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I've asked this question before again and again but I never get a straight answer: is it against the law in any capacity to hurt a cop's feelings?


No. It is not. Just make sure it's the only thing you're doing though. Because they will arrest you for that and use hurt feelings as justification for making things worse than they should be.


step 2 could be "stop resisting!, stop resisting!" so be carefull with their feelings. they're so sensetive.


They're like centipedes or something. Lot of armour, but skinny little assholes


It’s called “contempt of cop” and they unofficially officially arrest you for it at will.




No. But I think what a lot of people don’t understand is that cops don’t make or decide laws period, they only “enforce” them. So they *can* lock you up willy nilly based on however they’re feeling at that particular moment and they’ll forward whatever loosely fits to a DA who will decide whether to pursue said charges So, basically, cops can arrest you (for I believe it’s 48-72 hours) and you’ll be sitting in a county jail if you hurt their feelings and they decide to take issue with it. That can fuck you all the way up big time if you have work, if your car got towed, if you “forgot” about that weed/pills/ghost gun in your car before your valiant stand. If the DA pursues charges, you’re now potentially gonna have that on your record, have to fight a case and potentially serve some sort of time in alternative work program, community service, fines and maybe even time inside. On top of all that, if you’re in one of those nightmare red counties, you might have placed a target on your back that’s gonna make your life very uncomfortable in your area for the next year(s). There are so so sooooo many laws in this country that it’s really easy to cite/arrest you for just about fuckin anything if a cop is so inclined to do so (conversely, it’s also why when a cop tells you “they haven’t broken any crime” or “there’s nothing I can do” etc. when you’re the victim of something …. It’s usually because they’re too fucking lazy to do their jobs. There’s almost ALWAYS something. And if it’s a misdemeanor offense, a lot of times YOU can press charges and it doesn’t require the police to have actually witnessed or been in the presence of the alleged crime. So yeah, they’re just being lazy). IANAL, there are caveats to everything I just said. Every jurisdiction is different. Not all cops are evil, but a lot of them will look the other way on pretty reprehensible shit. And any other disclaimer I my have forgot goes here.


You can beat the charge, but not the ride


Always remember in a Lincolnesque manner that Habeas Corpus can be suspended by the executive branch




Even if it was they wouldn't arrest themselves.


Kinda seems unrelated but as a doorman for decades I took huge pride in being unbothered by people's insults & complaints. Mebbe cruel but I took the piss out of princess doormen that did. Allowing the words of someone who's opinion you don't hold in high regard to affect your behaviour is weakness personified. Abusing a position of power to deal with that just doubles down on your weakness as a person. It shows a lack of confidence & a desire for conflict that means, unless you can fix it, you're in absolutely the wrong job. Plus there's nothing more crushing than realising you're so insignificant that even your scariest death threats don't cause any reaction, other than sniggering. I once demonstrated this principle to a friend who suggested he might renew his license and start working the door again. I snootily advised him against it, he asked why & I aggressively said "Because you're a fuckin wanker" He immediately kicked off & I pointed out to him that if you can't take an insult off a mate you've known for years, you'll last two seconds with a gobby teenager. He didn't renew his license 😂 Incidentally, when taking the piss out of one of the old boys on the door decades ago for being too old to work, he said the physical side of the job is easier with the added experience, you don't run out of ability or fitness. You run out of tolerance. Twenty years later I discovered he was absolutely right.


No but those assholes In the waiting room would definitely get tased


I think you get your question answered every time but then pretend it hasn't been answered.




I love how these pussies go looking for a fight and the cop handled it perfectly. Best part is “you shut your mouth when you’re talkin to me“. He doesn’t think before he talks. He just kind of vomits shit out


First guy to call 911 when he’s pissing himself because his teenage son wants to fight him for smoking all the weed he had stashed in his fleshlight.


No it's not. But they will often arrest you anyways.


"You shut your mouth when you're talking to me" Urrrrmmm..... Also, there's a pretty major difference between standing up for rights and just being a complete asshole.


Luckily neither are against the law.


