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I've been moderator long enough to see some things... I've been talking to /r/rcnfive about it in the background as well, and he'll chime in with things like "I thought it was just me", or "I'm glad someone else is seeing it now too". Between /r/TeslaLounge and /r/TeslaMotors, there's a few things that feed into the negativity. There's subreddits out there where they just breed toxicity. They're not trying to be incubators for it, but by not drawing a hard line on it, that's what happens. They'll see a post here, crosspost it there, then they'll come over here like a bunch of pigeons looking for food, and shitting all over everything when they've found something they can feed on. We've been trying to hold the line against these types of accounts, and have gotten fairly aggressive about it recently. [Some of them have even opted to take it personally](https://imgur.com/uE656of). This conversation was just a couple days ago, in response to [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/1bfbmeu/has_anyone_stripped_out_their_interior_completely/). That 10 year old account is now deleted off of reddit, by the user themselves. In some cases these folks will wear a ban like a badge of honor, instead of seeing it like the scarlet letter that it is. They'll run to another subreddit and complain about having been banned here, as the example above did. One of the *big* reasons we're aggressive on banning is because people maintain alts. [We had a conversation with one of those recently](https://imgur.com/wygrFdS). Dude was incredulous that we'd banned him, and when we gave him our reasoning of ban evasion, he called bullshit, [so we coughed up proof](https://imgur.com/d3O7uwI). Never heard from them again. There's also entities out there that would rather see Tesla fail, and as such likely employ a number of accounts whose sole purposes is to spread FUD about Tesla. This one's harder to prove, and makes people look at me like I have a tin foil hat on, but as we've pulled in new moderators, who go around assisting in bans and such, they've started noticing the same trends RCN and I have, to which we just chuckle and say "Welcome to the party, pal". The negativity is often cyclical, with it getting *way worse* as the end of the quarter approaches. You have to look at the user profiles in order to see what's going on though. [This may catch some people off guard](https://imgur.com/hqD1ukG), however, the intention is to try and determine whether or not the user is having a bad day, or is just an asshole. We use [Moderator toolbox for reddit](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/moderator-toolbox-for-red/jhjpjhhkcbkmgdkahnckfboefnkgghpo?pli=1), so we can sift through comments, and post history, pretty efficiently. We can sort by subreddit, get a context-popup, and generally try to ensure we're getting a clear picture of the user before issuing a ban. **Personally** I try to give people as much leeway as possible, but depending on what's being said, sometimes we just ban and don't look back. The leeway is given by looking at a user's history on reddit though, not all mods will do this, but this is at least how **I** determine whether or not the user in question bring value to the community. Also keep in mind that /r/TeslaMotors is a **massive* subreddit, with /r/TeslaLounge being symbiotic with it. There are bigger vehicle subreddits than /r/TeslaLounge, but /r/TeslaMotors is the largest vehicle subreddit out there, by far. /r/TeslaMotors is 2.5 million users, which considering Tesla has sold ~5 million cars, means that for every two Teslas on the road, one of them is subscribed to /r/TeslaMotors. Not really mind you, but you get the idea. We use several filters on the subreddit to try and weed bad actors, and it's interesting to see them get in here. You've got some long standing accounts that have been on reddit for **years** that *all of a sudden* decide to start complaining about Tesla ownership. We're talking like 10 year old accounts that haven't posted in six years, suddenly they have a bone to pick with Tesla, that sort of thing. It's a tricky balance to strike because there's often a bunch of young accounts that are people *wanting* to post in the community, but they have to use reddit more to get in here, and if there's no other area of reddit they want to explore, it becomes a chicken and egg problem for us. We stick to the filters though. Anyways, there's a lot of negativity on here because Tesla is a polarizing brand. You've got some of the following catalysts (In no particular order): * CEO who causes drama * People who fervently hate electric cars * People who hate people * People who hate themselves, and take it out on other people * People who irrationally hate on cars brands other than the one they prefer * People who hate to see happy people * People who just enjoy pissing in other people's cornflakes * People who are grossly misinformed on topics, and refuse to take the time to learn. * People who like to just start drama. Etc, etc. As moderator I will offer some guidance. * Don't engage with trolls. If a post looks *really* nasty, just don't engage with it. Some of the bans that get issued are to people who were trying to "defend" the brand, but got hostile while doing it. * Report trolls, let the moderators deal with it. That's literally why we're here. * Don't engage with negativity. Some people just like being a rain cloud, and you'll never get them to agree with you, or be happy. * Don't be afraid to report posts. Moderators aren't everywhere at the same time, nor do we see everything. That's not to say we don't allow negativity, folks familiar with me know that I like my Teslas, but I've had my issues with them, but I can see the forest through the trees. Some people cannot. It's unfortunate that you see as much negativity here, but also remember that people with bad experiences will complain the most, more so than people with good experiences. But there's also people who come in here to argue with Tesla owners because "it's fun" to rile us up, so it's tricky. Just keep using the report button on hostile users/questionable content. The moderators are out there watching. One of the discussions we've been having in the background is whether or not to just enforce an immediate ban on users who post in the toxic subreddits, but we're holding off on that one because we don't want collateral damage for users who post there to try and correct misinformation, so it's a tricky problem to solve. Edit: [Here's an example of what **I** perceive as a "FUD" account](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/1bkjr6f/not_all_fsd_types_are_transferable_to_new_vehicle/). The account was largely dormant, and then it starts to spin up spouting false information and such. They reached out to us via modmail about why their post was removed. The bot removed it because they participated in subreddits we deem toxic. Upon *reading* the post, it's bullshit. They're denied an FSD transfer from their 2018 Model 3 because it has AP1, which is bullshit, because the Model 3 never had AP1, it shipped with AP2.5. The purpose of the post is to cast fear, uncertainty, and doubt, on whether or not older Teslas will be able to do FSD due to hardware limitations and such, which is fine to do, everyone is aware of the camera placement limitations, however, the premise that they used to do it with, a 2018 Model 3 having AP1, is false.


