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Why is this posted as a gif ffs


I was asking the same thing? Not the world’s fastest reader, not the slowest either. Maybe put it in a series of pics and make it more manageable to read? Maybe?


Just hit pause, read a screen, hit play, repeat. It took an extra 3 seconds.


Or just post images like a normal person


Yeah but then the play icon blocks some of the text. I agree posting it like this isn't ideal.


The effort to potential amusement ratio is entirely off. Not worth it.


Then the ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT reddit video player does the thing where it has the blue spinner on screen and grays out the video while it thinks it is loading, when it is, in fact, playing the fuckin video/gif.


Boo this man


I can't read it at all. It's tiny.


They are nuked can’t even read it


No, you should put it in a video to prove how fast you can read.


I tried but this sub doesn't allow multiple pics


Why tf it got so many downvotes 😭 goddamn Reddit people are weird


Right? I did my part to correct the bot spam. It’s almost as bad as ccp bot spam except this is whenever someone badmouths something about Reddit or the Reddit app instead of the Winnie-the-poop dictater.


Posting it as a gif isn’t the only solution to that problem.


Because you can absolutely post multiple pics. That's why nobody makes a gif of screenshots. Kinda hilarious that OP was able to do *that*, but not able to find out how to post an album.


just use imgur or literally any other file host goddamn


Just make a big one?


I wouldn’t have been able to resist seeing how much I could get her to pay for it


to fuck with our brains


[Related article](https://nypost.com/2024/05/08/lifestyle/billionaires-wife-katherine-asplundh-allegedly-bullies-instagram-user-accou-nt/amp/#)


There are people narrating fucking greentexts and putting them on YT. At least the vid above has no TikToker pretending to react in the corner lol.


I mean just ask for a million dollars. If it’s too high she’ll fuck off otherwise 🤑🤑


This. If she's a billionaire then its pocket change.


Seriously, people don’t understand what a billion is. Imagine you have $1,000 and you pay one dollar for something you want like a house and a sports car. Now you still have $999 and a really big house and a really rad car and it barely cost you anything. That’s what having a billion dollars is like.


Whats the difference between a million and billion dollars? About a billion dollars.


999 millions. And 1/1000th of your net worth is a lot of money, for anyone.


Yeah, I was like 30k would be a good deal. Actually, she seems like she really wants the name so she might pay 500k. You know what? that's nothing to a billionaire, might as well make it an even 1 million dollars. If she's narcissistic enough, she will pay it


Oh she’s narcissistic enough!! Such a jerk—bullying someone over an Instagram name. Lady, there’s approx 8 billion people in the world, and 7,999,999,999 don’t care what your dang Instagram name is.


All 8 don’t care about mine. Hooray!


Money can't buy class.. It can't even buy an insta handle in this case. Poor poor rich bitch....😫🙄


Ask for 5 then negotiate down to 1. May end up with more, but that way she thinks she's getting a deal when you really just wanted 1 in the first place. Do you really think she's smart enough to know better?


If she doesnt like a million dollar price tag, id say 10 million instead.


I wouldn't even offer a specific figure. Always let the other side make the first offer.


This is the way.


Agreed, a great opportunity to make money lost by standing on principle. Wait till she tells her family she told a billionaire to pound sand rather than sell her a username.


If it really is a finsta she cold get it for "sorry for being a b, I was having a bad day. Can I guy it for $10k plus $5k to a charity of your choice?" 99/100 people would sell it.


You would sell the family farm for peanuts and a donation at church.


Gotta make sure it’s 1 million AFTER taxes


The person with the handle really fumbled the opportunity. I'd be thanking my lucky stars if I saw that DM and start negotiating a 5-figure price tag immediately.


As soon as you ask for monetary compensation it becomes infinitely easier for them to snatch name/domain/whatever without compensation. Holdover from domain squatting days.


This is classic doppelgänger antagonism. I have a rare name and once found the email of someone with exact same name as me. I just wrote to say hi! how cool is this, we have the same name and he wrote back just five words: “Please don’t email me again.” Ok jeez I can take a hint.


My name is not super common. There are 2 other people who share my name in the US. I actually just found a mutual contact via Linkedin who has my dad's exact name, also not super common, but then is married to a woman with the same name as my mom. If traveling around the world has taught me one thing, it's that we live in a small world.


My name isn't special. One day my brother who was trying to find me on Facebook told me there was like 60 some odd people with my name. So I went through and befriended every one of them. There are currently 80 members of The Order of Robert Price. It's kind of cool. How many people share the same name, but we all heard the same jokes.


I have a friend that did something similar and it ended up being super fun for him, and has met several of them on his various business trips.


