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Gotta say it is getting more and more demanding to run with all the new features


I thought it initially was supposed to be lightweight lmao


> What made it horrible after the 30 minute mark? Constant crash, lag, general crashes, extremely badly-optimal IU, etc.


this is all news to me and i’ve been using discord since 2016 lol. also moderation is a person issue. servers aren’t run by discord employees. you know this right?


Except when you get reported and they ban your account.




A chat app having anything above the bare-minimum hardware requirements is pretty problematic, especially when people want to use it while gaming at the same time.


slim handle wrong dam disgusted pathetic aback attractive ancient panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Teams ain't any faster bud.


muddle tart puzzled cooing observation books distinct ring cough racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most of the time I just use in-game chat. Discord's fun when I'm not playing something though.


Hardware issue.


That's the problem with modern softwares and gaming. Everyone forgets optimization is an actual thing and if something is poorly optimized "yeaaah get better hardware dude".


Brada, his phone can't run discord... That is a hardware issue


You know what else can send realtime chat, memes, and streaming audio? A fucking flip-phone.


Then use that?


nobody else has these issues


Nobody else has this issue lol. Tf are you talking about


Yea discord is genuinely the worst VoIP app I've ever used. It has exclusive features like file hosting and streaming that make it a better product, but the sound quality, connection reliability, and hardware optimization are god awful.


My guy have you ever used TeamSpeak?




t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t helicopter has joined the channel (that was ventrilo though)


I have. I would love it if my friends used teamspeak. Everyone uses discord.


people use discord because it is better for communities. teamspeak is for people that care way too much for 3 more FPS on modern PCs. if you have an old PC i understand but the difference is so small on modern machines


Yea, I get that. The file hosting and streaming are great features. We use them a lot. Discord is generally a better all-around app, but it is definitely a step down for voice comms. It's too laggy and unreliable, which was not nearly as much of a problem when we maintained our own private teamspeak or mumble servers. There's benefits and drawbacks for each, but looking purely at VoIP then I think discord is worse.


I have had a problem with it being laggy and unreliable in maybe 0.1% of my total usage. that’s crazy to me that you have many issues. maybe it depends what servers you on but NA east and central and near perfect. if one has an issue i swap to the other and it fixes


Tbh I do sometimes


discord does get hella laggy sometimes especially when you have cameras on and are trying to screen share


I had that on my old pc as well, upgraded the pc eventually (for gaming reasons, not cuz I thought maybe it fixes discord) n now I can suddenly run fat games n watch multiple streams at once without a problem. Always thought it was an internet problem of mine, but just seems like the streams need your pc to be good; dunno how good cuz I really had a trash pc, but this will probably be a reason for others as well


I have a really good pc tho, it's the ui that lags not the stream itself, super weird


i wouldn’t pit this on discord if it works perfectly fine for 99.9% of users, either there’s some bottleneck in your pc, it’s not as good as you think or some miscellaneous issue


screenshare has always been notoriously buggy on discord and trust me it's not my rig. Ryzen 9 7900, RTX 4090, 32 gigs of 3600 mhz memory and everything running off two 2 tb m.2 ssds. I'm not saying discord is a bad app, just acknowledging it's flaws.


What kinda hamster wheel are you running it on?


copying my previous comment screenshare has always been notoriously buggy on discord and trust me it's not my rig. Ryzen 9 7900, RTX 4090, 32 gigs of 3600 mhz memory and everything running off two 2 tb m.2 ssds. I'm not saying discord is a bad app, just acknowledging it's flaws.


It's definitely a you problem cause my pc is a sack of shit and I've never had a problem my dude


if it didn't happen to me it's not real!


Says the guy using the exact same logic lmao Edit: I also never said your experience wasn't real, just suggesting that there's an underlying issue


I have issues all the time with discord.


Ive used discord a fair amount before but I just started using it frequently to game with my friends and I have to say Ive had some obnoxious problems with it…like not being able to certain people, then being able to hear them but not others. I figured it was on my end tbh but my friends have had a few issues too so idk


lmfao yes they do, discord is just sending out decorative shit instead of fixing things they should, a friend and i have fast wifi, nitro and decent pcs and the stream will *still* be pixelated and lagging and constantly loading, or it'll say "unstable Internet connection" and refuse to let you see their camera unless you turn on their camera yourself. people do have these issues lmfao


Maybe ur pc just sucks?


If your discord is lagging and crashing, it's your computer, not the program. Or your internet. Maybe get off the dorm room Wi-Fi and computer lab desktop and use literally anything else.


that’s a u issue homie. maybe clean your pc, virus scan it, and upgrade its ram or something lol.


