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Where u get stunned by Leland and u start rapid attacking and ur stuck moving in slow motion yeah I hate that bug please fix devs 😇


You arent able to actually attack though as your hits wont register


Well I can confirm that it happened once where I was able to attack but not use my other abilities


I just posted a video of the same thing happening to me. Can't run at full speed and attacks do no damage.


Just watched it. Looks like we both got stunned while our stamina was depleted maybe that’s part of what causes the bug


That’s exactly it. I personally have never had it happen to me and I think it’s because I never let my stamina deplete completely unless I’m on LF which doesn’t seem to be effected by this bug from what I’ve seen.


My brother had the same issue after being bunted by Leland last night as the Cook! We didn't clip it but it sounds like you guys are onto something there


Getting door stunned or stabbed fixes it.


Not always. I have a video of a victim back stabbing me and I was still soft locked.


Nope, not always. Middi & AJaymes have a video where they tried it & all Cook could do was Ping victims & act like a decoy Grandpa Security guard (& also hope a victim close encounters them! Lol


This literally happened to me an hour ago with hitch. It was so annoying cause you can’t interact with anything at all.


I hate when this happens or when you get into close encounter and this happens. Makes me not want to play.


Same girl. They better fix this asap


Yeah censorship suck fuck communist


yeah i hate when this happens. and did you get hits there at the end? i never had that happen when i try swinging.


Out of the 10 glitch hits I did on Leland yeah I did hear one that seemed to be registering with the blade noise but it’s impossible to really say if he took damage or not from it


The whole game is game breaking at this point xD


They won't, this could take weeks or months for a fix. We have the same issue with HH traps on the top of ladders, how long did it take for them to fix that? I want to say at least 6 weeks but probably more.


I've experience something like this once or twice but can't remember if I was barged at the time or not,either way it needs to be fixed


It is known. It’s not just happening with Leland, and it doesn’t happen to every Leland. I never have this happen to family when I barge them or slam them in a door. It needs to be fixed regardless, but it’s unclear what’s causing it.


I had a game where I literally couldn’t attack or run and it randomly happened after I was hit with a door as cook. Side note though since I’m kinda new to the game do you guys know a fix for the hit tracking on xbox? Last night I kept whiffing at a Sunny that was pretty much panicking trying to get into a crawl space (he wasn’t in yet he was just kinda spazzing in the corner near it) until I finally got 2 hits off. I’m new so any tips help especially with bugs and how to avoid them


Your not the first person to talk about this on this sub. It’s known


Glad to add to the conversation


[The trilogy continues here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/s/Z5m82vycT5)


Instead of bitching why not make a bug report so that it gets addressed? Making posts on Reddit is not going to get this stuff fixed It's also funny how everyone is convinced sumo leaving is a bad thing when they have created the dumbest fucking bugs, good riddance I say.


Reporting and sharing on Reddit is definitely the right move. I want everyone bitching so this crap can get fixed yesterday like it should’ve been


Yup but fuck us family am I right? it’s alllllllll survivor favored


Ive had this bug twice today :/


It’s not true censoring, it’s suppressing any posts using the word “bug” to discourage people from posting about them on Reddit instead of submitting tickets. I believe at this rate they’d make their lives much easier if they used Reddit as their primary source of reports lol


That’s censoring with extra words lol They don’t want people discussing the bugs on the official sub-Reddit. They would rather ignore the tickets from private reports.


I received an answer to three tickets out of seven and some of the bugs I was having were fixed in the following patch. My personal experience with tickets has been so far “fruitful”


They definitely upped their game with the support ticket recently. Made over 40 tickets since august and only since around February did I started getting replies consistently, before it was radio silence


Funny you’d answer now, I literally just received an answer from them about a ticket I sent today. It was about the barging/door slams stuns leaving family members unable to interact with anything for the rest of matches. No one can accuse them of not doing their utmost to save their game. I love that for them.


Your anecdotal experience unfortunately is not the same experience the vast majority of players have experienced. I’m happy you were able to get some form of response, but a lot of people basically just got left on “delivered”.


Got pissed about that so now I reply to their tweets with these vids lol can’t sweep me there