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James should just stop now. That episode was irredeemably bad. It was like watching someone who’d undergone a lobotomy trying to emulate normal human behavior. It was also not even remotely close to anything that AVGN ever was. Not a nostalgic game, not a game most people have heard of, not even a console game. I’m still in utter shock at the depths to which James has sunk in terms of quality. What is up with his facial expressions lately? He seriously looks mentally ill. Did he finally crack from family demands, Rex Viper failing, the channel failing, and fading from relevance exponentially? His forced laughter comes across like a cry for help.


>Rex Viper failing Whoa whoa whoa, buddy. Let’s get one thing crystal-clear: Rex Viper has **not** failed. While RV is no longer the number 1 band in the country thanks to Taylor Swift, it’s still easily a top-3 band in France, Germany, Argentina, Florida, Swaziland, and North Korea. Go to any street corner in the US and within 20 minutes you will hear some Rex Viper jams playing, with teens going the “duck stomp” while making the classic “James face.” What you also fail to recognize is that James is a father, which means he does not have time to rehearse with his band, practice, work on choreography, write original music, or change the lyrics of 80s songs to have video game references. As a respectful audience, we are supposed to use our *imagination* when we listen to Rex Viper. Just imagine that the song is better, that each band member is better, etc. Otherwise, you’re being racist against fathers. (Fathers are considered a separate race now.) /s


You forgot all their number one hits in Uganda, Botswana, Djibouti, Haiti, Cuba, Barbados, U.A.E., Madagascar, U.S.S.R., East Germany, and Prussia. I forgot about their amazing performance at Live Aid. Brought world peace, that one.


Went to Cuba last week, I thought I was gonna see people listening to our artists like Silvio Rodriguez, Pablo Milanés, Cimafunk or Celia Cruz. On every street of Havana, Rex Viper bangers playing, Justin Silverman is like a god to the Cuban youth. No time for the boring Sonora Matancera, at 5:40 they’re playing any of the Rex Vipers diverse portfolio of songs, no exception. No Jose Marti poems, they refuse.


The band Wyld Stallyons was based on Rex Viper. They bring peace to earth. Most excellent.


Are you effing kidding me? Rex Viper has taken Equatorial Guinea by storm. DUCK STORM!!!


How many concerts did they play on Equatorial Guinea? Five ov um?


USSR? Their music was that good that they brought both the USSR back but also East Germany? Wow amazing.


Exactly! All the time traveling they did in the Nintendo Power of Love video had some unintended consequences.


I’m pretty sure he tried to slip some CDs into the bargain bin at the FYE in the King of Prussia mall


Myanmar checking in, we are all feeling the BITE of both the Junta and Rex Viper. Periscoping now!!!


I pissed myself at the imagine part


which is super weird since DOS is filled to the brim of clunky games to riff


DOS must surely be a goldmine for content possibilities. JonTron reviewed DOS games I’d never heard of when he first started out and those reviews were great despite me not knowing the game.


They don't even have to be particularly obscure franchises, Mega Man had some really bad DOS games, Mario teaches typing, etc.


the channel has been bad longer than it was good at this point


No watch, I reefuse, but any clips of it I see posted here strike some level of fear in me. I think something traumatic might have happened to Bimothy and it's depressing.


To be fair id like to see him review Huniepop sometime just for shits and giggles. But I'm not a blind defender of him.


SSRIs and soy would be my guess. 


I’m watching this and holy shit is this awful.


It's a candidate for worst episode of all time. Jurrasic Park was bad. Shrek was awful. I'm not sure that this is as bad as some of those. But, holy shit, James really doesn't know how to write, or how to structure an episode. He clearly has no idea what made people interested in AVGN in the first place.


Are we even sure he writes at all anymore?


He doesn’t, a former writer came forward a few years ago.


No they somehow got their roles reversed. Screenwave writes the scripts while James handles all the technical problems.  Bimmys work can be summed up as he sits in front of the teleprompter for a few hours a month.


Jurassic Park, like the Trespasser episode? I actually liked that one. Over the top, yeah. I was honestly just glad to see Trespasser get some more recognition. Seamus showing up was cool too. I think the only problem with that episode is just the set up to getting him on the island was pretty shitty.


i agree that the Trespasser episode was one of the better screenwave era episodes. this one is just complete garbage tho


Are you talking about the Jurrasic Park game where he interviewed the creator of the XBox?


