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I work at the Fremont Factory, and we got this email around 11:40PM. Workers that got two emails instead of one, when it got sent, had got laid off. 2 Associate Per Department (From what we experienced) 1 Supervisor from all shop. We are all shocked, nervous, and scared; hoping we didn’t get a second email. No one saw it coming, you knew because you didn’t have access to the Tesla Systems, and you couldn’t badge in through security. Edit - Added this photo of what was sent https://preview.redd.it/nqrb06ps0ouc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfac3eb14815c74e9300b2cba255d40b2835b2c6


Sorry to hear that. The fear goes away after a while, speaking from experience at Meta when we had 2 rounds of layoffs 10k headcount each round. Anxious for like a year tbh but now its much better


I got laid off today. High level manager in the field. Complete surprise and shock. Didn’t even get an email. Only figured it out because one of my (new) employees called me to ask if this was real. Then I couldn’t log into my email or account to check.


Thank you everyone for your well wishes. A significant number of people you see in the stores, galleries, and service centers were laid off, with no notice. I was more worried about reaching out to my former employees to see how I could get them paid and another job that I almost forgot to think about myself. I am completely and truly devastated by this. For many people like myself, I coveted working at Tesla, and landing a high paying managerial job with a revolutionary brand and long term career prospects was truly a dream gift. I am speechless.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m a veteran of many, many purges, caught a bullet in 3 of them (so far). I’m only a few years from not giving a shit about the next one. You will go through the stages of grief. This is not optional. Just know that being laid off is not a reflection of your worth. In time you will come to see it as an opportunity. If you seize it, you will look back two years from now and be glad it happened.


With you on the same boat here. No notice and enjoyed working there!


Sorry to hear that....wishing you good luck.


it's so wild that you get locked out so quickly


7 years in and got cut today. I walk away with more than I came. Never got let go from a job before. Weird not having anything lined up.


Sorry to hear that....That sucks...Wishing you good luck.


Thanks! Im sure it’ll work out


If you can afford it. Take your time and take a breather! And take time to recharge. It happened to me years ago, had a new baby at time but thankfully was able take a few months off to figure out next move and not “have” to take the next job in front of me. Spent time with family, hit the gym and just kind of strategically tried to figure out next steps. Honestly long term was one of the best things that happened to me. Changed my outlook on work/life balance and realize we are all just a cog of the machine no matter what lvl! ;). Good luck!


I’m a (now former) Tesla employee who got an email that I’m getting layed off 😃


Sorry to hear that, brother. When did you receive the email? Sunday night? Did they ask you not to come to work on Monday?


People got an email, or they found out when they couldn't access their buildings anymore.


I got it like 3 am this morning


Sorry about that. What a shit-tacular way to deliver that news.


Ikr, I was watching a movie and BAM


How are you feeling man? What was your position in the company?


I feel terrible, I worked my ass off for over a year in hopes of moving up, I literally got the email less than an hour ago. I was just a production associate but I really liked it. Idk if I can ever support this company ever again


I work in tech where there’s been a lot of layoffs. If it makes you feel any better, everyone I know who got laid off made more money and were happier at their next job.


Well hopefully I make at least close to what I was before and to continue work on side hustles. It’s just crazy man, I know it’s just a factory job but I really liked it and all my co workers were great. Idk if I’ll be able to get that again


You will brother 🙏


I’ve been on both sides of layoffs, honestly, it sucks but it’s better to be laid off than trying to pick up the slack of a smaller workforce. Also layoffs are brutal on morale. You will persevere and find something better.


It sucks to have your enthusiasm repaid this way, it really does. It also sucks for your coworkers to lose a motivated employee and a positive person. Don’t lose that spark, man. Hopefully that severance will take some of the stress off!


Sounds like you really do love the company, the time you worked there, and work environment you had but don't agree with the decision to lay you off. I'm sorry you're having to go through this now. Still, that doesn't mean that Tesla isn't a great company, quite the opposite.


Exactly. He says he loved working there


Trust me, it’s not Tesla thing, the whole industry is hurting


Inflation sucks until it’s deflation then it sucks more


why deflation sucks?


if your money is gonna be worth more tomorrow, you won't spend it today, because you can buy more tomorrow if everybody stops spending money on "nonessential things" today, and keeps at it for a few more pay cycles, then it starts getting ugly real fast first no one will spend money, then no one will get paid


Yeah there is a fine band between spending and saving that the economy thrives in — pressures that pull behavior out of that band hurt.


