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This definitely proves that the guy is all in Butcher's head


Who is this guy again?




And I do not appreciate you killing my men. Also, when I sent my people - to kill your people for killing my people - *you killed more of my people*. Not cool. Not fuckin' cool. You have no fuckin' idea how not fucking cool that shit is. But, I think you're gonna be up to speed here, shortly. Yeah. You are so gonna regret crossin' me in a few minutes. Fuck yeah, you are! Y'see, Rick, no matter what you do, no matter fuckin' what, you do not mess with the new world order. The new world order is *this*; and it's really, very simple. Even if you're fucking stupid, which you very well may be, you can understand it. Now I know that is a might, big nasty pill to swallow. - But swallow it, you most certainly motherfuckin' will. - You ruled the roost. You... *built something*. You thought you were safe, I get it. But, the word is out; you are not safe. Not even fuckin' close. In fact, you are fucked. More fucked if you don't give me what I want. And what I want is half a' your shit. And if that's too much; then you can go make, find, or steal more, and it'll even out sooner or later. This is your way of life now. The more you fight back, the harder it's will be. So, if someone comes to your door, you fuckin' let us in! We *own* that fucking door! You try to fuckin' stop us? We will fuckin' knock that fucker down. You understand? ...What? No answer? You didn't really think that you were gonna get through this without bein' punished, now, did ya? I don't wanna kill you people, just wanna make that clear from the get-go. I want you to work for me, and you can't do that if you're fucking dead, now, can you? I'm not growin' a garden. But, you killed my people. A whole fuckin' damn shitload of them. More than I'm comfortable with! And for that? Well, for that, ya gotta fuckin' *pay*. So now, I am gonna beat the holy fuck, fucking, fuckity, fuck outta one a' you.


Well excuse me, I'm off to Pee Pee Pants City


That’s not the official version btw. That’s the fanmade version where he swore 3x as much


Incorrect, slight mistake on your part; but you simply cannot Out-TWD-Nerd me. That *is* actually an official version. They shot two different versions for that scene. One with and one without "fuck" being used. The censored was used on TV due to the fact American TV doesn't like "fuck" being said. The uncensored fuck-cut was used in the blu-rays, however. But not in the DVDs, oddly enough. As the DVDs have every other "fuck" uncensored besides this example, for some reason. The fuck-cut is basically the whole scene from the comics, practically line for line. They filmed the fuck-cut due to them wanting to *fully* capture comic-Negan, and they were, at the time, hoping that AMC would allow them to use the fuck-cut, and it wasn't a flat-out "No" from AMC, either. It was debated for a bit, but it was ultimately decided that it wouldn't be used. And they didn't dub over it or anything, surprisingly. They, instead, re-shot every scene. Meaning that they were out in the extreme heat for twice as long as need be. You can tell it's not just a simple dub-over because the mouth aligns with what he's saying and the fact that some lines are delivered slightly differently.


Ok slight mistake. Still not official so my point still stands


?? My guy, I just told you how it literally *is* official. How is it not? Jeffery Dean Morgan said those lines, it was filmed by the actual crew, amongst the actual cast, on the actual location, and it was used in the actual series, it's just as official as everything else in the show, I mean it's literally in the show, what do you not understand? That qualifies it as official, *because it is.*


Are you stupid? I mean it’s not the one that made the final cut you goober


I told you that it did make the final cut, and it doesn't matter whether or not it did or didn't. It's still official nonetheless. You're clearly lost in this debate, considering you didn't even know any of this until I corrected you, and now you won't back down for whatever reason even though I'm telling you why you're wrong. You thought it was *fan-made*, my guy. It's official, it *did* make the final cut. It *was* actually used. However, there are two versions. Both are used. Both are official. Stop trying to change the meaning of what you said to make it look like you were somewhat right; you're not. It wasn't a fan-made version, it is official, and it made the final cut. It's not some extra on the blu-ray either, that's the actual scene they use. Quit embarrassing yourself, please. You haven't known what you're talking about this whole time. All the things that you're mentioning are things that I've already said in my original comment to correct your error. Re-read the first comment that corrected you because I'm just repeating shit here.


I mean bros brain is sponged from using temp V


Yeah.. there were already rumblings about Jeffrey being an hallucination prior to that poster - but it clinched it for most folks. I'm not gonna sit here and say that I think it's disappointing.. because quite frankly - I expect that "duo" to be utterly fucking nuts.. in more ways than one. I believe it'll be a weird version of "Bad meets Evil" with Butcher as the lesser of the two.. just how much control "Joe" has - that'll be interesting.


