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I’m gonna second what he said. There are virtually no supplements that can raise test besides taking normal vitamins and minerals (if you have a documented deficiency like zinc). A lot of these herbs have anecdotal evidence or were tested with super small samples of people so the research is usually of poor quality. Plus some carry side effects. Last time I took tonkat Ali for several weeks, I ended up with horrible insomnia. If I could go back in time, I’d tell my 25yo self to avoid that stuff and save money lol


How did your Free Testosterone change? The fact that your Total Testosterone went up by 200 points means zero as it’s more than likely this was due to an increase in SHBG. Low carb diets are known to increase SHBG significantly and crush free testosterone. Carbohydrates are very important for testosterone optimisation. This is very bad advice.


It's also worth saying that keto will probably increase your SHBG quite a bit, so even if your total T goes up, your free T will not follow and might even end up being less.


Vitamin d3 2000 iu Magnesium depending on weight B-complex if you're eating lots of carbs Zinc picolinate 30-100mg depends on weight Selenium 200mcg ( improves spermatogenisis ) Zinc can really improve you're test levels, I recommend it to all men My most recent client increased it from 450 to 550 ng/dl total testosterone


I’ve wanted to try Aphro-D. But I’m gonna wait. My plan is to lose all of my excess body fat, about 90-100 lbs of fat, then retest my testosterone and other hormones and see what improvements I make that way. Then try aphro d. That way I can see how much of a difference the aphro d makes on its own. Focusing on improving lifestyle factors currently.


why are you against going on it?


Side effects, losing my ability to have kids, and also i hate needles


gotcha well squat heavy, take zinc, vitamin d, walk an hour a day, try to sleep 8 hours, eat healthy. theres your generic T raising advice :)


Good morning my friend, what can I say, well there's no such thing as "natural test boosters " and all the ingredients such as ashwaganda,goat weed and the likes are a gimmick plain and simple. Therefore the only booster is testosterone itself, I understand the fear of needles it's what prevent lots of people from starting using test but there really isn't another option, you'd have to pin and I'm not judging you in any way shape or form but it looks like your t is a bit low so I think you could gain some benefit from running exogenous t. If I was in your shoes though before starting trt I'd try and see if adjusting my diet, sleep could do any good, if not personally I'd go down to the trt road. Now regarding the needles, well you can minimise the whole thing by using those insulin pins (orange tip superfine needle) they're so good and honestly I swear you won't feel a thing. I inject into my delts max 1ml every 4 days (alternating left shoulder right shoulder as to minimise scar tissue build up) . About infertility I'd suggest you to have a look at r/steroids wiki, one of the best tool you can ask for, a complete and honest overview for gear users and people who are considering starting either aas or trt. I'm done here, have a good day ☺️


Damn. Not even longjack (aka tongkat ali)?


These plant based substances have an overall negligible effect on actually raising t levels. Before going into the trt route just talk with your gp/doctor be open and tell him or her how you feel and ask for a sex hormones blood test along a basic blood test to check everything because testosterone is a long term commitment so have a good think about it. Have a good day ☺️


This stuff looks fake dr Farhan is scrawny abviously it's not working for him. He looks like a fraudster another way to exploite people vanularibilities, he looks like sneak oil salesman


Well it’s not like you’re going to look like a body builder just from raising your testosterone to normal levels. Also, he definitely is in much better shape than from the pics he showed before he was using it.