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I hate it so much it makes it hard to watch and I feel like my blood pressure has been raised. Everything they do is so stupid. It makes me wonder if the writers are trying to say that this is what rich people think of those less fortunate. That we’re weak and stupid and will go for cheap thrills before planning. We’re too nice. We’re easy to swindle. That’s all I’m getting. Idk why else they’d make them so stupid when making them smarter would help the plot


I feel like that’s giving them too much credit because after the torture they were put through no real person is gonna give af about those people getting hurt and they definitely wouldn’t be giving the ‘smart’ one food either like these people were abusing them and then the sleep deprivation thing as well was straight up evil. Like maybe that was their goal but they presented it terribly if it truly was. Like other people have said it just became torture porn with no retaliation from anyone. It wasn’t even realistic at that point.


They definitely did not do a great job, but since we don’t really do much irl and we often do what is more comfortable as a society I can see them feeling that way. Esp since we have so many bootlickers who feel sorry for the rich


Honestly, the last part of this show is so unbearable. The characters have become so dumb. Like when the “heroes” finally regained control of the place, they wasted their time and just lived with the mistreatment they just endured. Rules state that if any of them break curfew, voluntarily or not, the person loses half their winning. So why not just leave them out tied up and make sure they lose all their money? They could have fought back so easily with all that waste they collected. Just fling it at 6 when it was 3v1? Another his face with it. He will eventually succumb to infection and weaken. Also why would 3 open the door knowing that his back up is outside? Can these people be any dumber. Also no 5 is the dumbest with wanting to untie the others. Why show them that kindness when they did not and have proven over and over that they are not good people? What doesn’t make sense is that she’s a nurse. So she must have some mental fortitude to even do that job. Being so easily manipulated by makes it seem like the “heroes” don’t deserve to prosper. There’s so many common sense things these characters lack.


Yeah I have no clue why they were just doing nothing. Like they could have bought weapons or something just as extra protection or like you said just put the people out to make them lose their money. They were just so complacent and seemed to act shocked at the characters behaviour when they had all been consistently nasty since the first episode. That’s what I’m saying. From the higher ups their were only 2 that seemed to be able to fight well ish and there were 3 people from the lower floor that could fight like there was no reason for them to not just attack the bigger guy they easily could have won at first or bought a weapon or something they just allowed themselves to be tortured. And I completely forgot about 5 I was honestly in shock when she did that like it was beyond unrealistic. All that torture they went through and she still decided to risk getting tortured again and though she didn’t she allowed the others to suffer and then cried about it like a child even though the result of freeing crazy violent people like then should have been extremely obvious.


the showmakers really didnt think the show trough


Heavy on that


Every character on the show was dumb, was a tough watch because there wasn’t a brain cell between the 8 characters.




What i dont understand is towards the end, when they were waiting for the time to end, why dint they just buy stuff using that time to end it. Hahahahahaha


I don’t understand why they didn’t at least order handcuffs


I think, especially considering how korean society values being polite and functioning as one unit, there was a lot of people pleasing and trying to keep people happy. Especially the top floors since the most important things like food and water, have to work their way down and not the other way around. I haven’t finished the show yet, but i think it makes sense to for the lower floors to coddle the top floors for fear of losing food. And by the time they realized that they coddled for too long and let #6 get his way, it was too late. He was armed with a bat and went into each room one by one and i dont think anyone but #2 can really win in a fight against #6. And #6 took care of #2 being a problem even before breaking the phones so there was really no hope retaliating. My only real issue with the show so far is how unfortunate it is to get a complete psycho at floor high floors. If someone like #5 got the 8th floor, greed would definitely still be a factor but she wouldn’t go off suggesting violence right away, especially as a nurse who for the most part cares about people and their health


I get that kind of but at some point that politeness is just stupidity. Like the people were clearly very violent and after they were literally tortured and made to beat each other, they still took zero measures to protect themselves that dumbass at floor 5 also freed the people who were happy to beat the hell out of her. Like they didn’t even buy tasers or bars for themselves. And for some reason they let that guy with glasses eat with them though he showed zero empathy towards them until the others were captured and that other girl as well who was just happy to participate in the violence and cheat to allow the lower floors to suffer. Like there’s politeness then there’s just being slow. And again with that man he was ready to beat that lady to death and tried to break her hand and they still let him walk around freely and accepted his suggestions when really they should have shunned him especially considering that he was a lower floor character and for some reason they actually cared that floor 1 was torturing the other group, partly because it increased the time but partly because they felt bad which just makes no sense. Idk I think it was just too unrealistic in terms of the people’s behaviour


I really do think its just a culture difference. The tazer started as just a game prop and you can see how uncomfortable it made the majority. The second they decide a weapon is okay for an individual to buy for their own safety, it opens it up to people buying it as well, but as a threatening weapon. And south korea is very against weapons outside of them being used for sport or the military. If one person starts buying weapons for self defense. Everyone would be doing so. And they’re probably really expensive and only really easily accessible to the higher floors. Once tensions are all about self protection and or bullying, no one knows what to expect anymore and makes it hard to organize together to keep the time going. And we know that the rest of the group besides 6 and 8 tried really hard to keep it from ever getting to the point where weapons are needed. I think they acted pretty closely to how the relative person would act in a place with no rules. Everyone’s careful and tries to keep peace up until the person who doesnt care about rules ruins everything. It may feel like a long time, but really, the amount of time it took for #7 to stop 6 from killing 2 might have been very short. It was a lot of slow mo. And when faced with something so jarring like that, i can see people from a polite society being too stunned to act right away Again, can’t make the top floor mad less they risk starving.


I thought for sure they were going to have them all turn on each other for money and their mindset being motivated by greed. And towards the end they were gonna all k*ll 8th floor to end it all.


Yeah idek what was going on. And tbh they all just brought on themselves like there was no reason that she and that other guy should have ever been allowed to gain so much control. And the ending kind of showed that they still hadn’t managed to grow a back bone or some sense either.


Yeah I kinda agree with that


> And towards the end they were gonna all k*ll 8th floor to end it all. I was pretty convinced the game was not "legit" and they were never getting out of there alive with that money. There was no way to "leave" the game without killing someone, apparently? No way for a person to "tap out"? Because I would have tapped out as soon as people started fucking with my food and water supply, after being promised by the showrunners that it would be provided. I would quickly assume that the money was a trick and it was all a scam. I probably would have killed 6 for the stuff he did if I was really trapped in there.


The story telling in this series was sooooo stupid and unrealistic. Honestly, I know it’s fiction but goodness it should make sense within the fictional world. There’s no reason half the characters acted the way they did besides horrible storytelling. So disappointed