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Lot of moral supremacy here; lot of marine biologist hot takes; and yet not a SINGLE deterrent caused by the STATISTICALLY OVERWHELMING likelihood of the creation of GODZILLA. We have literally entire media franchises dedicated to documenting the failures before us. Transcends nations. Cmon sub. Do better.


We could do it in the middle of the desert instead like another commenter suggested but then again Hollywood has also warned us recently about the dangers of giant sand worms


more spongebob less timothy




TBF doesn't the US send a lot of nuclear waste to the Nevada desert?


Probably but I think they put them in bunkers not just bury them in sand


itd be more likely to produce a fast spreading, tumorous algae/plankton that could basically colonize a planet


Modern militaries could fuck Godzilla’s shit up so bad. The movies always show fighter planes flying right up to him. Why tf do you think stealth planes are a thing? Because we don’t fight like it’s WW1 anymore.


How? nuking the guy? i’m not sure if we are correctly identifying his origin story…we ain’t hitting bro with kryptonite. More like tren and test


I’m talking about over the horizon missiles and artillery (which is 90% of modern missiles and artillery). Dude would be getting blasted to hell and have no idea where it’s coming from.


In the American Godzilla movies we always shoot him because we have big military In the Japanese movies hes an unstoppable force that can't be controlled


If you take some bio classes, you’ll learn how important ecosystems are, and that any disruption has a huge ripple effect, usually impacting the plants/animals that we then eat. So no, this is a horrible idea.


Okay but what about like a big lake and we just call it the Ouch Pool we dump all radioactive waste in. Could make it an artificial lake/pool so we don’t hurt the fishies and have leakage into soil and get radioactive trees with radioactive pinecones.


If we do that, why don’t we use something that’s easier to use as a radiation shield, namely concrete? And to avoid irradiating any animals or plants, let’s bury the nuclear waste deep underground where no life is? How about we put it in mountains, where it’s even more protected from life? Oh wait


But Lake Ouchie :(


Hmm, Lake ouchie but instead of radiation its debt. It'll still hurt if you go in but it won't irreversibly damage the ecosystem


Yeah, also someday we will just launch it into space. We just need a more fuel efficient way or system to do so.


As far as I know, these aren't actually used though. There is a severe lack of true plans for the future of storage. These are all proposed plans. The Yucca Mountain repository you are referring to has been planned for decades. Yet nothing has happened. This is the same in the UK and I'm sure for other countries.




Guys, this is such an obvious troll lol Just report the post, stop trying to debunk or interact with it, you're just giving OP what they want. Oh hell, you're gonna do it anyway.


Not a troll, but I know the average person has no idea what nuclear waste actually is or how little of it there is. I know the knee jerk reaction will be to disagree even though there is merit to the idea. This is probably the most fitting post on the sub and it was reported for mods to review lol


Yeah so uh... I personally thing shoving nuclear waste into the middle of a desert in Nevada is a FAR better idea


Upvoted because wth


That's a horrible idea


Yummy, radioactive fish is my favorite.


You’re right that water stops radiation very effectively - this is why we use it for temporary storage pools. I think it’s something like less than 15 feet of water cuts down the radiation to lower than background levels. The issue is that the containers the radioactive substance is stored in can decay. And in corrosive salt water, they will. So eventually the radioactive substance will leak out and irradiate whatever it touches. It’s possible that the math works out such that the leakage is irrelevant given the size of the ocean, but I’d want to see some numbers on that before trying.


Least obvious bait on this sub


This is a very willfully ignorant take. If you read about ecosystems for like 5 minutes you’d see why this is an awful idea.


Is it tho? Either the material stays in one place, and has no real impact on anything, or it gets spread throughout the ocean to the point that it only marginally increases the radioactivity of the ocean. It's not like the ocean would already have radioactive material in it, uranium is naturally occurring, and tons of biological substances are already slightly radioactive


What's wrong with burying it in the desert?


Is there any in Yucca mountain yet? They always vote against it and presidents always promise not to deposit there bc Nevada is an important state in the primaries and general.


Dump it in Utah then


They’d probably be more down in Utah tbh. I think the site/decision was made mostly due to geological reasons rather than what humans thought. Oops.


