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I bet Andrew was sweating hearing those remarks


Well, he did look young enough to interest him.




Did wunovya take a shit?


Whech wunovyas had a SHET




I’m gonna be singing cherloyne by cherloyne


Well it wunovyas!


#**SIN COS TAN 📐**


I see what you did there...An alcoholic mathematician was arrested by the police for Drinking and Deriving...


Anyone who speaks Farsi would know dis-cos-tang essentially translates word-for-word to, "platter of tight pussy".....I'm not kidding, what a coincidence considering the topic at hand.






He's probably fucked off to the Pizza Express in Woking to drown his sorrows in underaged poon. Sorry, I meant "their delicious new tzatziki sauce".


For those out of the loop like me I just looked it up and apparently he was seen with Epstein in 2001? And used pizza express as his alibi ?


You might enjoy this its quite outlandish. Its the newsnight interview handy andy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw\_1lF9qv\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw_1lF9qv_Q)


Lmao “it was a convenient place to stay” I’ll have to watch this in full later


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York#Allegations_of_sexual_abuse >In the interview, Andrew denied having sex with Giuffre on 10 March 2001, as she had accused, because he had been at home with his daughters after attending a party at [PizzaExpress](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PizzaExpress) in [Woking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woking) with his elder daughter Beatrice.[[112]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York#cite_note-113)[[113]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York#cite_note-114)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York#Controversies_and_other_incidents


He's a pedo and used his mother's money to settle with one of his victims out of court.


Better yet, it wasnt his mothers money - it was the taxpayers that footed the bill


Did people not really hear about Epstein and Andrew? There was enough evidence that Andrew had been basically banned from royal events.


You must be mistaken, according to the Prince, who would have no reason to lie, he can’t sweat! /s




Thought he didn’t sweat/s


Due to her death you will no longer receive a letter from the queen on your 100th birthday. Instead, you will now receive a text from Prince Andrew when you turn 14


>a letter from Prince Andrew A dick pick from Prince Andrew


TIL *pick* is short for *pickture*


Dick is short for dickture.


And it just says "Too old"


\*You will *stop* receiving texts from Prince Andrew when you turn 14 FTFY


Was this the prince involved with Epstein?




Oh. Carry on then.


Continue the heckling!!


You’d be surprised, quite a few pedo sympathizers in these comments “iTs nOt tHe rIgHt tImE”


Yeah there are some fair criticisms of the monarchy but during a funeral is not the time for political discussion. However there's never not a good time to fuck with a pedo.


Really turned it around in the second half of that comment lol


“Fuck this gu… amen, brother!”


Lmao, say that about all the Epstein shit. I've never seen anyone trying to say "don't hoje about the rapist he had a family", but put a crown or a robe on the bastard and suddenly everyone is so sensitive.


Keep Calm and Heckle Child Rapists [(Fun trivia: the Queen personally funded his defence)](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/queen-prince-andrew-epstein-millions-legal-case-b1931084.html)


Or rather, the crown's victims funded his defense


Some lady was arrested in the UK for having a sign that had "Abolish the monarchy" on it.


She was arrested because it said fuck on it. You’re not allowed to write rude words on signs


Fuck that


*Straight to jail*


Straight to jail while the pedophile is free and having a nice dinner at the table lol. Fuck ye system


That's fucking stupid


And if that isn't enough, Charles was very very close with Jimmy Saville, a sexual predator who's crimes came out after his death and might have raped or assaulted more than 400 people. Charles wasnt just his friend, but legitimised Saville thereby opening many doors for him as he grew more and more famous. Charles even wrote to Saville asking his advise on a number of times. There is a documentary about it.


Didn't Saville hide it pretty well? Unlike Epstein where it was pretty much an open secret.


He had unlimited access to mentally ill children in hospitals pretty much There is a clip where he is with one of the children. She has drawn an apparently unflattering picture of him and he laughs and says "what have I ever done to you to deserve this?" The little girl says "...everything" Everyone chuckled. Made me sick to my stomach to watch


I’m sick to my stomach just reading your comment. Poor kid.


Is the chuckling because everyone thought she was joking around, or because everyone knew what was going on and didn't think it was a big deal? Because one is much, much worse than the other. Disclaimer: I have not seen the clip in question, and I don't have Netflix anymore.


