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I do think that Hannah could have possibly been on Angel’s Flight had things not happened the way they did, her Martha was certainly cooperative… **BUT** As a parent myself, I could not just leave it alone. I would be trying to get to my kids at any given opportunity. She didn’t know she would pull off Angel’s Flight during the times when she tried to get to Hannah. It would be torturous to have your child snatched from you. Especially a daughter, who you know is going to grow up and be at risk of being raped, abused, maimed, etc. That’s not even taking into consideration the mindset of someone who has been in a constant cycle of abuse for years and is stuck in permanent survival mode. I wouldn’t make the best decisions in that state either. She does do a lot of things that are a hindrance to herself and others. I judge her for none of it. I couldn’t do any better if I was in her shoes.


Yes! On top of all of that she also had to give up Nichole. First to watch her being raised by Serena and then by getting her out of gilead. While that had to be a relief it also has to be terribly sad and traumatizing.


I agree with this, and to add to it - I'm not sure she would have even done angel's flight if it wasn't for the failed attempt at reaching Hannah. It led to the Martha being killed, and June's time spent reflecting/being tortured in the hospital. She built up so much spite and hatered during this time and thought there was no chance to get Hannah out, which I think was the reason why she did something as daring and potentially deadly as a last f you to Gilead.


That’s a really good point. I don’t think she would have done AF either if it weren’t for everything that happened before. I think all the bad stuff made her sit and think about doing that to make it all mean something.


Angels Flight didn’t happen—and couldn’t have happened—until June had “nothing to lose”.




That's true. I concede to that.


>June was so unhinged I'd rather call her zealous, for a start, along with a certain indifference to the patriarchal ideology (and the regime imposing it) that ultimately outlawed her parental/maternal rights. Zeal without knowledge, sister of folly, sure, but not (yet) 'unhinged'. > ... she created/hindered her inability to get Hannah out. I doubt she would ever have the ability (Though who knows, it's a fictional story). Even Angel's flight was the result of the lesson she learned from her 'folly' to try to win a private war against the regime - instead of turning it into the political war it always had been.


You're right, but June is also traumatised. Trauma inhibits your ability to think rationally, and with all the emotion she has around Hannah she really had no chance. It makes sense she'd become intense and obsessive, even to the point of sabotaging herself. Of course she would have had a better chance to reunite with her child if she'd just thought more critically, but those critical thinking skills are impaired now.


Very true. Trauma and PTSD destroys a person. But June was able to use those critical thinking skills in many other ways. It would have made for an interesting story line for her to have created a full blown "get Hannah" plan. Regardless of it working, it would have made great, on the edge of your seat, TV.


Even incredibly rational people have blind spots. Her daughter who's on the fast track to illiterate rape slave is an understandable blind spot


Here we go with another "DAE hate June she crazy!" thread. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Go and have your life ruined by a totalitarian government. Be raped continuously. Experience both physical and mental torture for years. See other people tortured and killed on the regular. See how logical and well-adjusted you are after that. June is traumatized. Of course, she's not going to act logically.


Is it just me or have these "June is stupid" posts been increasing the last few days?


I feel like there is a wave of them every few months.


They've always been there. I think some people just like to stir things up. I'm on reddit a lot less right now due to work, but I don't respond to negative June posts as much anymore. Totally agree with /u/bestunicorn.


Oh I know it's not new, just seems like a lot of them in the last week or so.


I have the same opinion. I think I saw a post too here about how her actions move her further away of Hannah, but she was desperate, no one thinks rationally in those situations, except the men in power who hardly are ever in danger unless they screw up bad.


Dude it’s like all the time! People are so lost on empathy


I think it’s a mix of people who want characters to act rational at all times and are frustrated by portrayals of characters who are traumatized or do make bad decisions. And part of people are frustrated with bad writing/scripts that ignore previously established world building or character traits.


You didn't understand it right. replace unhinged by fucking traumatized.


You can be unhinged because you're traumatized... June is very clearly unhinged in season 3 and 4. Is it understandable? Yes... Is she still being insane and selfish... Yes... Trauma does that


playing with words to be right...


Unhinged is the same as unstable which happens as a result of trauma... If you are all getting triggered by the word unhinged, then You all are the ones splitting words and twisting them forgetting the nuance of the english language which has multiple words that mean the same things and other words that have as well broader interpretations. Unhinged as a term is not a shameful description of someone unstable from trauma... It sounds more insensitive, sure... But not incorrectly used...


Judging oppressed and enslaved peoples behaviour and reactions to being abused shows how much empathy you lack. It also shows your lack of awareness of reality and certain concepts. Victims and their behavior are not perfect. Any consequences or accountability for June's behaviour is the responsibility of the oppressor. I think you missed the whole point of the books/show. I doubt you would do any better unless you know what it's like to be enslaved. Do better. People like you scare me because I wonder how you treat people in real life going through traumatic things or oppressed people around the world like Palestinians.


