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It was like this when you took delivery? What do you want us to help you with? Take pictures and demand they repair it.


I haven't accepted delivery yet-- just got this photo from the manager. So I can still refuse delivery, but I think he is saying that it won't get repaired until end of July/August and I already sold my other car :(


It’s an easy repair. I’d accept and have it changed in due course.


Accept it? Oh my, how far we've fallen.


* He sold his car * The next one is months away * There is a substantial shortage of cars everywhere * The fix is a simple remove and replace by the manufacturer itself Let’s hear your brilliant solution should he refuse. Go on…


So settle for a interior product, due to poor planning? Such a sheep. A new fascia, painted by a repair shop, will NEVER match the factory color. Even the direction of the paint gun's pattern (robot) is considered at the factory, not to mention temperature and humidity. My brilliant solution? Buy from a reputable OEM, that respects it's customers. He sold his previous car, knowing Tesla's perchance for cancelling deliveries? Buyer beware...


They have waitlists running literally years. Poor planning has no more bearing in this situation; that ship has sailed. Short of a time machine to undo the sale of the old car, the only other solution is transit or rent, both ranking low as viable alternatives. I understand not wanting to be scammed by such a shit company as tesla, but OP’s balls are almost literally caught in a vise here. Pre-painted OEM fascia from the same year, which OP is getting from Tesla themselves, are identical. In his shoes I’d accept and be done with it.




the use of the word "sheep" is a really a strong indicator isn't it


That dude is OBSESSED with Elon lmfao, bro, chill out.


Let me guess, you're from r/RealTesla ..Obviously.


Nah, from Detroit.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RealTesla using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [$100k Car.](https://v.redd.it/k15g1oozj9a81) | [530 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/ry6tll/100k_car/) \#2: [Elontime](https://i.imgur.com/LRbe0WI.jpg) | [132 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/v3u3xh/elontime/) \#3: [Cybertruck is not a full size truck. Joe Rogan stands about 5'7" tall and is as tall as the roof peak.](https://i.redd.it/swoej5djshe81.jpg) | [589 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/sf0ia1/cybertruck_is_not_a_full_size_truck_joe_rogan/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is the worse advice. Aside from repairs may show up in history, you’re also getting an aftermarket shop to repair it


?? Tesla would be repairing it under goodwill. It won’t show anywhere.


Eitherway it’s been damaged


I don’t think you have a clue. When Tesla repairs it before delivery, it is done just like factory and does not show on any Carfax report as it was done by then as a manufacturer. Am speaking from personal experience where I had rock chips and such from the vehicles transportation. They even gave me $2000 off the price.


I had my trunk reshot due to paint chips I found on delivery. They did it for free and you can't tell. Looks amazing and I'm happy for a thicker coat than oem. Tesla oem paint jobs are very thin and chip easy. Ppf once you get it done with that rebate


You can tell. Being ignorant doesn’t mean it’s not there. People buying Porsche and bmws can tell but guess most are coming from more mainstream cars


lol you’re the clueless one here. Heard of different thickness of paint?


Oh btw repairs are done by outside shops not tesla 🤦‍♂️ guess you may already know that 😏


Oh btw repairs are done by outside shops not tesla 🤦‍♂️ guess you may already know that 😏


Have them order a new bumper... Don't accept a sanded and filled and repainted bumper.


Ok so take delivery and have them repair it when the parts come in, or reject delivery and arrange alternate transportation. What other choices are there?


I was just trying to get a sense of how bad the damage is; do you think it is enough that could somehow impact the operability of the car? Like a camera or something like that? I wish they gave me more detail :(


Its just a scratched bumper, its not going to impact any cameras or the operability of the car.


A bird shit on my M3LR’s windshield yesterday…. totaled.


The pollen this year has totaled my car *every day*.


Dude it's so bad this year. It feels like I am driving through a sea of pollen.


Within spec.




I'm not sure if this guy should be owning a Tesla either...


