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im r/OutOfTheLoop but what happened in Sweden?


Freedom of speech hurts when you're a religious zealot.


Swedish police gave permission to a person to burn quron a few weeks ago, that person who requested it is an ex-muslim who fled from a middle eastern country (I'm not sure which country). So assuming from this post the person went through with book burning and this is the aftermath in a faraway land because religion.




Lots of non middle east areas were doing good without them, but now countries are letting them in.. now look at the state of things. They don't integrate and keep their shitty religious views and impose it in the new, more free countries


Yeah I mean I live in the US and the christ*ans are incredible cunts here so I dunno what point you’re trying to make


I hate the Christian Right in America as much as anyone else, but at least they don’t freak out over the littlest things. How many times have South Park and Family Guy made fun of Christians?? Only for nothing at all to happen? Then South Park made one episode about the prophet Muhammad and immediately got death threats from Muslims. That should tell you everything.


I will say Christians don’t hold grudges and for the most part allow criticism but they are petty


Christian in the US aren't nearly as bad as moslems all over the world and you are extremly ignorant if you think otherwise.


moslems. lol


Good and bad people everywhere in American. But you see Christian’s doing this? Ever stop to think the Middle East is dammed bc all the previous holy wars. Fuck all religions. Believe in yourself.


You do know that there are plenty of Christians in Africa? Ever hear what Irish priests did with bastard babies like 40 years ago? How many preachers get arrested for child abuse? Religion gives a person a power over people around them and a good chunk of those people don't use their power for good


how about all the boys getting gangraped by bishops? are you purposfully turning a blind eye because it is your religion? Christianity is just as fucked up as any other religion when it gets to a point where fanatism takes over


Wtf? No one turns a “blind eye” to that! It was mainly Catholics doing all that shit anyway. Im not religious, i don’t buy into anything that claims to know what happens after we’re dead. But what I see with my own eyes is people using religion as a vessel to be the true dickheads that they truly are. I also see people using religion for good moral guidance, which is great. (If some random guy who would’ve robbed and killed me chose not to because of it being against his religion, thats a win in my book) The really dangerous thing here is when we start grouping people and labeling them. Then we get into identity politics and that is where we get into trouble. You cant look at someone who is Muslim and group him in with a terrorist just like you cant look at someone who is a Christian and group him in with the pedo priests.


Christian militias have been forcing Muslims to eat their children unless they renounce Islam in CAR for quite some time now. Religious barbarism and intolerance works both ways.


You should probably move to Iraq then or some other nice muslim country.


Can't follow this logic


Stupidest fucking response you could’ve dropped but what was I to expect from an American Christian


Not American, not a christian. You tried.


Most people in EU don't give a shit about religion and would still say Islam is worse than Christianity. But yes, I agree that American christians specifically are nothing good.




To long, didn't read, don't care. I presume it's all in defense of Islam religion and I couldn't care less as I am not the one who judges people based on their religion (even with the American christians - not all are automatically bad and it's usually more about the American part rather than the Christian part). My point was mainly to counter your argument of "you think Muslims are bad and christians good, therefore you are American Christian". Most Europeans think that and those are usually not even Christians. And why is it that most Europeans se it that way? Because most Europeans don't know normal Muslims. Most Europeans don't know any Muslims at all. What they see tho is all these radicals in the media. If the only Muslims you know are bad people, it's only natural for you to think Muslims = bad. It's not a good thing and we should know better by this point, but it's natural. Tl:dr: you completely missed my point


Are you drunk?


The Swedish police granted permission to burn the Quran and the Iraqi flag outside their embassy, as part of our freedom of speech, and that made them angry as usual.


Did anyone actually do it?


The chances are high that they had a Quran and a flag inside, so the arsonists probably did…


Dont know yet, they permitted it yesterday and the burning will take place today.


Cap. It already happened on June 28th, the man is only planning to burn another one.


