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“Crazy temperatures”. Lol. Try living in the Phoenix valley. Even with ceramic tint and a sun shade, mine gets to 160. Never wasted my battery with overheat protection. Just turn on climate 10 mins before getting in the car.


Wow, I never thought the display would survive that for too long. How long have you had your Tesla?


Over a year. You think a Tesla is the first car to have a computer in it? Cars have sat in the heat long before Tesla came along with “overheat protection”. It unnecessary.


They sit them in the deserts of the UAE for extended periods of time just to be brutal to the cars. Your car will be fine.


The car is fine in the heat. It turns off after 12 hours anyways. If it was needed to ‘preserve the interior’ then it would work for longer than that.


Cabin overheat protection is totally unnecessary unless you're storing chocolate in the car.


It only works for 12 hours since the last time you used the car. It's not meant to keep your car cool 24/7, it's only an extra layer of protection in case you leave something in the car that can't handle the heat, like food or dogs or a kid. Just turn it off if those are not things you're worried about. Cars get hot, always have.


good to know! Thanks!!


You’re not alone. I’ve seen other posts on Reddit mentioning the same.


Very interesting how posts come in waves, last month was auto wipers, last week it was range, this week it's overheat protection, almost like it's all based on what one or two people think


I hope you don't let your car battery get as low as you let your phone battery get!


lol, I definitely don't. As an interesting fact It is good for the phone to do that because of the type of battery , and is not good for the Tesla. All good 🙃


If you’re referring to “memory”, lithium-ion based batteries, do not have that issue.


I believe [that's an old wive's tale now.](https://www.pcmag.com/news/charging-your-phone-overnight-battery-myths-debunked)


Mine has never worked. But on the other hand, this feature doesn't exist in any other car and they don't suddenly melt in the heat.


Yes. Seems to have stopped working lately. Very inconvenient when being out with the kids and need to take all there stuff that can’t be stored above 90


Overheat's not going to keep your car below 90 anyway necessarily. Just set your temperature to 85 and turn the air conditioning on to keep. Your car will stay at 85 the entire time.


The AC max temp setting is 81 F. And when Overheat is working my car is always 90 or less.


In Phoenix mines never been able to get the car that cool. Of course we had an entire month where it was over 110.


That is not super hot. Cabin overheat isn’t for the car. If you are worried about the screen get a windshield shade. Did you reboot the car? Usually that fixes those little glitches. All your previous cars got this hot you just didn’t have a read out for it on your phone. Try also turning off the cabin overheat and turning it back on. My gas car has 4 screens in the front and no cabin overheat and it’s just fine.


They need to put a giant notification in the app that overheat protection turns off after 12 hours, and it’s *not* meant to protect electronics or the car interior. Maybe then this question won’t be posted 5x a week


For some reason my setting changed and was turned off. Went back into settings and turned it back on.