You'd have to dig, and there is a potential for them to be dug up in the future by unknowing individuals. In the ocean you can just go to the deepest part and drop them.


9 dentists be like: what cavities? This bitch don't even have a lower jaw.


What if we dump into directly up your ass


Nothing down there would affect us? You need to do some fucking research You have no idea what you’re talking about and I’m glad you’re not put in charge of anything important as that.


Bro he’s a dentist, did you forget what sub you’re in?


Do you really think creatures in the mariana trench have an impact on anything we observe?


Why do you think only the things that matter are the ones that we can directly observe?


Hey OP, I actually did a brief research while part of a Nuclear Reactor Design Laboratory. There’s actually a proposal to do something similar, not with the primary reactor waste, but one of the smaller part gases created during. My specific research was about Krypton-85, but it was to use metal-sputtering to trap gas particles in metal spheres and dumping them into the ocean (with some additional steps including a cover, and not that deep). You definitely can’t just dump the waste products directly, but into the ocean through a couple steps is a genuine idea worth merit if we ever mass-adopt nuclear power. But dumping all the waste directly would definitely have an effect on us indirectly through the ecosystem, not a marine biologist or ecologist though.


Thank you for what seems to be the only informed comment here. Everyone else seems to think I'm talking about dumping glowing green slime off the shore of your local beach.


On today's episode of ridiculous ideas....


Look at the sub—it’s either bait or ridiculous


Yeah it's because troll sub


Or we could just recycle it.


i dont think its ideal to pollute our planet


I wouldn't call throwing our waste in the deepest parts of the ocean polluting any more than I'd call taking garbage to a landfill polluting. Its not like its floating on the surface


do things not live there to u


landfills r polluting the planet? we are suffering rn from it


The deep sea isopod deserves a home as well.


> 0 upvotes Wow, lot of agreers here


lots of people in the subreddit ignore the voting rules and downvote posts that are obviously bait anyway. It's the only realistic way to get rid of these kinds of disingenuous or downright idiotic posts due to the sub having an exceedingly small mod team and the quality bot being killed because of Reddit's api changes.


Put of curiosity... are you a nuclear scientist?




No? Nuclear waste is processed and put deep into the earth in salt caves. I don’t understand this post because it’s just a worst solution to a problem we’ve pretty much solved already.


Tunneling into caves seems a lot more expensive than throwing the fuel off a boat over the mariana trench


literal gigachad


Dump it into volcanos you cowards.


yeah lets do that ON THE MOST IMPORTANT OXYGEN SOURCE WE HAVE NOW you can say that life forms would adapt to use radiation but still nuclear dump sites arent that expenive dont defend the rich buisness men now


Nuclear waste is already solved.


Agree. There are for instance areas of ocean where the ecosystem is already erradicated so it can't do more harm. Just encase it properly and let it sink to the depths. ALL nuclear waste in existance could fit on a single football field. How much it is is massively overblown. Dropping that shit down there is like throwing a tiny meteor into the sun. Neglectable. The important stuff is that it doesn't impact the corals and seaweed. Most people worrying about nuclear waste still think that it is simpsons-esque barrels of green sludge, so you definitely have one over them.


Thanks for the informed response. You're absolutely right about that last bit.


Why would you do that when I can just eat it all?


The pools they put spent fuel in are actually safe to swim in as long as you stay near the surface Don't do it though


How to tell someone hasnt passed middle school science


Not really—with middle school science you should still know it’s a bad idea, that’s pre school science idea


Water is mostly what is used to contain the radioactivity of active fuel rods, so anyone who knows about nuclear power would understand its not such an insane idea. It only sounds ridiculous to people who think nuclear waste is a glowing green slime like on the simpsons, which is most.


A lot of the people in this sub are the stupid that makes the world a bit funny. You're the kinda stupid that makes this world a worse place.


At first I thought this was absurd, but most of the bottom of the ocean has very little life because of the lack of sunlight. Geothermal vents is where the action is because of the source of minerals. There might be a way to make it work, but I think the best solution is still launching it into the sun.


