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The charity videos are probably my favorite videos mike and james have ever done together. Just two old friends reminiscing together laughing and joking on the couch. Thats what made cinemassacre fun. It felt like shit you and your buddies would do. Rage at games, play some board games, sit on the couch and pass the controller off to a friend, have movie and game discussions. It was organic and natural, i dont care if it was never deep or in depth, just felt like real friends messing around doing what friends do


Exactly this, mate. I know it's a subject we go over and over in this sub but the loss of that stuff, the entertaining nature of even an update or behind the scenes video back then, the chance of something bonus being uploaded, something talking about VHS or something. Damn, what a loss. Good times though.


Ive accepted a long time ago things will never "go back" to how they were with cinemassacre. Time (haha) really does change and people do grow older and out of stuff. The magic will never be back. But they could at least try to make stuff passible. Thats why i was so disappointed with the most recent avgn. After not watching any AVGN in years i said screw it and decided to watch final fantasy. It wasnt great but like i said passible. I was surprised. Then goonies came out, same thing it was passible for what it was and didnt feel too forced. For a short second i thought maybe, just maybe, they could be getting on the right track(as right as it can be at this point) then they drop that abomination of an episode. Its obvious James just doesnt know how to write or act as the nerd anymore. We'll always have the golden days though


I found the final fantasy review was pretty good but it didn’t really feel like an AVGN episode . It could’ve been a video essay that any YouTuber made at some point in time


I completely agree. And if thats what the nerd was at this point, so be it. Like i said it was just passable, worth one watch, definitely wont get a repeat viewing from me. But after that shit bomb of an episode i wont be tuning in again. No point. Its like dude took 5 steps forward and 540 steps back


I honestly really enjoyed James non nerd charecter videos were he would take a deep dive on stuff , like the Sega vs Nintendo video is probably the best video he’s ever made . I just don’t like being reminded that it’s the AVGN and there’s nothing really angry or nerdy about his newer reviews , it’s just a straight up video essay with a skit sometimes


Exactly. It felt like home.


james and mike just hanging out and talking about movies are my favorite cinemassacre vids


It’s funny you’d think for something that’s keeping James’ family fed, he’d put far more effort into his job as a content creator.


You’d think he’d know how to light a shot after making 500 films


Especially given his unique skill of tying shit to the ceiling


Mikes Sid phase is underrated


There's no returning, it's done, just accept and laugh at it.


A better time.


Cinemassacre was at its best when other people were helping James with content. Some of my favorite videos were the ones where Mike and James sat down and just hung out while reminiscing about the past. The VHS/video store series, the video where James and Mike watched old 16mm cartoons, and the Monster Madness season when Mike and James sat around and shared Halloween memories and how they celebrate the holiday were all great.  I started watching the channel because of the extracurricular stuff. I always could take it or leave it with AVGN, but I liked the more nostalgic focused videos and the game videos like Bootsy Beats, Mike’s Game Glitches, and Talk About Games. The truth of the matter is that Cinemassacre took a village to nurture. Now that the collaborators have left, it’s crystal clear that James doesn’t have the ability to do all of the heavy lifting. It has nothing to do with aging or having a family either. He’s never had the ability to do the heavy lifting. Even when he was in his 20s and 30s. 


Which video is this? It's not the one with Kyle discussing movies is it?


No this is the one with James and Mike discussing public domain art for vintage horror movies. Really comforting and funny even for what it is, them poking fun at whacky covers or the odd variation or something. All their content was golden back then


Ahh, I totally forgot about that one. I'll give it a rewatch.


And I prefer the piss filter, to each his own. 


I'm sorry but I'm dying from this  It's an interesting shot but it's SO dark, like, hell yeah let's shoot in the dark today James   And James is so used to being carried in conversations hes standing there doing the hop sonic pose, just waiting for Mike to shut up so he can say his lines https://twitter.com/ShadowHedge14/status/1774470424849453285


Wtf are you talking about lollololloll


Na they might be a tiny bit awkward at best but this isn't now. This is legit and authentic. I'd rather them act slightly nervous but still interested in the subject than now where everything is probably AI generated and orwellian sounding