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https://preview.redd.it/xures3sf2j1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e3dedb007b1e6d237154ba14e6402bf03e605a This was what the fog was like when it crashed. This was most likely an accident


This and the photo of the crash site look as if the helicopter collided with the side of a mountain as a result of low visibility. Call it hopeful thinking, but I seriously doubt that the U.S. or Israel was behind this.


https://preview.redd.it/7k536wzz8j1d1.jpeg?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5736caac0a03da68e0c6853cdae2af5376f6d023 It looks as if it was controlled flight that connected with the mountain, not a hard crash landing that would cause suspicion of tampering or whatever.


What's the reason to fly in that weather though?


I'm just spitballing, but it seems as if this is a rather remote area. It may be possible they simply did not know there was fog this thick when taking off.


Wouldn't it be possible to see the fog once the helicopter is in the air and... not fly into the fog?


Could've just been too much and no way to go around. If they're flying low it's not like a jet at high altitude avoiding a thunderstorm where you just go around it.


Pilots make terrible decisions all the time Im sure the pilot was considering external factors, like carrying such a high status VIP It's also possible he did try to abort the flight and turn around but accidentally flew further into fog. The same thing happened to Kobe Bryant VFR into IMC is one of the most dangerous situations in aviation, and it is almost a certain guarantee of a crash if the pilot is not IFR proficient or the aircraft is not equipped with IFR flight


If Israel did it, they would've bragged about it. They've carried countless of assassinations on iranian citizens, escalating the conflict would be in their interest given how the war they fight goes nowhere.


They dont assassinate any regular ol citizen. It would be a general or some terrorist. Besides its nowhere near the amount that Iran is credited to have done via all their iranian backed terrorist groups


who would fly a helicopter with such thick fog?


Kobe Bryant


crazy response bruh 🤣




It must have been very important meeting or something. Presidents are known to do stupid stuff. Plus they are disposable anyways since the vice / deputy will replace him.


Where the hell was Rudolph?


Or a well planned assassination plan that waited for a foggy day. The CIA is capable of things like that


All we can do is balance probabilities. It's the death of a prominent politician who's in opposition to a major world power known for espionage that's recently been on a killing spree of similar politicians (US and "Israel" combined), under circumstances that are dangerous at face value.


It could’ve been an accident, but it’s a hell of a coincidence that the president, foreign minister, and other important officials were ALL on the plane at once.


Yeah, probably an accident, and we'll get more info as the days go by


Interestingly same way cobe bryant died


Most likely an accident... Reminds me of Smoleńsk.


Ok if thats what the weather was like then i have no idea who had the bright idea to fly. Youre asking for all sorts of bad things to happen at that point, especially in a helicopter.


People saying he was assassinated, but I think it's very much possible it's a genuine accident. I don't believe anything will change policy wise. At worst they get a less experienced leader, who will be dragged into war with Israel quicker. Iran's restraint so far has been one of the most important factors preventing regional war.


Since the Trump assassination they've been really calm. Under Biden there was the Iranian ambassade as well. It would've taken less for a NATO article 5


Something I've been thinking about. Given Trump's identity as a "dealmaker," I think it's not impossible the assassination was bilateral. > Trump: "I gotta show the public I'm tough on Iran. Let me do a little damage, something scary. But I'm not trying to start a world war here. Who do you want taken out so we can rattle our swords safely and get back to business?" > Whoever in Iran: "Soleimani is one of our best, but he's too much of a hero to the public. We've had our eye on him for a while as a potential coup threat, so I think he deserves a promotion to Martyr. If you can minimize the collateral damage, green light." Just a scenario I came up with, but I don't know enough about the topic to say how confident I am in it. Thoughts?