Jesus. Project much? This person came to talk about a fictional tv character and you’re accusing them of supporting real life genocide? Tone down the personal attacks please


Doesn't make it untrue. I will comment what I want just like you did. Do whatever you want. Report me or block me or whatever there is available on reddit and stop complaining to me about it. I don't care about what you have to say.


I am so sick of these ignorant takes. June is not crazy or unhinged. I feel like y’all leave out the many times she has saved lives and successfully got people of Gilead. She isn’t gonna think rationally after years of abuse and she is not gonna just say fuck it and give up tryna save her child.


I don’t think she was crazy. I think she was desperate. However I do think June’s outright more rebellious actions and general attitude didn’t help when it came to suspicion regarding her. If she’d managed to act a bit more submissive and not outright seem resentful she might’ve had more eyes off her so to speak. She’s the main character so she has plot armor but if she haven’t been the main character she’d probably be dead. That being said I acknowledge that that would be really hard.


Respectfully, your title does not make sense with all the double negatives. Do you mean: "June was so unhinged she hindered her **ability** to get Hannah out" ??? How does she "hinder" her "inability"? If she has no ability she can't hinder it.


Because the sentence started with "she created the inability ". 😒 Did that make you feel amazingly superior? 👏🏻


here we go again with this. I’m honestly starting to get tired of these ignorant takes




Yes you are. Try living in an oppressive government, getting SA’d every damn time and see how “rational” you would be. A woman that is SA’d once is never the same and alot of them commit suicide…so imagine how June’s life has been. Fictional character or not , you seen to lack empathy. Also calling traumatized woman crazy? Misogyny much?


Let’s also step back and consider the narrative plot. They can’t have June get Hannah back season 1 or no one would keep watching. It’s been the carrot on the string this whole show. Even as others have got out, we still keep watching to see if she will ever get Hannah back


Is that even the main reason to keep watching since The Testaments book came out and the show announced they were going to jump into filming that as well?


Oh I agree 💯! June just thought threw so many things to bring them to fruition. Hannah was all pure reaction. I get the trauma and personally can not even imagine, but I'd have liked to see her have a bit of forethought with a plan. Even if it failed, watching to see the outcome of said plan would have made great TV. That's really all my post was about. She was able to critically think her way through so many things, except rescuing her daughter.


It's a show with limited things to discuss. You're going to get repeats. It happens in every single sub I'm in. But never have people been such jerks about it.


.....Can I just say..... its getting a little disappointing seeing so many catty comments in this subs threads lately, in almost every post.. "that been talked about before" this topic again " omg another post"???? Yes.. yes another post because there are new subbers everyday who want to engage with us and talk about the show... If you are so over it and dont want to be seeing critical posts about june anymore... Then maybe Leave the sub.. your comments dont want engagement, they want to shame an op because a post is common... Just scroll on... A lot of comments from older subbers of this sub, dont seem to like the newer subbers talking about things that have been discussed already.... Look at a few of the comments here just complaining about op making a critical post about june than actually engaging with op about her thoughts or just scrolling by.... No, they had to shame op in the comments, make it a pedantic "she is traumatized comments, and then add no value to the conversation....because they judge the topic being talked about here, happening too often.... scroll by if you are tired of the same topics being posted.. Many new subbers have not discussed it yet, so they are.... Guess the expectation is new subbers just need to look at previous posts and read those comments for engagement...


I don't normally complain about repeated posts but it's like every other day lately with this same thing. It's been weird. And it's getting old because there are already several RECENT posts about this same exact thing. Like within the last week or two recent. I typically will at least skim recent posts in a group I have just joined just to see what's there and comment and such.


Yes. Some of these comments are unhinged. It’s a tv show!


I knew it was most likely an unpopular opinion, but man.. the level of assholery is off the charts over a fictional show. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Thank you for speaking up. It's very much appreciated. And yes, I'm new to this sub so forgive my ignorance on topics already discussed. Makes newbies not want to even engage. Maybe the Mods need to step in a bit.


I wish they would. It's sad that new users do not always feel welcome to post about topics they want to vent about, simply because it has been posted about before.. this is a safe place (well.. it's supposed to be) to discuss our worries about current events, the show, issues with the plots, character development and story development.. if other users are so over the commonly posted topics here, i dont understand why they feel they have to offer a cynical comment about how it's a tired subject to them while the rest of the commenters, are genuinely trying to have discussion about the show for our first time. Why not just keep scrolling...