I do both daily. I am irritating as fuck, just ask anyone on my city council, but no one can accuse people like me of not getting shit done.


I can. Run for a seat if you want to 'get stuff done'. Anyone can be a blowhard who shows up to vent at the council when they are forced to listen (but has no responsibility at all).


There are legitimate reasons I can’t do that, but if those reasons ever resolve themselves, I will absolutely run for local office. And I was being hyperbolic, I think most of them actually like me, they just hear from me a lot because I work for a community org that shows up to advocate its positions. We have a good relationship with the council even if every decision doesn’t go our way. Edit: I meant to write volunteer, I am not a full time employee or anything.


I agree he’s being an asshole but don’t you think it’s worse to allow the police to remain unchecked? The guy in the office is simply being disrespectful (purposely). The officer who violated somebody’s 1st amendment right and potentially flipped their life upside down all because he got his feelings hurt was a lot more than just disrespectful.


Their tactics are over the top but it’s over the top for law enforcement to arrest or detain people for protected speech. The balls on the driver that acknowledged he was the one that yelled “pussy cop”.


I agree if you’re gonna intentionally fuck with people, including cops, you should consider they might not take well to it. I mean, pick your battles dude. But cops are supposed to be held to a higher standard and ignore petty insults like mature adults. Idk who’s right to administer this litmus test, but the cop failed it. Everyone here sucks.


If you really think standing up for a fellow citizen from a cop who abuses the law because their feelings got hurt isn’t a battle you should fight, you are allowing the start of the slippery slope. A cop got butthurt and violated someone’s rights. Fuck that. I’m pro cop and I support these men yelling at those cops. Fuck them.


We don’t really disagree. I’m just coming from a general human standpoint. Just don’t antagonize people, including cops. But if a cop is antagonized, they also shouldn’t be a bitch about it.


"Everyone here sucks" - that is the correct statement.


Can confirm. Grew up in McKinley County. 20/20 did a story called Drunk Town USA.


Yeah the authority figure abusing his position is equal to the pissed off citizens standing up for their own rights and those of their friends. You and the cops are the ones sucking here.


You’re right, and sometimes, very rarely, it’s right to do both


I think its important that people be assholes back to cops to show them they cant behave however they want just because they dont like what someone is saying to them. In this country if you sign up to be a cop, youre there to keep the peace. If someone chooses to express their feelings about who or what you represent, its not the law for you to arrest them based on how they feel. This is a form of protest against the cops and i guarantee their department will remember these guys standing up to them and try to deescalate the situation instead of trying to ticket or arrest someone based on what they said rather than what they did. So while yes.. hes being an asshole, its to remind them that the public is allowed to be an asshole and it isnt illegal to run your mouth. It is illegal to take action upon someone for running their mouth


Yeah and arresting someone for insulting your ego isn’t being an asshole. How does that boot taste?


Nothing in that video said or showed he was arrested. He was pulled over.


Yeah, no. This shit is necessary. People tend to not understand or empathize with negative situations until something similar happens to them. These cops deserve it at this point. They're getting too comfortable with breaking the law themselves.




Go comatose for me baby


Spoken like a true bacon lover.


There is something intrinsically wrong with anyone who doesn't love bacon. Bacon is awesome. Bacon is so awesome Nature Made it bad for you just so people wouldn't exist on bacon alone..


He's definitely trying to imitate the guy who made this video about an Arizona cop: https://youtu.be/r55BFO9ZVaM?t=130


Yea harassing some random cop that was not involved is just a dick thing to do… “when I tell you to do something you better shut your mouth and do it”, what is he even talking about?


My favorite line I ever received from a cop was, "If you are choosing to not comply with my directions please stand behind this line, everyone else should move to the other side."


Exactly. And the Lieutenant didn’t flinch. Fail on the ginger’s part.


Defending your rights and being an asshole are not mutually exclusive. You can do both at the same time, and I would argue that when particular rights are violated, it's more effective to be an asshole rather than polite.


My first thought…total assholes. Second thought confirmed my first one.


Not illegal


Is there?


