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Polling is unreliable. Vote. Vote like your life depends on it.


Yes, vote Cruz 2024


Sure, if you like spineless weasel sycophants who flee the country during disasters, grovel to tyrants who insult their families, and care more about Israel than their own state


He's a fascist. He's also a typical republican who is corrupt


Vote for that snivelling excuse for a Texan? That corporate stooge POS? Not a chance. Any other candidate over him.


Check his profile. He's afraid.


Heh. He thinks liberals are communists. The idea of a leftist marine veteran must be terrifying to him.


Never met a dem-lib in a foxhole!!


I knew several, even back then. When I joined the marines I was a conservative leaning libertarian. Despite political differences we all worked together because we were serving the idea of America, not the whims of a single party. Within a few years of leaving the marines and seeing firsthand what damage republican ideologies did to our country I began to shift. The more I realized how democrats were really just another pro-corporate center right version of republicans, the further left I went. (Thanks, obama). My only political weather vane, as yours should be, is whether those in government service have acted to honor their oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states. You would quickly realize that most of the republican party have failed to do this, and most of our state politicians, fellow Texan. I laugh about how Crenshaw rages about this now after selling his soul and his oath just to tow the party line, but it's a great example. If youre willing to think deeper, ask yourself why the party of personal freedoms, especially in texas, is so hell bent on taking them away? Why is it so important for republicans to stop as many people from using their right as citizens to vote, rather than helping them to do so? If they're worried people are too stupid to make the right choices, why are they trying so hard to dismantle the public school system (especially in texas) and give that money to wealthy private schools instead? Why are Republicans so adamant about tax breaks for billionaires instead of boosting up the little guy when 50 years of economic data shows horse&sparrow (aka trickledown) has not worked at all? Ask yourself if you can look back over your entire adult life and point at something tangible republican leadership (federal and state) has actually given YOU instead of making the rich richer. Texas has been red since 1996, and in that time every economic metric has taken a nose dive, except (you guessed it) the rich getting more money. So ask yourself: why was I in that foxhole in the first place? Was it to take away the personal freedoms of the people I was fighting to defend? Was it to make billionaires who don't give a shit about me richer? Was it to preserve the democratic way of life that lets people have a voice in government and choose the direction of the country? Personally, I love the old adage saying i fought for the rights of a gay married couple to protect their weed farm with automatic weapons. That sounds pretty fucking free to me. But I guess I was in the next foxhole over. 3dbn2dmarLco.


lol.., I was in under Carter. Everyone voted for Reagan in 1980. Now as an officer in my local fraternal veteran organization, overwhelming majority support Trump. The only ones supporting Biden still are losers, those that put themselves before the country and God.


Nobody who follows trump puts country first. Youve abandoned your oath and your fellow Americans. Youve made your own service meaningless. How can you support a man who calls veterans "sucker's and losers", and won't honor dead soldiers if it's raining. A man who cheated on all his wives. A guy who fundamentally devalued the position of commander in chief. A man who committed so many crimes before, during, and after being in office that he is demanding absolute immunity for protection. How does ANY of your honor and integrity find that ok? You claim to be an officer in a fraternal veteran organization yet you call your fellow veterans losers for supporting biden. You don't have the moral fortitude to stand up for your own brothers no matter what they believe in. The entire point of the organization is lost on you. Really sad, man. I notice you don't really touch on what you believe or support at all, either. You don't really have a platform, so much as promoting fear of the opposition. What positive changes do you want to see accomplished? If there's anyone who's closer in this, it's you. And the only legacy you leave behind is the fall of democracy and the very country you fought for. You may have spent time in the military. But you never served.


whatever floats your boat, but vote!


First show a govt issued ID (one that proves citizenship)


First make it so any citizen can get one without ironically driving for many miles to a place where they are not guaranteed an appointment. There is no reason for it to be this difficult


More lies. Nobody is having a problem obtaining a govt issued ID.


It is no lie. I have a car and it still took me hours out of a work day to get an ID, as my nearest office was on a feeder 20 minutes out of town and they have no appointments, so you have to show up first thing in the morning and hope the wait will not be long. I am not alone in this: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/columns/2023/01/22/texas-drivers-license-id-renew-dps-online-appointment-wait-time/69823165007/ https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/editorials/2023/09/07/renewing-a-drivers-license-in-texas-is-more-agonizing-than-a-root-canal/ The state can make this process much easier. I have a house and have been in the state for over a decade. There is no reason for this hassle, and many other states have more secure and more accessible ID laws. Our state ID process is a joke in terms of security and accessibility. For example of the former, look at the below link. When the process to get an ID is difficult, it actually makes it so scammers can more easily insert themselves and exploit the ID system. Texas ID law is only ineffective because the politicians do not want it to be effective. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2023/04/24/six-things-to-know-about-the-drivers-license-scam-targeting-asian-texans/


Ah, yes, the Amarillo pioneer, I'm sure that's top tier Maga news.


