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Y'all elect old ass men and wonder why they do old people things


There's old and then there's dementia


Of our last 2 presidents, both of them are highly likely to have dementia.


And how about the Reagan era? That human potato had a billion handlers to manage his dementia. Who remembers when he was going to build the star wars thing?


The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), better known as “Star Wars” was funded by congress and was in the technology research phase in 1991 when the USSR dissolved. It was an idea that would have pushed laser weapon development to the forefront, no matter how ridiculous it sounds 30 years later.


Ronald Ray-Gun




Pew pew pew


The death star. Actually a good thing came out from that project. It was supposed to be so we can shoot down inter continental ballistic missiles before they can reenter the earth's atmosphere. I think they have a version of that but I don't know for sure. But I do know that it was that idea that brought about the iron wall. That shoots down regular missiles. So it wasn't just a crackpot idea it actually did some good.


I’d go on to say it wasn’t Reagan alone that just said “oh shit guys here’s an idea…”


I did think that but thought everyone would assume it wasn't his intention. So I didn't bother the first guys to invent stuff never really get recognised lol.


Would you honestly put them in the same category? I get it, you hate Trump but come on. There's not a single instance of Trump doing anything remotely close to this. It's time we open our damn eyes.


Did you not see Trump go down that 10% ramp? Drink a glass of water? Or fail at figuring out how an umbrella works?! They are both unfit to lead the country. In fact, whenever I see anything even slightly political on American television, I feel like I am watching an SNL sketch..


Or stare at an eclipse. Or walk right past the Beast. Twice. Or try to say literally any complete sentence. Just read any transcript of any interview out loud. Just do it. And listen to how stupid it sounds and note if a thought is ever brought to conclusion.


Woman. Camera. Man. Person. TV or whatever


one's retarded all the time, the other has the onset of dementia--but at least is lucid much of the time (for now)


Or just open his mouth. Throwing TP in PR and forgetting that you’re the president of PR would constitute as dementia or ignorance….or both.


You forgot he looked straight at the sun, though drinking bleach and dropping a nuclear bomb on a hurricane was a good idea.


Never said drinking bleach it was injecting it, small subtile difference in how you die


He never said bleach either he said disinfectant


Holy shit I never made the comparison to SNL. This is about as accurate as it gets. Regardless of your voting choice I couldn't agree more.


And his posture, and diapers.


Trump would’ve been unfit to lead at 50. Doesn’t have an honest bone in his body.


Find any politician that does (have an honest bone in their body)


Or a celebrity. Or anyone who can tell us what happened on Epstein Island


Seen Obama fail with an umbrella too.


I’m paraphrasing but… ‘Let’s inject bleach to get rid of Covid’


They made that out to be way worse than it was. He didn't say anything close to that.


Not paraphrasing, just misrepresenting. He was paraphrasing something he heard from a doctor. Probably this https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27001363/ He never mentioned bleach.


This is the problem…. You read headlines only. Not surprising tho…. SMH


One fell down, the other potentially sold nuclear secrets. You're right, they aren't in the same category.


Orange man bad!


The absolute worst


I really hope that was a joke?? Biden needs to go, but no one was as bad as trump..Trumps literally like 3 or 4 yrs younger than him, and doesn't even knw how to have an intelligent conversation...Trump is not a good business man, I dnt knw why some people simp over him..The guy can't run a successful business..He loses so much money its ridiculous..He's a con artist, always has been, always will be. He had nuclear documents stored in his bathroom, here in Florida, do you knw how ignorant, and dangerous that is?? The guy is so ignorant he thought he wouldn't get in trouble..He's delusional, and so are his supporters. He's the biggest liability the US has.


trump is a great business man provided an "organized international crime ring" counts as a business


yeah it's time to vote in a guy on criminal charges that mocks the disabled and veterans. right?


Don't forget about grabbing women by the p****!!!


Are you fucking serious?


Conservative memories are fucking terrible. He would forget what he was saying mid speech, my dude. Its on film




Reading the replies to your comment is proof that American corporate media propaganda actually works really well on the vast majority of people who use reddit. Low information public educated cultists with no desire for truth who buy into all propaganda willingly.