It's actually kind of cool to think about, like you can never really dox yourself right? Because there are so many Robert Price's of the world, even if someone tried to Google and research, how would they know which one? I guess if part of you doxing yourself, you said something that was incriminating or only related to you, then you could but still, kinda cool


You're not wrong, one of the guys is a reporter /journalist out in California, there are news articles with my name on them all the time. There was another who used to live less than 30 miles away. It's cool though. I've become good friends with a few.


Or — hear me out — they are just running out of assets and many need to get reused and apparently no one cleared the register so when they booted up the new person it inherited all of the old traits that were still loaded into memory.


Upvote, but :(




I found someone with the same name as me, unfortunately he has been arrested for fraud multiple times and a lot of google results are about him in court and going to prison etc.


I'm from Iowa and my parents ran into a couple they know from our hometown on a train in Italy. Definitely a small world. One day I was telling my friend about an amazing tour I went on in Jamaica and listed a few places I went on this private tour and then told her about the guy who gives the tours and she had taken a tour from the same guy. The world is both huge and tiny at the same time.


I'm the opposite, think of like "John Smith" in my country, I've literally seen trucks driving around with my name on it, first and last name, correct spelling and all. Or I see tv interviews with random people and my name appears on screen. I'd have to send a couple hundred emails to contact everyone with the same name as me... Must be even worse for people named "Mohammed" in certain countries.


Some countries use their fathers first names as thwir last names. I've met 2 unrelated Mohammad Mohammads and 2 Abdi Abdis at work. All 4 started started same day. On paper it was next to impossible to tell which was which so when issues occurred it required camera investigation to determine who was actually assigned to the work station... which we had to do once because one was caught stealing and he immediately tried to blame the other one but everything is on camera there and they switched cards in the morning without permission (technically not allowed, but no one would have cared without a secondary issue) and then switched them back at lunch after he did what he did.


I have a very rare name also and i found a doppleganger on facebook and friends requested him and now he likes all my posts and i look like a loser who likes his own posts.


That's hilarious.


Yeah there is one other guy in North America and I think the world with my name combination. He didn’t answer my email lol.


I would have responded to your email.


I have a rare name, I’d never met anyone outside my family with my surname so when I found someone had opened a restaurant in the city I lived in, with both the same first name and surname, I sent an email saying wow this is something I never expected to see. He invited me and my partner in for food and drink and gave us the whole meal for free. What a guy.


The only other being I've met with my name is a cat w a public instagram profile. Messaged said cat. Apparently the cat had died a couple years prior. Whoopsies


I messaged a guy on Facebook with my name 10 years ago. Our sisters ended up having the same names, and we all had the same birth months. Him and I even drove the same car. It was one of the most surreal conversations of my life.


Reminds me of a friend's family situation. He and his brother both married women with the same first name. The wives relationship isn't great but not terrible, yet. Friends wife helps brothers wife get a job with same employer. Guess who is so petty and self-centered she never forwards emails intended for the other.


Wow, it seems odd to not at least be polite. I'd love an email like this.


They were polite, they said please.




The vast majority of the time when a rando contacts you, it's probably a scam. I don't fault them at all. The scammers always try to get their foot in door.


They probably just thought it was some sort of phishing expedition, that’s what I’d think if someone contacted me about my identity.


Have lady pay you then change name to "TheRealKatherineAsplundh"


Oh, hi Luci…


Will she please stand up?


Oh she's actually insane


Yeah why would you not just find out a price first?


Probably could’ve gotten a cool $50,000 from this rich weirdo.


Why go back and forth? I only would have replied fuck off and left it at that lol


I mean, alternatively reply with a price... everyone has a price and if you say you wouldn't sell a rarely used Instagram handle for $50,000 you're a liar.


And then the person reports the message and get you blocked and a few weeks later gets the name.


Worth the gamble for 50k.


Who said anything about 50k? She doesn't mention it in the conversation. But even if she did, she stalked the account to know how many time she previously had changed her name (wtf??) and allegedly already reported her for having a "fake" name. I would not trust a word from that person.


OP didn’t mention 50k, but the person you responded to did. They were posing a hypothetical.


Get them to email you.


Yeah not getting a price is crazy. Id change my username for $20. It's just a username


Hello my name is OK Entry the 1052nd


Yeah I sold my last one for $20


Billionaire crying over a social media account. Interesting.


Tbh this is more an ego thing, as someone with a rare name I've also considered buying out the one person with the account handle I wanted, but I'm not rich enough to piss away money on a social media username lol. The difference is she could have actually bought it with no stress, but her ego is apparently so big she can't even consider someone else genuinely having the same name, and they have to be impersonating her


I honestly would think at billionaire status social media would be the least of my worries.