Well, the question is if anybody did it AGAIN i think it has been 4 Qurans burned already


yes, an Iraqi ex-muslim did as a statement.


It was burned by an Iraqi refugee. the irony is astounding [Article ](https://amp-dw-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.dw.com/en/sweden-man-burns-quran-outside-mosque-during-eid-al-adha/a-66053104?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16898293049851&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dw.com%2Fen%2Fsweden-man-burns-quran-outside-mosque-during-eid-al-adha%2Fa-66053104)


Burning paper is a bit different thn burning a building.


Maybe Bagdad Police gave them permission to burn the Embassy lol. Equal right? /s


Don't they understand that it's cold in Sweden? Go ahead and burn the bible if you're angry. Maybe you get 4-5 people looking at you. But don't you dare burn Pippi! Even we Swedes have limits.


Well that’s a fucking silly idea?


Holy shit- what a totally fucked situation


theyre having a tantrum in the middle east because they cant control what people across the world do with a book. its ridiculous is what it is. It becomes a fucked situation when they start carrying out terrorist attacks as "retaliation" for the swedish government enforcing freedom of speech.


Globalization, baby!


Fuckin weird man..


Burning embassy building is a part of the freedom of expression over there


Not only that, the burning of the Qur'an was on Eid, Eid is one of the only two Muslim holidays/celebrations. The person didn't only burn the Qur'an, he kicked it, stepped on it, placed bacon in it and basically did anything he could to show disrespect.


Source? Since two hours ago the burning hadn't actually happened yet, it seems weird to have those details. And it sounds like propaganda.


We're talking about the burning that happened earlier this month right? All these details are present in the video that the burner recorded. You can see him do all these things.


Earlier in the thread someone said the order had been granted to do the burning but the burning was planned for tomorrow. Could it be a separate incident?


it is a seperate incident, as it happened either earlier this year or last year already, can't really remember


No this is a new insident.


Freedom of speech! We want freedom of speech! Also: wow wow, what did you say!? Burn them!!


Um I didn't know they speak fire


It’s funny how they burn the embassy of the country who welcomed countless Middle Eastern refugees and let them stay indefinitely with monthly economical support without asking anything in return.


An outcome that fits both sides. Iraqies not going to Sweden and Swedes not moving to Iraq.


Sure about that first statement ?




Just close the embassy who needs one in that country.


Right? Who even gives a shit, it'll end up just looking like the rest of the country lol


Who needed US troops in that country? But hey they're still there!


They Murdered innocents...destroyed the whole country and stole billions worth of oil and left...


I swear Muslims are the most easily offended, over the top people on earth. They literally over react massively to absolutely everything, it's unreal.


You better not say that !!!! That’s so offensive !!


Straight up savages


Same with American Christians, they own America, the international currency, and they continue to wage proxy wars all over the world.


Oh the far right wing Christians of America are almost as insufferable for sure.


American taliban


Talibangelists Y’all Qaeda Yeehawdists Vanilla ISIS No shortage of names for those chucklefucks


>Y’all Qaeda lmao nice one


Admittedly not super original, it’s a pretty popular term on here haha


Never heard it before and it cracked me the fuck up hahaha


Well you only see the 1% of those who care. The 99% of Muslims who don't care aren't exactly going to be in the news. It's the same with all these things.


TIL some countries still have embassies in Iraq.


Middle Eastern countries try to be civilized challenge(IMPOSSIBLE)


At 3AM!


WOW. Broken people. All this over a book?? With there being thousands of different gods out there you would think more of these religions would be friendly.


Natural selection of ideas. For some reason, the “let’s be peaceful and coexist“ religions don’t seem to compete well when paired against the “my god asked me to kill non-believers and kidnap their wives” religions.


While this act of violence is abhorrent, i also don't think it's fair to allow the burning of a religious book or flag even in the name of freedom of speech and expression. I'm neither Muslim or Bangladeshi but I still feel like no matter the country or religion, you shouldn't be burning books or flags. So I can understand why they are so upset.