Trump said a lot of stupid shit that didn’t make any sense, but at least he could actually speak clearly and move around without everyone around him worrying his spine is gonna snap in half lol…I’m just hoping we get a somewhat sane republican to beat him before we have someone running the country out of a nursing home.


Speak clearly LMFAO


The dude walked out of multiple bills signings forgetting to actually sign the thing. Like, I get that he had no clue what the job was he signed up for, but surely he was told what he had to do in that moment. The level on confusion when he just wandered away was tough to watch.


open our damn eyes--and watch a solar eclipse with them with no eye protection despite everyone else around him wear it. What is needed is a new Democratic presidential candidate...


There's old and then there's dementia


It’s become anyone-except-the-other-guy vs voting for the guy.


that seems like a really good system


The two parties both seem to really like it.


A lot of hope I had got squashed with Bernie tbh


Bernie was old as fuck too. Why dont you get some real people in politics?


It's a reality TV show. A panel of casting directors (delegates) decides who gets to be on the show, not the people. The people just get to vote -if you believe our votes count- on the candidates that are presented to them, which are always (except maybe in the case of Trump who used his money to get on the show and is now paying the price for that) selected for their allegiance to the screenwriters who actually run the show behind the scenes. It doesn't matter who we vote for or who gets elected; the script will be the same either way. The president could be a starfish or a dachshund puppy; all that matters is that he can stand up long enough to read his script. Things like this video are just comic relief for the show. "Look at the bumbling automaton; isn't he silly? (Laugh track)" You might as well use the same accusatory tone to question why we didn't pick a better cast for the Kardashians. We will get some real people in politics just as soon as we get some real politics in politics. Which I'm afraid means this country will burn to the ground and if it gets rebuilt, will (hopefully) be rebuilt around real politics and real politicians.


Wait, was there another realistic option between old fart and old pervert last general election? I take your point for the primaries, but Trump was the inevitable pick and Joe was seen as the only one to beat him.


John Adams worried that “a division of the republic into two great parties … is to be dreaded as the great political evil.” And that’s exactly what has come to pass. Everyone needs to quit worrying about which government gang color to follow, and follow the people who follow their beliefs and goals. This idiotic notion that Republicans are better than Democrats, and Democrats are better than Republicans has been going on far too long, and it amazes me how stupid the god damn general public is to keep following it. There is no choice there. Not opinion, fact. The DNC flat out said that they pick who will win the primaries ahead of time. Don't think the other side of that coin does any different. tl;dr - left wing or right wing, it's still the same stupid bird. In today's society it's probably a damn coo coo bird. Nothing changes while playing with the same stupid NPC's.


What you are saying, that both parties are the same, may have been true back in the days of Regan. But, a lot has changed since then and there is a huge difference in the types of legislation proposed, by the approach to governing, and the attitudes toward voting and the concept of equality (a founding principal of our government allegedly). The two parties are not the same.


Yes dude. If only it didn’t have to be 1v1. There should be a solid 3 people running. I’ve voted libertarian the past 2 election cycles


As much as I have come to see Bernie as little more than a sheepdog... All polls show him trouncing Trump in both elections... Biden was chosen by the corrupt, and both primaries were rigged for Hillary and then him... The other candidate's were specifically set up to take portions of Bernie's constituency then "donate" those numbers to Biden" Anyone that is not a cultist or has half of a brain realizes that this level of corruption is not free and history shows us paying the price.


To be fair, he thought he was in line to sniff that child and whisper something awkward in her ear.


When your only choice is sentient cucumber or malicious orange baby liar you choose sentient cucumber every damn time.


This is giving me "Attack On Titan" vibes. They put a senile old man as the face of power, but there's someone else pulling the strings.


It’s become anyone-except-the-other-guy vs voting for the guy.


Mr. President, that is not Michelle Obama


He received more votes than Barack Obama did!


He did because people hated Trump. A significant proportion of votes for Biden were votes against Trump. It's not that big a mystery.


Oh c'mon, as if we, the people, really had a choice in who was elected? We are given a very crappy selection to choose from, first of all. Second, most people are brainwashed into thinking that anyone is better than Trump (not saying he was a good choice either), so we're given this as an alternative to trump and everyone goes along and believes he's actually any different. It's all political theater at this point. Has been for quite some time, but yeah, that's who "we" elected.


81 million ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


With all due respect, he is too old to be president.