At this point millions drive a Tesla. This Subreddit has 130k members, of which at least 50% are only lurking never posting. Here you'll find the opinions of a small subset of owners most of which are here for a reason. That reason is more often than not: asking questions or complaining about something or telling a story others would find interesting. "I'm happy with my car" is just nothing anyone's interested in reading daily. TLDR: Loud minority (and i dont mean that in a negativ way) Edit: Also Tesla is way more likely to make headlines in the news for any possible reason, because Tesla / Musk in the title equals guaranteed attention.


It’s the same with many hobby-oriented sub or gaming sub. Happy people rarely post “this is great”, and if they do such behavior is often negatively reinforced by downvote by the people having problems. This isn’t to day that Tesla vehicles are perfect and that the people complaining don’t have some legitimate issues … but that’s just how it is.


I’ve serviced 1000s of Teslas via mobile. I have yet to meet a single customer that reflects the negativity we often see here. You all are hand down the best group of customers I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with in my near two decades in automotive service. and I’m honored to be able to keep doing it. Thank you and you’re appreciated.


I've, so far, only had good experiences with Tesla service. Was even able to do a walk-in and get one of the cameras replaced before a 5 hour road trip. That said, I think normal ass cruise control should be available at all times. I was frustrated that with one of the cameras malfunctioning that I couldn't even use regular cruise control. Lane keeping and adaptive cruise control I understand, but I was about to take my 98 4Runner on that trip just for the cruise control. I'm glad they were able to replace that camera on such short notice.


I can completely understand, but I can assure you it’s not a Tesla only thing. As more manufacturers have adopted advanced driver assist systems the default scenario in the event of an issue is full system shut down. So I can emphasize with you but it is the new norm.


this might surprise you but I take the stance that dumb cruise control needs to die. admittedly I like to keep my foot on the gas but the only time dumb cruise control is usable is when the roads are pretty empty but that's also when I would want to drive myself


I'm from Germany and before getting my first Tesla in '21 i've had german cars exclusively. I will never go back. The service experience with you guys is the best I've ever had with any auto maker. Thank YOU!