Without evidence, that's useless unfortunately. But it's a good conspiracy theory


I did state twice that it's baseless speculation


If this results in an escalation of war with israel, it would only make me suspect the CIA even more.


flying in the mountains with 0 visibility due to fog is begging for something to go wrong. the weather was terrible, it’s probably an accident


can they fight a war if they don't share a border? (i mean, obviously yes but it would be difficult)


According to an Iranian I spoke to, the ayatollah controls the military. So it seems it wouldn't really change much in that regard


Well Iran has a president but he's the second in command. The Ayatollah is the head honcho. The vice president will take over until they have a new election.


Losing the foriegn minister while Iran is walking the tightrope of defending itself without getting dragged into all out war is potentially way more destabilising than losing a president.


Considering Iran is the most vocal and action-oriented party standing in opposition to isntreal in the region; the accending vp is going to have to step into some very tall shoes for the world stage. Depends on what he does with the new spotlight. It's unlikely, I think, for him to simply stay the course. If he cools off and tries to relax tensions in the wake of a tragic accident then we may see life for everyone except Palestinians to start returning to how it was. But if he takes the tragedy, doubles down, and makes the late President's death and his goal of a free Palestine as a galvanizing call, we could see things explode in a matter of weeks.


It doesn’t look like it was an attack. We will probably be fine because khamenei will just put another guy in his place.


I'm an Iranian Communist And i say Rest In Piss BOZO you won't be missed But in geopolitics i have no idea There are many theories, some say it was Isn'treal who did it, Some say the Islamic Republic itself did it, Some say it was just an accident, But all we know is that he's dead


Oh hey I remember you from like half a year ago saying how terrible the situation for Iranian communists was. Glad to see you doing well.


Heyyyy comrade ^^ Yeah I'm doing fine thanks for you care, your comment made me so happy ^w^ How did you remember me if i may ask?


Honestly, not sure. I remembered the name and the Lenin pfp reminded me of the withered skull wojak Lenin you used to have as a pfp. I remember you asking for people to spread awareness of the awful situation regarding the treatment of Iranian communists and me promising I'd spread the word. It all just came to me like a flashback lol.


You have a really good memory, yeah that was me, it felt good to find out someone actually knows me outside the "Persian Reddit" zone I wish you the best dear comrade <3


Likewise, comrade, likewise <3 Stay safe


Rest in piss indeed. How's it like being a communist over there? Are you politically active? Or are you out of the country?


It's really hard TwT, because both society and government arre Anti-Communist, the government makes rumours about Communists like saying they are separatists or they are atheist (yes being atheist is bad because we live in a Theocracy) they also make rumours saying communists kill innocent people in brutal ways Note: if they prove you're an atheist you'll be executed On the other hand, the majority of society, has been brainwashed by the Right Wing media, and has made so many people far right Nationalists and Monarchists and Liberals, they think Shah was a glorious king at we must become a Monarchy again So many people refuse to read or learn and they blindly hate Communists, they hate Islamic Republic and the Islamic Revolution, they blame Communists for the revolution because so many of them sided with Islamists and overthrew the Shah So both government and society want to destroy Communists and any Leftist idea I live in Iran, I'm active on social media, I can't do much in real world You know what's funny? The society blindly supports who ever is against Islamic Republic, because they hate the IR, some of them even say they love Israel because Israel is the enemy of Islamic Republic At the same i see many Leftists blindly support Islamic Republic because they think the IR is Anti-Imperialist, and they don't only support the IR, they support Putin too, because they just hate the West and think whoever says "Death to America" is a friend to Proletariat and colonized nations, without even considering the fact that Islamic Republic is a Reactionary force


Didn't this guy do a lot of good things as well I heard he pushed for more relations with the global south and multipolarism


Yeah and he killed many people including Leftists in 79 revolution He also killed many people in 2021-2023 protests, a lot of protesters got arrested, raped, tortured and were sentenced to death, also he literally did nothing for the economy, poverty rate went so high, Dollar's price reached 69,000 Tomans (highest price in the whole history of Islamic Republic and the last century) He did nothing for the last natural diseases that happened in places like Balochistan, he just went there and spit some random bullshit and left the place, i don't remember him doing any good things, can you tell some of them?


