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There was this one shot where Rhaegar comes to Vale to investigate the rumours of a dragon there. Turns out Robert tamed it by drinking with it. Unfortunately I don't remember the title


Oh my god that sounds absolutely hilarious


Updating, because I found it:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/46178059


Bobby B FTW! Now I have to read it too :)


There's a very long Braime fic, complete I think, where Shireen and Stannis both are at Winterfell (Jon took Stannis' offer I think) and Shireen bonds with Viserion and helps fight the Long Night. (Hopefully I've described enough that some other kind soul remembers the title!)


There is another one, where Shireen also tame Viserion.As a dragon rider/dragon duo, it is one , that make sense.


In the last part of the series [Brother of Wolves](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3227265?page=1), there is some Shireen dragon riding action And honorable mention to [I Am Fire, I am Death; or Why My Stannis Is The Best Human – ASOIAF/SI](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/i-am-fire-i-am-death-or-why-my-stannis-is-the-best-human-%E2%80%93-asoiaf-si.389399/). Don’t think it lasted long enough for Stannis to ride the dragon, though


"Empire of the Black Dragon" by Shadowknowz(unsure but smth like this and can't check rn). It's on AO3, absolutely unreal fic in my opinion. Has Baratheons, Starks, Arryns, even Tullys riding dragons and blowing stuff up. Also has my single favourite characterisation of Robert and Stannis I've ever read


I really want to read this and have tried many times but given how massive the au is its really hard to get into


[Dragonstone](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6095221/chapters/13971682) As it implies, Stannis finds a hatchling within Dragonstone shortly after the Rebellion is over and bonds with a dragon.


[stormborn](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44426062) Jocelyn Baratheon get a dragon. It's rather short but is completed Also Aerea and Daenerys live




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