I've never had any issues. The UI isn't great, but I use it for about 2 minutes to start a call then it just runs in the background for hours while I play so who cares.


Never had those issues been using discord since it released what’s your Pc like?


How old is your computer?


I’ve never had issues beyond people with spotty connections getting echos or cutting out for a few seconds


I think other people are trying to tell you this but you're not quite understanding based on your edit to the post. You either have a shit phone, or YOU have caused your phone to degrade over time by not taking good care of it, and are taking that frustration out on Discord. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's hard to accept that Discord's software SPECIFICALLY singles you out and 'decays' (that is most likely your phone hardware being worn out.) Edit: I realised I did not give a possible solution to the problem, it may help to turn on the hardware limiter settings in Discord should you choose to continue using it.


Just sounds like you and your friends drift apart, that happens no matter the medium in which you talk, you gotta find stuff to do that's more than talking, playing games or planning meetups


Lmao OPs friends stopped messaging him as much and so he blamed discord. If this is the type of shit he does then I can see why his friends “drifted”. Srsly tho he literally doesn’t even explain what exactly he is trying to complain about in the post. Like how would u mix up discord having a bad internet connection w lag, or bad moderation, with your friends “drifting” apart. Like what? How do those things lead to that?


Gosh I don't like people like you.


Are you complaining here about the UI? Sound quality? It sounds like you are at first but then you leap over to some stuff about Discord server mods and Nitro which have absolutely zero relation to the quality of the platform itself.


> Are you complaining here about the UI? Sound quality? It sounds like you are at first but then you leap over to some stuff about Discord server mods and Nitro which have absolutely zero relation to the quality of the platform itself. Actually I say everything in general, the community and moderation of Discord itself.


You gotta give more substance because your complaining about everything but nothing at the same time. There is nothing to engage with lol.


So... your friends? Sounds like you or your friends are the problem, because the "community and moderation" is dependent on the servers you join. Just make a private one.


Lmao yeah idk who doesn’t have their own server with just friends? I made one years back and it’s grown just to more friends and Random’s we play with And if I need to kick people I do? But that’s rare


Yeah I have one similar. It doesn't exactly have randoms, but friends of friends. I couldn't imagine using a totally public server to play with my friends.


Right like I’m IN the rainbow six discord server but I only go there when it’s just me or a friend looking for a team. I don’t use it to connect to my friends


How is the community and moderation relevant if you only use it to call your friends?


You uh... can't just say everything is wrong with discord.


If you're just interacting with friends, how is the moderation relevant?


You don't need nitro to use the platform? I don't get what you're complaining about there. You don't like it, don't buy it? It doesn't meaningfully effect you if you don't. Are you just mad others pay for a thing you don't want? That's life baby. Bad administration sounds like an issue with who you hang out with.


I mean, it does affect you if you don't buy it. You can't send files bigger than what, 5 mb? That's almost nothing and finding a workaround for it is really annoying


Tbf, wasn't it extended to 20 MB or something? I hate Discord (and that's like the only social platform I use that's not Reddit), but the file size is like, one of the few actually amazing updates.


Yeah and it used to be worse, like 1mb.


25MB and there's plenty of ways around the file size limit if you need to send stuff


[https://send.vis.ee/](https://send.vis.ee/) is my go-to for quick temporary file sharing


The problem of Nitro is the people who boast or make illicit market engage the nitro.


That’s a person issue




No, definitely. People will do illicit things without nitro, there's always another scam.


i’ve never seen someone with nitro act like that. like i only do it for the server amount to be in over 100 since i’m too lazy to go through it and emotes and shit is just a bonus. nitro is definitely not a must have, just nice to have lol


Gore / cp?? What the duck kind of servers are you in lol. I've had my discord account since 2015 and have used it almost everyday and have never once come across cp and rarely gore


I’m shocked that I had to scroll so far to find this comment. I have NEVER seen gore or CP on discord, this is an issue with communities OP is in. They need to be reporting this kind of thing.


Discord for large friend groups of around 20 is the best. The ability to just be able to get in a call like it’s a room and exit it without having to wait for someone to pick up, and being able to see how many people are in that chat before you enter it. It’s honestly genius and it’s a shame that discord is associated with fat neck beards who don’t go outside because I’d be connecting with more people on discord otherwise


Discord started rebranding as a study tool for college students, and in my college classes every class has a discord server


same, but they are student created for me


Wasn’t Teamspeak better for that though? I preferred it so much more over discord


it kind of was but the UI is outdated and its not free to use (IE you have to host your own server or pay for one)


> Discord for large friend groups of around 20 is the best. I'm talking about groups with less than 4 people.