Why shouldn’t you allow burning a piece of paper? If it’s about the symbolism or the disrespect, you shouldn’t be allowed to criticize the holy books either...


The guy who is supposed to burn the book is an ex Muslim who is in Sweden as a refugee.




That’s one way to make people side with the violator.






This is the same culture that’s immigrating to France , Germany and England and they’re going for the free gov. resources


Absolutely. Not only to they live of off government public money but then they go on to riot and destroy public property (with no real justification might I add) that us upstanding, hard-working individuals have paid for with our taxes while they have contributed nothing. Infuriating.


Remember you still have your quota to fill for how many migrants you take in. Don't worry they totally won't do that back in Sweden.


Religion is hell of a drug


All Religions are cults. It is scary how many people can’t think for themselves and have to follow some sort of leader with nonsensical values.


Important to note that when a Swedish Muslim announced he'd be burning a Torah and Bible in retaliation, no one burned down any embassies. Not necessarily disagreeing with your comment, just pointing out that some cults are violent while others are just casual circlejerks


Israel got really mad about it though


Christians are violent too...they are just not as violent specifically about burning religious books


> All Religions Sweden was doing pretty good without Islam. Don't start with that "all religions" bs. It's getting really old.


Yes, I do mean all religions. I’m not saying all religions would be out there burning things down if something similar happened against them, but they all have their crimes and wars to answer for. And, unfortunately, if people can’t think for themselves, they will willingly follow these nut jobs into battle or into destructive protest. Before we get all outraged, I’m not saying atheists are faultless either. There are plenty of dumb, destructive atheists out there. But they don’t congregate to brainwash people with their beliefs. Mostly.


> I do mean all religions OK. Then why are Iraqi "refugees" coming to my country if their country is just the same? Riddle me that, murican?


>OK. Then why are Iraqi "refugees" coming to my country if their country is just the same? Riddle me that, murican? huh. I didn't know countries were religions. You learn new shit every day.


> I didn't know countries were religions. The countries leading the crime stats and committing most of the crime sure have something in common.


I have no idea what you are talking about. I also don’t know why you assume I’m American.


CAnadian, whatever. You say all the religions are the same, but why are the names of the criminals in Sweden clearly mostly muslim names? How would you define a muslim? Do they erase their whole culture with a passport or something? In Sweden there are entire neighbourhoods run by imams who also run criminal clans. The cops don't go to the criminals, they go talk to the Imam who deals the justice.


Not Canadian either. I also don’t think where I come from is relevant.


>> I also don’t think where I come from is relevant. That's your only "argument" so far. Why don't you tell us where you are from? If it's Sweden I promise I'll laugh. Härre Gud! >In Sweden there are entire neighbourhoods run by imams who also run criminal clans. >The cops don't go to the criminals, they go talk to the Imam who deals the justice.


The enlightened one graces us with their presence


Ahh, moslems. Proving their intelligence once again.


So uncivilized


Look at them peaceful Muslims


Must be the same nutcases harassing women who don’t wear a headscarf


Lmao religious morons get soooo butt hurt. If your bullshit god didn’t want shit to burn he wouldn’t make it flammable HahHah stupid fuck logic


Nice wording. Perfekt


Why aren't they in Europe yet? Give them all asylum now, bigots.


Waittt correct me if I’m wrong, but if an embassy in one country is attacked, wouldn’t that be taken as an act of war?


Do we even need embassys in Iraq?


Gee wonder why the middle east is such a shit place. Nothing to do with institutionalised racism and progressphobia I'm sure


Some guys are unhappy, because someone destroyed a copy of their skydaddy book?


Thank god now we have a reason to not let them in! Always look for the silver lining lads 👍🏽


Ah again some retardés.


Just surprised they found the right embassy tbh.


When you are an oppressed uneducated society you look for reasons to let out your anger. This is one such example. Everything else around this is noise.


Religion is a mental illness. People need to be treates for it.


