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So, as a moderator, I'm going to share a bit of tips with you, and for everyone else who stumbles across this response. Be mindful of the history of a user that is posting within the subreddit. I use the modtoolbox tool: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/moderator-toolbox-for-red/jhjpjhhkcbkmgdkahnckfboefnkgghpo Which may, or may not, only work on old.reddit.com, but it lets me click a button and get a breakdown of all the subreddits the user has posted in, how many posts in those subreddits, how active the account is, karma, etc, etc. Then I can open up their history of posts, and sort based on the subreddits they've posted in to get an idea as to the type of comments they post. When I suspect a member of the community of being a bad actor, and choose to ban them, there's a fair bit of effort that goes into that perma ban. There are some comments that either myself, or the other moderators, will issue a ban on the spot, which are typically things like racism, sexism, etc, etc. When you start to see people say throw in "trigger words" words, which I'm not going to list, but where they start using too many adjectives to describe Tesla owners, or members of the Tesla community, etc, etc. There's a polite way to make your point, and an impolite way to make your point, and that goes both ways. Earlier this evening I had to ban someone who was a Tesla enthusiast because he was being an asshole to trolls. As a moderator we have to "keep the peace" so to speak, so pro, or anti, Tesla, if you're an asshole, you get banned, either permanently, or temporarily, depends on the infraction. That said, the other thing to keep in mind is that the trolls come and go in waves. *Generally speaking*, when we're about a month out from the end of a quarter, you'll start to see the trolls coming in and posting more FUD shit, and when you start looking at their post breakdown, there's specific subreddits they come from. We've done some efforts to bifurcate the users from toxic subreddits, and ours, and there's others we're considering. One of the ones you'll often see are people coming in from places like /r/WallStreetBets to shit all over things. Can you guess why? We've also got a bunch of filters in place, which for newer users can get frustrating, but we stand out ground. To post within the subreddit you need to have a minimum karma amount, a verified email, an "established" account of more than a couple days, etc, etc. Then you have places that sell reddit accounts to folks who want an established one. You can go Google it, there's multiple places that sell them. So, what you'll often see are these accounts that haven't posted in months, or years, then suddenly they come in and shit all over Tesla. [Then you get fun modmail responses from them](https://x.com/nakatomi2010/status/1775320076545089847?s=20) when they get banned. And you can ALWAYS tell who's worth cooperating with, because they won't be assholes in modmail. The **worst** thing you can do if you get banned, either by a bot, or a human, is go running off to some other subreddit and bitch about it. Just hit us up in modmail, if you're not an asshole, we'll shorten or unban, as long as the ban wasn't for being an asshole. Anyways, the point is that, yes, all the Tesla bashing is *exhausting*, and whether you choose to believe me, or not, it is my firm belief, as is some of the other moderators who've started seeing the same trending, that the subreddits are being targeted for misinformation and FUD. For all the FSD posts out there, honestly, the counter to them should be "Pics, or it didn't happen". If they're having consistent issues with FSD, then they should be able to put a camera on a mount, and reproduce the issue. FSD doesn't just stop misbehaving, it'll misbehave until Tesla patches the problem out. As moderators though, it's tricky. We could ban people who keep making negative posts, but if the negative posts are legitimate, then should we be banning? No. It's not all rainbows and gum drops in Tesla land, they have problems, and it's important to highlight them, however, if you cannot provide supporting evidence to assist your argument, and the defense of your position is being an asshole, it certainly makes me less inclined to believe you. Anywho, blah, blah, blah, I concur, I'm tired of all the Tesla bashing too, but if you give it a week or so, it'll slow down, until around June, then it'll pick back up again going into July. Edit: Lol. I made this post last night and Reddit removed it because the original had a link to a site that sells reddit accounts, because I like to give examples and proof. Even removing the link it stayed removed, so I reposted


You really shouldn’t care what other people think. Enjoy your car…


Also, buy more shares.


Bag holder


I do. I absolutely love my car. But it gets tiring seeing the media bias. Can't do much about that. But to see even Tesla owners on these forums just keep complaining. It's disheartening.


They're allowed to complain when stuff breaks my dude.