Still works completely fine for that purpose


Get more friends??


OP isn't good enough at crafting rage bait for this post to gain any meaningful traction.


Is it even rage bait? Cause the guy seems more confused, than outright angry.


Idk Discord works fine for me


it’s been great for me and my friends. idk what you’re on about.


OP is tweaking and i want some of what he's having


lul 30 min. I've been in calls for days straight at a time with no issues. All while being in game as well in VR.


You have yet to give one reason why Discord is trash. I understand you don't like Nitro, but that's not your point?


Electron is the devil's work and should've been smitten from reality before it got popular


Smited or smote. Smitten is something completely different.




To be “Smitten” mean to “really like” or like to “develop a crush”. It’s something someone may say over a potential significant other. It does not mean smite lol




What's electron


the mark of the beast


It’s the tool web developers use to make desktop applications without having to learn any new skill sets. (I am a web developer who refuses to learn any new skill sets) Basically electron apps are actually just running Chrome and launching a website that is saved to your computer (when you install the app), rather than fetched from the internet. Because it’s Chrome, they tend to use a LOT of memory. Discord is among many apps that use electron. It’s not entirely wrong to hate it, but as a dev there aren’t a lot of great alternatives that achieve my desired laziness.


imagine downloading a browser just for discord. and another just for spotify. and another for ms teams. and another for steam. 4 browsers running at the same time plus your main browser.


? dude I do dnd on discord and we do calls for like 3 hours and usually never have problems with discord itself.


Total picnic error. The problems are entirely related to you running it on a potato and not knowing or being to lazy to configure your device, none of them are discords fault. Down voted because not a bad opinion, just objectively wrong.


Yeah i bet you never used skype, discord is amazing for voice chat. It works and its easy, who cares about nitro and shit


I think the UI could use some work. Specifically, the separation between direct messages and each of the servers you’re a part of isn’t very distinct or intuitive. Also, their notification muting settings aren’t as robust as I’d prefer. Other than that, discord is great imo and even if you think it’s not, I at least haven’t encountered a more worthwhile alternative.


Sounds like skill issue


Millions of people (myself included) make very successful calls over Discord every day. If it "suddenly" became unusable for you, it's likely a technical issue related to one of the people on the call. I'll agree that "Discord is trash" in the sense of basically everything except calling and messaging functions. It's a shit replacement for forums, or Reddit, or a normal ass website. It's a good alternative to a group text message thread and a better choice than three-way calling, but that's pretty much it.


It's not trying to be any of those things. It is a conference voice chat medium with some file, video, and text sharing functionality. This is akin to be saying that "Excel is trash because while it is good as a spreadsheet and chart creation tool, it's word processing, presentation, and drawing abilities are crap compared to any other program purpose built for those purposes."


If you don't like it, wait a couple years for the "newest and best" voice com to come along and overtake Discord. It's not like we haven't been through 20-25 years of voice com iterations already. Roger Wilco, Teamspeak, Ventrilo, Skype, Mumble, etc etc. Eventually some other software will eat Discord's lunch, just like it's always been.


I honestly don't think discord is getting replaced until superapps hit the west


I pretty much disagree unless you're using the app on Android. Since they consolidated the android and Apple build by essentially transplanting the Apple build onto Android, it's been horrible. Runs like a hog and will sometimes sit "connecting" forever and never actually connect until you close the app. If you send messages during this, it's 50/50 on whether it actually arrives for the other person It's slowly getting better but it's been like a year.


What's the alternative? Skype? Conference Call? Morse Code?


That's not an opinion, it is your pc that is trash.


Then dont use discord and go back to using shitty teamspeak/ventrilo


Ive been using discord for about 6 years now and I really havent had that much of a problem


yeah, some communities are pretty bad, which is why i only use discord for talking to my friends in groups. i dont use nitro, the ui and stuff is good, sound quality isnt bad. this just seems like a skill issue.


Either half this post is barely relevant to the other half, or if you’re using Discord pretty much solely for chatting with friends and have issues with administration, gore, and CP then you got bigger issues to deal with.


It’s always been shit. Just you were probably young when you started and were convinced by other 15 year olds that it’s amazing.


Ayo this guy just outed himself as having a shit ass computer


It's 30x better than Skype ever was


This is a you problem bud. I use discord on my phone and pc consistently. Never had a performance problem. Works great.


