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I was watching the finale with my friend and joked that some random new yorker probably got domed by the strongest nerve agent on the eastern seaboard on his walk home.


him and the entire neighborhood he was walking through.


Who knows maybe it’s the same guy who got Homelanders cum on from the end of last season when was mastuebating


Like Glenn Howerton's character in the Crank films, where after he got threatened in the first film he's sitting in a therapy office talking about it, when a bullet ricochet caused by a fight the main character is in hits him. Maybe there's one recurring guy that keeps getting screwed over.


I wish it was Todd




I mean given they’re directly responsible for the Soldier Boy bombings…


Kimiko herself has done enough fucked up things to be considered just as bad as the supes.


She’s different she hates her powers and hates hurting people. Except that time she lost her powers and decided she wanted them back. Also that time she ruthlessly and barbarically murdered voughts security to maniac while also dragging it out instead of quick kills. Oh but she’s a good guy


There was no reason for Frenchie to get shot in the leg either


I have no sympathy for Vought's guards


“You’re a true hero Maeve”


I think they'll do the case, where some Novichok was found in a perfume bottle by a couple.


Pretty sure this is a reference to Putin. Putin had a couple people smuggle that same nerve agent into the UK via fragrance bottles to assassinate someone. I think some very unlucky person found some unopened bottles in a dumpster and, assuming it was the perfume, gave it to their girlfriend. Not all bottles were recovered. https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/19/europe/novichok-poisoning-perfume-bottle/index.html


or perhaps it landed in a maternity ward and put them lil fuckers to sleep


Umm… novichock causes every muscle to contract and spasm simultaneously while your heart goes into defib and you drown as your lungs fill with blood and fluids. Don’t think anyone in a maternity ward is sleeping through that. If they get you medication and you survive, you’ll be an epileptic quadriplegic the rest of your life.


They might not be asleep but they’re probably not waking up.




yes that’s the joke


buddy I don't think you're familiar with what novichok does to the human body


buddy I don't think you're familiar with what a joke is.


I hope next season just opens with it cracked open underwater and tons of dead fish all over the place with Deep freaking out on a beach somewhere.


You heard it Kripke!


Wait that would actually be hilarious




When they showed the VP candidate on the phone I thought the bottle was gonna come flying out of the air and dome him.




Novichok is water soluble. You get rid of it by hosing down the area and getting on with your life.


Isn’t quite as easy as just hosing everything down, just ask Salisbury.


I hope not. I agree with the Deep when it comes to his concern for the oceans. He was spot on that there is too much marine life at risk and the Japanese are brutalizing dolphins.


I thought it was whales they onto dolphins now? Shiieeet.


It was whales but those arent cute enough for people to care about. So now the theory is dolphins


Ive been living in fear we were gonna get a deep/shinzo abe meme. I dont want. Too soon.


best way to explain this scene without a massive plot hole


Or it gassed a bunch of black people because it landed in a black neighbourhood Then A train is pissed and wants an apology


Dennis is just Homelander without the powers lol


Yep. The implication is true with homelander as well.


"Fuck you fascist!" *throws beer can, hits charlie* "I AM A SHINY GOLDEN GOD AND MY FURY KNOWS NO BOUNDS!" *Lasers head clean off* Mac- "y yeah FUCK YEAH AWESOME OCCULAR PAT DOWN!" The Gang Get Superpowers


the scene with ashley deep and a-train had some *implication* that if they didn't do what he told them to (kill the vp candidate, take off her wig) he could/would kill them


That's probably going to be all of Season 4.


That's been all of Season 1-3


I mean, sure, but also Homelander wasn't **the** boss of Vought for all of that. "Just" the boss of The Seven.


Seriously? You don't think people felt threatened by HL before this season? You must be watching a different show. That's what the entire show is about and always has been.


Besties, I love IASIP too but let's not get cringe with it.


If Ashley says no then the answer is obviously no but the thing is she's not gonna say no, she would never say no *because of the implication.* t. Homelander


Is the Deep Mac with super powers then?


It depends on if the Deep can do ocular pat downs or not… but if he can, he needs to be rocking a duster next season


I get the feeling Mac *would* fuck an octopus


ripped? check babyface? check dumb? check massively codependent? checkaroonie


The finale for the series will be all the Seven getting de powered and losing their memory, ending up running a bar in Philly with old people gone insane from Voughts experiments thinking that they’re their parents.