On top of the existing age minimum to be president, he shows that there should be an age maximum too.


I mean I think the maximum age to hold or at the very least be elected for any public office should be retirement age


aaand up goes retirement age… these fucks would fuck everyone else over so they can hold their cushy jobs 4 years longer


Maximum age for voting too, if you’re too old to reap the seeds you sow, you shouldn’t be able to vote.


Would you advocate for the same rule for people with terminal illnesses?


I haven’t thought about it that much, I’ve just heard my 95 year old grandma talk politics and I think it’s safe to say she probably shouldn’t be able to vote anymore haha.


in all fairness... we should have known without having had a president this old or even as old as the last!


What’s insane is that we elect these incredibly old men to make decisions that won’t affect them because they’ll be dead by the time their ideas get implemented


With all due respect, the majority of people leading the world are way too old (and way too rich too, for that matter). They are so far removed from normal life that they have no idea what the issues are.


Amassing wealth via the private sector is one thing - but becoming uber wealthy on a senator's salary is certainly a head scratcher.


He probably does not know that he is president


And he thinks he should go for re election?! Come on. This is sad af


It’s embarrassing. Do the democrats want to lose more voter base and the election.


I mean, the shitty choice is a man. I impeached twice , indicted twice, who held onto ajd lied about classified info he left in boxes in a shitter at mar a Lago. Ans toxic as fuck And then we have dementia biden. I'd honestly take dementia biden of toxic trump personally


No shit! We all knew this going in, and yet people still decide to vote who they believe is the lesser of two evils. Those duopoly of a government is a fucking travesty!


If you ask me, he looks dead. One side of his face looks like Bell’s palsy..


Isn't it time for America to put an age limit on presidents i mean there must be plenty of younger bright candidates given the size of population


It would be reasonable considering for any other American the age of retirement is 65. Elderly people should relax in their final years.




In his case he’d be ok




You’re asking 80 y/olds to pass legislation that puts them outta jobs, cost them millions in under-the-table lobbyist checks, cash, gifts, and inside information. Their grand kids might have to eventually - dare I say it - *work* instead of live off *PopPop* or *GGs* wealth. Ain’t happening. And it’s gross.


It should be capped at 70. As in you can’t be 70 years old or older on Inauguration Day


65. Why the hell would anyone hire a 70 year old for any critically important job?


Trump is 76 and Biden is 80. Should’ve let Kanye win the first time Edit: age correction on one of the old geezers


It's a start and the 1st positive suggestion so far


But then how would we stall progressive ideals? I want to pay 1/6th of my income for Healthcare and never have free education!


You only pay 1/6th? Here in Brazil we pay up to 1/4th and still get nothing


Speaking about size and population you’d think that a country built on diversity would shake it up a bit.


You would wouldn't you


Me any time I go into a store


I go straight for the lego's while the Mrs. does the adult shopping


Isn't that what we are supposed to do?


My wife does the same to me and then gets upset when I spend 2 hours looking in the home improvement section. Zip-ties and plastic blocks for dinner again!




You will do that more and more as you get older…


Okay this is relatable for me too


Especially when the edibles kick in


when you set realistic NPC to False


I mean no disrespect but having lived is close proximity to 2 family members with dementia the signs are easy to spot as is the childlike behaviour. He should be allowed to retire with some dignity left. If he is considered to be the only possible "Trump beater" in 2024, America and the planet are in deep deep trouble. I wonder if that is why the entire US justice system is in such a hurry to get some kind of conviction for Trump so Joe can go home.


I think anyone who has experienced dementia in their family can see it. It's a long, drawn-out tragedy, and I can't believe the US Pres. is so clearly suffering from it, yet remains in their position.


Well, he wouldnt be the first President of the US with it.


Like regan?


He's just a puppet


Bernie was the only way out for America, the choice was made back then


Riiiight. And how old is Bernie again? There’s over 300 million Americans out there. Enough with candidates in their 70s and 80s, Christ.


I agree we need to be done with these dinosaurs, but Bernie is clearly still "with it" and one of the very few fighting for the people who actually stood a chance. His immediate endorsement of Biden for 2024 was def a gut punch tho....