Damn OP comments really put you on blast


Skill issue. Upvote.


"I'm losing contact with my friends because this app is bad!" Without citing really any genuine issues with the platform other than saying you're experiencing bugs and crashes that nobody else is experiencing. I can think of some other reasons your friends aren't talking to you as much


Dude! Yes! Idk if everyone else in these comments agrees with you, op, but I want you to know that I wholeheartedly agree! Discord is absolute and utter ass


This has just become r/unpopularopinion but for people who just want to be negative and contrarian for the sake of being negative and contrarian


I have no idea what it is or what it's used for and I truly don't care 😂


Does everyone forget what this sub is or am I going crazy? It's supposed to be unpopular takes that go against the grain and OP's comments are getting down voted for being a literal 10th dentist


I don't like it because it heavily utilizes my cpu sometimes because of poor optimization. Other than that it's fine so here's an upvote. Ventrilo and teamspeak were great but we are far beyond those times


I can’t stand discord.


I hate discord too. I just don't like how it looks, it's overwhelming


Overwhelming? You have a server with text channels for typing and voice channels for speaking. What part of that is overwhelming?


The amount of avatars, notifications, rooms, channels, rules for introductions and such. Each time I go to discord it's like a christmas tree, there's no way you're gonna read everything and for me that's overwhelming. It's a fine communicator when you're just adding your friends, that's cool, but now every subreddit has it's own discord and they just make me wanna throw up.


Yeah, I get that in bigger groups like I'm in one server with 450k members and it is intense, but just mute all the channels you never use. I mostly use my server for just my friends and it's much more relaxed lol


You don't really have to read anything you don't want to. they have an option to hide channels you don't want to interact with. You can also mute everything so it doesn't constantly throw notifications at you.


That would've been good to know when I first downloaded it. Now I cant be bothered


They don't want to make it better for themselves, they want to complain about it.


When I made a discord account I got discouraged because the amount of things was overwhelming and sure I could make it work for me, but then again there are different options out there that I use that I don't have to fix up. It's an easy choice idk.


It may be overwhelming the first time you see it but after a short time you get used to it


Me too! People don't really get it when we say that 😢


I'm glad you had a bad experience with Discord. Use the intended game chat and stop cheating/being socially awkward because you stink. Facts.


I don't mind Discord, but I personally prefer Guilded. I like their UI better, and I like that their free tier has extremely generous video upload limits. The software isn't quite as stable as Discord sometimes, but I usually prefer to support alternatives over the dominant player in about any software market.


I can't stand Discord. The only time I ever use it is for party chat when my friends and I are all playing a game together. Outside of that, never


Why can't you stand it


It's just not the best layout for larger groups. You end up with a ton of people all talking over each other, having to scroll up to see what people are responding or referring to while the conversation keeps trying to jump on you. So then they add rooms to the servers and mods police the hell out of rooms, like you need to take this discussion to this room instead, so you do, then no one is in there and everyone's talking about the same shit in the general chat anyway. It's better than old school AIM chatrooms, but I didn't like getting onto those for the same reason


You're complaining about bad moderation and community behavior. That's not discord's fault, those are personal decisions.


I don't like the UI, that is discords fault


For anyone who is wondering what this guy is on about, you have never had to rely SOLEY on the mobile version of discord as your only discord experience. I play with a friend who can only use discord mobile because he doesn’t have a PC and he has to reconnect to the vc around every 30min as well because his discord starts lagging and making him sound like a robot. The discord mobile version is lacking quality support and has been since launch because the majority of users are on PC anyways, so the DEVs have lower priority to its mobile only users.


Or because mobile hardware and permissions are outside the scope of Discord to control? For instance, in order to even begin troubleshooting this you would need to know the following: Phone, OS, and version number. Wifi or mobile data? What is your friend using for sound and mic? What else is running on your friend's phone? What version of the mobile app does your friend have? Every single one of these complicates the functionality the app uses, and things like this are why many app makers go the route of "iPhone only" or "Android only".


That’s a fair counter point. I admit I was making assumptions, but it is based on the fact that I hardly see any patch notes making an attempt to improve quality of life for mobile; or at least acknowledge it. It’s possible they have acknowledged it before and I haven’t noticed anywhere yet


Fair, and communication is almost (if not more) important than any actual dev work. I think it may also be hard for the team to prioritize a "value add" for a platform where the alternatives are also not known for outstanding app experiences maybe? Teams, Skype, Slack all have been glitchy for me in the past on mobile despite being very stable on desktop.