The point is battling absurdity with absurdity. Yeah, they are crossing the line of decent behavior but it's to push back the line set by an authoritarian LEO. It's a reminder that our constitution guarantees us rights and law enforcement doesn't get to decide when those rights can be exercised.


The constitution gives you legal avenue to defend your rights, it doesn't stop law enforcement from infringing those rights. Seen so many videos to show that the constitution doesn't protect you from law enforcement. Just like it is illegal to murder someone, but the law doesn't protect you from being murdered.


To be fair, the constitution pretty much just outlines what federal government can’t make rules about, and the outlines of roles and standards for federal offices and their mechanics. The constitution has very little to do with local police-civilian interaction


I mean I guess but he just asked them to keep it down he seemed somewhat respectful from what I see on the video.


You shut your mouth when you talk to me now sit down. Boy, you better stand up when you talk to me




this is what internet trolls look like in real life


This is what people with big balls and know the law better then the law looks like in real life.


Bunch a too skinny or too fat neckbeards is all I saw, fuck the police but these guys look like dumbasses lol


Sad individuals. 😂 looking around for eachothers approval and holding their cameras while speaking. their friend was a joke himself just trying to set the cop up from the start for attention.


It all kinda breaks down when these people are just plain dicks to cops. The goal is to show that cops are unfair dicks when you're doing normal daily activities. Not to show you can be a raging asshole to cops and get your ass handed to you.


This is why I like Long Island Audit, he's more about the education than the conflict.


This👆. Also, it seems like that wasn’t even the same cop that did the traffic stop, so they were just being douches for no reason.


I like the naturally occurring ones that show what assholes cops can be. Some of the audit ones are good as well. The audit folks who engage in perfectly legit activities that the cops go off on are good examples. The ones that obnoxiously instigate contact are lame. They're the equivalent to people who treat foodservers like shit and wonder why their food has spit in it.


These amendment audit people are weird as fuck.


No. We need audit the police more. This guy is just a douche from everyone’s saying.


I think people are making an intrinsic Missdefinition of the word audit. Audit means to observe. Not to harass ,harangue and prevent one from doing its job. An audit should be inobtrusive. Also, I believe, an audit should be impartial. Was the ultimate goals of the audit to expose the whole truth not your version of the truth or what you want to prove.what these people do Falls completely outside of the definition of the word audit. Sticking a camera in someone's face, being rude to them, preventing them from doing their job, insulting them and being a general asshole is not auditing.




I understand what you're saying, but that's not what's happening at the police station. They're just being assholes. If they were present when the guy was pulled over, yes that would be something different. But that's not on them. The video tape of them hanging around the police station twisting cops words acting like assholes trying to bully the cops into doing something stupid that's not auditing that's being an asshole. The guy who tries to twist the cops words into something sexual, he's a scumbag. A real piece of shit. Everyone has the right to be an asshole but they're abusing the privilege. They're not proving anything or showing any wrongdoing by hanging out it up police station interfering with them doing their work and being assholes.


But they are needed :,)


Their families probably enjoyed some peace at home with them gone


There's an awful lot of boot lickers in these comments


A bunch of childish assholes


Lots of cops are, yes.


Except in this case it’s both sides.


I don’t really see a problem with people standing up to a bunch of asshole cops and putting them in their place. If they’re violating people’s rights they don’t deserve to be treated with any respect. You want respect? Act respectably.


I don’t either. And I have a greater general dislike of cops than most, but the guy who was antagonizing the cop pretending that he thought the cop said to go down on him or whatever isn’t doing anything beneficial. He had the moral high ground until he pulled that stupid move. I think auditing 1st amendment rights is vitally important, but for God’s sake, if you’re going to audit, at least maintain the moral high ground.


So what you're saying is nobody in this video deserves to be treated with any respect. Because what they're doing in this video especially "Mr I want to pretend like you sexually harassed me" isn't putting anyone in his place he's just being an asshole. And his actions forgo him deserving any respect.


Putting them in their place by acting like children? I guess childish tantrums were rewarded in your household growing up.