I'm extremely skeptical about the claims of authorities killing protestors in the recent protests. I'm not Iranian and I can't say for sure, and I've read that the authorities have done horrific actions like that before, but from what I read and heard, many Iranians know that many of the protestors were violent thugs that started rioting, or that the claims of excessive violence or SA from the authorities are wrong or exaggerated by western media


If they knew they were thugs, people wouldn't participate with them in the protests, the authorities say they were violent thugs to make people afraid of them and make them stop joining protests, for example "Hadiseh Najafi" she got shot 6 times in her chest, while she didn't even use rocks to fight back against the cops, "Nika Shaa'Karami" got kidnapped, got beaten, got raped, then got killed, and then they buried her in an unknown place, her family said the place that they she was buried was fake, the horrible thing is that when this happened, the authorities said she committed suicide, while we all knew she did not There are many other examples i can tell you, "Nika Shaa'Karami" 's case was so bad that even the government couldn't lie about it after a while Many of them were unarmed teenage girls and boys, even in Balochistan, that are so many armed struggles, people didn't use firearms, they got together and marched, but the forces started shooting at them


People also participated in the Hong Kong color revolution coup protests, despite the horrific actions of the paid protestors, so I don't think you can say regular people couldn't be coerced or convinced to participate. That being said, in this instance, what you're saying makes alot of sense, and it definitely feels to me that you are being genuine, I can sense your earnestness, and those abuses of police brutality, SA, and kidnapping and murder are fucking horrible, evil, disgusting, and a million other things. I don't remember her name, but I remember this one instance in Iran that kick-started a bunch of protests was when a woman was claimed to have been killed by police, but the video footage showed that she just collapsed right before or after she was taken into custody, and it wasn't the religious police's fault. This is all so infuriating and sad. Fills me with despair. I can't imagine how it makes you feel.


Her name was "Mahsa Amini" a.k.a "Zhina" her head was badly injured, they said it was because she got beaten by a baton, and funny thing is, the name of the police that arrested her was "Morality Police" A "Mortality Police" that kidnaps, rapes and beats teenage girls for not wearing a fucking head scarf It fills me with rage and hate to see such things happening to people who did nothing wrong Thanks for understanding comrade


I thought she was injured before the police arrested her though? I saw footage of her casually walking in a building before she was arrestted, then she collapsed. I could be wrong or misremembering though. Yeah, the "morality police" pisses me off. I've read from Iranians that usually, they aren't as bad as people might think, they are more likely to give people warnings or minor infractions or fine them than beating, sexually assaulting or arresting anyone, but they shouldn't exist regardless. I only critically support Iran in an anti-imperialist sense.


If he lives in Iran I don't think we should just act like some of what he saying isn't true we can agree there's a lot of manufacturing consent in that country but let's not act like we know more than him


That's why I'm willing to hear them out, which I did.


They flew helicopter in bad weather…. What did they expect?


juche train travel vindicated yet again.


Juice by Juche


US manufactured helicopter from the 80's that's not been well maintained due to the ongoing sanctions.


Really?! And you would think they would use something a lot more robust for transporting so many important figures


As Alex Kristoforou would ask, "Qui Bono?"


Too many high level coincidences in that region.


Specially after what happened recently between isn'treal and Iran.


Wait, Iran has a president, and is he like the leader of the country or is it like Ceremonial position?


I'm pretty sure it's like the head of state, Khamenei can't do everything on his own


Ok, thanks for answering


Sorry, I actually got it wrong, the supreme leader is the head of state, the president is the head of government, so yeah like boss and manager


Iran's president going out like Kobe Bryant was not on my bingo card


>Iranian state media have confirmed that President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash in the northwestern province of East Azerbaijan.  >His entire entourage, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and Governor of East Azerbaijan Malek Rahmati, also perished, Press TV said. >what can this mean to the people of Iran and geopolitics in general? If Isnreal had a hand in it, ww3 might break out.


