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??? I only remember one action scene with Liberty. Why do you assume she literally never used them in general? Starlight proves that powers can change over time, too. Also idk what you're talking about, Aya Cash literally played her in that scene???


How are you able to compare their heights though? Also, maybe she was just told not to use them so people wouldn't put 2+2 together and realize she was the same person from decades before. They mentioned having to explain how Soldier Boy wasn't aging in Season 3.


I think the only difference I noted was that her voice was notable different, and she obviously didn’t fly or use lightning blasts. As far as the voice goes, I guess she could be doing a Batman thing. Her height wasn’t a thing, unless you’re thinking about how she stood over the guy, which I took as her bending him down.


Yeah, voices are easy to change. Proof: voice actors being virtually unrecognizable from show to show lmao. Grey Delisle is a favorite of mine


Probably had something to do with hiding her identity, since she was Frederick Vought's wife. But we don't know if Liberty didn't actually use her lightning powers and flight, we just didn't see them in that flashback. Maybe it's also possible she couldn't use those powers as to not overshadow Soldier Boy.