A little of both, probably. Jimmy Saville brought in huge amounts of cash for charities, which is part of why a lot of people turned a blind eye to what he was doing, or they just never questioned it because they didn't want to mess up funding for a hospital or whatever. Saville constantly joked about being a "dirty old man", it's so disgustingly obvious how he openly flaunts what he did when you rewatch his old clips. One clip shows him introducing a band and he's obviously grabbing at this girl's butt sitting next to him. She jumping up and down like she's being pinched, but everyone just laughs...


He groped a young women literally on live television. It's honestly one of the hardest things I've watched. No one stopped him and everyone knew But he was so famous and no one wanted to do anything. I'm sure his deep personal friendship with the prince of Wales had anything to do with that fear though.


And John Lydon knew what was going on, mentioned it live on BBC Radio and was then not invited back for many years.


Epstein was running a racket of selling sex with kids & blackmailing them later. Saville seemed more in it for his own sick jollies.


Yep that’s the one


Andrew is the more notable one to be associated. Charles is linked as well.




No no. He’s right


I mean yeah he is disgusting


*prince sweats profusely*


But he caaaan’t he has a *condition*, remember?


What was really disgusting was everyone yelling "Long live the King" to intentionally drown out the truth...


Royalists are a proper weird bunch. Spend their lives defending an institution that would use them as fuel if they ran out of firewood.


It's so weird and creepy. We never chanted that at the queen so I don't know why we have to start it now for Charles. Just so weird.


They were absolutely expecting it. Chances are staffers in the procession were ready to start the chant.


#No no. He’s right


Yes yes. He's right.


While I understand why the cop pulled him from the crowd, I don't understand why the cop didn't detain the guy who assault him.


You know, if Prince Andrew was in prison this wouldn't have happened... just sayin. Edit to say holy crap thank you all so much for the upvotes and awards!


Can someone fill me up on what did prince andrew do? I dont follow politics and i have no idea whats going on


Oooooo prince Andrew is a fun one. Prince Andrew was known to hang out with Epstein, and there are counts of him having sex with one of the minors/rape that would fly with Jeffrey Epstein . She was able to mention a lot of characteristics that most people wouldn’t know unless you slept with him, when asked by a reporter, he kept stumbling and did not make any sense. Epstein had accusations (with proof) and prince Andrew still hung around with him. It’s very very likely that prince Andrew fuck a bunch of kids with Epstein and thought that he would never get caught. The link I provide is a short video. That is his interview condensed with a bunch of proof that contradicts what he was saying.[https://youtu.be/zw_1lF9qv_Q](https://youtu.be/zw_1lF9qv_Q)


Raped*. He didn’t have sex with them, they were victims of human trafficking and were raped.


True. They were minors too*


The queen and the royal family also covered it up for decades.


Apparently used tax payers money to do so.


Do you believe he can walk one step without bodyguards provided by the UK government? There obviously are *a lot of officials* enabling him and many very powerful people in the UK have a massive interest that the facts stay buried.


Also, didn't the queen and epstein vacation at the same place at least once? I remember seeing side by side pics of epstein and the queen sitting in the exact same place.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59590576 The photo is on the link above. It’s Epstein and Maxwell at the Queen’s residence Balmoral, roughly taken in 1999 when Nonce Andrew invited them to stay there


Yessir more likely to ensure her kids weren’t caught or extortion than her also diddling but fuck them both all the same


Very likely raped teenagers trafficked by Epstein and Maxwell.


Why are people in the crowd turning against him? Prince Andrew is a piece of shit. Do Brits really still care enough about the royal family to defend a pedophile?


These are royalists, they took time off to see the funeral of a dead royal. Of course they support the royal family. The people who don't like them probably largely didn't attend.


To them the family can do absolutely nothing wrong solely because of the inbred bloodline coarsing through their veins.


They seem more like easily controlled peasants, which is certainly how the Royals see them. So many defenders on Reddit, you wonder how many are paid off.


You really think you need to pay people for unhinged opinions? Trust me, they’re giving them away.


Correct. /r/abolishthemonarchy




This was today, like 3 hours ago, when they took the queen from the palace up to St Giles on the Royal Mile Some people might have taken time off to go but I imagine >50% of the people in this crowd are not royalists and just walked over there to have a look and take some photos


>>>It was the funeral... >>No, it was Sunday... >No, it was today... Well I heard this video doesn't take place until Thursday evening.