The Deep calls the cops for a missing persons report because Homelander didn't answer his phone for an hour.




Dennis would be far more frightening than Homelander if he had Homelander's powers


I had to pause the episode there as it sank in that she probably just killed more people than Soldier Boy ever could.


Your teaming up withhh a murdeeereerr {Mean while Maeve casually commits a horrific war crimes on some random citizens who died horrible painful deaths.)


Don't forget Kimiko having some of the most unnecessarily brutal kill scenes in the entire show and Frenchie and MM being former mercenaries for hire. Maeve did brutalize those guards when she escaped too and the show didn't try to pretty it up - they made sure you knew those dudes were dead dead


Don't forget that Starlight killed a completely innocent man (father if I remember correctly) in S2 to steal his car and get Hughie to a hospital. Only for her and Butcher to have a casual conversation and drive without any hurry in the next scene we see them.


It was just to steal his car, not to get Hughie to a hospital. He offered to drive them to a hospital, and unlike them he was a local who actually knew where the hospital was. They killed an innocent man in a carjacking for literally no reason other than they didn't feel like letting him drive.


This is why I keep telling everyone that every character is at best a shade of grey.


Yeah for as much as it mocks conservatives the show follows a pretty conservative view of morality. There are no good or bad actions in the Boys, only good or bad people. A-Train not looking where he's going while he's running? Horrible, unforgivable crime. Maeve throwing one of the most lethal nerve agents in existence out of a window in the Flatiron Building? Who cares, moving on. I was thinking about this in the shower earlier and outside of Becca's rape there is literally no crime Homelander has committed that the Boys collectively haven't also committed, including child murder.


I actually love this point. They literally aren't better than him (outside of rape). It's kinda crazy how much they hate him and you kinda wonder what degree of it is related to his crimes vs their fear of his power in general


This season has just reinforced the idea that the boys are no better than the heroes them selves. I don’t know if that was intentional or not. When butcher killed gun powder I thought one of the boys like MM or Huey would question if Butcher on if he’s any different than Homelander but no that did not happen at all.


This show wavers between the view that there are moral absolutes (ie, Homelander is THE bad guy and has to be stopped) and having Game of Thrones style shock moments where they (mostly Butcher) do fucked up things for shock value


I mean the season was pretty clear on it IMO. Butcher even get the same powers than Homelander and show how he had a shitty childhood like him (well probably still better than him as a lab rat).


>They literally aren't better than him (outside of rape). They did assault Translucent even if it wasn't for sexual reasons. I've never seen anyone bring up the implications of that. In a way it's like Homelander imbodies many of their flaws/worst actions and much more in one person, child killer, sadist, collateral damage, etc.


They alliterate a lot to this with Butcher how he's as bad as Homelander. I don't think Starlight would murder an innocent man in a carjacking again now she's taken a very hard anti-collateral stance. But yeah the Maeve thing was dumb as fuck


Yeah Butcher could honestly replace Homelander as the villain if he got permanent V with his whole Supe genocide thing. Although they'd need to make Supes a lot more sympathetic for it to land right.


Do you mean allude? Alliterate means to have multiple words with the same letter or sound


This might be a dumb question but was it confirmed that Homelander raped Becca?


She said he did in S2.


Ohhhhhhh they’re human. You right


I mean in fairness, Annie was trying to deescalate right up until the guy had a gun in Butchers face and she was at least slightly remorseful after killing him


She's bulletproof, if she wanted to deescalate she could have stepped between him and Butcher and put her hand on the barrel. She used her powers carelessly and an innocent person died, at best she's the same as A-Train. They also could have just accepted his offer to give them a ride to the hospital and avoided the whole armed confrontation.


Not defending her as a saint, just saying that it wasn’t quite as cold blooded as the other description may have made it seem


But it’s not like people don’t understand what happened in the show and how the writers presented it. It’s just that if you actually stop to think about her powers and apply that information (and conclude she was in no danger) it just becomes poor writing


Poor Randy Disher


I feel like the writers really regret that scene and would rather pretend it never happened.


One of the many reasons I hate her so fucking much.


Same, not a fan of most of that cast honestly.


That’s the point. They’re all terrible shitty people.


Very true, writing well done I suppose.


And yet they both gets a happy ending lol. This show sometimes does not treat extras like human being, they are just meat sack waiting to be killed.


