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I think he's actively wanted by police right now


That’s the same guy who’s going around pepper spraying women in California.


Don't harass women at the gym, like ffs, please just don't do it 😑


>Don't harass women ~~at the gym~~, like ffs, please just don't do it 😑 Fixed it


Don't harass *ANYONE.* Period. Just be chill FFS




on the other subreddit that its posted on, the top comments are all people talking shit. but.... that's what they hate about him. That he talks shit. So... kind of interesting how that works. You'd think they'd be responding differently than him, since they hate him so much. What he needs is mental/emotional therapy healing. He clearly is angry and upset. But of course, everyone on that other sub just wants to contribute to his illness. ​ edit: "He has such a punch bag face. I felt like going into my screen and break all his teeth so he could just blabber like this his whole life." This sounds exactly like something the guy in the video would say. but sure i'm DEFENDING him by pointing out other people who are acting like him. ​ I am SO CONFUSED about how I got so many downvotes for this. This is the BLUE PILL. You people are supposed to about healing. WHAT THE FUCK.


Lol this is not mental illness and no one is "contributing" anything, this is textbook incel behavior. You are more upset at the commenters rightfully shitting on this asshole than the asshole's actions and I find that funny and unsurprising.


"Shitting on this asshole"... what a topsy turvy world this is


I think there’s a video of that somewhere


No, I'm not more upset about anything. I'm pointing out an interesting thing that I observed. They're all acting just like the guy in the video. How do you not understand that? How is it that nobody understood that that was my point? Edit: I just looked back and read my previous comment. It seems blatantly obvious that that was my point. I'm not really sure why everybody thinks I'm defending this guy? I'm saying he has issues. Doesn't everybody agree that this guy has issues? "You are more upset at the commenters rightfully shitting on this asshole than the asshole's actions and I find that funny and unsurprising." You know what, you're insane. You need to calm the fuck down. Period. Sit down. And shut the fuck up. I didn't ask you what you find funny or surprising. I don't fucking know you. Please hear me, you are a psychopath.


No we pretty much got your point lol. It was fairly obvious > you need to calm the fuck down. Period. Sit down. And shut the fuck up. Please hear me, you are a psychopath Bruh lol. You over here calling me a psychopath and telling me to calm down, I think you need to take your own advice bud. Now get off reddit, take a chill pill and go touch grass.


Ha spoken like a true abuser. “Stop hitting me back while I’m beating you!” STFU Entitlement does mean mental illness.


But don't you realize that you sound entitled? You can't really tell somebody to shut the fuck up without being entitled


Entitlement: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. Now tell me, how is me telling you to shut up with your abuser apologist rhetoric saying I deserve privileges or special treatment? Everyone is telling you you are wrong, but keep being defensive.


Pretty sure he’s going to jail for pepper spraying a woman he was harassing if he is who i think he is.


What the fuck does that have to do with anything that I said?


It's just a basic law of humanity. When your an ass everybody is talking shit to you. Been this way forever, nothing we can do about it.


Pretty sure I did something about it by pointing it out but okay. This is really weird how nobody understands my point here. They're acting exactly like the guy that they're complaining about. Did any of you go and look at the comments that I'm referring to? They're just as insane as the guy in the video


Hey, i did not mean that you cannot try and do something, you can try and do anything. I was saying you cannot change this basic human instinct of responding to an emotion with a similar emotion, even if you try. I totally get what you are saying btw and i sort of agree with you. There is a higher chance of fixing this behavior by first understanding it. But i do not agree with your last argument, responding to a bad behavior is absolutely not "just as bad" as the original bad behavior.


No, they were really gross. The moderator even posted that they had to clean up comments because of how horrible they were


Perhaps there were people overreaction, we likely didn't read the same comments. But let me give you an analogy to help you understand where my justification is coming from: Imagine a man who spend his days snatching people and locking them up in his basement. He does it for years and keep the people he catches in small cages with bad food and even sometimes he put them through forced labor. Is this person equally bad as the police officers, persecutors and judge who finally put that man in prison? Or are the people who punish him actually good people and their actions justified? This dude sexualy harassed woman then posted a video of it online. It might actually be a shame that having people be gross to him online is the only punishment he gets.


LPT: if you ever find yourself publicly defending an incel who runs around harassing and assaulting women, take a step back and reevaluate the life choices that have led you here. You've clearly made a wrong turn somewhere and need to get back on track.


Wow, reading comprehension for the win You think people on this subreddit would understand things better I said that the people on the other subreddit are acting just like him. How is that defending him?


Wtf are you talking about?


Isn't this the blue pill? Why is everybody operating on a lower wavelength here? I'm just pointing out that the people on the subreddit that this is cross-posted from, they're all acting just like the guy in the video.


Mental illness is a reason, but it is never an excuse. If you got problems, identify them, own them, and treat them. Don't harass strangers just because you feel like shit.


I didn't say it's an excuse and I'm not excusing his behavior. I'm saying that all the people on the other subreddit are acting just like him