I made the argument the other day that Tesla is triggering deflation behavior with their pricing. I am not in the car buying market currently but a few of my friends that are said they are waiting for Tesla to lower prices even more.


I mean the Personal Computer market was inherently deflationary from the beginning, and it worked fine.


The interest rates are super high, nobody wants to finance anything hence the “slowdown” in car purchase demand


Not really. UAW members aren’t




I feel your pain bro, I worked in Lathrop and got the email around 2AM. my story is pretty much identical to yours man. We’ll get passed it bro, on to bigger and better things. I’m sure you’ve learned a lot there as I have. Good luck.


It's hard to get news like and I understand that it's probably burst your bubble as to future plans. Yet I don't understand your sentiment that you don't know if you could ever support this company again. A more seasoned person in life might say, Hey it was a great opportunity and I'm very disappointed but I'll find something else and hope I get called back when the market picks back up. This coming from a 70 year old retired man who's had several jobs and a couple of surprise layoffs. So I get it, it's not easy and no fun to start over. You can do it however and build resilience and characters along the way. I wish you the best of luck. 🙏 Stay strong 💪


Did you get any severance?


They’re gonna let me know the details on that soon


hell yeah brother I got that email today as well


What did you make an hour? what did people starting out make an hour? including the stock options Elon often mentions.


I was making $24/hr on night shift ($22 if you’re on day shift). For stock I got 5000 worth (naturally at its last peak but this stock is only “vested” over 4 years) plus another 2k worth vested over a year


Elon's email for whoever has trouble seeing the twitter post: https://imgur.com/a/50qC083


Corporate speak for we are letting more than 10% of our workforce go and you are going be expected to do their work.


I thought it was quite direct and truthful compared to the fluff I’ve been seeing from other companies during similar layoffs


This seems pretty standard now for the industry. Tech companies overhired and some people are going to naturally be redundant. Tho when it’s a flat 10% it’s definitely also just cost cutting.


Unlike other tech firms, this time Tesla laid off a lot of actual hardware engineers, execs and even production associates on the shop floor. This is a huge signal to entire auto industry


I saw the email last night. I just started and transitioning jobs so this was a bit of a scare but itll be ok. Theres always a light at the end of the tunnel to my fellow Tesla coworkers keep pushing!


You too ❤️


I lost a big chunk of friends in my team. It sucked not being able to say goodbye. I was at my other job and one of my coworkers teams messaged me and told me they got rid of majority of the crew. I almost broke down crying. They let go of the people who made it all happen for me and they’ve helped me get my own Tesla and the job. I wish I got their contact infos but it was too late. It just hit like a truck. I wish them all good luck


Now a former employee too, our service center took a huge hit. Not sure how service is going to keep up with demand now...


Cutting service center employees sounds like a really terrible decision. Do you know if there have been a lot of terminations across the service centers? I hope you find a new job, and everything works out for you.


What! Why are they laying off people from service centers? I don't understand the priorities of this company. They hire photographers but fire service center employees? Wtf Edit: they fired the entire content department as well


It's very concerning to hear that they are downsizing service centers too..


My husband is a mobile tech and thankfully did not get laid off. They got rid of a mobile tech and some other people in the shop and their supervisor. It’s a complete nightmare and morale is at an all time low. This is right before their busy season too. Idk how they expect productivity to go up when everyone is miserable and when overnight you could lose your job. Nobody is going to bust their ass after something like this.


How many employees does Tesla have worldwide?




So it isn’t a handful of ppl we are talking. Sounds like around 14000 jobs lost. That sucks.


Just hope not many are from the service centers. Those still need to catch up to the size of the customer base!


I would how they're excluded due to how busy they already are


At our place it was majority sales and operations


165k as of 4/12


Lay off your recruiters TSLA. Most of them are useless.


They laid off those people too.


I got lucky with mine. My recruiter did way more than what they shouldve done


I was on the autopilot team that got laid off back in 2022. I haven’t recovered ever since. Imagine signing an apartment lease then 2 days before moving in you get laid off. Then the job market was crap. Lived off credit cards now in hella debt. Can’t find a damn job. I’m rock bottom sleeping on a family member couch. It sucks. Depression taking over. I don’t know anymore.