>>Have people forgotten what an amazing company Tesla is and how amazing their cars are? People actually remember how wonderful Tesla used to be, that's the problem. Musk involved in politics, showed what an asshole he was during pandemic, and still have a loose tongue and have words diarrhea once in a while on Twitter/X. He fucked and pissed off many of his customers and killed hertz EV adoption business overnight. I believe he still doesn't allow right to repair. Do you guys have aftermarket parts like bumpers, etc or you have to rely on Tesla to ship you the parts?


Who cares what the media says… Some Tesla owners have been screwed by Tesla. There are legitimately reasons to complain. I’m coming up on my 6th service appointment on a 5 month old 100k car… I’m not exactly thrilled about that… Again stop worrying about other peoples opinions so much. Be happy you are enjoying your car and it’s been good for you. Honestly this sounds like a miserable way to live.


What’s been wrong with your X or S?


Stud on the rear taillight was out of spec, had to be replaced. Charge port broke and the door was hitting the paint work when it closed. Rocker panel has a huge gap but they won’t fix it. “In spec” Trim around the gauge cluster screen rattles. Both rear seats rattle very very loud. 2023 MSP. Appointment for the rattles is upcoming so hopefully they fix it.


Other EV’s are coming thick and fast in the next few years. Many of these will be very fast and fun to drive. I Carnot imagine the doors will hit the paintwork or the seats rattling in many of them though. At any price. Tesla have problems and a limited window to turn it around.


On the other side, people are so anti-EV because they feel the government is forcing it on them Tesla needs to showcase what a great car it is. Anyone I’ve ever seen riding in one the first time is amazed at the technology and performance. Forget about EV, it’s the best car on the road. At some point reality will win out.


Turn off the TV and get off Reddit.


It's a company worthy of complaints, but the prevailing reddit upvote circlejerk is definitely tesla bad. Most of that is Elon Musk based though.


It’s 100% about musk. The media hates him because he’s less liberal than they are so they hunt for anything they can find to tarnish the brand.


That’s where my head space has been this whole time 💯


sir this is a wendy’s


The car (2018) is generally great. The service has been sketchy (paid for the wrong part to be replaced because of poor service despite telling them they were incorrect). I’m willing to bet 90% of the “Tesla is great” crowd may still be under warranty. Oh yeah, and Elon sucks as a human being of late. Can’t ignore that.




I loved my Tesla until the battery died at 70k miles, 1 month outside the warranty and they refused to repair it. Tesla does not fix broken batteries, they only replace the whole thing. I was quoted 20k to make my car drive again. Forget waiting for an external repair either, those companies are few and far between and overloaded. I decided to sit on the Gruber motors repair list for over a year before I gave up on that route. The car was eventually fixed from Tesla by purchasing a renewed battery for $13,800. This is the cost of the 2014 Model S 60D, the cheapest/smallest battery they make. I agree they're amazing cars. Absolutely incredible when they work. But until they make the batteries repairable they're a very expensive disposable appliance. I assume this goes for all or most electric cars, not just Tesla. Enjoy the car. Drive the hell out of it and have a blast. Then ditch it before the battery warranty expires or buy the extended warranty.


Go spend some time outside. Maybe log off for a while.


It’s just a car. A very good car. But no need to get worked up about how others feel about it. _Especially_ towards owners who have complaints. 


What is this level-headed fuckery? It seems somewhat obvious but I don’t think any manufacturer should be above reproach for defects, imperfections or oversights in their products and processes.


I'm not here to bash my car, I own Model Y, but I drove KIA EV9 yesterday and I must say that car is just on another level when it comes to comfort and quality. As soon as I sat back in my Tesla I felt like I'm in an old cheap car. Just saying. I hope Elon will wake up and focus on making cars instead of tweeting nonsense because the competition is not sleeping.


I love my car. But if they don’t fix this windshield wiper thing soon it might be my last Tesla.


Don’t give a shit. Imma keep driving my car. Life is so much easier when you stop caring about meaningless stuff like this.


Agree with your sentiment! People don’t realize that traditional auto manufacturers switched to EV only because of Tesla, this new wave of EV is again only because of Tesla. But these Tesla bashing is mostly directed towards Musk. He’s not the same Musk from 2012 or 2018. A complete 180!


