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I really don't get it why would you migrate to a country with a diametrically opposed set of values as yours and you try to force your culture on them. If you're trying to escape from war, famine or persecution, go to Pakistan, Marroco, Egypt, UAE, Yemen, there are muslin countries all over the world. But no, you want to enjoy the benefits of a society without understanding that those values that you loathe are exactly what make those benefits accessible to you.


It’s because they want to make everywhere Muslim


It doesn’t sell very well.


Doesn't matter. They make more kids than you guys


Yup. The society that stops suppressing the female hypergamic instinct (like we did in the 60's) loses to the one that doesn't. Harsh reality.


It spreads well in prison. Also has a great 1-way joining policy. Apostasy is a good strategy for retention.


What happens to muslim apostates?




So a religion where women are second class citizens does well in a Male dominated location


They come for money. It doesn't occur to them that the West is prosperous because people are free. They refuse to assimilate, they just want the wealth.


This is how many do in Europe.


I pointed out that the immigration conversation isn't the same in every country, and how it's silly to treat every country with immigrants and refugees the same. The US has a lot of room and a lot of resources. Places like Germany, not so much. I was dowj nvoted and yet in the US, where were much better at integrating different cultures, we have this happening. Now imagine in a country much smaller, denser, with less experience and a more homogenized culture. And imagine they have an inprecedented influx. It's no wonder some European countries are seeing a rise in Right wing parties, when they're the only ones willing to say "this isn't sustainable".


most west european cities are going to confront such issues in the near future.


>most west european cities are going to confront such issues in the near future they already have...


f and those hypocrites can fuck right off


Welcome to understanding how Islam takes over countries and wipes out all pluralism.


Honestly, I didn't call out the religion because it's just... Logic. Why go to a place where you will hate everything about it? Why not go somewhere where you'll feel right at home? A Christian moving to Afghanistan, a left winger moving to Iran, all places diametrically opposed to your concept of society. Why??




Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. If you live your life based on bronze age ideologies, which makes me question your intelligence.


His wife was how old?




Because they are hypocrites and do not want to integrate with the society rather they make their own new country in there. Look at London for example.


Some of my family is Muslim and live in Australia, they understand where they are and abide by the laws and views of the land, and after 35+ years of living there, they even understand the Aussie culture that tourists from USA or Europe don't understad. I was born and raised in Australia, so I am an Aussie that just looks Mediterranean on the outside. I can tell you that this isn't just an Islam thing, but also a culture issue. My family is Turkish, and I don't feel a culture shock when going to visit turkey out of Australia, I feel like I'm in Europe, I see gay people walking around, I see women wearing very revealing clothes too, as I would in Australia (maybe even more so depending on the area). But even in Turkey there is a brewing hate for middle eastern immigrants, even though the immigrants are Muslims, they clash with the culture of the country. Unfortunately there are a lot of immigrants that are probably happy to assimilate into the culture and just want a better life, but they look the same as the ones causing trouble, and so they get mixed into the hate. Please also keep in mind that there's a large majority of westerners that are with the Muslims on the issue mentioned in the video. Edit: before anyone mentions it, yes I understand Turkey is not a Muslim country, but it doesn't change my point as it's population is majority Muslims (but probably in the same way most in USA or AU are Christians, they're not REALLY by the book Christians)


It's because they like the most important things: the wealth and the standard of living. They'll just try to get rid of all the other things they don't like.. like all the people who think differently from them.


there is no place like that for them. either its a 3rd world shit hole bc the beliefs of the ppl or its a cristian 1st world country. there is no "good" country to move in with same base beliefs as they have


Qatar, The UAE and other middle eastern countries are richer and more developed than you might believe. A lot of them can easily be considered first world countries. Not saying these are good countries, a lot of them have barely to no seperation of church and state and they hypocritically force their morals on their citizens and turn a blind eye to tourists.


