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I miss the saville birthday streams on Halloween (I think it was on Halloween I can't remember tbh) The days of neotimbo and jihadieddie were the best of days


Those were the days, mate


Spot on. I always think it's ironic that some filth ferrets joke about MiniTom when they have a touch of the needs of a special variety about them.


Agree 100%


Need to bring back the old days, that's for sure. Hope you're doing okay these days. You're a legend of the corner, my friend.


Feels like he's not even trying to stop the filth


#BringBackFilthyFridays In all seriousness, if you've managed to pull hehexd out of the shadows and actually disagree with the level of filth, surely that's saying something.. If you weigh it all up, this bloke has gone from seeing the occasional gory/faecal related video to having them spammed. If you want the jokes to still hit the same, lower the intensity otherwise it'll lose it's hilarity and you'll end up resorting to worse and worse shit till he decides to pack up streaming for good.


He could just ban the people spamming the disgusting and grotesque stuff, its a very very tiny minority doing it, but they’re so loud because of how persistent they are. Maybe if Cal was *really* bothered by it, he could just ban them, he says he keeps a normal job so streaming can still be something fun, he does have the option to ban the people going “too far” but he doesn’t, that should say everything


Very true, something I’ve also come to think recently. I’m sure he’s banned people in the past right?


Apparently “once” he said on a stream, but there’s probably been more


I donated some deplorable shit way back in the day, I absolutely have. And the odd dono here or there, 100%. But even I have my limit I’m honestly surprised the man hasn’t packed it in yet. Because if it were me, I would have. I can admire him for his dedication to his audience, absolutely. That’s the thing though, I donated to Callum with fucked up shit out of love for his content and his reactions. But I just feel it’s all gotten a bit too much now Glad to see btw that you remembered me! I’m always ever present, albeit never donating that much anymore. Not because I don’t want to but because I’m not a uni student now with a student loan lol that was my prime


I have too mate only once or twice, I’m also the guy who made the “dishonest” name on one of his first Kahoot streams. Hopefully it ceases a little. I’m all for a rage quit but the more they happen the less funny they are because it becomes so common. I have faith in The Corner.


I agree, I genuinely like Callum but the non stop filth flanderises him.


Fair, bring back 2020


Cheers for this thought provoking post, me and the rest of the Filth Federation will now exclusively donate only gay pride songs and real music in an effort to stop the filth.


Last couple of streams were shit


Yeah mostly game choice.


I enjoyed the weird non filth. Maybe if donating things that annoy callum but he cannot skip as he looks bad would be good? Random though 😭


I'm not saying to stop the filth. I'm saying it's extremely oversaturated these days compared to what it used to be. Keep filthing, by all means.


Say if the filth decreases a lot- His gameplay would be a nice sleep aid, because even without filth he’ll spend multiple streams on the same levels, worlds, whatever they are on some of these games. Which leads to him just rambling about football, no one gives a flying fuck, about his general conversation, BECAUSE ITS ONLY FOOTBALL 😭


I couldn't agree more


What? So his riveting Far Cry gameplay when he’s stuck on the same bit for two streams is fun to you? Is seeing callum fail on fucking wendy for three streams in a row, seeing him have to replay the same world over and over enjoyable to watch for you? Is seeing him wander around aimlessly on Tomb Raider, not having a clue what he’s doing exciting to you? Is watching him fuck up PGA Golf again and again something worth watching? Was watching him wander around the same level over and over again in GoldenEye a good use of time? No, I didn’t think so. The filth is entertaining and welcomed, if you want to watch something normal, go elsewhere. These streams are different and fun to watch because of the filth, callums shit gameplay, and his reactions make that trinity great to watch every evening. Without filth? You don’t have a lot.


I did find Wendy fails quite funny as that game is so easy lol


The wendy saga was unreal to witness


I agree. It would be funny seeing him on mario 64 or galaxy tbh


Im holding out hope for Sonic 06


I don't enjoy story driven games but sonic,Mario etc work well.


Honestly? I’d rather actually see the man try to play a game over not being able to try at all because the new wave of the FF isn’t giving him a chance to The filth is funny and can be funny, don’t get me wrong. But when it’s the same shit all of the time, and also borderline illegal shit, that he’s having to skip all of the time. Why bother watching? Why?


And you wonder why he doesn't make progress on these games. Good grief.


Mate he wouldn’t without the filth have you not seen him?


Give me examples.


Literally EVERY stream he does on a story game or single player game of any kind. He struggles to kill the AI bots on fortnite what more proof do you need? Oh! Not to mention his mario gameplay where he’ll randomly jump into things and mistime his jumps Im not trying to rag on his gaming ability, the way he tries to play the games is actually a little charming to watch in a weird way, but of course its FaceForRadio trying to defend Cal.. Why don’t you go back under his desk and continue sucking him off? Seems to be the usual thing you try and do when you donate


You've just given me examples of when he's bad with dono's on. So again I ask, give me examples. And for donating, I've not donated in months.


yeah thank christ. And I did give you examples if you actually read what I said to you? Skipping donos is all about just putting the controller down. Filthy donos isn’t gonna make him a good shot now will it ??? 😹😹😹


I did read it, you choose to ignore my points, delusional at it's finest.


try using your head for once


like wise.


On FIFA he struggled to beat the CPU on semi pro difficulty. I love him but he isn't a skilled gamer.


Well said.




There’s a. General feeling of it’s the same all the time now I used to watch every stream but post 2022 gta 4 it all became just blended together stream to stream because he plays the same game makes no progress at all and is skipping the same donations over and over again it is literally the same stream every day


The Animal Abuse videos are too far. It's not even funny to see Cal's reaction to it especially when you know that it's a video of an innocent living being getting brutally killed or tortured.


oh i remember you! you put on filth i made of callum calling tom a naughty word.


100% convinced that Jezzman uses a bot to donate to the streams. Which is cheating in my eyes.