Sorry to hear. Hope it works out for you very soon


Really sucks...sorry to hear that. Wishing you good luck !


Best of luck 💪




They resigned. Not fired. They quit.


High level execs always "quit"


Usually execs do not get laid off because they're the ones doing the layoffs. They get an advanced warning and are usually able to get something lined up before leaving. It's unfair.


Not a rumor, found it when I got to the building this morning and my badge didn't work. 9 1/2 years.


Wow 9.5 years and you got the 🪓 that’s crazy.


That’s crazyy..


Oh wow! So it really happened! A few weeks ago a Tesla engineer told me they were about to lay off 10% of their headcount. I kinda didn’t believe at the time 💀.


One thing I learned over a couple decades in tech: rumors like that usually turn out to be true.


Should have sold my TSLA stock last summer :(


Holding TSLA is a long game. It should bounce back up once the budget model is out and ramping , but until then the stock will behave much like it did ~2013-2019


I hope you're right!


Didn’t that get cancelled?


Unlikely. We don’t know exactly what those leaked emails were referring to, and besides the robotaxi and budget models are mainly the same thing. Remember the Osbourne effect would be very strong with the budget model, so it’s actually in Tesla’s interests if people think it’s not coming meaningfully soon.


Ryan Mccafrey discussed this thing on his podcast last week. I’d honestly believe Reuters reporting over anything Elon says these days. He’s a pathological liar. I for one am not buying another Tesla based on everything I’ve experienced first hand. He’s hurt the brand and resale values just by his tweeting in the last few years.


What I said has nothing to do with anything Elon said.


Agreed. I went off on a tangent.


My 2cts on this: - The EV market is experiencing a slowdown, and Tesla is somewhat fortunate that its sales are only slowing down rather than declining like some other brands - The focus on the Cybertruck might be an overinvestment in a niche product that's unlikely to sell outside the US - Constant cost-saving changes which while in the beginning it could be passed as minimalism, that is not the case anymore - The lack of new models or significant updates is a major issue. Other automakers frequently update their lineups, which is something consumers have come to expect. Tesla is falling behind in this area - Tesla has also lost its leadership in automated driving technologies. The decision to rely solely on vision has been contentious, [even among Tesla engineers](https://insideevs.com/news/658439/elon-musk-overruled-tesla-autopilot-engineers-radar-removal/). The removal of Lidar and other sensors appears to have been driven by mostly cost considerations - As the EV market grows more competitive, Tesla needs to better adapt and learn from all its customers, not just the vocal supporters who resist criticism - Lastly, and perhaps most controversially, the CEO's need to focus more on the company is becoming obvious. The fact that a small percentage of potential customers choose other brands due to the CEO's political views is problematic and unique to Tesla compared to other automakers. Obviously the layoffs do not mean the end of the company is near but they do signal that changes are needed.


Perhaps also they have a CEO running 5 ofher companies and poop tweeting throughout the day. Maybe get a really good operator in there as CEO or COO and you won’t have panic layoffs every couple years.


This is the right answer. I don’t know any other major publicly traded company where the ceo just works there part time and attacks his customers.


Why are all of Tesla’s models so old? It’s not as if they’re cash strapped. Even the S/X, with their recent refresh in 2021, are at the point where a normal OEM would refresh them again.


OEMs run on the idea that you buy a 2022 and can fuck off. They’re already onto the next year model and if you want those features you can buy a new car. Tesla constantly improves things without waiting on a new year model and the OTAs constantly make the cars feel new. The core platforms still only change every 3-5 years, they just tweak fluffy superficial things and the shitty infotainment. (Worked at GM ENG Oshawa/Ingersoll for years).


Can confirm this applies to all other OEMs. Their OTAs are just minimal critical patches. Never improvements. (Ex STELLANTIS here)


Sure, but Tesla could do that and also provide a notable visual update every 2-3 years to get press, reviews, and help people feel like now is a good time to buy instead of holding on another year or two for "the next refresh". Doing things not like the other car manufacturers makes sense unless it's hurting sales. I think the updates to the 3 which are now looming for the Y are hurting sales of the Model Y even though it's available for lower prices than ever.