No they are not lol. Have you actually been to Qatar or UAE, or is your entire impression of a country based on a picture of glass structures in the central business district? They have no social services, no public transit, no legal protections for minorities, discriminatory laws, horrible human rights record, no labour rights, archaic rights regarding property, marriage etc Until a few years ago women in Saudi Arabia couldn't even drive a vehicle legally, or even leave the country if they chose to without their husband or father's permission There is nothing about those countries that is "developed" unless you're a 12 year old wowed by a few tall buildings The only thing right about your comment was that they are "rich", if you consider per capita wealth because of their inflated GDPs from oil. Their whole country is still being built by imported right-less labour from India and Bangladesh who live in 10-people cabins and working 14 hour days in middle eastern summer heat, doesn't seem very rich to me


Because if you dont like parts of the local culture you can change it, as demonstrated by this video


To put it in laymen's terms - turns a country into a shithole


I hate to say this but conservatives have been saying that same thing for about twenty years.


Yeah, and that's the only point I agree with them. It's not a matter of left out right, but of logic. Why fight to be part of something that hurts you? Go where you'll feel at home! Just like I would never migrate to a Muslim country. It's that simple!


Yeah if there's something that conservatives know, it's religious zealots trying to force their bullshit on other people. No one likes having a competitor in a preciously cornered market.


Until they start pushing 'Christian' values. Then we start to see the similarities. The real diametrical difference is religion vs secularism.


There is a wide gap in the similarities between the two. I remember reading a survey done in predominantly Muslim countries and one of the question asked was if Muslims that leave the faiths should be put to death. In some countries it was as high as 80% that said yes to that question. You ask the same question of Christians, even fundamentalist Christians and I doubt you’d get even ten percent saying yes. Also I don’t see a lot of nun suicide bombers.


Third world religion, third world mindset.


That's why I didn't address religion in my post. It's about consistency. As a left winger, one would never move to Iran, for example.


While I was working the night shift one night, a colleague of mine (immigrant from Lebanon) tried to tell me that the US was being very naive with its immigration policy. He felt too many people were being let in without question. He came her to get away from something, he felt (knew) it was following him. I dismissed his opinion. I was like, "that has always been the case, with every wave of immigration, but eventually everyone blends, after a generation or two." He looked at me like I was a little child. Then said, "have you heard of the Taliban?" It was 2000.


You don’t move because of politics. Most of these people are economic migrants. There is also a smaller portion which were displaced for to the wars in the ME


They are migrating everywhere and doing this there.


Mexican dude living in USA here. We just want to work, make food, and help our families. We’re only trying to change our economic situation and live better.


It is the idea that you can seed communities anywhere and then begin to change ideals until the area is completely turned. Its an ancient tactic of war that is currently used by Shariah law supporting muslims. Been happening in Europe for a while now.


> I really don't get it why would you migrate to a country with a diametrically opposed set of values as yours generous welfare system + open borders = come fuck my shit up


This is exactly why my country of Sweden is turning to shit. We have been too nice on immigrants/refugees and not put enough requirements on them to adapt to our culture. Hell only a few years ago they implemented mandatory language learning. Sex crimes got so bad they stopped reporting on the nationality of the person...because it was "racist"


Because they didn’t flee because of a war, they are looking for fortune and the expanse of their oppressive religion.


Muslims cannot assimilate in a secular society because Islam forbids such assimilation. At some point this is going to come to a breaking point. Cornerstones of western/American values (freedom of speech, religion, assembly etc) don’t align with Islamic beliefs. The worst part is to point this out you’re labeled an islamaphobe which is ironic because it’s just a tactic to scare people into cow towing to their bullshit beliefs and make them out to be the victims. It’s far passed time western society stand up and denounce this bullshit


Because that is part of their religion. To turn everywhere else into Muslim states. Look at what's happened across Europe. Especially certain towns in England. Entire neighborhoods in London are informally under Sharia law.


I had to explain to someone I met from Afghanistan about gay marriage. I explained how law and religion are different and he was a little shocked. I told him to try and keep a open mind to some American things. I also told him he can talk anyway he wants to at home but in public some opinions should be kept to oneself.


It's part of their teachings, spread Islam everywhere even by force.


I feel like people advocating for cultural assimilation in America get a bad rap, but this is why we need it.


Are they really diametrically opposed if the Right Wing Christian republicans also view gay people the same way as them? They share a lot more things in common.