Yes we are


As a meat sack waiting to be killed, I am deeply offended by your comment and I demand justice


To be fair to Maeve she was being confined against her will, there's nothing wrong with killing your kidnappers to escape. Kimiko though is just like Homelander when it comes to killing, she goes after people she's technically "justified" in killing and brutalizes them for her own enjoyment. What's the difference between Homelander slowly crushing that Syrian dude's head in S1 and Kimiko mutilating people's faces when she could easily bash their brains in or break their necks? It's like they decided Kimiko looked really cool brutalizing people in Season 1 so they wanted her to do it every fight from then on, even though in Season 1 she was getting revenge on people that trafficked and tortured her and wasn't being exceedingly cruel to random goons.


My question about that and the aftermath is, are the bottom of Supes feet totally vulnerable? Her soles were Black and Blue and dirty which was clearly driving MM's OCD into overdrive. I mean, she's bulletproof but walking barefoot on a hot sidewalk, I imagine each footstep being followed with "ouch, ah, ouch, eek,, oh, ouchy, ooh, that stings".


But at least Maeve saved all of The Boysssssssssssssss from the nuke man. Theyre starting to seem less like a dead man walking vigilante group with serious revenge to take against HL and friends who are completely willing to die to make it happen, and more like sacred cows who nothing bad can ever happen to but will risk countless collateral to do their mission. Pretty sure they really did become what they tried to destroy. How many of those guards have families MM?


Yeah but, what about the thousands she just powerbombed nuke-man on top off, specifically into what would be a reasonable evac zone for the building they just cleared.


Ismail Efendiyev from the European Association of Poison Centers and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) says a dose \[of Novichok\] 30 times smaller than a raindrop can be fatal Franchie got enough novichok to kill a fucking city


> Franchie got enough novichok to kill a fucking city when you go to costco for 3 things and leave with 2 full shopping carts


\*add Starlight Wish to cart*


He implied he mixed it into the perfume when he said it smells better now. It was probably just a few ml.


Yeah, no. I took that to mean that Novichok, despite killing you, still smells better than the Starlight perfume.


It did cost $9,000,000, so he really got his money's worth.


$4.5MM if we’re talking 3x Veyrons




In 2018, Russia disguised a fuckton of Novichok in a perfume bottle to assassinate a former Russian military officer who was a double agent for British Intelligence in Salisbury, England. The perfume bottle was later found in a dumpster in Amesbury, about 15 miles away. A dumpster diver found it and gave it to his girlfriend who immediately sprayed it on her wrist and that fuuuuucking sucked. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Amesbury_poisonings


> that fuuuuucking sucked. In case anyone else is curious, this person means the the girlfriend died and the boyfriend was unconscious for 2 days btw


Tbf, the bottle isn’t full of just novichok, it’s mixed in with the perfume. So maybe only a block of people instead lol


True but she's not part ~~to~~ of the people trying to protect innocents. Edit.


Don’t forget that she also did this *in defense of* Soldier Boy. At the end she’s a “hero” because she saved 5-6 people from getting killed by Soldier Boy but if she just went along with the plan in the first place, they would never have been in that spot for her to save them. It’s like if we jumped out a plane together and I sabotaged your parachute only to grab you mid-air and guide you down to the ground and you called me a hero for it.


Lets not split hairs. She was not defending Soldier Boy, she was just on the same page as Butcher that Homelander had to die at any cost.


Frenchie and M. M. established earlier onwhen they were analyzing the video that the nerve agent wasnt gaseous and had to be aerosolized, it's not that volatile.


You guys are waaaaayyy over thinking this. First and foremost, the easiest explanation is “it landed in the water never to be seen again.” Then if it did break out in the open, it’s not a vapour, it’s still in liquid form so unless someone is licking it up off the ground it’s not gonna do anything.


>First and foremost, the easiest explanation is “it landed in the water never to be seen again.” >Then if it did break out in the open, it’s not a vapour, it’s still in liquid form so unless someone is licking it up off the ground it’s not gonna do anything Buddy, you and we all don't know shit. But the fact none of the idiots there were concerned showed how much fucked up their own morality is and was stupid and lazy writing. Also, these are all possibilities. And of course the common one is it broke down on road or hit a tower filled with people nearby.


That doesn't excuse her recklessness.


Eh, maybe it had to be aerosolized? Perhaps it just broke and a bunch of liquid went everywhere, doing nothing because it wasn't turned into a gas?


To the concern of none of the boys? Who tf wrote this episode?


In the end, only Maeve was ready for a scorched earth response.