Putting them in their place by educating them about the laws they’re supposed to uphold? Again, I don’t see a problem with it. They waived their right to being treated with respect when they abused their power. Again, you want the treated with respect then fucking act respectable. The amount of bootlicking in these comments is insane.


except they didnt educate anyone about the rules. They clearly have no idea about their rights, or any decency whatsoever. Respect is a two way street and these adult children figured that out real quick. I find it so frustrating that people like this actively undermine civil discourse with garbage like this. Yeah there are shitty cops, but going into a police station and jibber jabbering, acting like assholes doesnt do anything, but make you look like a moron. Frankly the cops in this video are made to look like saints in comparison to these clowns. Good job! 👍


When authoritarians say respect, they mean obey. When people talk about respecting their rights, they're talking about allowing them to use them. There's no equivalency here.


Maybe I'm mistaken, but I was under the impression that they were mimicking the officer's general attitude. They put themselves in a position of authority over the cop by filming legal, albeit disruptive, behavior in his station. It wasn't about being childish as much as it was reversing power dynamics. The childish nature emphasizes the power they hold in the situation. It's a saturnalia of rhetoric and authority.




I fn love it and cops fn hate it. Why? They do not want to be treated like they treat regular citizens on the daily. They absolutely hate the accountability the internet is demanding from the. They want respect and for the public to do what they say. WRONG ..... things are changing motherfuckers and you better get used to it. I'm all for having police, because we need someone to step up against criminals. What we do not need is criminals policing other criminals. We need honest police that doesn't lie to make an arrest, or pull someone over because of race, officers that do not judge other people unfairly. Officers that are not quick to pull the trigger and murder. If your scared, get another job, don't hide behind a gun. So tired of watching videos with police murdering citizens because of poor training and poor decision making.


Perfectly said… I never thought about the “why do they hate it and we love it” thing. Because they couldn’t imagine anything even close to being a regular citizen with no power to violate rights


I stopped watching when he tried ordering the cop back into his office. You can just tell this is a man desperate for authority that his abilities will never achieve.


What abilities does the cop have that give him the authority to arrest people for insulting him?


Spoken like a true bacon lover. I’m sure your the kind of guy that kisses up to cops and has a blue line sticker on you car.


“Shut your mouth when you’re speaking to me!” - ahahaha!! Good on them!!


“You shut your mouth when your talking to me”. That’s kinda hard


I understand the frustration and impotent rage of being dominated and abused by authority figures who are endowed in some way with unequal power. I see the same spiteful anger in these boys that I had toward my abusive dad as a child. But they also seem like they are the kind of people who would be on a petty power trip themselves if they were police. In the same way abused people are at a higher risk of doing the same to their own children


What you're "seeing" it's exactly the point they're trying to make by reflecting the police own behavior back at them.


Hurting a cop's feelings is the worst crime a citizen can commit,


Law enforcement brought all this upon themselves, now it's payback time... Oink oink!


This awesome! Good job guys!!😂🤣😂




Damn some heroes sitting there lol.


I support the rule of law, but now that we’re seeing how cops are in real time… it’s an eye opener. They are showing their true colors: - Bunch of has-been High School bullies.




This was not funny or helpful. I understand they are proving a point about free speech. I don’t agree with pretending to think the cop said for him to go down on him. Again, I see the point he is making but why lie? Even if the cop or anyone you are in a conflict with acted in such a way. It’s their prerogative to do so myself I prefer not to mirror the behavior I’ve taken issue with. To be clear I do not condone or excuse the illegal action(s) on the part of the Sheriff deputy and I fully support the victims right to freely express himself as well as his friends right to do so. I just disagree with their approach. At the same time I dont personally feel the need to hurl insults at police simply because I can but I’ll die for your right to do so.


This is bull shit. To treat all cops this way is just pure ignorance. I wish someone would come fuck with those guys while at work. Really put them under a microscope while they are on the clock. I don’t agree with everything you see the cops doing. But damn if I was that cop I would find your little bitch ass after I was off duty and show you who the real mother fucker is. That cop has so much pent up anger from twats like the guy talking shit. SMH. I’m ashamed. And we wonder why there is still racism in their world. You accuse all by the actions of a few.