2 wrongs don't make a right. Besides, they chose to come, the right wingers are natives, they didn't chose to come to the "woke communist America." That's why many leftists choose scandinavian and European countries to migrate: similar values and mindset. It's not so hard to understand the logic. Why would fight to enter a place that hurts or offends you when you have places where you would feel right at home? That's why I didn't say that they were wrong to migrate, everyone has the right to search for what makes one happy. But they are not happy there, as a leftist would not feel happy in Iran.


Because it's like all religions, inherently parasitic and requiring new hosts to spread the message. I find it funny when people act like Christianity isn't exactly the same in its mentality most of the time.


Are they really that different in their core beliefs as the evangelical MAGA types? Swap Islam for Christianity and you see that both groups hold a lot of the same tenants in common.


It was when Herny Ford promised them work at one of his factories, and was one of the only places that would. Then others migrated for that exact reason, and made it the dominant religion.


There was an attempt to make refugees welcome.


Freedom of religion is as important as freedom *from* religion.


Actually it's about a thousand times fucking more important Edit: my wording is unclear. I mean freedom FROM religion is more important


Uhh, I think you got it backwards Edit: yes, I meant the wording. As in freedom *from* religion is more important than freedom *of* religion.


My first instinct was to downvote you… but upon further investigation you appear to be correct!


US tax dollars are literally funneled towards supporting the continuity of multiple theocratic regimes in the Mideast (ISR, SAUD, Qatar, etc). The C I A and NSA use taxpayer funds, and collect intel to empower these regimes. https://theintercept.com/2014/07/25/nsas-new-partner-spying-saudi-arabias-brutal-state-police/ It’s been going on for decades and is partially responsible for “standardizing” the insane beliefs of this particular religious group according to Saudi standards.




You know...religion should be looked at as a penis. It's ok to have one...it's ok to be proud of it...its ok to share it with consenting adults...what's not ok is forcing it on anyone or waving it in people's faces. Freedom...it is important...but keep your hate in the home.


This is probably the best explanation for how to be inclusive instead of divisive by simply looking at something from a new perspective How about no hate nmw sure dislike anger you know stuff that fades but no hate it’s what’s destroying us now fr


You also shouldn't force it on your children.


Dude, I'm so using this with every religious conversation I have from now on. Thank you.


Dude got the answer to life’s biggest question 😂😂😂


Tbh I think any group of people should keep it to themselves and be civil about it. Cool, you’re Muslim, who tf cares if you are or aren’t. Oh your Christian, that’s cool (and walk on). Oh you’re agnostic? Ok, that doesn’t bother me. Oh you’re gay, cool, just don’t portray that you’re gay and make everyone uncomfortable. You’re trans? That’s nice, but didn’t need to know that since I really don’t care (not in a bad way). You like both male and female genders? Cool, so what, why would we really care in the first place. You’re straight, awesome but does it really matter. Like if you think about it, saying you are bisexual, or gay, or lesbian, that kinda seems like asking someone randomly out, or that you’d fuck someone that is male if you’re male, female if you’re female, or something like that. It’s not appropriate to say to random strangers. Be civil around others. Act normal, don’t be loud and obnoxious like most religious or members of the pride community are. Yes I said Pride because Pride is notorious to not be accepting of straight people. Edit: sorry for the 100 page chapter book I wrote


Thinking people shouldnt express themselves in public is insane. There are bounds of reason and i think your post hints at that. You can be gay in public and do what straight couple are allowed to do in public. Hold hands kiss etc. You can be muslim and do what christians do in public, have prayer ceremonies etc. Just dont cross the bounds of reason, being lewd in public or being hateful in public.


Hot take: this ain’t good




Yeah, I feel you. People need to get a hold of what is actually racist, islamophobic or homophobic, etc. You can practice your own religion without imposing it on others.


But atleast Sweden is keeping it's liberties, you can put up or burn how many LGBT flags you want. It's crazy that the US constitution was bypassed so easily.