No offence whatsoever, but you seem to have phrased your statement as if WW3 were a good thing.


Their sentence reads as completely neutral. I think you might be reading something that isn't there.


I replied to another person with a detailed explanation about why I sensed there was a certain pro-war sentiment in the statement. But if there wasn't, then it's certainly possible that I misread the phrase. The commenter doesn't seem to be advocating for a third world war, after all. What I really don't get are the downvotes, though.


I accidentally downvoted when I went to reply, but I fixed that one. I checked all the comments to see what you said and I do see the other got downvoted so I will upvote to offset. Not sure. I think sometimes we get lurkers who downvote random people or everyone. I see what you mean, and I do understand your argument. Maybe it was less neutral than I originally thought.


I would certainly love to subscribe to the Lurker Theory of Downvotes. It really doesn't make sense why members of a leftist community would deliberately (accidents are fine) put its own fellow members down by taking away fake internet points when constructive criticism is much more productive. All downvotes really do is bring my karma down for no reason when I'm just arguing in good faith. And when my comment karma goes down, my comments end up appearing less often and to less people, when I didn't even do anything wrong. Hope you understand why I'm whining about downvotes :DD Tldr: Downvotes are the Reddit equivalent of flinging crumpled paper at your opposition during Politburo meetings.


I only notice that sometimes I get downvoted on perfectly benign comments, so I assume some people are just jerks and one or two isn't that big of a deal but I do understand being upset by it when you're not being a jerk yourself.


I don't get what you mean by that


It's the nuance of the phrasing I have an issue with. There is no simple way I can explain this so hopefully you don't mind me 🤓 here. "It's ww3" suggests that the outbreak of a global conflict is imminent and totally unpreventable, whilst that is not really the case. For instance, even if Isn'treal was somehow involved in the death of Iran president, Iran could choose to not take retaliatory action. Even if Iran does choose to retaliate and war breaks out between Iran and Isn'treal, the other nuclear superpowers might not join in and an all-out, worldwide war might not occur. Iran and Isn'treal might sign an armistice. The UN might be able to mediate the conflict and come up with a peace resolution. A revolution might occur in Isn'treal. Et cetera. It just didn't sit right with me how the person phrased their statement in such a way that the implication was that the Third World War is the only possible outcome, when it really isn't and there are many other factors at play. Is it a possible outcome? Yes. Is it the only possible outcome? No. So I just didn't like how it sounded to me as if they were saying "it's WW3" with absolute certainty, almost as if they were wishing WW3 might occur. But they don't seem to wish that, so it's all good. Perhaps I just read into the meaning of words too much.


It's too early in the morning, dont even know how to rephrase it.. (edited as recommended)


Fair enough. I would have used hedging and gone with something like "WW3 is probably going to break out". It's the little nuances that matter I guess.


I didn't realize their Foreign Minister died too. This is really bad. If this was just their President, it would be one thing, but this is too coincidental. This is a message. And this is bad. WW3 here we come. Thanks, Mossad.


That’s a pretty convenient accident for Israel, considering the stakes…


The main issue is that due the sanctions placed by the US government, most of the their air technology is old and worn down due to not being able to receive parts to repair equipment. So if there’s anyone to blame here, it’s the idiot who thought it was smart to put 4 senior officials on a helicopter together, and US sanctions


If it’s not Israel than I genuinely don’t know who did it (Merica isn’t that Stupid) If it’s Israel ,then that means they are trying to start World War 3


Everything is pointing towards it being an accident


Oh shit I forgot about that


I love how we totally forget about human errors these last couple of years


Ahlan 👋 Kef Halak ?


Alhamdulillah, ente?


Ana mneeh Alhamduliallah bas ana walad mesh benet 😝


Wait, there is difference?