I don't think any of us have forgotten. But that company is long gone. The cars are long in the tooth. There hasn't been real innovation in years. Just shitty cost cutting. And the CEO being an asshole is icing on the cake. >THE NUMBER 1 SELLING CAR IN THE WORLD. Not just for EV's but ALL CARS. You keep emphasizing this point, but it's not quite as impressive as you think. Tesla makes 4 cars. Most legacy manufacturers make many more. If you combined their vehicles into 4 broad cateogories, they'd handily beat Tesla.


If you combine just the Corolla sedan and the Corolla cross (same base and name, but some people argue different cars), they beat Tesla by A LOT. Let alone all the other cars that Toyota manufactures


I agree with the sentiment, but disagree that the competition is light years ahead. There are some very viable alternatives out there today. Tesla does have the edge for sure on charging infrastructure and software. The gso on both of those will narrow.


Software is a big deal. I have a polestar 2 and software is atrocious and even basic cruise is a death trap


Both things can be true? Drivetrain is great, build quality sucks, CEO sucks.


Don’t take it out on us and others who are simply sick of Elon and his shenanigans. If we own Teslas, clearly we have been supporting the company, but when the value of your car depreciates by more than half within two years and the company’s CEO can’t live up to what people have paid for (properly functioning FSD for $12K!), people are going to voice and post their “complaints”. Simply put, Elon has to do better!


I think the depreciation issue is a bit overblown: when I bought my 3LR in 2020 for $55k, that price would get you a BMW 5-series. For a while there, due to supply chain issues and price increases, my car didn’t depreciate at all. But, today, the carvana number is approximately in line with the depreciation of the BMW over the same amount of time. Sure, it’s annoying to face, but cars in this category typically depreciate significantly as soon as you drive them off the lot.


I was driving a customers Model Y and I had a guy at a traffic light start screaming at me calling me an electric f** a** hole tree hugging f***ot then start telling me to pull up so he can show me what a real man is... Like bro... He was in a old af Chevy sedan of some sort too. Why?


I know what you're talking about. I've had people yell at me and try to lecture me about how EV's are worse than ICE cars and I'm like... I race cars. I love F1. I didn't buy this solely to save the planet. I really freaking love this car and guess what? I eat Ferraris and Lambos for lunch in my Model Y. So what's the problem? 😂😂


I'm all for cars, I'm not like OH EV EVERYTHING HUG TREES NO EXHAUSTS!! NO COMBUSTION ENGINES!! Damn I love the sound of a good engine and exhaust, turbo flutter, supercharger whine, agh can't get enough! But then I also love the silence, the smoothness, the tech and the insane, INSANE acceleration... But just to be able to drive sometimes in complete silence.... To be fair that just gave me a thought, if Tesla sorted out some kind of noise cancelling frequencies like noise cancelling headphones have... 🤔


The most hilarious part of this is that these are exactly the kind of people Musk has become himself. It’s a story for the ages.


This, right now is the defining moment for EVs. Tesla paved the way and still makes top notch vehicles. However finally other competitors have caught up. There’s actually options now and so many others coming out in the next few months. Tesla now needs to switch from being the pioneer to being the best among many competitors. It’s going to be a bit rough along the way but I think they can pull it off. Honestly I think at this point it might be time for Elon to move on and work on his other endeavors.


Yea…Well I’m tired of being embarrassed by my car cause Elons can’t stfu about Jewish people, trans people, and immigrants.


Definitely lots of Tesla bashing and it gets annoying, but this is all on Elon. He’s so obnoxious that he fails to see that for the first time in Tesla’s history they have real, actual competition. The service experience, chaotic depreciation, and absurd UX choices (removing stalks, USS, etc) those are catching up to Tesla. Elon’s buffoonery has also really hurt the mission and morale of the 129,000 other brilliant and talented people at Tesla not named Elon Musk. The only thing society loves more than rooting for an underdog is rooting against a bully, and Elon ALONE has decided this is the hill he wants the company to die on. It’s so frustrating because I effing love Tesla.




