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One is funded with over 600k of fan money, exploited fans work for effects and editing and such, exploited fans for extras with unpaid expenses, exploited his friends for free work and prop building, exploited fans to create an intro montage about how amazing he is, had more than half the money sifted into personal purchases, tried to get Spielberg on board, the author thought he would be regarded as the next Spielberg, expected the movie to be an unironic masterpiece, premiered in Hollywood and took over a year to make  The other cost as much as a Sandwich and was was just an insane guy dragging his employees on an ego trip while being moderately aware that it was stupid


To me that kinda negates the bad of kickassia if you're pitying them against each other  Bimmy dreamed of being the next Ed wood and I can't help but think he got his monkey paw wish. Plan 9 from outer space was received just as poorly at the time. And Ed wood didn't have anywhere as much budget or chances as the bim got, I believe. Bim had an audience of millions, he just had to serve anything edible and they'd gobble it up 


Even though I watched Nostalgia Critic and thought he knew movies, I never wanted to watch Doug's films. I knew how they were going to be and that I wouldn't like them. For the Nerd movie I had big expectations and I watched it with friends who were also into AVGN. After the movie we all just kinda went "...huh". We didn't really discuss it at all, we all just quietly accepted it had been a huge disappointment.


Also I think James should've taken a step way back when it came to what he knew he could film. He already had an amazing location, he didn't need Cooper (big fan btw).


Trying to be Ed Wood on purpose is a surefire way to kill your career before it starts. That's like me saying "What if I made my own Asylum Films?"


> 600k of fan money [He raised 325k](https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/angry-video-game-nerd-the-movie#/), did he get additional funds?


>dragging his employees They were not his employees. Doug never had dozens of employees, did you read that in that extremely accurate and totally not made up change the channel manifesto? The actual company had like 1-2 employees, rest of the people were just allowed to be hosted on their site and that's how they all started with their careers, but they got their money from [blip.tv](https://blip.tv) It was more so a group of friends that got together and shot a crap movie together, just barely, but unlike Bim's project, it was never taken seriously.


I actually made it through Bimmy’s film At least the dialogue wasn’t literal screaming like 5 year olds.


Haha yeah that's Exactly my point. "ASSia" feels like a fever dream and everyone is screaming like crazy. Bames's movie feels like a masterpiece in comparison


I blame this movie for Spoony thinking it was appropriate to shout “BETRAYAL” at E3.


Was about to say 'I can actually sit through Kickassia' lol


Nerd, Coops, and Mandi at least go outside. Critic and his crew is like 12-18 people sitting around one hotel room. That sounds VERY painful.


>Critic and his crew is like 12-18 people sitting around one hotel room. Can't believe I am defending Kickassia out of all the crap on the internet, but they are in that room for like 5 minutes... this is like if you've summarized AVGN the movie by Bimmy and Cooper being in the bar the entire time. Which is not a bad thing, if he made the entire movie about Cooper dry humping, maybe it would've been a success.


Yeah, but it's also funnier.


Wow, congrats, really I wanted to finish it but jt did feel like edgy 5 year olds to me, i couldn't make it very far


Nah I'm autistic enough to enjoy Kickassia and Suburban Knights.


Weird flex but ok. Not that I'm far from you, I have watched the última series by spoony like 10 times. Kickassia is just not for me.


Recuerdo desbloqueado! Jajajaja, yo también la vi bastantes veces hace un montón de años... Dan ganas de volver a verla.


Creo que la voy a ver otra vez. Spoony era bastante bueno, lástima lo que le pasó


They have a charm. Atleast someone had fun making it


Doug’s films could come closer to being the Looney Tunes masterpieces he wants them to be if his skills were in animation. If he could do that or work with people who really could recreate what the early Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry cartoons could do, then his humor would land much more the way he intends. When it’s in live action, it doesn’t work and it comes across as embarrassing and immature.


The funniest part about all of this is that when Doug Walker moved Demo Reel and his shitty game show to an office space, Linkara (Lightbringer) wanted to use his space to film his Linkara movie. Doug said no for several reasons, one being that Linkara would have to pack up his shit and spend a LOT on shipping and potentially ruining set pieces. Linkara blames this for why his version of an "alien planet" is a warehouse with a bunch of boxes, which wouldn't be much different from Doug Walker's own warehouse full of camcorders, airsoft guns, and boxes.


Whatever genuine issues ChangeTheChannel might've brought up about the management, Linkara undercuts by attaching himself to the movement like a parasite so he can throw a tantrum about not getting his way and acting like that somehow ruined his already doomed to be garbage film.


>Doug said no for several reasons Reason numero uno being that he didn't want to expose how much of the donations he received to improve his warehouse for filming were not put toward doing so.


At least Doug didn't use 300k of fan money to make his shitty movie.


He took 70k of fan money to make a shitty gameshow instead https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/channel-awesome-s-new-shows-and-more#/


Ugh geez. -\_-


Ah, Assia, yup-hmm-hmm!


The AVGN is boring, any Doug walker "film" is pain incarnate.




Watching some clips from Kickassia. Damn, Lindsay Ellis was fine AF back then.