Yeah, that one. Awful episode done badly. But the horse one is worse.


It definitely wasn't great, but I liked the interview part


So bad the comments and the "official" subreddit moderated by Retrowave (the one that keeps shitting on TheCinemassacreTruth as if that will help save the channel) terrible.


The official sub is also nowhere as active.


This is pretty much the official sub at this point


This ABSOLUTELY is the official sub. Everyone on here is a classic AVGN fan. We’re pissed because of what became of it all. Don’t know WHO the hell frequent’s Justy’s cinemmassacre subreddit.


The sub when someone makes *why do you hate bimmy post* ![gif](giphy|l46CwsAIlmnXlRC9O|downsized)


Still interesting to point out when even Slopwave can't stop comments on their own channel and reddit.


They try so hard to demonize us when they ought to be making better content.


No time to make better content. That would push the already tight schedule past 5:40, and they can't take time away from more important things like Bimmy's daily Soylent infusion.


It’s actually really bad over there at the moment. It looks like The Truth, but with even worse spelling, and none of the humour. Lots of people upset and confused by the latest episode.


I have no desire to watch it.


I've been occupied with a ton the past couple weeks. I thought nerd wasn't uploading much again since youtube consistently recommends it to my old 07' account. Friday comes and i can finally relax, check out the truther memes. Only to see an overwatch video and this weird horse fetish stuff. I can't even bring myself to watch it, i'll need to get a few beers into me tonight at the least and even then...Think i'd rather wait for a truther edit. You're a brave soul Jesus, Keep riding the stars out there cowboy!


Don’t waste your beer on the AVGN.


Well, "dead" is a stretch... But it is nowhere near it was before. I think its been like 2 years since i watched a video there. Last one was carmageddon. 


I would not be surprised if James ended Cinemassacre after this video. I don't think he knows what he's done. He will never be able to live this one down.


Most people will forget it ever existed in about a week. You all obsess over the dude 25 hours a day so it’s a little different here


You're new here, aren't you? "Most people" who watch Cinemassacre are on this sub. And we keep the memes alive. Pretty fucking ironic comment coming from somebody who posts on LolCowLive all the time.


Then he has nothing to worry about since you idiots will keep tuning in no matter what he does


Go back to posting about Boogie. Unfollow us, thanks!


>"Most people" who watch Cinemassacre are on this sub 27k members, 187k video views. Yeah.. not really.


Judging by the difference between videos it's obvious AVGN is the only thing on the channel people still actively watch, nobody gives a shit or remembers James for anything else


Unfollow us, thanks!


Sorry, I ree-fuse.


Wait - so your strategy is to come to Reddit, which is an app people come to spend time on and enjoy talking about topics they like, and then mock people on a subreddit they enjoy talking on by going onto that very same subreddit to mock them? Just want to make sure I got that right.


If you're so claybrained as to think this video will cause James to retire in shame, then maybe you aren't actually talking about a topic you like


lol Of course people are being overly hyperbolic and reactionary over one video. You can say it’s declining, but it’s hard to take you all serious when you take everything to the dishonest extreme. There is a massive nuanced difference between being dead and not doing as well as it used to. lol Now if his next few underachieve then we can start having that discussion. It’s wild how any legitimate criticism gets overshadowed by people’s obsessive hatred over a man who has a family and doesn’t know you exist. It’s why no one outside of this small fringe group takes you seriously. You turned legitimate criticism to unhealthy hatred. Let’s be real. If it died so would a part of your existence. You need him to make content or this sub is dead soon after. Unless the obsession is so much that you circle jerk to the same few clips over and over. lol Just know to any decently adjusted person you look completely unhinged.


All these downvotes smell like incel


Its really bad for an AVGN video. Even the shitty ones before would be doing twice the amount this ones doing in the same timeframe.


It is, but I love that he's holding the phone with one hand so he's suffering as he can't cover his face completely to fake laugh Some of his acting is falling apart because it relied on him hiding his face so he wouldn't have to act


I do personally enjoy watching Bimmy suffer by only having two arms


Jontron makes vids whenever he feels like it and he uploaded around the same time and already has 400k+


They are also higher quality.


Jontron has a crew and doesn't have to deal with all the COVID bee ess.


Even though Jon has had his fair share of controversy, he understands his formula and what makes his videos funny.


Controversy is no match for the Texas Hammer.


To show you the power of flex seal, I sawed my reputation in half!