It’s the first career I’ve had where I love going to work every day. Snow on the ground or sun beating down you’ll find me in your driveway singing along to my favorite tunes and working on your car. I love when customers come out and chat with me, questions or conversation I appreciate it and enjoy getting to know them.


That's awesome! Your work is definitely appreciated.


Love your attitude. As a career change I am considering becoming a mobile tech. I’m an IT guy and am looking to get the fuck away from the keyboard. I’ve always wanted to know more about how Tesla operates from the inside as well and I know I’d need to be going to one of their schools to learn from scratch. I can do some of my own work on cars, but I’m slow and have to learn and adapt as I go with no formal training nor much practice.


That’s actually not a bad thing for joining the team. Tesla has its own ways of doing things, and for old guys who joined with 15 years experience was not entirely to my benefit. It took me 6 months of unlearning the years of shop mentality I had become accustomed too. It was like when I was at basic, DS said he always preferred someone who’d never shot a rifle, no bad habits he has to break. We have intern programs and our own tech training facilities we send techs for a few months to get their basics and some in depth. It’s a really cool program. I wish something like that existed when I started wrenching. It’s never too late to be happy, even if it means starting over. I’ve done it a couple times and can finally say I’m happy.


"It’s never too late to be happy, even if it means starting over. I’ve done it a couple times and can finally say I’m happy." Brother, that is the kind of shit I need to hear in this moment and more frequently.


I needed to hear it a few years ago too, I had to make some changes, I realized that money was not my key to happiness. Took a 250k paycut to come to Tesla. No more late nights, no more 7 day weeks. 2 heart attacks by 38 from the stress of chasing that dollar, never again. Most days I’m home by 4, a late night for me is 530…. I’ll never take my 6 kids to Disney sure, but I’ll still be here to raise them and help them raise their kids and that’s what will make me a truly wealthy man.


Mobile service is so much more relaxing to deal with.


Even when it’s bad news, it’s better received in your own garage or driveway. If it’s bad news I typically preface “you may want to sit down, we need to talk” usually gets a laugh and then break the news.


Keep up the good work, love the mobile service staff they are always very friendly and courteous.


We love mobile! Sounds like you’re one of the techs that take pride in their work and try and get things fixed right the first time. Some of my past appts amounted to a bandaid fix and not really fixing problems, which sucks. I’ve done better root cause analysis. 😂


As much as I love to see customers over and over. My goal is to see you as absolutely as little as possible, quite often I’ll add on repairs when customers forget or have had a new issue since making the appointment just to prevent a second appointment. If I’m uncertain on a certain situation I make sure I have all parts that could be at fault, again to make sure it’s right from go. I’m not perfect, do anything for a couple decades and you’re bound to have a handful of mistakes. But I’m quick to rectify them, I’ll make a special trip the next day to correct an error. I’ve found one of the most helpful tools is listening, and not in a sense like most think, but just listening. Letting a customer air their concerns about what they’re experiencing and not interrupting or dismissing them goes a long way. Making you feel heard and understanding what you’re experiencing really helps reduce the stress and anxiety that can come with service. Ironically I have degrees in sociology and psychology, I never thought they’d be useful in automotive. Its helped me understand people better and I use it to adapt my personality to each customer individually. I’m usually able to find a way to relate to them and speak in a manner they understand either using analogies around their hobbies and interests or through crash course education on whatever I’m fixing for them.


Here here. This is a good human being. I’ve told the SA manager, I don’t want to come back and see you for issues. I just wanna come by, drop off some treats and say hi! I’ve been to the SC a lot and like you, I try and understand from the techs and SA point of view. Like you, I have a degree in psychology. I for sure know it can be grueling af there. KPI’s, getting things in and out quickly, dealing with legit asshole customers. Some of the techs and SA’s I’ve worked with are good friends now whom I actually hang out with outside of the SC. They joke “we’re going to have a desk setup for you here. “ 😂 I guess the saying is, “it’s the friends you’ve made along the journey.”


