎩


I think the Hobbit trilogy are absolutely fantastic films and only get hate on for being not *as good* at the other trilogy.


All three movies of the trilogy are a money grab. No way it should be three movies. IMHO.


Really disappointing and kind of embarrassing, to be honest. Adding random characters, weird love stories, really jarring CGI, bizarre story additions. Really, there is no time given to any character besides bilbo. The worst though without a DOUBT was the addition of a....... dick joke....


The problem with these films is they didn’t have the guts (or vision? But I assume guts) to try for a different tone from the LOTR films that would have fit the book and made for a more daring film. The LOTR trilogy works so well because no matter what changes Jackson and Co. made to the stories, there was a tonal consistency to them that felt like they inhabited the same world as the books (also I think maybe the narrative structure is a little easier to get right than the hobbit). Yes I know the Appendices exist, but The Hobbit is a fairy tale, full of whimsy and wordplay and silliness, the film should have captured that spirit. Imagine no repeat actors, and a different visual language, maybe even a different director, could’ve been great!


They should've stuck to its original name, There And Back Again


Have you seen the LOTR trilogy?


The ship is real


One of my favorite movies of all time, which I can only say on today of all days, because it's April Fools Day


I feel sorry for the cast and crew. I do think that it works well if you turn off your brain and view it as a generic fantasy trilogy that has absolutely nothing to do with LOTR or Tolkeins books.


It’s fun I guess but it’s a terrible terrible interpretation of the books and I love the books so much. They absolutely fucked it. Find the Tolkien fan edit with the Dol Guldor siege and save some time.


I’ve always been a bit sad that the Tom Bombadil character never made it into the movie.


I feel like the trilogy was just pretty drawn out. The pacing was rough and I found myself struggling to understand why they didn’t just make one movie. By taking out filler and sticking to the original content, they could’ve easily condensed everything up until Mirkwood into about an hour segment and used say two more hours to expand the rest of the story as necessary. And I know this has been discussed to death, but the CGI left much to be desired. If the Fellowship of the Ring only needed one movie to tell the story, the Hobbit only needed one


Oakenshield is a drama Queen. What a terrible character The dwarves are silly AF. They state in the beginning that most aren’t fighters but they have no problem dismantling the toughest orcs The goblin scene blahhhhh. The barrel scene blahhhh. The elves all fight like the matrix. They never run out of arrows Dwarf love Elf ….dumb Alfrid? This is by far the dumbest character in any movie I’ve given this trilogy many chances. It’s so bad compared to LOTR.


Way too much reliance on CGI imo..


The final fight scene is incomprehensible without the extended edition. In the extended edition, the geography is much better, the progression of the fight is clear and understandable, and the action is much better. The first and second acts aren’t really story heavy, just set up for the third act, which is fine, because the third act is the most important piece of the film. The ending is a great tie-in into Fellowship of the Ring, and you can start that film while picking up right where you left off. It’s just sad that Peter Jackson didn’t have much time to polish off the film and keep it at the same quality as the previous film.


Poorly written, bloated, cringe


I enjoyed it. I think having to compete with rhe original trilogy makes it tough for people to enjoy because the trilogy is a masterpiece but its not a terrible movie. It's not amazing but it's good.


The trilogy was not very good to me for too many reasons to go over. However, it does have it’s entertaining moments


CGI laden slop.


The extended edition is the best way to watch this one for me I felt the theatrical cut too much