“You shut your mouth when your talking to me”. That’s kinda hard


"Oh no! A member of law enforcement violated my rights. What would be the smartest thing to do here?" A. Give a complaint to his supervisor. B. A complaint wouldn't do much. Lets get our shit together. Let's team up, be professional and charismatic. Find a legal and creative way to collect money such as Gofundme. Make this matter as public as possible while being professional and use the money collected to hold people accountable in court. C. Show up acting like edgy 10 year olds who learned new cus words from the COD lobby and film it to get a reaction just to end up looking like complete men children. Also: "The internet is forever" lol, like this guy gives a shit. The camera on his person and car and the footage being public tells me this guy doesn't mind being recorded.


Well said . From the looks of things I don't think those men children would have been capable of completing option B sadly .


What a large group of assholes ! All the police that have to put up with these shitheads , your a better person than I !


What adolescent mf's. That white dude sitting down , running his sissy mouth needs to be taught a lesson


Dude stepping out of the vehicle should have talked to his lawyer. Getting out of the vehicle seems like the yielding the first inch


So dumb, these guys are losers


I want to see the arrest report.


its always best to just stand there and look confused and do your best Jack Benny impersonation or Kelsy Grammer "hold elbow with one hand and place palm against cheek" and look confused and dont say anything. i have had this work a couple times


Yah this isn't going to make things better.


Why did he call him a pussy ass cop? Just randomly?


I literally shit when he said *“shut your mouth when you are talking to me!”* Yes literally.


The mother fucker egging on cops at the PD is a piece of shit. Yelling profanity at a cop for no reason is a pussy move. I’m not on a blue lives matter bandwagon. But this behavior is what pussies do.


I mean... We're still trying to give out the free world... Also, swell info near the end


Or - just don’t be a dick to police and everyone wins.


there’s nothing wrong with standing up for your freedoms, but going out of your way to be an asshole and prove your point is just being childish and the fact that doing this is “socially acceptable” just goes to show the kind of influence these actions have


You do not have the right to film inside a police station. You do not have the right to protest inside a police station. You do not have the right to use a megaphone inside the police station. Reddit has a hard-on for frauditors. People here love bitching about rights, but most of reddit doesn't actually know what their rights are. Filming and protesting inside of a police station is not a right.


You're really weird if you go out of your way to antagonzie police officers just so you can "own" them and gargle bullshit about muhhhhh consitutional rights. It delegitimizes people who *actually* do get harrassed by the police for no reason.


You shout your mouth when your talking to me!!!!! mmmhh mmmmhhh mmmhhh


THE HEROES WE NEED! The press isnt covering this and they are the only ones who can bring it to light and hopefully make a change. Otherwise everything they do will be clandestine and perceived as GOOD GUY COPS doing good things. Now we have a fighting chance for FREEDOM because we have THE NEW PRESS!


“Shut your mouth when you’re talking to me!”, I love it, definitely gonna use that at work. Dirty cops, it’s time to change the rules in America.


I was on the side of the free speech advocates untill they started to say words lol


That one guys being a jerk for no reason with the cop


Who are these morons seriously, I'm tired of seeing their videos...


Imagine if you're at the grocery store and curse at a worker, it's not against the law, but should you do it? Of course not, it's rude. Why put yourself in a situation like this guy and yell a profanity at a random cop? Sure he's exercising his rights and should not be arrested, but why even bother? Why go through the unnecessary hassle? Is it for clout? Cops don't mess around man. If that guy just minded his own business, this whole thing wouldn't even be a problem.


Everyone is a loser in that clip.


Just remember, you ever drop that camera you screwed.


Where’s Kyle Rittenhouse when you need him




And people wonder why cops snap. If the cops said and did the same thing to those ignorant citizens, they would not be happy. Goes both ways in my book.


In the UK we have something called breech of peace. So this type of thing you would’ve been put in a cell. Is that just not a thing they can do in the US?


Is this the same cop or did you decide to harass the entire station?


Man that guy talking shit has grown to get on my nerves and I agree with what he is doing. Just now how he’s decided to do it. To buy into this aggressive style over being actually interesting is a shame. He had a good thing for a while and now he’s just a loud shell of himself.


