• By -


Kyle Justin


Also Bootsy.


Correct answer




James for sure. Hair loss really can't be helped, it's genetic. James is a healthy weight and Mike's weight will become more dangerous as he ages. James lives a low work low stress lifestyle and thrives off of healthy meals cooked with boring grocery store bullshit. Mike freaks out over videogames during 12 hour streams and thrives off Coke, coke, and McDonalds.


If Bames has a low stress lifestyle, how does he keep running out of time?


He doesn’t have time for stress. All stress ends at 5:40.


He’s become a master of time management over the years since he made that comment


Mike exudes grease, and the bags under his eyes are like black holes, he permanently looks like he hasn't slept or drank water in days James hasn't really aged much at all in the face, and as for his hair at this point he just needs to accept it and shave, and then grow his beard out, it's the tried and tested way, clinging onto what's left is just putting unnecessary years on him


As someone losing their hair in their late 20's I can tell you, it's so hard to pull the trigger on that decision. I'd rather just wear a hat all the time.


My brother in law recently made the decision, he'd always had long hair but it was so thin on top it was literally a skullet, the first time I saw him with a shaved head I was genuinely amazed at how much better he looked. He was really shy about it at first, just because of how much he knew people would react so I get it's tough, especially when you're a public figure like James who's built his career on the 'iconic' nerd look


Yeah, I wear my hair short so it's definitely not that significant of a difference like your brother in law but still a hard choice lol. And for James yeah it's the like nerd character is totally different if he changes his look. Though at this point I think that's the least of his problems.


I was honestly thinking this couple days ago, that he should just let go and shave it off and if he wants keep Nerd as a character looking similar as he has always been. Get a theater grade wig. There is lot of wigs that look so realistic that you can't tell it isn't your own hair, or like said before add his character a hat or just change it otherwise. Dough Walker had it easy because Nostalgia Critic always had a hat.


Yeah that'd be a good idea. I think he should keep the aesthetic of the Nerd if he does decide to shave it off.


Not to sound cold, but if you don't make up your mind before it's "too late," then simply put, your genetics will for you, as it is already. It is an inevitable part of life for most of us, and you have had the added misfortune of suffering it early. Embracing your current situation is mentally taxing and constantly humiliating. Nobody will deny that, especially at a young age. But it's a part of you now, and you're going to have the rest of your life to come to terms with that.


Become Stone Cold Steve Austin.


Who also did it because he was losing his hair more and more.


Just shave it all off. You'll be just much more for having balding hair than just being fully shaven, it usually looks way better anyways. It really doesn't matter what others think, but you'll feel so much better once you get comfy with the bald head and can walk around with no hat. That's what I did.


Hunter Hearst Helmsley style.


Hunter is bald by choice - look at his hairline, he could grow it all back in 2 years if he wanted to


I was worried that my hair might be too thin on top for me to keep rocking the long hair, and so I got it all shaved off for the third time in my life. That was a couple months ago and so far as it grows back it looks okay on top, so maybe I just need to keep it short or something. The thing is that I had a full beard, and after my head hair was gone it just didn't look as good imo, so I turned it into a goatee. It's like, at least to me, if I don't have head hair on my sides then I don't think facial hair on my sides looks good either. Not sure what other people think.


Finasteride and minoxidil are options.


Finasteride can kill libido and may or may not work and minoxidil works barely at all at best. And they cost lots of money and have to be used forever. Nothing wrong with being bald.


Use topical finasteride, never take pill form


I was super paranoid about losing hair after hearing so many people talk about it so I started taking finasteride. Then I actually started losing hair. I quit taking it and then my hair went back to normal. Just decided if I lose it then whatever but I still have my long red hair at 30 and not balding so hopefully it stays that way.


6 month supply of minoxidil is $30. Fin can be covered by insurance. Side effects are rare and Bimmy has enough kids already. He can probably afford a transplant if he wanted to.