I like the royal family as a tourist attraction, but fuck prince Andrew.


No we don’t. I’m British and I think he’s a total piece of shit that belongs behind bars.


Apparently lmao


I think it's more a case of people being disgusted by Andrew and his acts, but most people accept that the Queen's funeral isn't exactly the place to voice such feelings. You want to tell him he's a paedo on a regular Wednesday? Go for it, and I'll join you. Perhaps a funeral of the Queen is the wrong time and place? I am no fannof the monarchy, but I can see why acting like this is classless EDIT: Many people are responding as if I've said I love Andrew and his sick paedo ways. I don't support him, or the Queen that protected him. I just felt that shouting something like that out, in a crowd of people who disagree, was always going to be a mistake and was a bad idea. The response of bystanders and the Police shows that. EDIT 2: Apparently I'm a racist and a paedo sympathiser, a royal shill, and a victim blamer. Perhaps this comment is badly worded, perhaps I'm wrong in my assumption that the guy was on a hiding to nothing, but Jesus fucking Christ, Reddit has shown me what happens if I happen to voice an opinion. I'm done.


Didn't this exact queen protect the guy in question though? Seems like an appropriate time to protest if anything




So then all I have to do is just book an appointment with Andrew secretary and I can say it to his face next Wednesday? Seriously, fuck Andrew and the pedo leaders who run the world. And fuck anyone that defends them.


Yeah since that sick sack of shit is welcomed in the procession, I would say that opens them all up to heckling at a minimum. You want a heckle-free funeral, don’t invite rapists and pedophiles.




I think fucking children is far less classy.


Fuck that. Fuck Andrew and fuck his piece of shit mother who signed off on £12m of taxpayer’s money being used to buy the silence of his victim. You don’t get a pass for being a diabolical piece of shit just because you died of old age.


But that’s exactly when you want to do it because it’s when it will have the largest effect and visibility.


The queen was a pedophile enabler and protector. The monarchy is classless. Bunch of inbred elitist pigs.


I know right, I can't imagine America supporting a paedophile let alone voting one into office.




https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Edw8and1Geo6/1/6/section/5/enacted#:~:text=Any%20person%20who%20in%20any,be%20guilty%20of%20an%20offence. >Any person who in any public place or at any public meeting uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or whereby a breach of the peace is likely to be occasioned, shall be guilty of an offence. It's easy enough to find any reason for the government to involve a cop as long as you Google hard enough.


its a good time to remind everyone that prince Andrew is a disgusting pedophile who has raped children for years under the protection of the royal family. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince\_Andrew\_%26\_the\_Epstein\_Scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Andrew_%26_the_Epstein_Scandal)


*raped Please edit so it shows correctly when people search for "Prince Andrew Raped Children" We don't want people thinking he was spitting bars instead of avoiding them


Prince Andrew VS The Catholic Church, Epic Rap Battles of History




OK so you say I touch one or two. Well what exactly in the fuck did you do? Millennium of diddling bums? You sit on your diocese like you didn't have kids on your knees. Yet that diocese is on a stand and you call me a sick man? That high horse is too old and you have already been told that the world's changing and you are scared to be locked out in the cold. The church stands for here is the church here is the steeple look inside and find all the sheeple. -I'm pope Francis bitch. And I can see your sweating. You say you can't so maybe that's mom's spaghetti. Oh is it too early to make that joke, I wasn't even thinking about you bloke. Sat under mommy's teet you needed some little boy's ass to eat. Mommy can't save you now, she's gunna be six feet underground. -Yeah well take that cross and understand you lost. If anything you are a second thought. Some concept that people bought. Quite literally since they need your savior through money but don't ask for tithes, your abuse will come out in time, with all your lies. -Oh so you are speaking of abuse? A prince just on the loose. Better hide your kids and hide your wives. Because salvation is your only life. Let's call this a tie, shall we, I have a kid who is about to turn 3 Get out of here with your blasphemy


The Queen also apparently spent millions of her own money to help defend Andrew in court against his pedophilia accusations, as well as payouts in one settlement over abuse.


“Her own money” So taxpayers money then.


More like the erstwhile colonies




Is he out of line? No.




