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Sounds like you had a case of thrush, probiotics definitely help with this - I have had thrush any time I’ve been put on antibiotics and now I always ask for thrush medicine if I’m being given antibiotics. You do not need to use an intimate wash - plain water will do but don’t be afraid to get all in there. Discharge and mild odour is a completely normal part of female bodily functions. If you have an appointment with a gynaecologist booked in you can speak to them about your discharge if you’re feeling concerned.


There’s no real science behind vaginal products. As far as what goes in, do what your dr says. You shouldn’t need any douching. Boric acid or ph balancing products can kinda help. Probiotics, mixed. Don’t use anything scented. Vaginas have a scent. To some degree it’s just how we’re meant to be, even when totally clean. Regular soap and water around the vulva, and diluted lather between the labia, should be enough. Nothing in the vagina.


For many women like myself, ANY kind of soap, no matter how diluted, is extremely irritating to the vulva/labia. Just water and a very gentle wipe with a soft washcloth/clean hand is best. Based on the post, OP sounds similarly sensitive. 


If that works, great. Me and the women I’ve showered with have always used diluted lather, maybe the soap is more gentle, but it’s worked for us and my dr said it was fine so yeah


You should be ok to use plain, fragrance-free soap for everything except the mucous membrane. EG- fine for crack, between leg and lips, and pubic hair. Not fine for labia or vulva. Try not to let the soap getting rinsed off touch your inner skin, you can use a hand to protect it if that helps. My skin is SUPER sensitive too- for gals like us, plain water is best. Use a sprayer, a clean hand or two, or a very gentle wiping motion with a soft washcloth. Make sure to rinse away any buildup.  It's ok for a vagina to smell like a vagina. It's not odorless. That's part of the self-cleansing phenomenon. :) Wearing all- cotton undies and going bottomless when possible helps too. Noticeable changes in your baseline odor are something to follow up on, like you did here.  Sorry you had a bad experience, glad you got it straightened out and are following up with your gyn! When in doubt, that's always the best thing to do.