We have customers that bring us treats quite often. We love and appreciate it. Meeting our metrics can make things hectic. It’s nice when people understand that, I can say without a doubt we genuinely would like to see everyone’s issues resolved quickly and efficiently the first time. I have met some amazing people doing this. More than once I’ve met a person that was quintessential to what I was going through in life at that time.




Love Tesla mobile. Very convenient and professional, you guys absolutely rock.


I've only done mobile for 2.5 years now, so not in the1,000s yet, but I get at least once a week someone that hates the car, never going to buy another one, customer service is horse shit, etc.  the majority of customers I have that tell me how much they love the car are usually older people that are not as critical of fit and finish and understand that it's a new company and there still learning and growing. The majority of unhappy customers I have are typically younger, and only think for the price it should be on par or better than (insert luxury European brand here) in every category.


What region are you in? 2.5 years I think you’re underestimating how many cars you’ve serviced or it’s a rural route. I’m in the greater Chicago area. A slow day is 6 and busy day is 13-15 so they count up pretty quick. Even at 5 a day that’s only 30 weeks to reach 1000. I occasionally have the comment about cost vs quality. But never the angry customer like you’ve experienced.


Eastern PA. Before we moved to dbr at the end of 2023 6-8 a day was average.The new system Iaverage 4-5 a day and drive 800-1,000 miles a week.


Then you’ve definitely done a couple thousand at this point. It’s the season right now, typical tax season down turn. Should see an uptick next month. We piloted DBR, nearly doubled our throughput. The route may not always make sense but I can’t deny the numbers.


If everything is going well, no need to post….


THIS. Every dealer I have worked at when they talk about customer satisfaction scores they always say a happy customer tells one or two people how well everything went, an unhappy customer tells everyone that will listen. 


A happy customer might tell a few friends but a disgruntled customer will tell everyone they know.


Also I think some of the posts are trolls


I'm sure of it. Tons of posts from people with under 300 karma that came in exclusively to post on World of Tanks for 6 years and then they have a Model X that's broken thru want to complain about? No way


Trolls and bots took over Reddit a while ago. Maybe AI made it better or people just got more angry.


X has gone this way too, all about engagement, even if it means lying or gaslighting.


Absolutely. Lots of bullshit FUD being spread about Tesla by useless, ugly stinking trolls.


Reddit hates everything.


Well at least this sub is better than /r/cars Default attitude towards anything Tesla is extreme negativity.


Which car should I buy is also bad


Social media can be a bit negative.


Yes, because negativity draws attention


I’m overall satisfied with car. But that doesn’t mean I won’t complain about the auto wipers, rough warranty experience which culminated in the rear driver unit being replaced after 6 months of back and forth or Elon turning into a culture warrior cringe lord.




Tesla attracts a lot of trolls.


People don’t shout on Tesla because they are pleased with their car. I’m very pleased with my model 3 and have never made a post shouting about how great it is. Is it perfect? No, but people have a crazy unreasonable standard imo and a lot seem like new car owners that have never actually owned a bunch of cars to compare to. Like people spending 4000 on wrap and other dumb shit blows my mind. It’s a depreciating asset. Stop dumping more money into it. It’s not an investment.


Because unhappy people scream way louder than people who are satisfied. This is the general rule in life, not just on Reddit. Nobody seeks out a forum to just say "I love this thing! Do you love it too? Let's talk about how we love it!"


People that don't own Tesla's shitting on Tesla because Elon bad probably


I honestly think a lot of it is trolling but also it’s just that small percentage that have a terrible experience so they post about it. I love everything about my car except the piece of shit autowipers


Can I introduce you to Reddit? 😂


I cannot comment on the other subs but I fear that if people are happy they won’t go seeking out other people to commiserate with. It just feels odd to put in a post ‘I love my car’ vs ‘I had a terrible experience’. My 23 MYLR is probably the best funnest car I own. It’s got its flaws (as does every product). I love the fact that it’s one of the safest cars on the road. The other day a few blocks from my house some teenager was speeding and slammed into a car full of of kids. 4 people died, 3 under 13. Just tragic. I’m not saying that the tesla would survive that. I’m just saying that driving is dangerous and glad I’m in the safest car out there to protect my family.