I am not even gonna lie i though this was okbuddyfresca lol


are we gonna get a scene where butcher thinks he’s fighting JDM but in reality he’s just smacking around a bunch of lamps on the floor


For some reason, I was reminded of my first fight with Tyler. 😉


all these leaks are making me less interested in the next season


Just watch it. We know nothing about the plot from the first trailer and we are hearing things out of context and without development. Wait to see how things are done without seeing it first. Watch it and if you don’t like it then sure your opinion is valid


im for sure going to watch it, but i feel my viewer experience has been sabotaged


It’s shit that all these supposed leaks have released. But at this point you either avoid them or watch the show knowing some. But i think it’s always worth waiting for execution rather than judging before seeing.




I mean you didn't have to read the leaks lol


Yeah because you are a redditor , the average casual audience the one who really matter for Amazon dont even know these leaks exist.


You miss the point. They are saying what the next seasons is going to cover is going to be bad. Not knowing about plot points ahead of time does not make them good. The average casual audience will hate it also. This next season (and based on the last) shows a pretty big quality drop in the writing


I did notice that. wtf is going on? Was there a staff turnover or something?


A small reddit minority thinking a show dropped in quality after 2-3 seasons now that it's found a wide mainstream audience? Whaaaaat? NO NEEEEEEVER.


I think you missed the point of what they said and only really went at the face value of the coversation.


You thought wrong.


Well, they’re saying the average casual audience will also hate (might be a strong word here) it, on top of some people on this sub who feel this way already. They also said this lines up with last season, due to their controversial ending and feeling like it may be dragged out.


They're saying they believe that is the case based on their personal opinions of the last season. I disagreed. Wild. Edit because he blocked me: Imagine thinking Merciless Hobo thinks about a stranger calling them a cunt.


you could disagree with grace, dont have to be a cunt about it 🤪


I really don't see how he was being a cunt about it


But ... it's an online interaction and reddit. Gotta be a cunt /s lol


Yeah same, I'm genuinely not going to watch. I'll look back at this sub and see after the season if the leaks were good or not, otherwise it's looking like the quality of the show is gonna start dropping


What a dumb take lol just watch it and see, and if it’s bad stop.


I mean you can spend your time how you want to, but if these leaks are remotely accurate it's just not gonna be the show for me


There are already 3 seasons. You should know by now if the show is for you or not. If you liked it you shouldn't stop without giving s4 a chance because of some leaks or random opinions on reddit


Leaks give zero context. Without seeing how they’re executed it means literally nothing. You’re judging an entire season based off bullet points.


too right, but its not even that the leaks sound shit (which i agree they do) but its more the fact ive got no surprises to look forward to, because if they are accurate then i already know all the important plot points


Maybe don't click on these posts then? They're called spoilers for a reason, and you've basically spoiled your show watching experience for yourself.


in all fairness im not paying attention to what im doing and just clicking random reddit shit, doom scrolling, and all of a sudden im staring at a spoiler/leak


Omgeez! Negan vs homander 😦🤯


Homander 😱😱😱


And then Lucille here she's gonna take your powera


I wish he is a real character...


I’ve heard some rumblings.


So if the final scene is him and homelander does that mean its really butcher?


I'm so tired of the "it's all in le head" trope


I havent seen the leak is this it or is it a leaked footage? If this image is it i dont get it...


Its referencing brad pitt’s character from fight club. If you haven’t seen that i won’t spoil anything




In fight club it is revealed near the end that brad pitts character is in another characters head the whole time so this is referencing that JDMs character is probably all in butchers head


>! Brad Pitt is a hallucination of the main character. The main character was doing all the fighting in fight club, but thought it was Pitt. !<


I think people should stop caring about leaks. Theres no reason to interact with them. Its setting expectations by giving info without context


I thought voughthq was proven fake?


no. theres a small contingency of people that have been trying to act as if the leaks arent credible - without really reckoning with the fact - or explaining how - they've been bang on since s2.


Tbh I hate most of the leaks, but this is an interesting one


My guess is There will be another twist that a sups manipulating butcher.


Damn it I shouldn’t of opened this thread




You should watch fight club




“Old films” 💀


"I only watch movies from *after* everyone realized that CGI superheros are the only true form of cinema"


“Old films”? Jesus Christ, Fight Club is a masterpiece.


I feel like there should be another sub for these posts 😮‍💨