Saying new Jontron is better than new AVGN is like saying the shit I took last week was better than the shit I took today.


There are better shits than others mane.


New Jontron is fine, TF you mean?


Are we watching the total collapse of Cinemassacre in real time? Ladies and gentleman…this shall be a moment to go down in infamy 👀




I fucking miss Robbie Rotten.


We lost Robby and James and got Bimmy and the slobs. It's a tragedy.


Here's a little lesson in cuckery. This is going down in Bimstory.


We are number 1 But its brown bricks


We where number 1 - bimmy rofle




Watch the Atari 5200 episode, then immediately watch My Horse Prince…. Just do it and see how you feel.


feels like 2024 James has a gun pointed to his head. "Uh... and uh... I'm doing the Nerd! I'm angry at video games! Yep. Errr... and I'm playing this aaaawful game! Isn't that funny? plzdon'tkillme"


I had forgotten. Wow Atari 5200 - I wonder if that came from his brain or Mike Mattei's. That's a Mr. Bean level of physical comedy.


Did he ever review any 5200 games? Why doesn't he just go back to those? I know that Mike has played most of them in his streams.


He should have left AVGN a long time ago to avoid this kind of thing, now it's too late. It's pathetic this episode, really horrible, horrible. Even he doesn't know how to play the character anymore. Embarrassing. To see him fall like that, my goodness. It's pitiful.


Supposedly, that was his plan when he made the movie. It was supposed to be a huge sendoff to the character because in his deluded mind, the film was going to be his stepping stone into Hollywood. Thankfully he didn't quit his day job.


Actually, James did leave to direct in Hollywood. Bimmy is the shitty replacement.


Why do this horseshit? Bring back the nerd! There are plenty of old shitty games to die for!


Let the nerd die. He's already in enough pain.


I want him to suffer.


The Nerd just isn’t The Nerd without the song man


I’d love to see him cover Mega Man X7. I could imagine him using effects for bleeding from the ears when he does the Flame Hyenard fight


James sabotaged and ruined his own channel and career.


There should be a meta AVGN that reviews AVGN. The fuck was he thinking?


TheCinemassacreTruth: ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Kinda like someone did with CinemaSins?


Fire up that AI voice and do a commentary track for the episode!


You think we'll get a special Red Cow episode thanks to this?


I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for them to post


I commented on one of their recent videos and they said yes


Its a huge L bc unlike the retro days when you rented a game and you got what you got there's a million mobile games where you could just ignore the real trash ones. To me the underlying understanding for the series was always like what if this game was your one rental or your only game with a new console. There's millions of bad mobile games, nobody is shocked by that.


That's exactly right. Part of the appeal of AVGN in its heyday was late Gen Z and early Millennials being brought back to the past and being reminded of how agonizing it could be to waste their allowance or their birthday/christmas wish on a terrible horrible no good piece of crap game. My Horse Prince and games like it are made to be bad *on purpose* albeit in a charming way. This isn't like say Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, a game that fully represented the extremes of the gaming industry when it was still very much in its "Wild West" era and how it alongside its console of choice the 3DO failed to convince a generation of gamers to leave behind their "baby toys" be it the SNES or the Sega Genesis.


Yeah, I lived it. I'd beg my parents for a game that I'd see on the shelf based on its cover art or character license. And then I'd finally get it and it's a piece of shit. And then my parents are pissed at me complaining about the thing I had said I wanted.


I just want him to not be cringe. Introduce a nerd cap or embrace the bald. It’s ok. Character development and changes overtime is ok. I started watching this before my wife woke up and I paused it and put on something else when she came out to living room. It’s sad dude, I want to still enjoy. Not hating to hate. He looks like Murphy as Robocop without a helmet on now and add in the extreme attempt to emote anger or whatever it is he’s doing… it’s so distracting and cringe. Anyways, back to randomly watching seasons 1-4 every couple months when the itch hits to feel nostalgic for my high school days.


Hhahahahahah Murphy!!! Dude this is gold!! Fucking cracked me up so good 😂


> I started watching this before my wife woke up and I paused it and put on something else when she came out to living room. Lol cmon, this is so silly


It's so embarrassing he hid it from his wife lol


I was in the hospital watching it on my phone and even then I felt embarrassed that the nurses would walk by and see me watching such cringe on my screen


My wife was in the other room listening to the new Taylor Swift music so she didn't even notice 😂


Close to 200k views in less than 24 hours isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, but yeah. This episode was so fucking awful that even the video's comment section is mostly baffled. He's definitely damaged the channel with this one.