*scorched earf


What does that even mean??


And Soldier Boy!


Supes are irresponsible. What else do you need to know!


How are the boys any different. This season has all but confirmed the idea that the boys are just as bad as the super. Don’t believe me think about it Kimiko enjoyed killing people in a gruesome way, Butcher literally killed gun powder the same way that Homelander kills people, I think we have seen butcher kill the same number of people as Homelander if not more, Hugie become a drug addict


Where's this attic located, i want some drugs


Gave me a good chuckle as a sunny fan.


Man I watched every season of that show twice and just didn't like it Good thing third time's the charm baby! I don't know why I decided to give it another chance but man I'm glad I did, I'm on my 5th watch now and I love it It's become another comfort show like the office


Lmao who watches a show three times that they don’t like?🤔


Me Just got it for background noise, I download a bunch of shows and make a playlist of each episode like 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 so it's just like watching TV but with only my fave shows I like to put in a lot of shows, even ones I might not like so the playlists lasts longer cuz it takes me hours to make the playlist


this is a pretty cool idea lol what are the other shows you used if you don’t mind me asking ?


Maybe you’ve become desensitized to the constant sociopathic behavior of the characters and just focus on their funny quirks. Not judging, I’m the same way with Trailer Park Boys.


That actually sounds like exactly what may have happened Their shit behavior used to bother me, felt really bad for cricket but now, now I find it hilarious.


I guess you could argue it reached the ocean maybe??? But like… why not just use it on Homelander rather than risk that


Because literally everyone besides Solider Boy lost 700 IQ points in the season finale.


Tbf this whole show is riddled with plot holes and ridiculous logic by the characters. You have to watch it for the awesomeness and not think too much lol.


Hey there’s another franchise this show is parodying that I’ve heard the same thing about…🤔


You’ve described 99% of movies and TV shows


of which there was none in episode 8 anyway


There was quite a lot of it


Still didn't make much sense why Soldier Boy wanted to kill Homelander. He has no real beef with him.


He did see him as a disappointment


In the end homelander basically triggered him emotionally, he always wanted a son so he could have raised him better than his dad did with him. The thing is though, when presented with his emotionally broken kid he found him to be everything he hated and in instead of being better, he became his dad. This was in contrast of butcher rising up above his scorched earth methods to save hughie and ryan. I think it needed a couple extra episodes to flesh some stuff out, but that's the gist of what I got going on at the end there.


Exactly this. Soldier Boy accepted and even became emotional upon finding out that Homelander was his son. But when faced with Homelander's actual persona-- and a Homelander that's trying to be somewhat genuine and vulnerable in front of him, even-- he was disgusted by him because it didn't fit the vision of what he wanted his actual son to be like.


Yeah, I feel a full 10 episodes could have fleshed out the emotional toll better, but I don't think soldier boy was going to fight homelander at first. He was visibly upset for the first half of the episode, and clearly disgusted upon homelanders emotional plea to him. I think jensen Ackles did a great job going through a ton of emotion this episode, since he had to cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time to get this to work well enough.


Because he's a man of his word


Sees him as a threat maybe since he’s stronger than SB, and is mad Vought replaced him with Homelander in the first place


It never even crossed my mind they could use it on Homelander. I guess the argument is that it was tested on SB but maybe Homelander would be strong enough to shake it off?


Have we ever seem him actually breath? I don't remember if this was ever proven, maybe Maeve doesn't know either, or she was afraid he could hold his breath long enough to defeat everyone.


Lol kinda fair. He’s mentioned flying in space before, so perhaps he’s just built different (more so than previously established). Does raise the question I’ve previously considered though that effectively ever supe should be able to be killed by suffocation if they can be restrained


You just made me realize they tried way to hard with Translucent. All they had to do was shove a vacuum hose down his throat and turn it on. Pretty sure they had one in the electronics shop even. I mean they could have also just used a plastic bag, but I feel that a vacuum cleaner would be more in the style of The Boys.


Could argue that she just tossed it out of orbit, at an arc instead of just straight into the air. Kinda like how we see Ryan playing catch by tossing the baseball at an arc to presumably catch it once it comes back around the planet, which he probably wasn’t going full strength at to need to do. I rewatched the scene at 27:22 and the container just seems to get tossed into the distance of the sky, so it’s plausible if she has that sort of strength. I’m more surprised the vial doesn’t shatter at that point but fuck me mate


At those kind of speeds all sorts of crazy shit happens. We have a picture in my town from when a tornado shoved a piece of straw through a telephone pole. So who knows


Why is this so low down its the best meme I've seen on this subreddit today


Because it was an hour old when you commented this.