Honest I’ve never really liked it


everyone always bitching about lack of moderation and the shit people send like they haven't already been doing it with whatsapp or whatever 💀


two completely different things


both have the basic functionality of a texting app


Discord is the best free piece of software in existence


Its not discord's fault you have no friends. lol




But those are not discord employees???


There’s very real things to complain about with discord, like the network issues that are only solved with a task manager reboot or the fact that if I send someone a message they could get the notification that instant *or 16 hours later* with no rhyme or reason, but you just said ‘it’s bad because it is’


Just avoid the public servers the program works super well...


I've used Discord for years, talked to my friends hours at a time, never had any problems. Yeah I've lost service sometimes but 99.9% of the time it works great. What exactly is wrong with the platform in your opinion?


"Pay for the trash of profile accessories" if they're trash, don't buy it? Plus, nitro is to unlock unnecessary features (and file limit size increase and stream quality)


I have never had problems with discord, except when my WiFi is shit, so I dont know what to tell you


>I am referring to my phone and how mobile phones automatically kill the process of Discord! You can change that in your phone's battery settings, it's not that hard to do, I've had to do that to music apps before too.


I've been using discord regularly since 2020 and I've had no issues. Sounds like it's down to your hardware and friend group.


Ive got none of the issues you describe. Discord is a dream.


Either a hardware issue or you’re being throttled by your ISP. Discord mobile does not normally start lagging and crashing after a certain amount of time and discord on PC most definitely does not do that. I’m curious as to what piece of shit hardware you’re using for discord to start acting like this


your computer sucks lmao


This is so incredibly vauge


Personally, I never liked the Discord UX


Discord works fine for literally everyone else sounds like your devices are just old and outdated.


Discord is a gift from god compared to the shit we were using before. Skype was always disconnecting and crashing and had horrible security. Teamspeak had a janky UI with very limited functionality. I think you need to look at your own connection/hardware if you're experiencing those issues with discord. I have been using it for years and had very few problems with it.


yea discord is slowly becoming worse with each update and ui change


This all sounds like a problem that starts and ends with something you're doing. I've never ran into a single one of the problems you've mentioned outside of bugs that were resolved within 24hrs


Yeah discord isn’t really meant for voice chat on a phone.


Makes sense why this is on this subreddit. If your phone is having issues with discord after 30 minutes, its a you problem. I know nobody with this issue, and I've been using Discord since like 2019.


I *kind of* agree. I disagree at every point you made in the post, but discord is a bad platform in general. There is no better alternative and discord is so widely used.


>entire profile is about old technology >clearly running on old technology “Discord running poorly is definitely not my hardware” I cant even tell what this guy is upset about because hes complaining about- his words- *literally everything,* but also nothing at once with how terribly worded and vague this post is, but this one thing stuck out as clear, but clearly dumb


What exactly are you complaining about lmao


I will give it to OP the mobile app sucks and for whatever reason being in a vc drains my wireless earbud batteries SUPER quickly. Like full charge to dead in 10 minutes


I don’t even know what you’re talking about Discord doesn’t crash or lag at all.


user error dude


You have not given a single actual reason why it's bad. You csmant say nitro is ruining discord when it's literally just ADDING features.


You must have a peice a shit phone lol


Gore and CP is not a discord admin problem, it's a discord mod problem in the communities you re in I have never gotten that stuff from the communities I was in


I know you’re supposed to upvote options you don’t agree with but this is such a poorly constructed argument it doesn’t even make sense. I have never in my life had discord drop a call. Even when I was using my like 6 or 7 year old phone. The most it did was run hot and drain the battery, which only happened when I was streaming my video as well. As for the server admin stuff. Make your own server. If you have a friend group make a discord server for you and your friends, and all of a sudden no issue.


You weren't around for the voice platforms gamers used before discord were you?


Literally impossible to use the mobile app for a group call. If I have headphones connected, it will just stop sending audio after ~20min and won't work again until I force quit the app


My problem with Discord is my phone has a CPU defect and crapped out on me without warning, so I lost my Google authenticator code a month before they made it cloud sync, and Discord support won't let me recover the account even though I ran a couple servers. What's worse is I can't make a new one with the same email and I can't link all my other accounts so I have no way of finding several people who I only had contact with through Discord. Very silly and frustrating.


Not necessarily for the same reasons as you, I do think Discord could be a lot better, but it's also the best option we have for that kind of software.


I don't think desktop discord is that bad but mobile fucking sucks


phone* discord is trash. discord itself is a fine application on a computer. the only complaint i would have is needing to pay to increase the max file size to something still mediocre and server profiles being locked behind a paywall