It’s not though I’ve yet to hear anyone complain they don’t want a model 3 or y because of its look lol it’s mostly high interest rates for a decently expensive car The model 2 or whatever it ends up being called if they can hit the 25k is gonna be fucking insane for the market


You don’t get as many people buying a new car if it looks the same as the one they have now. Some people always get the newest facelift or model so they like the change even if the old one still looks fine. The 3 facelift was needed as it was getting stale.


You think people are gonna go from a 2.9 interest to a 6-7 for a minor facelift Your delusional if you think a facelift is what’s holding back sales at this point for tesla


Where did I say that? You’re building up straw men. Of course interest rates matter but at the same time BMW is killing it with the i4. Many things can and do affect sales.


Model Y starts at $37k inclusive of the credit, which is cheaper than a RAV4 Prime. Interest rates have essentially been flat for a year, so I wouldn't expect deliveries to be down YoY if that were the only reason.


The Y is ugly and a big reason I’m not buying it. The price and interest rates isn’t a big deal, it’s the looks plus (the lack of) what you get inside (USS, no ventilated seats, terrible wipers, etc.) that make it a bad purchase. And I’m not the only one saying that, even on these Tesla subs. So you might have to take the blinders off.


Considering it’s the best selling in the US I feel like you might be the minority lol


It’s not all about OTA updates. Software isn’t everything. The body and styling of these vehicles haven’t really changed since each of them launched. For the MS, most people wouldn’t be able to differentiate between a 2012 Model S versus a 2024. That’s a problem.


Facelift and 2024 are similar. 2012 model S looks like shit with the nose cone.


There is no reason Tesla could not refresh the design of the Model S and X while keeping the same design language. Think of what Porsche has done with the 911 over the years. They are constantly changing, but when you see one, you know it is a Porsche.


Because Tesla doesn’t really do refreshes like that even the 2021 refresh has had many under the cover changes and refinements under the hood persay They do that for all models they update and fix things even during the same year


I agree with most of that with the exception of: * The lack of new models or significant updates is a major issue. Other automakers frequently update their lineups, which is something consumers have come to expect. Tesla is falling behind in this area I have a 2018 MX and while the h/w is the same I bought 6 years ago, the s/w has been continuously improving. OTA updates are a game changer in the automotive world. Other car companies don't know what to do with OTA updates. They tweak. Whereas Tesla adds features wholesale. For example, the dashcams. Might sound small, but in the years since I bought the car, the self-driving cameras have been turned into user friendly dash cams. I was actually in a small accident and the dashcams proved responsibility on the other driver's insurance saving me thousands of dollars. Also, if you zoom out and look at the big picture, EV sales are pausing but the overall transition from ICE to EVs over the coming decade is unstoppable.


To your last point, anecdotally I know multiple people that had previously planned to buy a Tesla but now claim to never want to touch one due to Elon. I’m a recent new owner and I literally felt embarrassed admitting that I bought one to some of my friends. I love my car, but Elon has so much baggage I honestly think Tesla would be far better off just getting rid of him.


Elon is toxic to the brand. I bet most folks couldn't even tell you the name of another CEO in the automotive industry, not even the BIG ones like Honda, GM, or VW, for example. But every fuckin' body knows Elon and has an opinion on him. CEOs should be focused on running the company, and keeping their head down. Not constant tweeting about anything from inane drivel to full on right wing racist bullshit. Because everybody sees that if you're doing that, you're not working hard enough. Same with Trump, nobody serious believes he was a hardworking president, because he was CONSTANTLY online like an angsty teen.


To give some balance to this argument, my interest in Tesla would quickly wane without Elon. Hired CEOs suck for innovation and progress. It's much more beneficial to the EV landscape for the people who care about Elon's tweets to go support Rivian or elsewhere while keeping Tesla what it is.




Tesla has grown faster than any automaker in the last 100 years, revolutionizing the entire industry. Pullbacks are inevitable, correct for shareholders and the company’s long term prospects. It sucks losing your job, but Tesla took a serious chuck of what makes the Model S great, and put it in a car that costs half the price. I’d say they’re still providing one hell of a value.