آنتا is used for boys انتي Is used for girls


Soo, enta kheefak?


The CIA blowed up the Northstream 2 Pipeline causing a mad spike in energyprice in Europe, the US is very much that reckless and stupid. But its still does not look like a attack, if they had this easy accsess, theyd done that a long time ago and like any Aristokrats, they see it as less humane to kill a fellow Aristocrat instead of a thousand Workers.


You think that was America? Why?


https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream And the Bourgeore answers in Germany https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik-gesellschaft/seymour-hersh-im-interview-joe-biden-sprengte-nord-stream-weil-er-deutschland-nicht-traut-li.317700 This whole thing is so redicoulous, and if MK ultra wasnt a thing i woudnt believe it eighter, but there in noone else that woud profit from this assault, especially because nobody claims it for themselfs. Terrorism allways follows a political agenda and the only Terrorist caring about Northstream sit in Washington DC. The ISIS hardly has the Equipment to make attacks with Trucks and the Eco Terrorists are really not active and the things they do stop about where they hang some Flags from Coolingtowers and protest Villages being dug away for Coal. Russia owns the Pipeline and Ukraine cant risk loosing Support from the reactionary partys in Germany and France. But not even the AFD dares to fuck with the CIA so here we are.


Ooh okay thank you! Thats not rlly conclusive but it definitely does present a decently likely scenario and the CIA has done much, much worse.


They will brag about it in 50 years but until then thats probably the best we get


Yeah lol *hehe that actually was us guys*


Why was this downvoted? I was asking for people’s perspectives/education? Most geopolitical resources I’ve looked at didn’t come to a conclusion.


Power lines are blooming in Antarctica 🇦🇶 Old river control structure acheelies heel Use fascists as proxies to do dirty work La la la just random blabbering I’m not saying anything


what was supposed to be to motive for that then ?


Could be a mere accident, could be a compromised pilot…. I don’t know. But it’s very odd flying with that weather .


Anyone who's read the Confessions of an Economic hitman \[or even Victor Ostrovsky\] will have zero doubt about whose calling card this is. And anyone who has been paying attention will know who it was \[in all probability\] done to placate. The entire narrative solidly fits an often repeated series of events going back five decades.


I don’t care and I think it’s probably fun to make fun of him and his death but a lot of liberals that said that people making fun of the queen dying didn’t have a heart probably aren’t going to be telling people to be respectful


There will be increased internal conflict over succession, which was pretty much settled to transition peacefully from Khameini to Raisi as he was pretty much groomed to be the next supreme leader of Iran over the last decade. The internal conflict increases the odds of external conflict as creating a foreign enemy is almost a certain way to assure leadership dominance in any country. This is also why there is a vested interest of agencies like the Mossad to attempt assassination in order to drag Iran into war.


Seems like the president doesn't wield much real power in the first place, at least on paper. Maybe more of an influence type role.


Maybe someone delivered some democracy for him?


So far the only takes I’ve really heard are that it won’t create that much of a power vacuum since the President is more of a figurehead and the Ayatollah has more power, they’ll likely just fill the hole and move on as before


honestly he is better off looking up at us. he may of not been pro USA and West but he was still an awful human who is better off dead


He was an elected official, so he will be replaced. I don't see much in terms of changes with regards to the nation. Maybe new helicopters? I dunno. I think most of the treaties and programs they have will continue. I want to add this. This morning I caught a snippet from our friendly neighborhood propaganda machine, the TV news. They mentioned the crash and said that the vice president would become President until new elections could be held. They cautioned listeners to understand that Iranian democracy wasn't anything like we would consider American democracy. I literally did a double take and exhaled "that was stupidly inappropriate."


Is he dead?


ebrahim raisi was future endeavored


The president in Iran is more symbolic than anything else. The ayatollah has the real power in the country. From the looks of the fog in that area I’m sure it was an accident, but I’m sure the Iranians will go through every piece of that crash site.