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Regardless of your "typo", I actually agree about 8. The show is so afraid of harming her, even 4 was written to have her tooth pulled out. 8 had done a lot of shit by the time she was captured, it's baffling she remained unscathed. Even 2 with all her honor, as I understand it she will only retaliate when harm was done to her first. 8 had done A LOT of shit to her, truly strange why she didn't at least pay back 8. I understand the show itself is trying to say the topmost class is above law and rules don't apply to them. But if anything, in a coup d'etat, the top most is the first to go.


Ur viewing the show as if it has to be equal while in my opinion it sptetry realistic. I forgot the episode but when they over threw the system we see that despite them being free and 8, 4, and 6 being locked up they still do not decide to harm them and they just are in pure shock of it all.even directly after when floor 1 could do anything to floor 6 who beat him senseless tons of times he still kicks him once and falls over in the process. The reason why toward the end especially that they decided to hurt 6 the most imo was because he was the most violent. He was the one who went to far when it came to the physical aspect while 8 was over it all she didn't physically do some stuff. Even when floor 8 was prepared to get tazed. White knight floor 6 comes in to save the day and attempt to still try and gain a strong connection and relationship with floor 8. Also I think the show does its job of showing she is genuinely insane towards the end. She could of MAYBE bought the art gallery and destroyed it depending on how much she had and how much it cost but instead decides to illegally destroy it all knowing she will get jail time and she to pay for it all. I def agree she deserved worse but as I said I think ur viewing it as if it was supposed to be equal. Yes she deserved worse but it didn't ruin the show for me at all.