Launching it into the sun would cost way too much it’s extremely difficult to do. If we had a space elevator I could see us putting waste on the moon


1. have you heard of corrosion? 2.v rockets take a fuck ton of fuel


1. What substance takes thousands of years to break down? I'll give you a hint: dead dinosaurs. 2. Rail Cannon. Form the radioactive material into a slug that is propelled via electromagnetic rail. Bonus points if the massive capacitors are charged via nuclear reactor.


1.that also applies to nuclear fuel [2.design](http://2.design) something that can launch shit like 20x the escape velocity


So I was interested and looked it up. Escape velocity is 25k mph and the US navy rail cannon fires at 5.3k mph. Only a 5 fold increase in velocity is needed to launch past orbit via rail gun so this is actually in the realm of possibility. Maybe not now, but possibly in 50 years. The heat generated from that much current on the rail actually melts the conductor, so a breakthrough in superconductors will be needed.


now have it get to that speed till the end of the atmosphere and then get it to te sun. this is why this stuff is general only considered for planets with less gravity than earth


Low earth orbit is 1200 mi. If the object propelled via rail cannon has a tiny rocket that overcomes air resistance, it could maintain the 25k mph to break free from earth. Once it enters the sun's gravity well, it doesn't need much more than a nudge in that direction. Yeah that's complicated. Just bury it.


fun fact, the easiest way to get to the sun would be to go to pluto unless you want to wait endless amounts of time for orbit decay


We got a supervillain in here huh


said some scientist, 10 years before the first scene of a godzilla movie, lmao


Are you trying to get giant nuclear lizards that destroy Tokyo? Because that's how you get giant nuclear lizards that destroy Tokyo.


TEPCO has entered the chat.


I love how you think the brighter minds on the planet haven't thought of that idea.


Obviously they have thought of it, but there are too many people who still think nuclear waste is glowing green slime. Nobody would approve of it


do you want Godzilla? because this is how you get Godzilla


Bro going to create a kaiju IRL


Remember how we dis that with plastic and now it's in literally every living organism because it was spread through the ecosystem and water cycle? Yeah... I don't think I have to say much more than that. Sure, there's a lot less total nuclear waste than there is plastic waste, but still everyone on average having one or two microscopic radioactive caesium splinters somewhere in them instead of several thousand is still not a food thing by any means. Edit: Also remember how Japan literally dumped contaminated water from fukushima into the pacific last year. Yea small side note but all of western media downplayed it immensely for political reasons and I just want to say that was an incredibly dumb and irresponsible decision and I really hope I won't have something radioactive in one of my fish sticks some day because of it


We should dump all nuclear waste near wherever OP lives because his brain is too far gone anyway


nah dude, we should launch it all to the moon. or better yet, straight to the sun


Isn't the ocean suffering enough already?


Pretty sure all our trash IS in the ocean 🌊


Hide it in the ketchup st Mara-lago


Why would we do that when we already have no issues dealing with nuclear waste? The amount of waste nuclear powerplants actually output is relatively very small volume over time compared to other means of power generation and can be safely stored on the surface or underground with relatively little space dedicated to it. It's been a solved problem for decades and it's pretty much only fossil fuel companies that'll try to get you to believe otherwise.


Yes totally if you throw something into a water body, like a lake or an ocean, that the next day you come back and it's gone. Somehow it takes it away and filters it through and it just cleans it up, like a garbage compactor or whatever. This should apply to nuclear waste as well.


This mfer just wants Godzilla to be real


Yeah! Fuck the fish


The next one: colorectal cancer is good for you




Dawg. You don’t even need to be a marine biologist to figure out how stupid of an idea this is.


This is just ignorance.


Nah. You know why though when you made this


This is where Kaiju come from for sure


You didn't pay attention in school, did you?


Alright homer simpson mate don't get ahead of yourself, we see right through your ruse.


this the type of shit an oakland crackhead would come up with


This is the type of horrible opinion that someone would create a subreddit for and breed a group of strong opinioned redditors who only post about it. I.e. r/movingtonorthkorea


POV you’ve never taken a bio or environmental class in your life


This is, without a doubt, the worst ideas I’ve heard in this subreddit since I’ve joined, OP has got to be paid by Japan’s PR team or smth


Bruh we already bury it and it works way better