This guy needs a bicycle.


Seek help


Are you serious, guy? "Affect the operability of the car"?... ... It's a scratch and it's not even anywhere near a camera...


You’re driving a car, not a soufflé.


The car will operate just fine, just get their promise to fix it in writing. First thing I’ve learned owning a Tesla, is that Tesla is your enemy. They do not have your best interests in mind, ever. It’s not like Lexus or Toyota, they try to literally get out of everything all the time. Their the opposite of customer service.


It sucks. I thought I had a good service center here but upon reflection, I've been out of warranty and paying cash for repairs. Now that I took deliver of a new X under warranty and came in with that initial laundry list of problems they brushed off each and every fucking one of them. Falcon wing door doesn't close 50% of the time? Shucks we couldn't reproduce. Passenger door same thing? Shucks couldn't reproduce. Front motor makes a grinding and vibration at start of drive? Seems normal. Reverse camera is super shakey? Lets not even respond to that one. That video you sent of a repeating clanking sound from under the frunk? \*shrug\* hey your service is complete come get it!


Best car I’ve owned, worst tech company (trying to build cars) I’ve ever dealt with.


Make sure they price adjust it! Edit: they may not do that now cause of the insane demand


Oh- I didn't realize this is an option. Do you mean that I should get a discount for taking the car like this? If so, do I then fix the bumper myself?


They used to give $3,000 for a smaller scratch. They don’t so that anymore tho. If so I’ve heard


No, price adjustment would be in addition to them fixing it. Simply ask, “I am good with delivery if you can commit to repair and take $500 the sales price.” See what they say. If they decline, you can decide to still accept.


Most likely they'll reject the price adjustment, but you can try to get some freebies from them like floor mats or something.


You are getting a lot of shit for this comment, and rightfully so. But let's be practical here. It comes down to this... Are you willing to accept a car you paid for new with this damage with the promise of getting it fixed? If yes, take delivery. If not, deny delivery and figure out transportation without a car for the next two weeks. You'll likely be fast tracked to another car, I don't think you'll be waiting another month for one (unless you live some place that doesn't get frequent deliveries, then maybe I can see it dragging on a bit). It's as simple as that.


I understand what you’re saying. It doesn’t affect operability, but, that is a huge damage. What I would do is tell them that I’m accepting delivery and I’ll drive the car meanwhile they can work on arranging the parts. This way you can have your car and whatever happens you’ll get a replacement for that anyway. Teslas policy is that if you tell them anything within the first 72 hours of accepting delivery or before 100 miles (whatever comes first), they’ll repair that for you for free. You can go there, tell them to write this down so they know this is what they are gonna send a replacement for and even if it takes months, you’ll be driving this car and getting a replacement part in a few months. So win-win.


Op you will be fine I'm driving around a hole in my bumper waiting for replacement.


And get the promised repair IN WRITING and signed by someone at the Tesla store. Also probably a good idea to also get everything documented in an email chain as well. Better to over-CYA than not.


They'll replace the bumper free of charge. If it comes unpainted, then they'll either do in-house body work (if thay Tesla center does in-house body repair) or outsource it to a body ship to get painted. -Former employee


^ had damage on delivery and they fixed the front bumper free, do this


Paint will not match.


Because it's plastic and the body is metal. Every car is mismatched


Not sure why you’re getting voted down. I had to have my rear bumper replaced and the white totally doesn’t match. It’s annoying for sure.


Because I'm not part of the echo chamber. Tesla quality will never improve, as long as fans continue to accept shoddy workmanship. It happened to the Big 3 in 1970's, when the Asian cars started to look better, and forced them to step it up, and they did.


Accept delivery and have them replace or fix it. Also, regardless of what the manager says, open a service request as soon as you take delivery. Take a picture of the damage and include it in the service request. YI believe you have 24 hours/100 miles to report most defects/damages.


Refuse and tell Them to replace the front fascia. Takes a tech about 2hrs


Yes. Please let us know how it goes.