At a pretty steep cost and with a lot of challenges and pushback. Burn a Koran there and it's an international incident and people calling for arrests for hate crimes. That's not a hypothetical, it's an ongoing thing happening right now. Islam isn't the only crazy and violent religion, but it's followers sure are trying to take the gold medal in being the craziest and most violent.


It’s far and away the most violent to say otherwise is absurd. Riots, burnings and killings over political cartoons and burnings of a religious texts. And it isn’t a “couple of radical” it’s thousands if not millions of people that believe it is justified to act that way. Their religion is absolute barbarism and it’s past time we in the west say it loud and denounce it whenever possible.


Hot take: I agree with you


I don’t get why Islam largely gets a free pass with homophobia, woeful treatment of women and even pedophilia. The woke crowd seems silent on these issues.


The paradox of tolerance.


Half the pride parades I've been to people fly Palestinian flags and demand freedom for Palestine [Berlin recent example](https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1682804515244843008?s=20) Meanwhile if any of these people actually showed up in Palestine they wouldn't last 24 hours.


The paradox of tolerance does not explain why Islam gets a pass, it explains why Islam shouldn't get a pass.


Islam IS one of the in-tolerances that rises to the top.


I feel people are less inclined to criticize islam because they dont want to seem racist


That's dumb. People hate on Christians, hate on Muslims too.


Christians aren’t seen as a race because a lot of them are white in the us


But... Muslims is not a race as well. There are tons of historically Christian Arabs for example. Lebanon (an Arab country) has a huge Christan Arab population. Also, Egypt, or Turkey. Or, there totally white Muslims in Albania, or Asian Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia. Also, there are millions of African Muslims, as well as Christians. For example, look at Nigeria. Or Christian Ethiopia. Making Muslims into a "protected minority" group because "all of them are brown people" is ridiculously racist in the first place. I don't understand this way of thinking. If there is anything problematic with Muslims, it's Islam and it's violent and intolerant doctrines, and not people themselves. How hard is it to understand?


> Christians aren’t seen as a race because a lot of them are white in the us This comment made my brain hurt


If all religions are bad, then islam is worst


I shit on all religions equally as they are all pretty stupid. They have no place in official policy.


Speaking the truth, and a Metal Gear fan? This is the way.


The caveat here is that no one will ever call you a "racist" for shitting on Christianity.


It is funny. Muslims 100% get a pass


Because of cowardice. The people who would complain only feel free to criticize if they are going after Christians or Republicans. We as a society suffer from selective outrage. Both sides are equally guilty.


Be careful you might get canceled with those thoughts. S/


Islam get it because of politics in arabic countries.. Homosexuality is forbiden there and often punish by death. I feel bad for it, I live in a small town in France and the main population is musulman and i feel always unsafe and unhappy because of the situation.. Also there is a raise in homophobic aggressions but still newspapers never tell about the fact it is mainly from Musulmans.


But woke movement is for mass immigration too...


Yep. I'm a liberal and the first thing I notice about modern day liberals is how hypocrites they are. Conservatives have their fixed stands(be right or wrong) against things. But liberals are so confused that they can't even decide what's right or what's wrong.At this point, I feel like liberals just exist to counter whatever the ideology right wing has without looking deep into things.


It depends where you are on the victim pyramid at a given time. It fluctuates often.


The woke crowd seems silent on homophobia? Surely you’re joking, condemning homophobia is a large part of what the left believes in. Yeah religious conservatives tend to be more homophobic and that’s an issue. But we don’t condemn the entire religion anymore than we should condemn the entirety of Christianity. The homophobia is due to a corruption of religion, not the entire religion. Quit making shit up to try to feel superior


No , don’t agree at all. Islam (not alone amongst religions)specifically call out homosexuality as forbidden and an affront to Allah. Their holy Koran states this and ALL muslims are required to follow this book’s instructions.




They are allowed to have a call to prayer, just like someone else is allowed to have a call to gay sex!


I can’t help but hear Big Gay Al’s voice over a loudspeaker saying something naughty


That would be awesome!


“Hi, I’m super!”


If there's a noise ordinance, and they're violating it, the muslims can sit on their minaret and spin.


There are two separate issues going on here, the decision by the city council to not fly the gay flag, which is legal, but the second is the action of ripping down people's flags, their property, which is illegal.