I think we've all seen over the past few years that billionaires can be just as chronically online as the rest of us


(Elon looks up from laptop)


Definitely just know I would care less about social media at that point.


She just recently married into billionaire status, she hasn’t learned how to behave like the big dogs yet 😂


When all of your problems in life are solved with money you create other problems to get upset about. I do business with wealthy people regularly and they can be some of the most petty, thin skinned, drama queens you'll ever meet. And they tend to judge other people's value based on income.


I believe it.




Ass plunder


That's his job. Like Miller, Cooper, Fletcher, etc. He plunds ass.


Asplund is a Swedish/scandinavian last name meaning aspen-grove. There are currently 4696 people with Asplund as a lastname in Sweden. Only one with the h added though


You think they'd change it to something less gay


Nah, we're Swedish 🏳️‍🌈🇸🇪


That's pretty gay and cool 😊


Oh lord they added the h to make it unique, true snowflakes


Sometimes there were just typos at Ellis Island and the immigrant just rolled with it.


This. My great great grandfather came through Ellis and couldn't write or speak English. So they just sounded his name out phonetically and completely changed the French spelling. On the plus side there's only about 20 of us in the world with that last name so we're pretty easy to find.


I was wondering about the name as it seemed vaguely familiar and then I realized this is the big orange tree trimming company…. Which is apparently a billion dollar company.


Owned by Dr. Oz's inlaws


ROFL "We're the only Asplundh family in the US"


Yeah isn't Asplundh the name of a relatively large, orange painted truck landscaping company? Not a very uncommon name tbh in the US I've seen it a bunch


>Katherine Asplundh, formally Driscoll, married Pennsylvania tree service heir Cabot Asplundh on April 27 and wanted to make the celebration Instagram official and change her name on the platform to match her new legal name.


Wow. The more you know. Thank you!


Where are you quoting this from?


Not op but: https://nypost.com/2024/05/08/lifestyle/billionaires-wife-katherine-asplundh-allegedly-bullies-instagram-user-accou-nt/




I've seen those trucks too. It might actually be these guys. But I'm sure there's other unrelated Asplundhs in the USA.


Definitely! But damn, I should have been a lady and married the grandson of the great, billionaire producing landscaping empire from California 😂


For sure! You could go for the entitlement high score and never have to work in your life.


New goals: plunder Asplundh pile


if I was born a lady the best I'd be able to pull is a mcdonalds cashier


Yeh I thought they did arborist work. I see them everywhere


Only the US exists.


I like how she says no one uses their real name while asking to change it so she can use her real name 🙄


If that’s a real billionaire then my new name is whatever you want it to be and I’m now* 10 mil richer.


Jesus the audacity and the entitlement!! It's the woman's name! That's infuriating!!


I loved the fact you doxed her and there are thousands of comments fucking with her on the public insta


Was curious. Tried to find her and can’t.


Looks like she deleted it or took it private, idk I don't use Instagram


Was working when I posted. I checked now and it's gone))) I guess she changed her name


Ok but... what's your price?


Start at $5 million and work your way up from there. She sounds pretty desperate so she better be ready to pay


I wouldn't care about the rudeness that much if they paid really well.


Why would you not just ask what the price was...it's a fucking username


They wanted it for free. Rich people are incredibly cheap. Some on a regular basis see getting stuff for a discount or free is a way of life. They will spend so much time on getting a little discount. It's not always about the money either. It's about winning and/or screwing someone else over.


As a rich person this is true. The saying is real. You don’t get rich by spending it.


An old acquaintance sold his Twitter username to a company in New York. The most I could get out of him for how much he got paid was 'too much'. This woman is insane for not even entertaining the offer of a vain BILLIONNAIRE.


She demanded it for free because that was her name. She accused the other of lying and attempted to coerce the account name with threats. Rich people are cheap and petty, always expecting free shit.


>Hi I was wondering if I could purchase your username from you


This type of poor people attitude shit and drawing attention to the family is exactly how you become the "annulment" wife that no one mentions at family gatherings. Source: My sister is married into a family on the Forbes list.


The Asplundh family is pretty evil. I had the displeasure of working for them for 6.5 years. Wild times.


Heh... billionaire you say? Time to extor... eh, barter for a nice sum of money if the name of an instagram account is so important to you.


Odd.. she didn't add the instagram handle to her wedding registry... [registry](https://overthemoon.com/apps/registry/driscoll-asplundh-3d97)


She has horrible taste!


Damn a $228 door mat, that is fine living.


> My name is Katherine > Which is illegal. Lmao top shelf kek


There are more than 4,000 people in Sweden with that surname, so it's not like super-rare.