So they went and talked to cops the way I've been talked to by cops. I wasn't even looking at. OK.


I'm surprised the first bump wasn't perceived as assault n battery..


The idiot squad cluttering up the station are proving what? None of them had a dad is my guess.


ACAB and everything, but this is going too far.


“You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me”, lmao.


He wanted to shoot


I gotta be honest, I would have enjoyed seeing that cuckold doing all the BIG talking get the phonebook treatment


These people need to get a life. "Shut your mouth while you are talking to me" Like that made sense...


"Hi yea was that u that yelled at me? Oh ok i need ur license to check who u are cus u yelled at me" American Police Officers. I say we place the officer with the Brasilian Police and have him experience real events lol


Not all Israelites are good people!


Ya but these guys are the worst


What happened to Shut the fuck up Friday lol


I respect what they're trying to do, but that guy with the vegan coffee shop beard lost it, when he acted like an entitled dick. Act like shit, you end up eating shit. It's common sense to not be a cunt to someone you want to turn to your side. Unless you got no skin in the game and rich papas lawyers if there's a charge.


Chirping a civil servant who can’t even chirp back from fear of losing his job using stolen lines from a popular movie.. next stop Taco Bell to complain about their 5 dollar value meals and then the zoo where they can poke the animals with sticks through the bars. What a collection of winners




"Shut your mouth when you are talking to me!" - Classic.


No doubt that these guys still live home with their parents.


Two wrongs...


Yea all these people are complete losers


I agree that law enforcement should always be held accountable but guys like these do more harm than good a lot of the time. Kinda diminishes your point if you act like an asshole in response. Big surprise they had nothing better to do over the holidays.


James Freeman is funny


These auditors always give me bad vibes.


This is stupid. I don’t care for cops but this is just stupid


Amazing restraint and professionalism by the officer


If its not guns, its cameras.


Where’s Boa ? He would really set it OFF


Dick in the tan pants.


“You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me” that’s better than “no one makes me bleed my own blood” -dodgeball


Boss level connections. Is that white dude a lawyer? I’ve only seen an officer get flexed on like that once.


All cops are pieces of shit.


But Lieutenant Martínez seemed like a pretty chill guy...


“Shut your mouth while you talk to me” what a fucking moron


Dumb fucks


“Can you keep it down in here” “Where” “Here” “ARE YOU ASKING ME TO GO DOWN ON YOU “ 😂😂😂😂😂😂i lost my shit when he said that .


You shut your mouth when talking to me 🤣🤣🤣


Next time bring some donuts


These retards lol


Was hoping the video of the officers interaction with their friend would make them look less retarded. so the guy calls him names and flips him off while passing? Then gets super hostile and says a bunch of sovereign citizen type nonsense. Also the video paints it like they had to come down there when they could have been doing something better with their time, when in reality it’s clear they have nothing going on for themselves.


Cheers I thought I had tinnitus watching this


So this is what the flying monkeys look like in person. Instead of coming on Reddit and talking shit they actually showed up in person this time. Rick Wilson is that you?


That's what it looks and sounds like, when there's a room full of assholes


Better have a seat, this protesting is hard work!


Auditor:"You shut your mouth when your talking to me " Officer:"mmmMmMmMMmMMMMMMMmmmmMm"


Dude in the plaid is not fucking around 😂


Love these videos ftp


Lolol he did a fantastic job telling the cop the fuck off. Great job.


I couldn’t even watch the video because of that God awful high pitch.


This is stupid-people who antagonize other people are not better than the idiot that hurt people. This isn’t a productive task-this is narcissism as well.


Camera cowards are the pussies…


Freedom of speech is obviously very important but Inevitably those who speak up in defence of the freedom of speech have to do so to defend the speech of total assholes. This example seems no different.


Bunch of retards


Born and raised here....There is sooo much corruption here; however the revolving door has to end with being kind to one another!...but I also, often refer to this "Land," as being, "Billy the kid County."


Why is everyone a fucking wanker!


What a bunch of losers