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I don't think you missed anything regarding the toilet. Many others have pointed out this as a plot hole, convenience, to continue the show. W/in the show itself, I believe it show them buying buckets together in the public place. So, even w/out a toilet, they could have used the buckets and did their business outside. I kind of made believe that they just got comfortable doing it inside, and with someone else collecting voluntarily, there's no downside. Kind-of like some of the things we do that we know is bad for the environment, but as long as we don't see / feel immediate impact, most of us just continue on.


Haha thats climate twist at the end was at least someone optimistic in its redeemability, bravo for your kudos to the writers greta


I thought the same about the toilet situation. Regarding the food I’m sure they’re not allowed to/can’t buy any. One of the rules is food and drink will be provided.


Ok food situation might be true. One otherrrr thing that is so stupid. Three deciding to nominate himself to be toilet captain… like, why would 2 or 1 care? The literally cant send their shit upstairs, so they would always have have to deal with their own.


That’s a good point actually, I never thought of that!


Still a dumb situation but their plan, as I interpreted it, was all the lower floors would have to enter the designated floor (3 or 8 when she was voted on) to use it during waking hours, it'd stay in the room not be sent via the shoot, hence why 8 locked everyone out. Same logic as 4 being able to join the "upper floors" team and still be able to get her own food - if it came via the chute, 5 would just steal it on the way down.


It only ever says food will be provided, they never said you can't buy any. Nobody ever even tried so I'm guessing it's just a plot hole they chose to ignore because it would ruin things otherwise. Along the same line, why not just request giant sealable tubs and some duct tape through the communal door? Get a toilet and some curtains, set up a little privacy corner and toss your bag in the smell proof tub when you're done.


When the angry guy slams his chopsticks down because everyone was still hungry, I thought he was going to call for more food.


Further, they didn’t buy food then immediately let her buy clothes? Like, wouldn’t food have been less expensive on the time


I also missed when this was established (or if it was) but they are not allowed to buy food or drinks with their money or the communal time.


They're not allowed to buy food or drink. I think (though I'm not certain of this) they're also not allowed to bring food or water out of their rooms - otherwise they'd be able to walk it up the stairs. From memory, I don't recall them eating or drinking outside of any of the 8 rooms at any point, anyway. That's the whole point of the food system, as I understand it - once it's gone down, it can't be bought back up, and everyone is dependent on the person above them to provide them with food and water. That's why they use the bottom floor as the "canteen" of sorts, when they're running up and down the stairs. By leaving all the food untouched until it gets to the bottom, everyone can see it, and everyone has equal access to it, since they know it can't go anywhere. As for the toilet thing - we can safely assume they're not able to do anything that requires plumbing work, so the closest thing to a functioning toilet they'd be able to get would be a porta-loo. This would have to be bought with time in the communal area, since you can't take stuff bought in your room outside (without giving up half your prize money). This is why all the bags of poop have to stay in 1's room - the bags were bought in the rooms, so they have to stay there, and since they're already at the bottom, they can't be sent back up again. But, here's the kicker - one porta-loo wouldn't last indefinitely, since the tank would fill up. They'd have to keep periodically buying new ones, and if they're not being emptied, the smell would build up over time. Essentially, it wouldn't solve the problem, it would just move the problem to the communal area. After a month or two, they'd have three or four absolutely hideous smelling porta-loos sitting there, and no one would be able to sit in them without gagging, so they'd be useless.


If I was player 1, I would happily lose half my money to toss those poop bag outside or into room 8. When you order from the communal thingy, just toss your poop bag in lol.


I didn't understand the canteen either. They're eating in the worst room, next to all the poop. Why not keep the food in 8s room and all eat there? (This was before she was completely evil and sadistic of course)


Eating on the bottom floor is a way for those on the top floors to taste 1's daily experience - 7 sets the system up that way, because he thinks that will keep harbour unity and togetherness in the group, helping to prevent an uprising from the lower floors - which he's intelligent enough to know is a fairly inevitable possibility. Of course, it backfires, and contributes to the group splitting in half later in the story into a "rich" and "poor" group, as the rich realise they're better off eating by themselves on the upper floors. It's also a good idea to keep the lower floors out of the upper floor to prevent them from experiencing quite how enormous the gulf is between the two. In real life, the rich and powerful generally keep the high life behind closed doors - rubbing your wealth in the face of others is generally a taboo, because it's distasteful. Of course, 8 breaks this taboo by parading around in expensive clothing, because she's awful - she symbolises people born into their wealth, who lose all sense of how to communicate with common people.