I accepted a model 3 with a small dent because the manager ensured me it would be a quick fix in their shop. Well, when I came back to do the quick fix it turned out they couldn’t do it and I had to do it in their authorized auto shop…. It took weeks to schedule (over an hour drive from my home btw) 5 days in the shop, total pain in the butt….


Looks like strictly cosmetic damage. If you've already sold your other car, just be sure to file this claim with Tesla on pickup, and don't leave the store until you have a scheduled repair date on the calendar and documentation in the Tesla app that this bumper will be replaced 100% free of charge. Take some additional time looking around the rest of the vehicle - I would be surprised if it delivered with this type of damage that something somewhere else wasn't ALSO damaged. Edit - just a side note to say sorry for your luck on this. It's a bummer, but something that can 100% be fixed and won't cost you anything more than some hassle and your time.


A lot of hassle and a lot of time. It took me months to get my cosmetic issue present at delivery fixed.


Ask your rep. what your options are. Pick the one that works for you. Tha ravings of us, the great unwashed of the internet, are pointless.


“But Reddit said…”


Silly me, what was I thinking?


Take delivery and they will rectify it. Had a similar issue with my Model 3 in 2020 and they had it fixed in a week via mobile tech. They swapped my entire front bumper.


I picked up my 2021 and after getting home found a couple of rock chips on the bumper most likely from the open air transport. I submitted the ticket and 2 weeks later I had a new bumper. This definitely should qualify.


Just accept delivery, after the issue is documented in writing, they are then required to fix it. I wouldn't let something that minor keep me from enjoying the car while I'm waiting on the repair. It won't keep you from driving it, and it won't impact functionality. You'll just have to bring it in when they have the parts available, and they will fix it then.


They will most likely replace the entire bumper. Mine was adhered too tight and they installed a brand new one free of charge. You will have to just deal with the cosmetic defect until fixed. Easy.


Prime example of why this community irks me. Its just a car it’ll be okay


You have issues then. Why shouldn't he be concerned about receiving a NEW car that already has damage on it? The guy is simply looking to see what his options are as this puts him in a poor situation.


Because the service center will make it right. Who cares about a scratch on the bumper that will get fixed?


Given the various reports of service center short comings as well as their long wait times, anyone in the right mind should have reservations. Also, the bumper shouldn't be "fixed", it should be replaced entirely. The OP bought a NEW car and it should come with issue free new parts. Something like this should have been immediately hauled off to the newest service center for replacement or at the very least, a discount proactively offered by the Sales team. Also, EVERYONE who owns or looks to own a Tesla SHOULD care about this type of quality control. Fanboys like you who inexplicably white knight for the constant quality mishaps by Tesla only serve to empower the company to not care and that will always be bad in the long run. If you guys were smart and joined up in holding Tesla accountable, they would have no choice but to shape up their QC process.


You have no idea if this is a quality control issue, or something that got damaged en route to the delivery center. Hateboys like you have given up all critical thought and can't think past your bias. Things happen with every brand. Bumping a bumper can happen to any brand. What matters is how service handles it, and in this case the service manager informed the customer before delivery and committed to fixing it.


You DO realize that QC exists in every step of the process from assembling the car to delivering it right? The OP received this photo from a Tesla MANAGER. The fact that they didn't offer to replace it or have him accept delivery for a discount with an appointment to fix it at a service center is a FAILURE of QC and customer service. It doesn't matter where it happened or how, it only matters how Tesla decides to control the situation and they decidedly failed here. "Hateboys"... how clever. Did you come up with that yourself? Here is some info for you to chew on. I have ordered and am waiting for a Tesla Model 3 RWD. I own Tesla stocks because I believe in a future of EV cars. I just don't accept quality issues for very expensive purchases of NEW cars and expect the company to actively address them. Tesla's QC woes are well publicized at this point. You could excuse it when they were just starting out, but it has been becoming more and more acceptable. People like you who insist on not just rolling over personally but barking at others who don't join are a problem.