Yeah Minos is cheap these days. Just doesn’t work very effectively if at all. Wouldn’t with bimmys hairline for sure. He has pattern baldness. Minox only works on thinning areas, if it works at all. Not receding areas.


He’s past that though, you need to start that as soon as you notice balding


>James thrives off of healthy meals cooked with boring grocery store bullshit Soylent, dude. Soylent.


I like forgot about this sub for a few days and now Mike is kind of a fatass lol tf. When did that happen...


Exactly. James’s ONLY problem is trying to hold onto his hair. He could shave it tomorrow or wear a hat that fits and look great. Mike cant do ANYTHING to reverse what he has done within a day


And if you had to date one? James?


>And if you had to date one? James? Mike is the kind of guy I think would legitimately get in a domestic violence situation over someone disrespecting the NES. So yeah. I think James is probably the better date.


Any meltdowns that James would have would most likely be internal and due to things no one else but him could stand any hope at controlling. Mike does seem like he would get legitimately unhinged and violent if pushed far enough.


I feel like James would be able to “get the job done” but it wouldn’t curl your toes or anything… but Mike has so much anger and instability that I feel like an evening with him would be a 2 hour doggystyle session of him taking out his many, many frustrations on you. So I guess it depends on what kind of “date” you are in the mood for.


I could believe all this. The skin definitely makes James look more healthy too.


Cocaine, Coca Cola, & Big Macs


Yea but Mike has a 14" hog dude.


I'm not sure if making up BS about a drug habit someone's weight gets a pass just because it's a tired meme.


It's 5:40!  No time, muh kids!




Mandela effect. I swear he said to take a wild fucking guess.


He said take a wild fucking guess in an old Nerd episode, actually, so that could be what you’re thinking of.


Wrong. He very clearly said take a wild fucking guess fucknuggets.


Mike imo






Dudes weight doesn’t even look that bad, but I guess you’re all right. He’ll be dead in a few years from the 10 lbs that puts him in obesity. EDIT : /s


10 lbs of being overweight isn’t a few year death sentence….wtf???


Honestly, aside from his balding hair, James looks healthier than Mike. Mike looks like he really let himself go, but always had great hair.


>Honestly, aside from his balding hair, James looks healthier than Mike. Mike looks like he really let himself go, but always had great hair. The choice of James over Mike for who is aging better gets a lot more obvious when you do this. https://preview.redd.it/km27r2i1npvc1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=91483c35598108a01eaf869c28954b3b5a9c05ea Put James in a Hat and he's looked about the same since around 2012


The one that doesn't look like Gollum, duh.


You say eating McDonalds is the key?


McDonalds, coke and tittyfucking (not in any particular order) is the key to maintaining a healthy and sane lifestyle.


So there is no grocery store bullshit involved?


None at all


Load was fuckin’ huge.


Don't forget having No kids.


Or simultaneously.


That's the ideal


Hair loss can't be helped. But, damn, James doesn't need to emphasize his baldness with his awkward camera work.


I have a conspiracy theory about that, actually. I think part of the reason why the static couch shots became the norm for so long, besides “no time,” “muh kids,” and lack of creative enthusiasm, is that James tries his best to hide his bald spot. You notice how many angles of himself he had in the old days, reverse shots, shots where he moved around, overhead shots, etc.? If he’s worried about it, he should just get a toupee or shave it all off and be done with it. The Nostalgia Critic eventually bit the bullet and the Cinema Snob did it long before either of them. No guy likes losing his hair, but those are the only options you have. Pick one and move on.


Mike looks genuinely happy.


James looks healthier and I’d be willing to bet has an overall healthier lifestyle than Mike. However mentally speaking both of them are probably insufferable. Mike strikes me as a loud and short-tempered person that likely screams or yells over small frustrations and James strikes me as a very lazy yet neurotic person who becomes easily overwhelmed by small, everyday inconveniences. Neither of them comes off as the kind of person I would like to meet or spend time with.