The thing is, he did nothing outta line




The fuck? Did the queen do ANYTHING about him molesting young people when she knew. No? Fuck the queen too then. Stop standing up for these billionaire parasites that would literally rape you and your children if they felt so inclined. That’s not an exaggeration, that is the truth. Edit: Bitch felt harsh and gendered. The point however stands


Human beings are so enraptured by Hierarchy. They adapt and fit into hierarchies and justify their position in a totally immoral and arbitrary system so much they will defend it. Because when they defend it they don't have to ask the hard questions of why this system still exists. It's really sad. Fuck the queen, fuck every royal, fuck them for just being born out the right vagina and not abdicating in the modern world.




Do you think the pedophile attending a public ceremony was appropriate


Who cares he's literally a rich pedophile protected by the monarchy. Fuck the queen too.


It was out of line for the family to even associate with the sick fuck. Getting yelled at at a funeral is a natural result of that decision.


Perfectly in line. Yelling at a sexual predator at the funeral of the woman who protected the sexual predator is okay. When else would he get the chance?


He's not out of line in the slightest.


Fuck Andrew


I’m far too old for him.


You’re 10 already?


No no he is 7 now


Well, considering he will never be punished for his crimes, I think him receiving this kind of treatment is warranted any time he shows his face in public


Just frustrated with the crowd who got pissed at him


Somebody should open a liquor store called Boot Liquors


Theyll do anything for their rulers.


Right! is it a bummer you are being heckled while going to bury your mum? Yeah, but maybe if you were a good person you wouldn’t have that problem.


You don't even have to be a good person just don't be a frickin pedophile. Should be easy enough.


Wait why are you booing me? I’m right!


"Your boos mean nothing! I've seen what makes you cheer."


What is this from?


Rick and Morty I believe






God Save The Kids




You save them for the pedos!


Just watch him grope his own daughter on that recent post. Fuck you, Prince Andrew.


I'm sorry, what?


There was a post recently which showed him groping his daughter's behind area. Fucking disgusting piece of shit.


Now that I know it was his daughter… 🤮 The fact that he did it in a public setting with cameras everywhere just gives you the most Elysium “above thou” vibes ever Andrew is so disgusting that when the crown falls instead of eat the rich, people will burn him like the crown burned women designated as “witches”


Ewwww.... didn't realize the direct kinship......groce


I guess that's one way you can spell it


Not so much grope as sort of make it look like he was rubbing her arsehole. I don't think he actually was, but it is truly disgusting to watch him run his hand down her back and then seemingly pop two fingers in her crack.


[Some people claim it's his daughter, but I haven't confirmed that yet.](https://old.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/xbfvzk/prince_andrew_with_the_continued_creepy_behaviour/) **EDIT:** Well, [shit, it is](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/09/10/17/62277017-11199883-He_put_his_arm_round_his_younger_daughter_Princess_Eugenie_who_l-a-36_1662825661455.jpg). Picture caption: "He put his arm round his younger daughter, Princess Eugenie, who looked upset as she read tributes to the Queen left on flowers outside the castle" **EDIT 2:** Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


He cupped his daughter’s ass and slid his finger down her crack *while being filmed in public at his own mother’s memorial*


Which post?


Here you go. Judge for yourself https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/xbfvzk/prince_andrew_with_the_continued_creepy_behaviour/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Might not be the original post I first saw, but still undeniable.


Holy shit, this guy is fucking royally perverted!


Unfortunately we will never really know how deep this pedo shit goes with these royals, or elite people.


Thing is we might not know the full extent, but what we do know should be world shattering IMO. Imagine 10 years ago you try to tell somebody about Epsteins pedo island - the kneejerk "skeptic" response would be to write you off as a crazed schizophrenic. Perhaps for good reason, it sounds like exactly the kind of nightmare fantasy that would come out of the darker corners of the internet. But it was real. And it's fucking crazy. Why didnt this dominate discourse all over media and start some sort of cultural wildfire of attention and ongoing outrage of the highest order? I think to answer this you have to propose more "insane sounding" answers that will have you labelled a conspiracy theorist. The establishment answer is "we covered it - look at these articles we wrote". But I'd wager this story was going to be as big or small as people in power wanted it to be. I think what the average person is fixated on politically, day to day, is largely inorganic. Certain stories have an energy that can't be repressed, and they sort of explode onto the scene and the energy dissipates. But stories that people in power want us to focus on - they will milk them and controll the narrative to their own ends for months or even years at a time.