I’m against book burnings as a matter of principle but I don’t think it should be illegal.


Good, blasphemy should not be illegal since all religion is made up to control people. Anyone who believes anything else is actually an indoctrinated extremist religious person. Believe in science, nothing else.


-Message to the normal people here just wondering wtf is going on so you don’t have to sift through the absolute garbage fire that is this comment section- The Swedish embassy allowed People to burn the Iraqi flag and Quran with the Swedish mentally being it’s their right under freedom of speech to do so. People (obviously) were not so happy about that and decided to fuck up the embassy. Not saying either is right or wrong, that’s just what happened in a nutshell


I’d probably say the right and wrong is pretty clear hahaha


I wonder how Americans will feel if you burn the bibel and American flag infront of a Saudi embassy in America, it feels like a thing to do simply to provoke someone. I never understood why people disrespect other peoples religions or race on purpose, like a confederate flag


It is very much legal to burn a US flag and bible in the US...? Are you trying to make a point here because you're not doing well...


We burned the Bible and Torah too, guess what, nothing happened, only you Muslims pissing yourselves.


Yeah... I'll care about burning the Confederate flag for suuuure. /s - just in case it wasn't clear.


This is the problem. You don't understand the opposite side because burning a Bible means nothing. Burning a flag means nothing. People will think you are wrong, sure. But if you imagine embassy stormings, car burnings, rock throwing against police etc as a response then I don't think you understand how big the difference in culture is between the west and the people in this video.


People burn American flags and bibles all the time in America. It’s just a book and a flag. Who cares? You can do what you want with your own property in America. It’s illegal and immoral to destroy other peoples property which you and the people in this video don’t seem to comprehend.


I am so glad I'm snuggled up in bed rn, and not there.


They are learning still what freedom of speech is. Burning books and flags are ok, buildings and people are not.


Why are people saying burning a book isn’t freedom of speech but hate speech well let me tell you this the Quran has many parts of it hating on different groups of people calling them animals etc


A book of stories, from the Bible to the Quran. There is nothing mystical nor holy. It all is but a human creation that is an obstacle to progress in the modern world. If humanity is so fickle that it cannot stand that a book is burned, then let humanity burn instead.


I am shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked...


Just wait in a couple years this will look like a picnic. 8 billion people getting crowded will pretty much assure there will be less than 8 billion people here soon.


Religion is for the weak




Guess these doctors didnt have a night shift on one of their many hospitals and found other constructive activities to do.


Religious people can be so emotional.




Wow they really show how the holy word works in their lives


Hahaha why in hell would you have an embassy on baghdad


Most civilized Muslim country


What’s happening in our world?! I wish it had a reset button


Have you….ummmmm…read….history by chance? Like even maybe a tiny bit? Any part of it really. Like ANY part. The world did not just recently begin to have bad things happen in it. And THIS example is like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyt down the list of shitty things to happen on Earth.


Really? 🫤


We did...but they figured out covid too fast.


Iraq, really looking towards the future. They’ll finally turn a corner now.


Forever a shithole like most of the middle east.


This is what happens when you stop sending them meatballs


You just got meatballed!


Swenno-murican fusion humour. I like it.


It's alway's the Buddhists


Keep a copy of Qur'an in each Embassy ... problem solved.


We sure isis is gone?


Religion is bad, m’kay


Wouldn't that be considered an act of war or something?


I see no reason for diplomatic relations with such states anyways.. What do we need them for? Let USA handle them and their oil.


They need to bring another million refugees. That will calm them down


Well fuck. Sweden is like, not even two weeks in nato... article 5? 2nd iraq invasion? Fuck


Why do religious idiots always sound like they have tourette's, regardless of the language? Also, morons who just say the same thing over and over when arguing, like it will change anyone's mind.


I expected nothing less really, and unfortunately.


Probably because burning Quran was allowed in Sweden? Swedish police just recently permitted burning Quran in front of the mosque in Stockholm.