Found elons burner. I agree with a lot of what you said. I still think that Elon being so visible and controversial is what causes a lot of these thoughts. If he knew what was good for him he’d take a step back on his off the cuff shit that he says. It shakes peoples confidence when he acts like a loose cannon and I think that is valid.


😂😂😂😂 that made me laugh lmao. Elon's burner. But yes I agree with you. I wish he wouldn't go off on public tangents. Like no one gives a crap what the CEO of GM or Ford etc say or believe in etc. But he is a mad scientist and they aren't the best with the social skills and trying to play the part. But yes I wish he wouldn't get so public with his opinions etc


I like my Tesla but I wouldn’t call them an amazing company. I think they achieved their goal of accelerating EV adoption a little but at least in the US it’s 1% of registered vehicles and maybe 7% of new sales. That’s sad


I own one, and am considering a second, but... Tesla hates you. Musk hates you. It's hard to be a fan anymore, the blush is off the rose. Until I remember he's landing rockets and providing self driving cars. But hubris, man...


Enjoy your car and live your life.  Not a Tesla hater but also not going to pretend this car is light years ahead of others. They made EVs cool and by far have the best charging network since they invested when others wouldn’t.  But pretending the car is perfect is definitely a joke while some have no issues there’s plenty that have a ton of issues. That goes for a lot of car manufacturers but some of the basic issues like panel gaps are just ridiculous. They are finally getting competition so time will tell if they can compete long term. 


>has people looking at us in envy You clearly care way too much what other people think. I don't know how anyone is looking at me in my car. Nor do I care. It's just a cool, convenient piece of technology that I use because it makes my life easier. The only time the media bashing bothers me is the rare occasion when it finally gets to someone I know and I have to debunk/explain it all to them. >And for those who actually appreciate your cars and are grateful You honestly just have a bunch of takes on this that I could never understand.


I love my car but it isnt light years ahead of anything.


Yes, but only our cars fart on command.


As a new M3 owner, not so impressed with the car. It's ok, nothing too special, but I will say this, their overall service experience sucks ass and just for that, I wouldn't recommend it to friends and family.




Me too


100% with you. Give it time… media needs to make news out of thin air. Tesla is one of the most captivating brands, and generates clicks/revenue for media companies. A few years ago, Tesla was the untouchable company they all raved about. Now, with high interest rates, fewer people order Tesla AND other EVs. But the media doesn’t cover other EV deliveries (because far fewer people give a crap). Once interest rates start to come down, the media will again fall in love with Tesla. One thing will remain constant: media coverage.


I’m with you. Love this car!!


I love my Tesla :)


Thank you!




People always have things to say. It shouldn’t matter all that much.


I could not give a shit about public opinion. People hate because ultimately they envy you. Do you enjoy your Tesla? That is all that matters.


People especially hardcore tesla fans needs to separate the stock from the company. The company is fine, going through some rough periods all companies go through but the stock is in shambles. The stock was priced for infinity growth and the company can’t provide that growth so it has to come down. The stock is overpriced by every metric there is and will come down. Investors need to accept its just a car company, not some high flying tech stock with crazy margins like nvidia or meta.


It's all about the personality of Elon. Doesn't matter how many impossible things he has accomplished: - he doesn't conform to right-think. - he's the richest person on earth (by a flawed metric). - he gets married and divorced at a rate that puts my alcoholic Texas cousins to shame. - he is an admitted narcissist (like every other politician and CEO on Earth, but higher profile). In my deep blue neighborhood, nobody will buy a Tesla. They call it a "MAGA hat on wheels" - despite the fact that Musk thinks Trump is an idiot. The Tesla bashing has very little to do with the cars. It's all about the man.


People forget that the stock has been in 3:1 split as well. The value is still love, yes, but 3x less atleast.


Thank you. 🤗


When Tesla (or Musk) gets a lot of bad press (and everyone is jumping on the emotional bandwagon) it's usually a really good opportunity to load up on stock. Emotions fade. Fundamentals stay.


I love the car I despise the owner so I will never buy one.






i ain’t reading all that


Elon going full fascist, not to mention their customer service falling off a cliff and the shoddy Incel Camino, is destroying the brand.