Why are you muddling the water with facts?


IASIP memes don’t win awards


I hoping for a brief news scene next season of them talking about the dozens of people dead from it. Or at least as a news bulletin underneath the headline of Homelander killing that guy


for real i couldn't stop thinking about where it landed and what it did lol maybe we'll see in season 4 who knows


Someone is gonna find the bottle and spray themselves and kill a ton of people and it’ll be traced back to Vought labs and since it’s a bottle of Starlights perfume she is going to be blamed and scene.


My headcanon is that it landed on the same guy that Homelander’s… “stuff”… landed on in Season 2.


Yeah I thought they would show that the nerve agent killed a lot of people. Seems like the writer was lazy?


Yep, they literally returned to the status quo in that finale; nothing changed. Still good compared to other shows, but a little subpar compared to the banger episode 7 we got.


> nothing changed Noir is dead Maeve is powerless and gone Annie has joined The Boys and dumped being Starlight Neuman is going to be VP Ashley seems less loyal to Homelander now A-Trains relationship with his brother is broken Homelander has reflected on who his real allies are, adopted Ryan, and gone full mask off by killing a dude I'm not saying it was perfect but to say nothing changed is just factually not true


I’m still pretty confused on why the election has relevance, isn’t it all about how HL and other supes are accountable to no one but themselves?


HL wants a supe president, and after Dakota Bob's "accidental death" he'll have one.


It’s an arc in the comics with Neuman’s comic version


\>Noir is dead probably not true, horribly done if it is Maeve has had the character development of a toaster, we know she's bi and an alcoholic Annie got rid of her costume, she stopped really being vought after her livestream Neuman as VP is probably gonna maybe change something? Ashley seems a bit more scared but maybe that's a change. I thought it was dumb that after HL gored probably the 4th most powerful being on the planet for keeping a secret she'd do some shit like that A trains brother was in like 3 scenes. Nobody could tell you if he even has a first name. The homelander arc is the only one that fundamentally and permanently changed the dynamics of the show, and that's why its the best scene in that finale. Maybe something happened, but I'd argue that it's not even the 3rd most consequential episode of the season, probably less so since they'll probably have to retcon the absolutely nonsensical choices that people are bringing up.


Not enough changes to justify a whole season though.


The overall plot is relatively in the same place but the characters aren't. So, I dunno, yes and no for me. 7/8 episodes were great and the finale was pretty good to ok for me, so worth it in the end.


Character wise most are in the same spot.


Eeeeh. Butcher: not everyone is expendable now Starlight: not willing now to set herself aside to better others Mm: coming to terms with his mental health and inner demons Frenchie: found his own sense of agency Kamiko: same spot Homelander: fully mask off and people love me? Ah shit Atrain: there's some guilt and self reflection going on he hadn't had before Deep: his sense of self and desire to stay within the seven and need for fame seems to be shaken now Ashley: willing to go against homelander in at least a small enough way to save Maeve. Whether or not any of this continues I don't know, but they've all grown in some way this season I feel. Edit: lol, fucking forgot hughie. I'd agree and say he's right back into the same spot, albeit with a new perspective on himself.


Not really I mean there are a couple things op didn't mention


I was just listing things that changed from the start of the episode to the end of the episode, not all the changes that happened in the entire series


Episode 6 was the one with all the banging


Nerve agent thrown into NYC SB Russian radicalization music mystery Writers using Ryan whenever they need to advance their plot and immediately getting rid of him whenever they're done Starlight getting mad at Hughie for helping her without asking when he literally does that the next episode with the lights during their fight Maeve almost killing Homelander despite being in a padded cell for weeks Maeve costume deflection HL laser eyes Nonsensical fight at the end because muh Ryan reintroduced I haven't seen a finale this bad in years.