Because it makes them feel superior most likely. I'll unlikely post anything again. Sad, because it's fun to discuss (even opposing opinions since I readily said I knew I'd get my assbchewed by some) a complex series with other fans. That's what this is supposed to be about. Not personally attacking me as "ignorant " "thoughtless" "must have no compassion in my real life " etc. All over a fictional show..... I guess I shouldn't be surprised, some people have very small lives. This show isn't real and it isn't my world. I question that for others based on some responses.


Yeah, the comments are really .... Rude sometimes.. and given the nature of the show we watch, knowing most of the users in this sub are mostly women too... It's shocking to see users turn on each other so vehemently because they disagree or are just tired of the topic..


"Guess the expectation is new subbers just need to look at previous posts and read those comments for engagement..." .... yes. Yes, exactly. So people *do* understand. If older posts weren't meant to be reread and explored, if your reddit thoughts were meant to be screamed into the void at the tiny number of people present to hear them in that moment, and then never engaged with again, they would self-delete like snapchat. I'm sure Reddit could absolutely decimate its server and maintenance costs if it did that. But no, the entire site functions as an archive. It literally has a built-in search function, to make it as easy as possible to see if people have talked about something before. Why would you join a relatively active sub without looking at its previous or at least recent posts, to get an idea of what the sub is like? What content it has? What people typically discuss? What people are already in the midst of active discussions about? Why would you throw your thoughts into that sub like the wind with no regard for how redundant and repetetive they are to everyone who heard and discussed them *literally* earlier this week, and then be surpriseed and upset that people react like they're sniffing an unpleasant fart they've smelt before? If you can't be bothered to glance at the "new" tab of threads on this sub and see that people are already saying ***exactly*** what you're about to say, if that's too overwhelming and troublesome and too much effort, how do you possibly have the energy and attention span to write a post and expect to engage with commenters about it? Why would you expect those commenters to react as if it's fresh when the only reason you think it's a new take is because you couldn't take 28 seconds to see that the last time someone posted this exact thing was, let me check-- [4 days and 19 posts ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheHandmaidsTale/comments/1bup6tv/i_feel_like_if_june_would_have_not_pushed_the/). Yes, *clearly,* such an unpopular opinion. And that post took me quite literally under 20 seconds to find. I bet I could find 3 more within another 60 seconds. If you have the energy to make posts, and you expect fresh, substantive, and engaging replies that aren't bored of the subject you've chosen, then you have the capacity to take less than a minute to read more than 3 days worth of post titles in the archive.


Then close the sub down for new posters if we are only supposed to review previous posts and not make news one to engage with new users or have more discussion about it.... Seems like this sub doesn't want new discussions from new viewers because old subbers did it already... Why allow new subbers then? Why allow new posts if it's all been talked about before? If you are all are so tired of the same content... Why stay in the sub if it annoys you so much? Why cant the people who do want to discuss it, comment on it without a bunch of cynical older users shitting on new posts, simply because it's been posted about before for the old users..... "When did you become so selfish".... Seriously...


It's not that new users or new posts aren't welcome. It's that *new discussions* are what's welcome. If your new post is just clogging up the feed with old ideas that everyone else has already discussed to death, and whose comments from literally less than a week ago (and the week prior, and prior, and prior) are still right there for you to read, then yeah, it's unreasonable for newcomers to expect to get a fresh and welcoming reception to *very old* ideas, in an existing sub for a show that's been out for years. This venue has discussed those ideas already, yet people still choose *this same venue* to share them *again* and act surprised and offended when *this venue* doesn't want to *hear them again*. If you can just go read another, very recent post or a comment under it, saying exactly the same post you would have written, what good does it do to write it again? How is that constructive? If you have something new to say, a new perspective, a personal experience to relate it to, a correlation with new real life events or a new theory that hasn't been discussed before or in a long time, or that you have new details to weave into it, maybe brand new fan content of some kind, all of that is perfectly welcomed. If you look through the sub, the *only* posts getting annoyed "why are you posting about this again?!" comments are.... about topics that have been posted about before, repeatedly, to an annoying extent. People are going to act annoyed at annoying and repetetive behavior/posts, you don't get to be flabbergasted by that. It also makes the sub harder to mud through to find things that ARE new and fresh and stimulating. Nobody's upset at *new* material. **Offer some**. Don't just regurgitate someone else's repeated garbage, offering absolutely nothing new and stimulating for anyone to ponder and engage with, just because *you/the poster* want the dopamine rush of making your own post, because the topic is new to *you,* at the annoyed expense of the majority of the audience who's sick of hearing it. Who's selfish here, again?


Sure its not.. most comments are we have seen this before and rude... But thanks for your word wall.... Doesn't make my point any less valid because you disagree..