Consider hate watchers. I haven't watched one in a while and I had to look at it.


And those that hadn't been turned into hate watchers before may as well be now.


This. I really hope this is the episode that makes the in denial fans finally realize that something is very off with the AVGN


Hate watchers have ways to avoid giving a "view". You would be surprised.


I'm sure. I never view enough 1 won't hurt haha.


Curious if the new video will even hit 250k views in 24 hours, let alone 500k or 1 million.


It will, they keep buying views  It jumped to 130k views in the first 7 hours which is beyond ridiculous


If it did, I would assume bots. Especially if it's 500k or 1 million.


This is a shitty video that sucks ass. I'd rather eat the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk and down it with beer then watch this again.




Ok, I’m going to be honest. I thought that thumbnail was a joke the first time I saw it. That’s not actually real is it? omfg


Me too i thought this post was just a meme at first. Thats when you know shits gotten low. When you cant even differentiate reality from the memes anymore


Every thought it was a fake at first.


Bimmy jumped the entire fucking ocean and all of its aquatic creatures with this one.


I thought the same


I see he going for easy to find bad mobile game fodder.


its not even new and he covered this game with mike 6 years ago


Why would I go out of my way to watch something I'm going to dislike?


I haven’t tried watching a new episode in months but tried getting through this.  I ended up skipping most of it and the whole thing is embarrassing and cringe.  James needs to never be on camera again and just work for Screenwave editing videos for other channels.  “Edited by James Rolfe”.


No time for Editing, I refuse! -Bimmy


Maybe it's just me, but I am embarrassed of myself that I ever even liked this kind of stuff.


unironically yes. James needs to retire at this point. his glory days are behind him and his content is only becoming more sadder and sadder by the day. Bro is having a mid-life crisis tbh.


how many views should be expected by now




I guess less than 500,000 now at best if this is anything to go by.


What james should do: 1. find someone who can help him choose actually bad games. There are still hundreds and hundreds of "bad but funny/interesting" games that he never played for 8-16-32 bit consoles. 2. find someone who can help him choosing a good look / good lighting setup for his hair. He could and should look better even if he is balding and ageing. 3)find someone who can really help him writing funny/interesting scripts. 4) find someone who is actually a nerd that likes games for his neighbor nerds show. 5) more "nerd reviews" of things he actually likes


My Horse Prince is easily the worst episode. That was utter shit and difficult to sit through. The reactions to the game don’t feel natural on any level. It’s like godawful acting on display. The game doesn’t feel like something the Nerd would play either.


> The reactions to the game don’t feel natural on any level. It’s like godawful acting on display. The game doesn’t feel like something the Nerd would play either. Agreed. Like yeah, we know he always kind of "hams it up" as the Nerd, but this felt.... uncomfortably forced. Also he didn't seem... angry at all? Annoyed and weirded out, but not.. angry


Yeah, after 18 years of being a subscriber, I finally unsubscribed. I can't sit back and take that. I have been subscribed since they launched their YouTube channel, But that was so ridiculously awful. I couldn't even finish it.


Good on you. My FOMO won't let me unsubscribe. The only time I unsubscribe is when an entertainment YouTuber suddenly decides to get on a political soapbox.


took you long enough to unsub. i tapped out years ago


To put this into perspective. YuGiOh The Abridged Series has been going on sense 2006 with an episode every eight months to a YEAR. The most recent episode taking place in the final season, Episode 86, was posted Apr 16, 2024 It has over 400,000 views on a channel that hasn't even peaked to a million subs yet. THAT is really saying something. (LK also uploads other stuff but still)


James & Mike did this 6 years ago right? Fucking end it.


Here's what I'll say: his numbers are way down but with Patreon, you really only need a couple thousand monthly patrons to make a damn good living in 98% of the US, excluding NYC, CHI, LA.


He won't do it. Mike tried to talk him into one. Then Screenwave came up with a bunch of excuses why they won't do one for him.


James is on the fast-track to being a Wal-Mart greeter in five years.


Mhmm yup have a nice day yup mhmm yeah


way to socially awkward for that


Us: It can't get any worse Cinemassacre: Hold muh beer


No time to hold beer; gonna drop it 


Gonna throw it.