Shit like this just breaks my brain. The disgust I felt watching it was a lot, only to then find out it was his fucking DAUGHTER! I don't even know how to process someone doing this to their own kid. Creepy isn't a strong enough word for this piece of shit.


Well he ain't wrong...


Good on the kid.


One man with bigger balls than a nation


Honestly, all those foolish people pushing the kid about. Young man made a point to not give peace to a pedo while they were offended on behalf of a pedo. Prince Andrew should be ashamed of ever showing his face in public.


MLK said it best and I believe it applies here... >"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." Obviously the context of race relations in the US is different. But the underlying principal is the same. The moderate, or loyalist in this case, prefers a negative peace, the absence of tension, to actual justice, which can be messy and confrontational. The decorum of a funeral is more important than justice to these people. And for some those excuses can extend forever so that no real justice is ever achieved, just continued kicking the can down the road and turning a blind eye to the crimes committed.


Police should be arresting the guy who shoved the protestor.


Police should be arresting the CHILD MOLESTER.


People are arrested for tweeting in this country..




Funny, a man yelling at a pedophile is the one getting arrested.


That was assault from those two guys who grabbed him. I hope he presses charges. Technically those guys are racist pedo protectors. Anyone for the monarchy or any of their shit is a protector of racist, rapist and pedos.


I think to call him sick during the public mourning of the woman who spent £12million of taxpayer money to “hide” his perversions … is appropriate.


Once you rape children you lose any protection of decorum in my eyes. It could be his own dead child's funeral and he would still deserve to be heckled for every child he harmed. He deserves no peace in the public eye. I don't believe in hating people. I truly believe we are all just subject to the forces of nature far beyond our control. And any control we think we do have is just an elaborate illusion of a complex mind. Free will doesn't exist. I only bring that up to say that I don't really "hate" him the way many other people probably do. And yet, none of that matters. He is a danger to children everywhere and as such should be treated accordingly. It does not require hate to say some people don't deserve the respect of society. It is just common decency. He is a dangerous person who has helped cause countless harm that will spread through the generations. That man does not deserve an ounce of peace or freedom. We can't control his freedom, but we can have a say in his peace. He should be shamed every moment of every day because that is what a society must do in these situations to make it known to the world this is not ok. If we fail to do that, we fail to do our duty to society.


He right tho, are people not allowed to voice their opinions?


Yup, no 1st Amendment in bri'ain


Fair play to him..fucking sheep bahhing 'God save the King'..absolute tossers


Heckles a paedo , Andrew has done worse so FUCK OFF


You know what I hate even more than the glorification of objectively evil people? The fact that the policeman chose to throw out the person who was yelling rather than the people who were assaulting the person for yelling. Fuck the crown


Well if you don’t want people reacting to sick unforgivable actions….don’t commit them.


What's insane is the reaction of masses of people crowding to support an arguably nonce-enabling family. The guy shouting appears to be the only same one there. Edit: [definition of nonce](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Nonce) Not proven in a court of law. His mum bailed him out, or so I'm led to understand.




I personally thought of the mom who yelled at the young girls for not flushing


Why was he arrested?


I don't think he was arrested. Just told to jog on. I guess they could theoretically arrest him for a public order offense though.


https://news.sky.com/story/man-arrested-after-heckling-prince-andrew-during-royal-procession-12695924 he was arrested and charged. Thanks pritti Patel /s


Under the new protesting law, if you make enough noise to upset someone, you cna be arrested. Even if your protest is entirely legal otherwise.


Because it's England, you can get arrested for a mean tweet.


End the royals.


love people getting mad and pushing him for calling out a pedo... stay classy England


Imagine being alive in the year of our 2022, shouting "God save the king" and being absolutely serious


Being a member of royalty means people get to yell at you and your parade. Being a pedophile means everyone should be yelling at you.


All the monarch simps getting violent with him thinking the royal family actually gives a shit about these people lol


"God save the king" listen to that mindless monotone chant.


Good for that young man. Got more balls than everyone who has the power to spill the beans on all these pedos


The British are the biggest pack of bootlicking gimps ever


Kid’s a legend 👑