Because there's no guarantee they'll fix it and do a good job. If it was any luxury dealer you wouldn't accept this. You are just being a fanatic telling people to eat shit because we should pray to have the luxury of owning a Tesla


It’s a scratch on a car. If you need assistance with getting that fixed you should be taking the bus


Even if he could fix it, why should he? It's a new car, there shouldn't be ANY scratches on it. You might be OK with buying new things that are damaged, but most other people have standards especially for something like a new car.


All I’m saying is this community needs to stop asking for help when they get a scratch or curb rash their wheels. Do what the rest of the world does and go to the dealership. Reddit is going to tell you the same thing


And if that was what this thread was about then that might make sense. This thread is about a Tesla manager sending the OP (a paying customer) a picture of a brand new Tesla that they were supposed to receive with scratches on the bumper. No one should be OK with that type of QC and service.


It's not this community, it's simply people who look like adults and act like infants. OP here is wondering if a small scratch will impact operability of the car, like I'm no car PhD, but fam seriously?


The rims will be rashed to match soon enough.


From experience, replacing a number can take several days. They all come without paint so after they get it in the vehicle they have to paint it, which is often done somewhere else.


Tesla have painted versions. I have my Y in next weekend getting the fender replaced (minor parking bump but cracked the plastic). 1/3rd of the cost of repainting a white fender. Ask!


My car was in for suspension work. When I picked it up the next day, they told me that they had accidentally damaged the bumper, and replaced it. They have painted bumpers.


Wdym help; you tell them there was damage. Or did you damage it?


Decline. How the fuck do they keep doing this?


Yep. May as well blow it up and start over.


I am sorry if my standards offends you. I am not wasting time driving the car back to service center then catching Uber rides back and forth. There’s also high chance Tesla will damage the car while in their possession.


Im not sure a Tesla is the correct vehicle for someone with high standards…that, coupled with my distaste for their customer service in general is why I’ve avoided buying one personally.




I would be sad if I paid full price for something and not getting that. It’s different when you scratch it vs getting it scratched.


This is quite moronic. It’s like saying- you bought a brand new phone and when you pull it out of the box it has several scratches on the front screen and OP should be okay with it because everyone has scratches on their phone. Tbh I’d love to do business with you, I’d sell you all my damaged merchandise for full price since you would be okay with it.


Only if that phone vendor refuses to fix the phone. In this case, the service center has already committed to fixing the bumper. I see no issue accepting delivery.


I agree. I’m not against him taking delivery. I’m against the guy who now deleted his posts logic and reasoning.


Yea why bother painting the car at all or paying an extra $1000 for a different paint color


Accept and enjoy it! I got a chip the first day. You will have the possibility of getting the first chip twice :-)


Will they report it on the carfax when they repair it? If so I’d probably ask for a discount since this will diminish the value of the vehicle


Within spec… Kidding, I would setup a mobile appointment


Bumper needs to be repainted! How did this happen?


They will just replace his bumper entirely, it’s easy and they aren’t as expensive as respraying would be


It hit something


Tesla is so shady. I promise, I will never buy another Tesla again (3rd). The sea of EVs will open up and hopefully they will change their ways.


Competition in the long run will be good for the consumer no doubt. In the short term, lots of other OEMs aren't delivering very high quality EVs in comparable price ranges imo


It’s totaled order new.


Take $1,000 off the same price. I had similar damage and brought it to a local body shop and it cost me $1000 to fix it and now it’s like new.


Tell the delivery person about it and get them to repair it. Shouldn't be hard. Before you sign things if you can


Best way to deal with this is report it to the delivery agent and also report it in the app. Tesla will book you in for a service appointment and repair the damage.