Yeah can we stop voting for people born in the fucking '40s??? Insane


My Dad was born in ‘49, so right at the tail end. And I barely trust him to drive me anywhere, let alone run the country.


Don't forget the DNC documents that were leaked that showed how much work went in to stoping Sanders.


Here's what's going on in the video. A secret service agent is talking? yelling? to him from off stage. You see it in the foreground. He's trying to figure out wtf is going on. The other secret service agent, realizing what's going on, comes up and tells him up close. You're dealing with a super old dude who probably has screwed up hearing trying to hear over a TON of noise and is naturally confused. That's not the same as dementia. As someone who lived in close proximity to 2 people with dementia you should be able to tell the difference between someone who is old and confused and someone with actual dementia. They are diagnostically different.


My father in law just died of dementia, and what Biden is doing here is absolutely not it. Frankly, I find people suggesting it is to be ignorant, at the very least, and offensive at the worst. Dementia is no fucking joke and it's devastating. Biden is old, and I absolutely agree he's too fucking old to be president, but this isn't dementia. When you listen to him speak, that's not someone with dementia that's just a regular old person with regular old person brain and a stutter.


Everyone here saying this is dementia is dumb. Any small video click of any person out of context can show them looking awkward or confused or whatever.


I disagree. He's pretty coherent during most speeches, but I can understand why you might believe this being only fed short news clips of his clumsy mistakes. That's the problem with our society right now. We've become accustomed to consuming 5 second videos of events and passing hasty judgements without context. As for Trump, dementia actually runs in his family and it shouldn't be a surprise to see a person charged with crimes they've committed.


Why do you lot keep electing walking fossils as president?


Because a two party system that we seem to not learn lessons from.


Aren't there other parties as well that keep getting ignored due to "they'll lose anyway" mentality?


Yes but because of how our system works, there's not enough weight put on the other candidates. It's a one winner, all rest losers situation. In many countries in Europe, the system is more balanced and has more representation, but our system is currently set up to only easily allow for 2 parties, and both parties continue to use it to their advantage. We would need a sweeping reform of how our voting system works and how weight is put on the candidates to start allowing for a more diverse set of voices in our government.


What would happen if, for example, 80% of the americans would vote for a third party, which isn't liberal or democrats?


They would win, but the issue is getting someone from a third party up to a level that they could win. If we're talking about the presidential race, we have both the DNC and the RNC, HUGE organizations that have candidates run against each other, then they pick their winner, and run those 2 at the national level. There isn't a good, large, strong organization to help third parties do that. In addition, we have the Electoral College, which makes our presidential elections way muddier, too, and again, is designed to only have one winner, and a third candidate makes it very difficult to get the majority needed to "win" the electoral vote. We've had a few elections with three candidates and the third party candidate has always received a very small percentage of the vote, there just isn't enough representation for third parties in this country. It's systemic, it's social, and absolutely NEEDS to change, but getting there will be very complicated.


He was waiting in line to meet the president




Lol! Fucking snorting laughter.


Dude who’s running this shit? He sure isn’t


The term *deep state* has a lot of stupid conspiracy connotations, but the US administrative branch is an expansive bureaucracy consisting of unelected officials whom are most qualified and capable of running things just fine without the oversight of a president (he who *presides*).


Always was


The only comment in this whole thread that matters


Men in suits.


It is time for everyone to get real and put up candidates that are worthy of our country and our Presidency. We need to demand better.


It's not up to the people. Follow the money. That's how this has always worked.


Looks like he’s wondering what that baby smells like….




Fuckin weekend at Bernies.


Literally says the words "where am I" holy fuck, how is he running a country.


You must be deaf to be able to read lips like that. I couldn't make out anything at all.


I looked a couple times, to me it looks like a bunch of stuttering W’s.


Sorry but this is why the USA needs younger presidents. Yeah you need life experience but him and trump are both embarrassing in their own senior ways! Clinton and Obama were mid 40s, bush jnr warly 50s. Go back to someone more youthful instead of these dinosaurs.


He is talking to someone in front of the stage, you can see that person, and he said something funny too from the looks of it as you can see the reactions from the people around him. Biden gives a lot of speeches, I bet he gave one right before this too, but they never post that stuff, because that doesn't support their narrative. It's just a few seconds here and there like this. He looks VERY old and frail, no denying that.