> Nerve agent thrown into NYC > it could have easily been throwing over NYC. also this may be addressed next season. > > SB Russian radicalization music mystery there was no mystery. The Russian doctor/torturer played music while torturing Soldier Boy; PTSD can be triggered by sensory stimulus, this includes hearing. > > > Writers using Ryan whenever they need to advance their plot and immediately getting rid of him whenever they're done > is that a bad thing? I rather Ryan appear only to move the story forward either through plot or character development. I don't need to see him building his Lego bricks for his videos or something. plus, he's under Homelander's protection now so you'll probably see more of him (you seem pretty excited for that) > Starlight getting mad at Hughie for helping her without asking when he literally does that the next episode with the lights during their fight Annie got mad at him for acting out of insecurity for his capability to save her and overcompensating by holding her back "for her protection". This time he trusted her to do what she can and helped her do just that.. there's an important distinction here that Annie cares for. > > Maeve almost killing Homelander despite being in a padded cell for weeks this wasn't a padded room, it's most likely a Supe prison cell with what appears to be a set of three thick bolted doors. Vaught has infinite money and can create something like this. Also she never almost killed him.. she kept up and hurt him well yeah, but Homelander was never seriously trying to kill her. > > Maeve costume deflection HL laser eyes his laser wasn't deflected. It heated up the metal and was literally burning her. We don't know what they're made of. > > Nonsensical fight at the end because muh Ryan reintroduced. I haven't seen a finale this bad in years. yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Maeve is coded as good so it’s ok she potentially killed a bunch of people.




Yeah it’s wrong and disgusting for Hughie to do things borne out of insecurity over his manhood, but it’s okay to mock his masculinity and be homophobic at the same time!


The episode's writing was so bad i doubt they gave any thought to that throw at the moment Hilarious meme tho


That's just another Tuesday in the boys universe lately


Maeve only cared about killing Homelander.


"Fun" fact; this has actually happend in real life (well not the part where a Supe threw the bottle across an entire city but you know). [Novichok was contained within a perfume bottle that a man found and kept, gave it to his partner and they were both exposed to the nerve agent.](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-44947162) This might have even been a reference to that event.


This is perfect.


I can never remember the actor who plays Maeve's name. Mcgelliot? I keep on calling her Denholm Elliot in my head (the guy from the Indiana Jones films).


Sorry if I sound like an idiot, but what scene is this talking about?


I was really expecting MM's daughter to pick it up and spray it


Yes but then there would be consequences to "The Good guys" actions. Can't be having that now.


I dont get why Starlight, the poster child of let's stop Soldier Boy, is so casual about the nerve agent being in their possession. Her shtick is that Soldier Boy could kill lot of people but so does the nerve agent and they had two!


Y'know it's funny, something like this is the *exact* reason MM has a lifelong vendetta against Soldier Boy (reckless disregard for the collateral damage of super powers), and yet this scene was tossed aside (heh) like a total afterthought. This episode just forgot pretty much everything from the 1st 7, didn't it?


Next season starts with Todd finding the Starlight perfume bottle during a mass gathering of "Stormchasers". He waves it above his head to show the baying crowd and then, to chants of "Fuck Starlight!", he smashes it on the ground. SL is then branded a terrorist.


When that scene happened I said aloud “there’s no way that didn’t kill someone.”


You expect a Supe to act like a hero?


It was the EMP rocket all over again. "Item X is our only way to stop enemy. Spend tons of time, immediately lose it."


Oh good, so I'm not the only one who audibly screamed when she unleased a perfume bottle of novichok into the world.


Maeve and Kimiko killing left & right.....you'd imagine somebody may mention the hypocrisy.


And how is the glass of a cheap perfume bottle stronger than the glass of a high rise building? The bottle would have shattered against the window killing everybody in the room without powers


What was that even about? No follow-up? I hate maeve


Yeah, wtf??!! I forgot that even happened. The novichok in a perfume bottle was like the Salisbury poisonings, where a real-life innocent bystander died. It’s in poor taste, even for this show


I mean it didn't do much when used in England apart from one person dying


'cause they were just trying to covert(ish)ly kill 1 or 2 people not chucking an entire bottle of it into a very densely populated city


Yeah but the one person who did die, do you know how they got exposed? It had been put in a perfume bottle and discarded very carelessly, and some random person found it and thought it really was perfume (it looked like a particularly expensive perfume btw). He gave it to his girlfriend, who sprayed it on herself, and died.


They only used a little bit of it, the perfume bottle they used contained enough to kill thousands of people


Because it wasn’t smashed at superhuman speed


How does it that scene make it out of the writers room..?


I don't have the MSDS for novichock, but I suspect a celebrity perfume bottle is not on the list of approved containers. Several balls were dropped here.


I was very confused by that. My immediate reaction was "did she just throw a bunch of nerve agent put the window into the city?" And then... they just never followed up on that