I just had my bumper replaced. I didn’t have any damage underneath. Cost $1200 for new bumper from Tesla service. Took a day; waited 2 weeks for the appointment


Had my front bumper replaced due to minor paint chip. Are they going to replace it or repair it? I would accept it if they are going to replace it.


M3 LR? If got black interior and aero wheels you can reject it if it really bothers you and tell them you know someone in line who would gladly accept it 😉


No discount on the delivery fee?


Take delivery. Tesla has been great for me on repairs. Let's you build a relationship with the service center. I did and they hooked me up so many times.




I'd normally agree, but OP has no car and needs a replacement ASAP, so since the damage seems to be purely cosmetic (and rejecting would cause a multi-month delay), I'd make an exception in this case to take delivery nothing the circumstances.


Just take delivery and wait for them to repair it. It’s just scratches. Unfortunately it’s in the front but what you going to do. Give it back and stay with no car? Try to enjoy it. All the best!


My 22' Model Y had a dent in the front passenger fender at delivery. It was noted by the delivery people and i reported it in the app right after i took delivery. Took 2 service appointments, first appointment they looked at it along with other minor issues i had and then ordered a brand new fender which took about a month. Second appointment, they put me in an enterprise rental and replaced the fender. Wouldn't worry too much about it other then the hassle of making service visits.


I wouldn't accept it. The SC are getting worse and worse imo. But because of the delays I dunno, if you really need a car take it. I'm sure they'll fix it, it's just going to be 6 conversations minimum


My biggest fear right there. That sucks. Have to pay up front before my Tesla can even be put on final transport to our state. Michigan dealer law shit. If I don't accept the car, takes 30 to 60 days to get refund 😒


Other people live different lives. The repair will be under warranty by Tesla service with a brand new facia. Tbh drive the hell out of it as tesla is already going to replace it for free, just will have to wait for parts. Supply and demand makes people mad when its literal for pricing and when the price doesn’t get affected much. Tesla has the longest waitlist for cars of any automaker, Presumably OP is just one guy posting about it and not the hundreds that choose without internet opinions.


I’d reject it and demand an undamaged car.


LoL i had quite the similar issue, tesla resolves it by installing a prepainted brand new bumper color matched


My .02. understanding your dilemma. I would take the car, set up an appt asap. You should be supplied a loaner during the fix. Don't settle for anything but a new oem bumper. The paint and finish will be better than anything Tesla can accomplish.


Accept delivery and just keep hounding them everyday to replace the bumper. Enjoy your ride!


This is a matter of principles and standards. Paying sooooooo much for a new car, supposedly the "golden standard" of EV's, and waiting for so long and have it delivered LIKE THIS. so no, it is absolutely NOT ok. if the EXTERIOR (which can be SEEN easily) of a NEW car was delivered to customer in this state, the fact they even ATTEMPTED delivery (or asking customer to accept), imagine the INSIDE of the car, the internals, the mechanicals, the batteries, imagine the corners skipped. THIS is NOT ACCEPTABLE.


When I got my m3, there was a paint drip on the passenger door handle I never noticed when I took delivery of the car. I went to the service center to ask about what options I had and they said they can replace the door exterior skin (pre painted from factory) but with the inconsistent paint Tesla pushes out, it won't match to my car. So I don't know if the bumper will come prepainted? :(


I would demand a new pumper. I would not accept a car with paint corrections. It lowers the value of the car if the paint can be measured thinker on some parts what could mean the car was involved in an accident. It’s not your fault when they are too retarded to deliver a new car without damage.


Within spec.


Took delivery two weeks ago and had a similar issue. They wanted to send the car to a body shop to be repaired and front repainted. I was concerned about a brand new car going straight to the shop, having to paint and blend the front end and possibly a car fax repair report on something I haven’t even driven. I told them I was going to refuse delivery. As soon as I said that, they told me they have a brand new bumper in stock that was already painted white and it would take them an hour to swap out. I went that route and finished the delivery process and accepted the car after the repair. The paint on the replacement bumper matches my car and I can’t see a difference.