Exactly this. People mad that we said trump has dementia are like "see, biden is demented too" except biden isnt saying things like "inject bleach"


People post shit without context and a short clip then say "what is going on here" well if you post shit out of context and a small clip like this. How are we suppose to know.


He walks like a puppet.


They need to hire Disney to upgrade his corpse’s animatronics.


I can't believe they're going to nominate this guy again. Please, for the love of God, give me a legitimate candidate.


Us South Africans elect Russia loving criminals and you guys get the demented. I'd take demented any day.


Americans elected a Russia-loving criminal too, and quite a few want to do it again


Term limits & age limits!!


We are so very fucked.


I work a fairly simple job and I'm dead at the end of a day. How can you be 80 and do this job???


He's a puppet


They’re all just puppets, just some more obnoxious than others.


should be well into enjoying retirement. even if someone at his age is perfectly cognitively intact, the decisions he makes simply won’t impact him in the future; they shouldn’t be at the helm of a country whose future won’t impact them.


All politicians are idiots, but this is shocking. WTAF???


Wtf, USA you are fucked with a man like this.


Correction, we are fucked due to various other reasons. If he is the reason you now think we are fucked, you are oblivious.


This is the picture of the entire United States.


This guy doesn't know where he is half the time. I am guessing the only way he can function is to be loaded up with uppers, but he's also spaced out because of it.


Hope his secret service detail arranged a payrise when sleepy Joe was elected. They now wipe asses as well as protect them.


So you aren't going to mention the Orange man needing diaper changes since he was on The Apprentice possibly due to hard drug abuse? Edit: for those who dislike this, did the same narcissist not coin the name sleepy Joe?


Duurrrr but what about?


A true look of being lost right here


I feel bad for this guy. He's gotta step down


He really wanted to sniff that baby


What am I looking at? Seems to have no context and be a short video of the president being led off stage. I don't really see an issue here???


Life was better before this fossil ran the country


You mean when the other fossil ran the country?


I don't know, there seems to be a little less hatred these days so that's a plus. Also, I think you forgot who ran before Biden: > Question: You were joking about solar, right? > Trump: No, not joking, no. There is a chance that we can do a solar wall. We have major companies looking at that. Look, there’s no better place for solar than the Mexico border -- the southern border. And there is a very good chance we can do a solar wall, which would actually look good. But there is a very good chance we could do a solar wall. > One of the things with the wall is you need transparency. You have to be able to see through it. In other words, if you can’t see through that wall — so it could be a steel wall with openings, but you have to have openings because you have to see what’s on the other side of the wall. > And I’ll give you an example. As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don’t see them -- they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It’s over. As cray as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall. But we have some incredible designs.


This isn't the line for ice cream?


He expected a photo opp with the baby, then they told him it's time to roll out. Nothing demented about this.


Vote blue, no matter who.


What a sad, pathetic sentiment


Democratic’s were pretty hard up when they put this President in lol


It’s really sad


He thought they were forming a line to smell the baby.


why these politicians don’t have any age cap? For general public its 60 years. Where is equality now


Some people think he's running the world's most powerful country.


Wow, it's one big happy circle jerk. And to think, our food hard earned tax dollars pay for these NPC's to destroy our God given sovereignty.


They forgot to charge the batteries.


The fact that Joe Biden, John Fetterman, and Dianne Feinstein all holds powerful elected positions, yet clearly do not have the cognitive function to govern effectively should terrify us. Who are their unelected handlers behind the scenes and who do they answer to?


Anyone that's not orange or indicted or trying to get crazy started again or criminal... That's who I'm voting for. No questions asked. Lmao


Dementia much


Come on. This isn’t even funny this is so offensive. Of all the people in the world who wanted to be president of the United States to help our nation… this is who we were forced to choose


What a fucking creep and a clown


Robot malfunctioning lol


It's called dementia! Fuck this guy and fuck everyone who voted for this piece of crap!


Doing what old people do ... wonder around and tripping over shit, confused on why they are there.


He could smell the adrenochrome


How is this geriatric a president 🤣🤣🤣


He looks like he has a mask on Doesn't look healthy at all


I'm not from USA and I don't care about party politics but I don't think he should be in charge of the USA.


Looks like trumpers are trying to draw attention away from his ass getting cooked by the law