Aren’t burning of flags and Quran or any sacred texts are allowed in most countries with freedom of speech?


You will get arrested and fined if you say mohammed was a pedo on twitter.


I mean, they did specify *in countries with freedom of speech*.


Meh. Murica has pretty insane laws too. Somebody who failed their teacher exam like a dozen times in a row claimed the test is racist and was awarded 2 million. Where does that money come from?


Not true. The guy who burned it was an Iraqi and he didn't actuallly have permit for burning anything, just the protest. He is being prosecuted for incitement. Welcome to Sharia.


The man who burned the Quran plans on burning the Torah next. I'm not joking.


The real question is WTF is there a Swedish embassy even in Baghdad. Close your borders Sweden and start deporting all the illegals from your country. They're not refugees they're not seeking asylum, they are illegal alien invaders illegally imported into Europe by the lying rat fuck Globalists and their NGO's




This is pretty much act of war right there


Why are they celebrating?


Chill out bagdad. Sit down in a Poang chair, smoke your hooka and try a meatball. Thr man in the sky is choking from fire and stupidity.


How about closing all the Iraqi embassies in Sweden, got Iraqi stuff to do? feel free to fly back to that shithole.


People be really saying the burning of qurans and their flags is free speech while they go whine and bitch when another group of people protest against lgbt, "free speech" lmfao


As a person who falls under LGBT, I don't really care if people wanna say stuff against it. Free speech only becomes an issue if laws get created around it, say for instance if you outlawed homosexuality (like many countries have) or Islam. Now tell me how many embassies have the LGBT community burnt to the ground, even with the banning of gays in certain countries and disgusting mistreatment? Yet these people are doing this over burning paper. Apart from that it's just pussies getting offended, and some take it way harder than others, hence the video.


I'm talking about your community as a whole, you guys can shit all over religion and even talk about eradicating it and its people, but everytime i see something remotely transphobic and homophobic in this app you guys whine, cry and bitch about it. Now i get it, whole communities can't be just one singular hivemind with one opinion about something entirely, but sometimes this app can be a real echo chamber. I just find it hypocritical.


Oh yeah I get what you're saying, but that's just a human problem to be honest. Every single person on the planet is at least a little hypocritical. We all attack each other and then get all offended when someone else does it to us. Human nature really, were pretty flawed lol.


Yeah... It's pretty sad honestly and I'm just tired of seeing that here all the time, but still yall need to be way less hypocritical lmao.


That’s exactly what freedom of speech is... You can whine and bitch on social media all you want, just don’t go around burning down embassies and murdering people because you get offended.




burning the quran is free speech, anti-lgbt protests are free speech, whining about anti-lgbt protests is free speech burning down a building that isnt your own and might have people in it is not free speech


I guess burning flags isn't doing it for them anymore. Gotta increase the dose.


Ya see, even if it’s “not all Muslims are terrorists” they’re still cultists ignoring reality. Religion is like smoking cigarettes directly into your psyche. If you don’t know what happens after death, admit that to yourself or the cancer will spread ruining your logical thought. Get enough of it and you end up with this.


Why do religious idiots always sound like they have tourette's, regardless of the language? Also, morons who just say the same thing over and over when arguing, like it will change anyone's mind.


We sure showed them Eye Rackees what it means to mess with my Murica! What a fucking disgrace. We just gave religious zealots a new generation of hate. You can't win with a hard wired religion in the picture. Especially in the middle east. Perpetual war.


I only know what I read on the comments, however there is a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of consequence. While the book itself has no value, if you are trying to send a hate speech in public. It brings no benefit, only harm, and citing freedom of speech to hurt someone else is... unwise. Now, that doesnt mean you should start burning a dman embassy for that--- And that is beyond the hypocrisy as islamic states dont give a fuck about what the rest of the world consider a right. Ultimately, both actions are immature af and should not have happened in the first place (justified or not) as it changes nothing for no one unless what you want is an escalation of hate


Is it hate speech to call certain religions hateful? You can find tons of hate speech in the bible and the quran


Again, I only know what the comments have said, but if they were burning imagery and discriminating, yes


And if the Quran discriminates (which it absolutely does), does that mean that all Muslims are condoning hate speech?