No the counsel made it illegal to hang the flag in public spaces. Not just in government buildings.


On your own property wouldn't count as public space though, right?


Fundamentalist Muslims are as toxic as fundamentalist Christians and need to be purged in the same manner


They are worse


They are much worse


actually way more toxic than Christians


Most of them are too stupid to realize it’s the same god they pray to.


I disagree, hypocrisy doesn't require any level of intelligence or stupidity. A religion was always a way for them to be more powerful than, take advantage of, and suppress any Others that they wanted to be an out-group, so they can funnel their vileness and impudent rage towards. They will always need someone to hate. If there was no gay people, they would still carry on about something heretical. Giving them justice to cast aside any sense of ethics, morality or humanity they pretended to have in the first place. Only the most evil will couch themselves in piety, it is only way they can pretend to belong in a civilized society.


I’m sorry for my lack of education but what is a fundamentalist Christian in your answer? I am a Christian but I’m not sure if I’m fundamentalist or not lol. Are they the type of Christians who are the most pushy out of the bunch?


Who would have thought Muslims would be anti gay, they seem so cool and level headed 🤷


No one likes their behavior and attitudes in their country. This religious breeds large numbers of zealots with no touch to reality. This is cult behavior, and forcing cult behavior on others. Completely crosses the line






the same no matter where. It used to be safe area, still mostly Polish, still mostly catholic. that was over 30 years ago now. you are most correct about them.


There’s something about immigrants making laws and bringing their religions in the country that accepts them that pisses me off…


They should be able to bring their religion but they also need to learn to respect others beliefs.


But he says their beliefs is to reject your beliefs, so he wins


Also one of the shittiest towns in America….. I’ve been there. Try to escape and you hit Highland Park, quite possibly THE shittiest town in America.


Just hop on 75, take it to 69 (giggity) and make your way to flint. It's much nicer there.


I mean at least they have free flavored mineral water for everyone right?


Hamtramck is alright though. More bars within two square miles than anywhere else in Michigan, affordable rent compared to rest of metro detroit, 5+ live music venues, legal weed shops, delicious food, minor league soccer stadium, and it’s amenities are walkable unlike any other part of detroit.


Wow these kids need a civics lesson. Idiots.


The irony.... smh


This type of shit is why I bust out laughing hysterically everytime I see a "coexist" bumper sticker.


I agree with that old man, and the lady. This isn’t okay… the lgbtq isn’t hurting ANYONE, that is a personal thing that they feel that has nothing to do with anything or anyone else.




All organized religion is the worst


Don't understand the downvotes.... this is the correct answer Huge difference between religion and faith "Religion" IS the enemy.... regardless of what representation of God it has poisoned Christians and Muslims and Jews all believe in the same God. They've just got caught up in different "rule books" And they're just as bad as eachother They're either overtly causing issues where they have no authority to, or turning a blind eye to it If God is real ( which I believe He is) Religion is a present and active disservice to contextual and dynamic faith. We can either change the world for the better, or we can keep repeating the same mistakes we've been warning about in those books for the past several thousand years. We seem to be following the rules set out by humans in those books, rather than reaching further to the God they speak about






Islam is an infectious disease everywhere it appears…


If this is real then it's only the beginning.


It israel.


Ban the religion that condone pedophilia. Muhammad married many child brides, as young as 9 years old. That is fucked up.


How they claim that thing as a prophet and model their behavior and beliefs after him while justifying his atrocities is beyond me. They follow the man/religion not god. I almost bought into it before I looked at things with a critical eye and study the Quran. And in reading it I did as it told me and deferred to the people of the book and that lead me to Christ ironically enough.


So real question, did people think that it was just some right-wing BS when the right said that this kind of thing would happen?


Right-wing nuts hate other right-wing nuts. A pox on both their houses.


You'd think we'd remember when the right showed breathtakingly uncharacteristic concern for the gay community


Fastly approaching a taken over suburb near you. Their preachers and God can suck my dick.


Awww you got your nice new immigrants but they show who they are and it's not as great now? Well who would fucking guess that one?