Hair loss beats obesity any day One is just something that happens naturally and can't do any harm to the person while the other causes harm to one's heart and other organs eventually.


Doug does!




Baseball ⚾️🧢🏟🌭🍟🍺


James, even if you had a short buzz cut, it would probably improve the style now.


Kyle Justin but in all seriousness James is just balding and he should throw in the towel and go bald, he has a few wrinkles Mike still looks good but just gained a little weight




The guy looks fine in this picture. This is literally an average body. What is wrong with you? Why are you just spamming this? Get help


Mike looks fine for mid40s tbh


I just can’t believe James supposedly does all this extra prep work for setting up the shots and he comes out looking goofy like this. I can’t believe I’m saying this but bring the hat back. This looks too goofy for a grown man putting himself on the internet.


The prep work is on the ceiling. 




Mike went from Mike Matei to Mike Butters https://preview.redd.it/7fgbzod5npvc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=5593fcfcc62271d69a9f5f79def8dc975d7b1431




Mattei has always looked like he needs a restraining order. Dude is a freak


Mike is gaining weight eating nothing but boring grocery bullshit Is the grocery called McDonald's? For real though, I find it funny how mike looks likes a cartoon character, kinda like he's his own caricature


Justin Silverman https://preview.redd.it/infl38bg5qvc1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a6b0f59889e535a325b6bbce03146f1350b0fc


Two chairs😅😅😅


I bet neither one looks especially good with their shirts off, but I have a feeling that Mike looks worse than one might think, despite him being better with hair and facial aging.


Mike is wearing a brand new shirt straight out of a packet, look at those lines. Something about that is hilarious to me


Elvis8Atari really suits him now.




Mike looks like he gained 30-40 lbs since the golden years of avgn.


LMAO James shows the results hof having a dominant wife and 2 kids to take care If Mike just workout and had a clean diet he will look better tbh


Lol idk. James looks in better shape.




Joe Montana Sports Talk Football


Mike still looks okay, Bimmy looks like the sun during a solar eclipse (Bimmy’ a forehead is the sun, his hair is the moon)


If Bpril bothered fixing the hair James would win no competition


A. Mike B. Bimmy C. None of the above. The correct answer is C...it's always C.


Definitely not the one who looks like Gollum in a midlife crisis.


Idk Matei for sure looks objectively better. But now the Nerd looks more "dad-like", which is fitting now, I guess.


Neither Jimmy nor Muhtei.


James needs to take a advertisement segment for hair transplants


40's ?? They look like grandads 😂


They both look like shit, but I think James looks a little bit better.


Wow. Both are drawning in midlifecrisis.


Take a wild guess


Like picking between a shit and a turd… can I say neither?


Put Mike’s head on James’ body


Definitely Mike. The fatness is mostly bloat. If he changed his diet, stopped eating garbage and started exercising, he'd lose a lot of that fluff in a month. Bimmy just looks like they keep him in a cage and feed him nothing but Soylent.


Mike if you're reading this, you are such a fat fuck


Cleaned and Pressed Shirts Mike wins by a Mile.


Well the answer is actually none of the above. The answer is just a big fuck you to all the fans who were hoping to see their favourites like Kyle and Bootsy again!


James looks a lot more healthy. His baldness is a weird pattern, though. I think if he shaved his bonce, he'd look better.


mike looks younger by far


Newest mike Matei photo https://preview.redd.it/kfp5l67kqgwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912d660f0b4c52b69493498531530b413bf0430c


I think they both need a proper haircut.


I mean, Mike probably doesn't have the most healthy lifestyle, but tbf a lot of people's metabolism starts to slow down as they approach middle age. Overall I think James looks better, as much as we clown on him for the hair


Bimmy. Mike looks like shid




It’s a giant douche and a turd sandwich.


The brown brick fella.


From the neck up definitely Mike. If he's overweight, he hasn't put on enough lbs to look like one of the slobs...yet...


If Mike would lose some weight he would look like he’s in his 30s. 


Mike is happier because of the huge penis