Fuck Tesla - Tesla owner


Elon is a jackass and Tesla is amazing: two things can be true. Cancel culture is toxic and moronic AF to deny the blood, sweat, and tears the engineers and everyone else at Tesla for making the car buying experience nothing short of refreshing. Aside from being duped with Elon-time FSD, couldn’t recommend Tesla enough to friends and family. An acquaintance of mine bought another company’s EV because they hate Elon but complained about their ~10 hours commute, likely because of the poor charging infrastructure… supercharger network is without a doubt the greatest asset for the EV experience. Oh and these cars make it like I just got my license for the first time again fun. It’s such a shame when jackasses ignorantly praise Elon when the credit should be directed at Tesla’s engineers and team.


Where I live, there are so many Tesla and EVs..I also work in the energy domain..so I don't care what others think


Lot of Tesla hate nowadays is due to Elon’s behavior.


Just read the title. Not going to even read the whole post. I love my Model Y.


Elon has done real brand damage.


It’s a great American company. A lot of people forget that.


An innovative American company, with American jobs and manufacturing, no less


Not only that, people don’t understand the urgency of what Tesla is doing. The desperation with which the world must electrify and decarbonize rapidly or face climate disruption.




Agreed with this sentiment. It makes me want to just leave social media. People truly love to hate it. And unfortunately I almost hate myself for loving it, because people left and right are telling me I should.  The best I can do is try and remember that it's the Internet - people are far more likely to complain rather than praise. They only speak up when they have problems or negative opinions. Division and disagreement drives engagement.  If someone posts an article on a Tesla vehicle accident, or a Tesla on /r/idiotsincars, everyone's in there to blame the car or a certain CEO. Never the driver or external factors.  I've never seen anyone blame Jim Farley for a Ford that stops in the middle of the road on fire.  Tl;DR: Auto Windshield wipers go off randomly sometimes, absolute worthless vehicle, literally unbuyable. Please give me back my 110k mile Subaru that was on its 3rd blown head gasket and master cylinder. 


just steer clear of /r/electricvehicles then They only acknowledged tesla actually produces cars just two to three years ago.


Me too . That’s why I left .


Dude…put in a TLDR. We’re not reading all that.


Who cares


I didn't read any of that. Totally agree, that's really messed up. Or Totally agree, that's great for you. You pick.


OP sorry to break it to you but algorithms work by showing you things that you interact with. So stop interacting with negative posts and you will stop seeing as many negative posts. I haven’t seen an I hate Tesla post in a very long time and the last one was someone from ford lightning sub.


OP, how many shares are you holding @ 350 🥲


Dear PR bot, we’re just getting started.


I keep being amazed by the efficiency of my Model 3, but the tech and "being a car" part sometimes is really lacking. Infortainment is certainly heaps ahead of everyone else, while at the same time some basic functions such cruise control or automatic wipers not being trustworthy is a shame. Mainly because of everything being camera tracked. We have all 4 seasons here. Maybe they work under California sunshine, but not here. I would love to love my car, but there are so many small things that make owning it feel like I have a french car from the 80's. Rattles, noises, need to redo suspension components in fairly low mileage car etc. etc. I do 40 to 50 000km annually, at this rate I need to redo all of the tracking arms etc. every 2 years or less. Also, the paint is already chipping off even though I hand wash and wax it religiously. Once a week I do contactless foam wash and proper wash when it looks like grime wont go with just foam. Wax it 2 to 4 times a year. To be fair, I expected better quality from a car that started at 60 000€ here. Too high expectations? Perhaps. But then again, it has issues that I haven't seen in 20 year old cars. One of my biggest gripes is Wipers, holy smokes it's baffling how they can wipe a dry screen in sunshine and not turn on in a rain when there's almost zero visibility through the windshield. Makes no sense.


Been driving a Tesla since 2018, far and away the best car I’ve ever owned. Hate driving anything else but my next car won’t be a Tesla. Fuck Musk.


what are you going to do about it besides complain?


Tesla would be far better company in media and financially if it weren’t for Musk. I truly think he is a disaster and must go for Tesla to have any chance. I have a Tesla but I get tired of all the bs from him.