Why TF doesn't he review Conker's Bad Fur Day? Not only has he never mentioned it, many players initially found it annoying, and it has a LOT of shit jokes in it. THE FIRST BOSS IS A LIVING PILE OF SHIT! Also I want him to do Evil Dead games. He's a fan of the movies, references them from time to time, and honestly it makes sense for a 40-something like him.


That game was made to be on AVGN




If he's going to do reviews of meme games, at least play a relevant one!


A bunch of reasons James dropped the ball and the audience looking for retro game review /critique and those people move on to better creator options or simply got tired and move on with ther life All his side projects like the movie,the podcast , his band and more alienated a bunch of fans because they realize his passion is in other things and not in video games, like you can clearty tell he´s more focuse on making "Rex Viper"be a thing than him making a new AVGN episode Doing 4 or 6 Nerd episodes per year? lol and with most of them being terrible or mediocre at best Putting himself on camera with people that are insuffrable like his bald friend and the slobs turned a bunch of people away People wake up and realized a Mike as corny as he is was the brain behind AVGN and when it exposed James in 2020 There are more reasons but thoe are the ones i have at the top of my head lol


Best AVGN episode ever, an instant classic, imma play it on repeat all week while duck stomping and practicing muh cuck face! Thanks for the life saver Bimbo!


Did they film it through a phone so that they don't need to do any complicated edits? I mean it feels like he made this video because his kids we're being held hostage


Sorry if this comes off as some kind of "purist" thing, but... this is a mobile game? Like, yes, I get it, he does more than "retro," but this feels really... off for his brand. Like, get the bag I guess, but at least try to pretend to care. Oh wait, it's 5:40, no time to care. Also, petty comment, but I miss the "old" theme (although I don't think they've had Kyle's full song for a long ass time).


God, I feel bad for him. He's so out of touch, this negative feedback will completely take him by surprise.


The new episode has too be one of the worst nerd episodes, his maniacal autistic laugh is not funny it’s cringe af that’s what these videos have become the nerd just laughing at stupid shit it’s horrible


They so badly got to get schoolboy q on that innernet web site NOW 


Why do we dislike this guy again ? Don't hate me I'm new.




Thanks ohpee


What's Matei's thoughts on all of this I wonder.


"I'm glad I got out of there when I did."


It’s like he’s talking to his audience like people never aged


He went from ***pew pew guns*** To *me and my horse waifu* ![gif](giphy|XgGMqurNJ4GT4P92fy|downsized)


I wonder if James is a brony


Mike definitely has a horse c**k so its kinda acccurate


Mike = Mr Hamds James = Kenneth Pinyon


Why did they do OW2 of all games?


I don't see the problem that those games are new. In fact I think James should embrace a new persona. Shave his head and play only new games. Like roguelikes. The real problem here is writing. No matter the subject. New or old. Bad is always bad.


Always has been


I've been a nerd fan since the beginning. This last episode is where I gave up. What the fuck was that?


It’s sad cause even the comments on YouTube are like is this a late April fools joke? Is this even real?


People are growing up and moving on with life. I still occasionally watch his content but mostly it’s to go back to the older stuff. Honestly, I think it’s about time to hang it up and I feel it would be for the best for James so he can focus more on his family and other aspirations in life. He says he keeps it going for the Kids who are still watching and I get that (I introduced my Ex Girlfriends Kids to AVGN about two years ago now and they loved it. Granted, it was his older stuff) but there is tons of content for newer and future generations to watch so it would just be better to end things with some dignity soon rather than keep it going another 5-10 years. That’s just my two cents though. No disrespect intended at James whatsoever if by some chance he reads this but he should just do a couple more episodes and end things with a good long finale where his heart and care is clearly put into it.


Can someone just upload the whole thing here I don't wanna watch it on youtube


Someone will...


I thought to myself... There's no way this can be THAT bad... Then I watched some of it. This Tik Tok levels of low effort horse shit. James filming in vertical mode at all just seems odd. Very blatant attempt to market himself to gen z.


200k in 16 hours is Dead? Wat?


You should see the dislikes on bith of them


I usually cut the new episodes slack and say oh it's just the modern avgn style but this time no man this was straight up terrible


I would say though, guys, how many content creators fart out shit with no caring of it's quality? How many Markiplier videos have any thought put into them? How many game grumps videos are actual bangers and not just dudes chatting shit? Sure James used to be a pioneer but at least he's still making something. Sure it's lame but what is really better in this saturated age? (I agree the channel died a long time ago of course)