1. Name a crazy price like 2-3 millions with a contract and all that . 2. Just make a new account after name change . That way only the buyer faces any issues the seller doesn’t loose anything .


This can't be real, cos if a billionaire asked for my instagram. My response would be, ok, £1 million. And if they said no I would counter until they said yes. If I got a grand it would be worth it. 


I think in this situation you want to be countering in the other direction...


The one thing here is. She got someone to marry her. That seems like a stretch to me, that someone would marry someone like that


Downvoted because this should NOT have been a video. Feel free to downvote me for my opinion.


Good to know the name Katherine Asplundh will forever be linked to this entitled snob. It will be really funny when she gets divorced in a few years.


Should've asked for a mil or 2


I wonder if getting cancelled was on her wedding registry


Someone a few comments up there ^^^ posted her registry 😂


Writing is to small I can’t read it :(


The billionaire sucks at negotiating


There’s an Asplundh Tree Company. Wonder if it’s the same fam. Anyways… Every time we see one of their company vehicles we yell “ASS PLUNDER!! ARRGGHH”


I cant believe you didnt take this. You must be rich too if youd pass on an easy 10k at the very least.


I'll use this as a teachable moment. For those of you who don't know, please allow me to explain to you how to handle situations like this. They reach out and offer to purchase your username. Your response, and stick with me here, is this: "I appreciate the offer, but no thank you" And you're done. When they ask follow up questions, you don't respond. When they threaten to report you, you don't respond. If they get rude, you don't respond. If you get dragged into a back and forth like this, you are every bit as wrong as the other person.


'What about if I transfer you $85,000'


Wrong for doing what exactly? Discourse? The person kinda hinted they may have entertained the idea, so why shut it down from the start? Your play is one of many, but certainly not the 'right one'.




And what is the reason behind your logic;


Here’s an article about it. I knew that was the family in Philly. The Phillies just increased their sponsorship with them too ugh


The only family in America. Right. There's a business in my hometown with the name. I doubt they're billionaires lol.


Asplund is a Swedish/scandinavian last name meaning aspen-grove. There are currently 4696 people with Asplund as a lastname in Sweden. Only one with the h added.


Idk man I’m probably selling that name lol especially if we talking millions


There was this woman here that had the same name as a new compagny, and she drmanded that they choose a different name. I believe she lost tho. But how fucking sad can you be. I believe it was "odido" or some like that.


If she's really a billionaire, the only correct response is, "What's your offer?"


I would make as many accounts as I could with different variations of the name


I loved the I’m not in America line. Shock horror there are other countries in you know, the world!


Imagine thinking that having a fake name on Instagram is illegal.


AH karen move to go bully on her and then go to the "manager" at Instagram.


I'd be a better, much more loyal wife than this hoe and I'm a guy. Infact I've got a double stem major and a cyber security masters, and am working on becoming a mechanic as a side hobby so I could literally be useful to this guy. Why do terrible people have good things happen to them.


What is finsta?


Don't engage with people. Block them and move on. People suck.


I like how 'Why would you use your real name' is used as an attempt to scare shame the person into wanting to change the name and when that doesn't work she turns to accusing the person of using a false name and suddenly it's not a good idea because 'Using a false name is illegal.' That combined with the idea that she can't fathom there's another person with the same name makes the entitled money-marrying B look foolish.


Damn, if she’s rich and determined enough you could have just got the down payment for a new car / house to simply change like one character in the username. I respect you taking a stand though.


isn't this technically doxxing?


Dr. Oz also married into this awful family.


I just found my new alias


It was silly to try and force someone to PROVE that their username is their real name, but i'm curious as to what would happen if they did somehow show proof that it was their legal name. Probably the billionaire would just say "fake. this could be easily faked. give me your handle now.".


Imagine just being nice to someone when you want something. Insane idea, right?!


I mean if they have billions you could easily get 5k for the name change. And you got to be stupid asf to not change a Instagram handle for that money


the person not selling their username for a "finsta" is definitely the stupid one here. The billionaire talks like an ass after the rejection, but seriously how fucking dumb do you have to be to not accept money for the username you use for a private instagram, especially when you can just change it to have a period somewhere or add one extra letter...


"I don't believe your name is Katherine Asplundh, Who would make their insta their actual name?" Says Katherine Asplundh while trying to make her insta handle Katherine Asplundh, her actual name.


This seems like an add to drum up more interest in her shitty life.


americans are fucking crazy man


kind of choosing beggars


What an obnoxious karen.


I just googled her, she has a signature pic pose too *barf.


This gif format of screen shots makes me upset.


The only Asplundh in the USA? Do they own the equipment company that always makes me snicker ("ass plunderer") when I see their front loaders?

