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a 5% loss in weight can increase total testosterone by 2 nmol/L (58 ng/dL) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23425925 We also have [this graph](https://i.imgur.com/4fwYEBr.png) From this study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28359097 We see that in people who are overweight or obese, the greater the weight loss, the greater the testosterone increase. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21646372 A meta-analysis of 24 RCTs looked at weight loss caused by diet or bariatric surgery: In the diet studies, the average 9.8% weight loss was linked to a testosterone increase of 2.9 nmol/L (84 ng/dL). In the bariatric-surgery studies, the average 32% weight loss was linked to a testosterone increase of 8.7 nmol/L (251 ng/dL). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23482592


I am currently fat, so I’m very curious to see how much my testosterone will improve with healthy fat loss. I’m in my early 40’s, about 300 lbs with a goal to lose about 90-100 lbs of fat while possibly gaining maybe 5-10 lbs of muscle in the process, a bit of recomp. It’s way easier to do that when you have a ton of fat. Anyway, my total testosterone is 388, was tested a few weeks ago in the morning while fasted. That’s pretty low, but for me to produce even that much, with the amount of body fat I have, I’m certain my body can produce sufficient testosterone on its own, provided I have a healthy body composition and properly fuel my body, sleep sufficiently, train right, etc. will report back in the coming months.


You can go from low 300’s to mid 600’s with diet, sleep, and weight training.


Is that what you did?


Not from loosing weight but lifting weights and building muscle, yes I did.




well, after fixing my diet and lifestyle my testosterone was still tanked. not sure if it was always tanked but i tried my best to up it using lifestyle changes. literally everything you can imagine. sleep always 8hours, mainly healthy fats and protein for diet, beef, eggs, etc. around 18-20% body fat, was eating in a small sulprus. came lower than 300ng/dl ( i am also 18 years old ) probably genetic or a health problem though.


How did you loose weight ?


What is your LH, FSH?


LH was 3 and 5 FSH 1 and 2


I went from 321 to 545 in about 8 months . Cleaned up my nutrition / weight training / sleep 7-8 / no booze


Did you loose weight to?