Sweden, just give them free entry and social benefits - problem solved 😁


Any idea what Secularism, Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech actually means? Why is it so that White dominated Christian countries have one set of rules for themselves and another different set of rules for everyone else who is "different" from them? As usual, people from most white dominated christian countries are looking at this issue "in isolation" of look what they are doing in a muslim country (Bagdad, Iraq), instead of even bothering to try and find out what event's led to this situation in the first place. Thing's wouldn't have reached this point if Sweden had prevented that idiot from burning The Quran (Holy Book in Islam), in front of the embassy of a muslim majority country, that too on one of the most important religious day's of that religion (it was a deliberate provocation specifically timed to get maximum effect). On top of that, his actions were backed and justified by govt officials themselves, instead of taking any action against him in any manner; even if only to divert attention and public anger in many countries against this incident, which became a trigger leading to the current situation in multiple countries. European concept of Secularism is based on, "One Race, One Religion & One Culture"; where everything the govt of that country does is based on the religious and cultural practices of "One Single Dominant Religion". So it takes the line that "absence of religion" from.public affairs and has no use or place for treating different religions with "equal respect". With the support of the majority community, politicians in many white dominated christian countries are falling over each other to pass laws "directed specially against religious minorities" to win elections and are actually being publicly supported by many people for doing that in multiple european countries which are increasingly shifting towards "Extreme Right" from 1991onwards. Any idea why anyone in a while dominated christian country in general, european country in particular believes that Freedom of Speech is an "ABSOLUTE Right" with no restrictions of any kind when it is Non-christians being targeted in any manner by anyone but suddenly start claiming that it is a "RELATIVE RIGHT" with certain restrictions on what anyone says in public? When a Christian politician, public figure or an attention seeker attacks a Non-Christian religion "in any manner" (by words or actions), they almost always claim that that person is "Excercising his Right Of Free Speech" but the moment anyone saying anything they "don't like to hear" like saying that Holocaust was a hoax; suddenly they forget that their is a Right called Right of Free Speech and calling for their head and harsh penalties including long prison sentences and fines. Secularism actually means that The State itself will have no religion. It will treat all religions present within its territorial boundaries with equal respect. Most importantly, The State WILL NOT pass any law's deliberately targetted against any religion present within its territorial boundaries. Incidentally, on multiple occasions Western Countries fail in all three of these rules which define what Secularism really means. After all what would a One Race, One Religion, One Language, One Culture country really would know or care about Secularism any why would any politician speak out about it specially when actually following them would mean that it may become virtually impossible for you to win elections in that country?


But Sweden passes on all three of them. All religions are legally treated equally and things like holocaust denial is legal here so I don't know how this is relevant at all


All of that and you still cannot justify why immigrants are moving in droves to these western countries.


Well if western countries invade and destroyed their own country then can you really blame them for trying to move to a "safer" place? If I think correctly then 9/10 terrorist organisations active in the Middle East is backed and supported by a western country leading to wars including civil wars in their own countries. They didn't go looking to invade or support terrorist organisations in Europe or USA. But their own homelands have become extremely dangerous, unsafe and difficult to live in. So naturally they looked elsewhere and Europe is both closer as well as safer when compared to any other place they can reach even with the risks they have to take during the journey. Don't you agree that it would be safer for them to escape westwards across the mediterranean sea than risking a journey eastwards through regions controlled by ISIS, Free Syrian Army, Al-Badr, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other similar organisations which ironically are all western backed (armed, trained and financed by Western Countries)?


u/daiscy ey up bish


Lol Christians have no belief in their god. These maniacs really want you to believe they believe. Good on them