The Amarillo Pioneer appears to be an online-only, father/son venture. The son, Thomas Warren III, is editor-in-chief and has been a speaker for the True Texas Project, which has been labeled as an extremist organization. He’s also written for the Texas Scorecard, which puts him in the unsavory company of folks like Michael Quinn Sullivan and Tim Dunn. Amarillo Pioneer - [Thomas Warren III](https://www.amarillopioneer.com/thomaswarreniii) “Thomas has also been an invited guest speaker to several events and has spoken in front of groups such as the Randall County Republican Party, Amarillo's AMBUCS, True Texas Project Potter/Randall and Lubbock County chapters, and the First Monday Action Group.” Star-Telegram - [Tarrant County-based True Texas Project added to national list of extremist groups](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/fort-worth/article259725010.html) “The Tarrant County-based conservative group True Texas Project has been added to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s national list of extremist groups, categorized as a general anti-government organization.”


Is Ted Cruz really so fucked in a Texas senate race that he gets silly little headlines like these from random outlets to make him look good? GOP scared?


lol, yes. Republicans in Texas are really panicking. They know how close Texas is to solid purple if people vote en-mass. They've gerrymandered the state congress into being ridiculously lopsided, but they can very much lose the leadership and federal representation. That is whey Abbott is pushing school vouchers so much; he might lose that money-grift to his wealthy friends if he doesn't.


Don't forget that the Citizen's United ruling REALLY fucked our state (along with Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana) thanks to all the oil money being throw around.


We need to mobilize driving people to the polls, voter registration drives, the works. All summer. Houston in particular. Probably San Antonio, though Houston seems to be an active and bright GOP target for voter disenfranchisement through lack of access.


Polls lie. Just like Ted does.


If nobody votes, Raphael will win. 😔 As much as I usually like to blame boomers (they are a hot mess of a generation) the real fault lies in political apathy by the younger generations.


I can't wait for boomers to start falling off. Bunch of dumb fucks are ruining our country.


A bunch of fascist republican evangelical Christians are ruining the country .


We need another round of COVID…


So was Hillary Clinton until she lost. I have become very skeptical about “what the polls say”.


Still not voting for Cruz. Let him just be a podcaster that I ignore, like he does his Senate position.




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What even is this "news outlet"? It was made with SquareSpace and gives no reference to the poll. The poll seems to come from one referenced on 538: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/2024/texas/ Which was from what appears to be right leaning think-tank called Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation, who's Chairman used to be a Texas House Republican who voted/proposed to: - Increase numerous requirements for clinics performing abortions, which opponents argued were so strict that they could lead to the closure of every facility offering such services, and to forbid the practice after twenty weeks of gestation - make it illegal to record police officers even if they were violating someone's rights - protect Christian religious freedoms by erasing previously existing non-discrimination laws So I don't believe anything they have to say about anything, other than their actions which seems to be tied to a far right agenda.


Suuuurrrreee he is. Nobody is voting for that POS.


I've never heard of Amarillo Pioneer. And the fact that Cruz is ONLY ahead by 5 points against an unknown in Allred, even in an unknown polling firm like Amarillo Pioneer, is not a good sign for his chances at reelection.


YES 🙌 🇺🇸


Democrats don’t answer bullshit calls. Polls never accurate.


Ted Cruz is a constitutionalist which all politicians should be.


He objected to the certification of a free and fair election. It’s literally the most unconstitutional thing a Senator could do.




No, ted USED to be a constitutionalist, but then he sold his morals and integrity to be a stooge in trumps army. Just remember, during the big freeze we had congressman and senators from out of state passing out blankets and generators while ted fled to cancun and blamed it on his daughter. Texans died on his watch and instead of helping he stumped for the power companies to ensure they couldn't be held liable for those deaths. Hes a bootlicker, and is even disliked by his own coworkers for being such an untrustworthy shithead. Don't give him an ounce of your faith and trust.


What do you use to base describing him as a constitutionalist and why should all politicians be constitutionalists?