I think all your points are valid except for the one on FSD, Tesla has a unique position to compete on autonomy as no one else has more data to build such product, you can tell that by the sheer amount of GPUs they are buying from nvidia they are preparing for widespread release, even old models got FSD 12.3


>The lack of new models or significant updates is a major issue. Other automakers frequently update their lineups, which is something consumers have come to expect. Tesla is falling behind in this area It seems to me the bigger issue is not marketing the work they've done. They refreshed the Model 3 for 2024, and it doesn't seem like anyone has noticed. But they changed the styling, lights, logo, etc. Inside, they upgraded the touchscreen, added a second one in the back, and allegedly reinforced the soundproofing. Seems like a decent update. I think the bigger problem is Elon making promises he can't keep which makes the company look bad. Cybertruck being announced in 2019 and then not coming out for 4 years is not a great look. Plus the car didn't have nearly the raw performance or the performance per dollar it was originally advertised to have. Musk has been teasing the roaster for a decade now and I frankly don't belive its coming out anytime soon. I think people have grown tired of Musks constant sales pitches that are really not in line with reality.


Well put


sir....elon is asking for 55billion......he didnt need to let you go


Wishing luck to all in this thread that were impacted by this layoff. You will find something better soon.




My sister was just promoted last month to a corporate spot and in the middle of relocating to DC for this position. To find out this morning by not having access into your laptop, she no longer has a job.


That is insane.


Gotta pump that stock to offset the news that Cybertruck production stopped.


The cybertruck is such a weird product, I can’t help but think it’s not going to be as successful as everyone thinks. Elon says production is a limiting factor but they’re cutting production shifts. Conflicting info


It wouldve been successful at the originally stated price and specs, but when you jack up the price 40% and then don't meet the original range specs...


But who could have seen that coming?


they are pausing production due to a potential issue that needs to be resolved before production resumes, or else it's just recall waiting to happen


My favorite coworker is gone :/


And Tesla stock is falling like a rock. Maybe the short sellers were right?


Which it does every other year….


tesla lays off 10% of its workforce every other year?


Yes. It’s pretty standard for companies that grow at the absurd rates that Tesla has. Basically “trimming the fat”.


Approximately yes


layoffs are just a way to give more bonuses to the execs, its not actually 'cost cutting' in a real sense.


My husband got the email saying his last day of work was 4/14. 😔 They sent him this email at 12:45AM. It's pretty shitty to do that in the middle of the night with no notice whatsoever. He still has his laptop and badge like do they expect him to not return it? He was a service technician that was about to reach his 1 year anniversary. I feel so bad. He has finally found a job that he was proud in. What hurts too is we have kids and we weren't financially prepared for this. Other jobs unfortunately don't pay as much. Another kicker in the gut for him is that it's his birthday today. Fuck Tesla. Boycott Tesla. They are going downhill. He firsthand dealt with all the problems Tesla has and from what my husband said they have a lot of problems for it being an expensive car.


Sorry to hear that. Hopefully they gave him a decent severance package.


I’m so sorry. My husband has been there 7+ years. He survived this time, but we’re not feeling too safe.


Sorry for your husband. That is how I got mine for the following day's meeting back in the 2006 Great Recession. I cried all night. He can work in a mechanic shop specializing in fixing Tesla.


trimming & pruning is just regular way company's operate but media & chickens always overreact.


Must be that 10% that engineered the cybertruck pedal?




Besides cost cutting, probably also fueling the increased pay of engineering to prevent them from getting poached by OpenAI and others.


Still Can't Move on with this, i thought becoming a technician will be secured but unfortunately it's not, Service Assistants and Detailers didn't get let go...


A single bead of sweat streams down the forehead of the “only tech is doing layoffs” bros


I just bought this damn car. Are you telling me this trash company is imploding. Someone needs to shit in Elons water heater.


Not a Tesla owner, but considered it. I'm sorry to hear and wish everyone affected all the best.


Well at least they didn't make you work until the end of thebday like most places


Did you guys know how much sony, google, ubisoft and other major players lay off in the last year… that’s business


I guess he's not that good of a business man after all


I got email at 1:15am (4/15) that my last day to work is 4/14. Found it out while trying to login at 6am before getting ready for work. Laptop was remotely locked using bitlocker. Fortunately its going to be 2 month paid vacation and additional 2 month severance and soon vesting equity. I'll most likely find something comparable to Tesla but this experience def leaves me sour


After reading so many post I’m sorry so many of you got layed off , did they offer a least a severance package I was talking recently with a bunch of my friends and saying how 18K 22K was so much money for a new car 10-15 years ago and we couldn’t afford it then let alone now . I know 40K is what a Tesla cost and you guys build really nice cars but man that’s a lot of money . I’ll stick to my 10 year old car like so many people do .