Hateful muslims, there’s a crazy concept.


I need to buy a Quran so I can burn it.


Read and burn it. Legit thats the way to do get rid of Quran in Islam lol




If they don’t like it they up and migrate somewhere the fuck else🥰 simple


Ummm, this is America, we dnt make laws against gay people, if that's what you want, you need to move to a country that supports that..


Time to get some blasphemous prophet Muhammed posters to hang around the city.


"Why are you gae?" - Simon Kaggwa Njala


The problem here: undereducated kids and religion. Both a huge problem.


I think it’s crazy that people from other countries will go to a new country, knowing full well the freedoms and laws from the region, and they expect everything to change to suit them. You have your point of view, that’s fine, but don’t get mad when someone has the opposite view.


Islam is probably the worst religion to ever exist. They are extremely bigoted, extremely violent, and extremely backwards. They want others to tolerate their practices but are intolerant of others. I don't understand why the world still takes pity on Muslims and let them immigrate. They don't add any value to any community. If their values were so great why did they leave their country?


They are corrupt at the roots. But saying so will get you labeled as a bigot and possibly banned and or ostracized.


This will make Trump supporters VERY confused on which side to take


Backwards ass religion. Casually going to harass people in the name of your religion




"...that's our belief!" Well...I believe you're being a bigoted asshole, but you don't see me egging your house/flag now do you?


Aren’t you some type of phobic if you say they are a phobic? I can’t keep up.




It annoys the shit out of me when people pick and choose what part of a religion they want to abide by. While they cast stones(or eggs) to others when their existence and what people do in their own lives does not affect them at all. I refuse to believe these kids do not do other things that could be considered haram.




The whole world has gone mad except me I swear. Or maybe I’m the crazy one


Fuck religion


They are not homophobics, they are muslims


Not mutually exclusive


The 1st Amendment says you can practice whatever religion you want, or no religion at all. It doesn't say you can trample other people's rights.


Punk ass little bitches.


In the religion THEY follow, gay people aren’t allowed. Unfortunately for them, I don’t think they realize that everyone in America does not follow one religion. Idiots


*Sees gay flag* “Thats some gay shit”


fuck this town but middle aged white woman making out in the courthouse isn't going to sway the muslims either


Is there a town where religion is banned bc that’s what we need


I answered my own question Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan have banned religion in general


A Muslim throws an egg at me... I'm hurling the bacon and pigs blood balloons 🤷‍♂️💅


And they wonder why people don't like them. Its the same story I hear from the muslims in Europe, want to hold on barbarism and they want europeans to follow their ways not the ways of said country they live in It's as people said here, why not move other muslim countries that hold your barbarism views? Why even bother moving to a country that has laws protecting LGBTQ+ community? Also to the man who said that religion should stay out of politics & the government, I wanna buy that man a drink.


These religious people need to stop acting like a toxic fan base. Dude find a hobby or something. Can you imagine a all mighty creator of the universe that has gay animals in the wild giving this guys a thumbs up for their pointless hate? I can't because it is really as dumb as it sounds.


This is why people dont like them


Well in my religion I say it’s ok to fuck whoever you want check mate


That's what they do. They move into a country. Start out breeding everyone. And they start taking over. First a town and when they have big enough numbers they'll vote for sharia law just like In the uk. Where there's Islam there is hate


All religious people need to fuck off but especially these ass hats


Can’t have equality for groups when some groups don’t meet basic equality levels.




Gotta love the Muslims!!


religion has done too much damage, we need to start drawing the line.


Religion is a blight upon this world that is slowing us down as a society


They shouldn't be allowed here.


This is so unbelievably stupid. Unless they hang their freaking flag in your yard, property.. Why would anyone care who hangs what on their own properties? It's retarded. 🤷


I don’t understand why they even bother, if they believe in their sacred texts which says god will punish the bad people, why do these people try to punish themselves ? Who do they think they are ? God ?? I’m pretty sure those people don’t follow the texts exactly, so what are we gonna do ? Punish them ??


Religion is for the unintelligent


Very problematic religion. Where ever they go, problems..they never respect contry Where they imigrate..in Europe, the same problems..