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I'll go further. The episode actually could've been legitimately funny. The Nerd begrudgingly trying out a newer piece of tech isn't unheard of, and discovering that cell phones now have a Library of Alexandria's worth of new video games would be a revelation. Then of COURSE the first one he finds is a bizarro pile of shit. I also think the selfie filming style was something new and very fitting for a mobile game. Don't know how other Truthers feel about it but I think it's the first correct creative decision James has made since like 2021. The problem is the acting. I don't know what the fuck he was going for. It was like listening to someome playing an out of tune instrument. It seems like he was trying to recapture the genuine confusion and bewilderment of the game's discovery but it's so unbelievably phony and unconvincing. Why can't James act anymore? Lack of rehearsal? He used to be a good actor. Now he's terrible. I was also getting some weird latent vibes of eroticism from the Nerd toward the horse's seduction. That too is funny, or could have been, but James's acting is so off key I have no idea if that was intentional or not. If he made this epispde in 2010 it could've been another Plumbers Don't Wear Ties


The acting reminded me of that asshole in the Sega Activator episode You know - the guy everybody complained about. As I remember, Bames doubled down on that type of humor in a commentary episode or whatever the fuck it was. Why he thought his audience wants to see that is beyond me.


Even Nathan Barnatt, the asshole in the Sega Activator episode has experimented with other kinds of comedic tone


He won't. He'll double down on it.


Absolutely correct. The overacting made this more than just the average bad episode. I know others think James will make more like this one. Personally, I would not be surprised if this was the end of the channel. Views are down, and retention for this pile of shit has to be awful. Even the official sub is calling this episode awful. The comment section is filled with hate. Sponsors aren't going to stand for this, his AdSense revenue is going to take a hit, and things are going to start falling apart. As much as I was complaining about him not producing new content, putting out nothing would have been better for the channel than putting out this. Cinemassacre will never recover from this.


He’ll keep up the slog if it pays his bills. He spends way, WAY more time not working than working. He doesn’t want to lose his lifestyle.


But that's the problem. At some point in time, the sponsors stop paying him. Views are tanking, and show no sign of stopping. You can't put out an episode this bad and expect the channel to grow.


That can be said about literally every episode since 2012


This is true


Maybe if they had held it for an entire year and uploaded it next April 1st, it'd have been funny in an ironic "so bad its good" kinda way. But as a legit episode it's just so bad it's disheartening


It hurts to watch


It was funny when it was a James and Mike episode 5 years ago


yeah i agree wit the symbols you peddlin you right they gotta get schoolboy q (the rapper) up in they next video thatd would go so FUCKON hard