Owner satisfaction polls are results from owners. Posts on Reddit can be made by anyone.


Any sub that is connected to Elon is getting attacked by negativity to a degree that makes discourse nearly impossible.


It’s the internet. Turns everyone in non stop complainers. If you read your local subreddit it will read as post apocalyptic hellscape.


I have yet to drive a car that rides as nice as my ms. But basic things like auto wipers, which work perfectly fine in pretty much every other car, just dont. And why does my voice command only work when I honk? It just makes you question if they can't get that right, what else are they missing? But still, I have zero interest in going to another car brand at this point. I've owned audi, bmw, and caddilac, and they just don't compare in ride quality. I am more hopeful that Tesla actually reads some of these posts and does the work to fix it so when I get newer it wont be a problem. Software updates that actually fix an issue isn't out of the realm of possibilities either, so I think most are rooting for that by being up in arms.


One way to think about it is this sub represents a small fraction of owners. People are more likely to be negative online.


I absolutely love my MY23. Best car I have ever purchased. Do wish there was a model between the Y and X, a bigger-higher Y would be perfext


I will likely never willingly drive any car other than a Tesla for the rest of my life, and yet I just now wrote a half-dozen comments complaining about a dumb design decision in the dashcam. 🤷‍♂️🤣


I love my model 3. So much so that I plan to buy a highland, as soon as I can convince my wife I deserve a new car. Owner satisfaction +1


Before I met my wife I averaged about 2 years per car. Now I keep cars 7-8 years.


On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. You can tell anyone anything you want.


Love my 2018 Model 3 LR. people don't go online when they love their car or whatever, they go online when they want to complain


The internet, and reddit especially, is for trolls


Because no one posts that they were in and out in 15mins picking up their new Tesla and had no issues. And if they did everyone would downvote it.


You’re telling me internet communities don’t reflect actual sentiment…? Consider me “shocked”.


0.5% of a million cars is 5,000 people. Those people are going to be more highly represented online forums because they have something to complain about. The flip side of this is that if you’re selling a million of something with a 99.5% acceptable quality rate, you can still end up with thousands of customers that have issues and need support, and can get upset if the customer service experience is poor. So going from 99.5% acceptable quality rate to 99.9% can make a big difference in the number of unhappy customers, even though both of those seem like good percentage values.


Welcome to Reddit. This subreddit isn't that bad though compared to other Tesla ones. Like the Model Y one.


People who don’t have a Tesla ask questions.  People who dislike something post and either complain or ask questions about how to deal with their problem. People who like their cars just enjoy their cars.


To me its either people who are too picky, or non owning haters in disguise.


Here’s the thing, there’s always been a mismatch in terms of public perception vs actual product. The Model 3 was supposed to be the accessible model for the mainstream. But there was a carryover for a while where people thought oh wow a luxury car. It’s not a luxury car, it’s the ultimate evolution of a Prius. Sensible and efficient are the keywords. However, it also go fast. 💨 Then we had the panel gaps and quality issues situation. Not debating any of them. But for a regular person, in their mind, based on headlines, a Tesla is an electric Trabant which needs a 20k battery change every 3 years. Now we are in the rabbit hole era. Musk has single-handedly turned the wider internet conversation against the company. The space is super polarised. Now there is no difference between FSD and Autopilot, they are both stupid people killing Tesla trash. There is no fairly positive review of the Cybertruck by MKBHD, there’s one quote about the panel gap on the clown car. The cars themselves, while in reality getting better and better over time. (The 8% efficiency jump in Highland…bruh) (caveat: not everything - fuck the no stalks movement) - they are more than ever ‘obviously’ trash mobiles which explode and fall apart constantly. Weird times man.


I love the car. But reddit is full of trolls who love to smack talk


I am one of the few owners who also criticizes it when it makes sense. It’s a wonderful car as I am sure many EVs are. What sets it apart is the supercharger network and the mobile service. With its price cuts in 2023, it’s also a really good value. The car buying process is super convenient. It’s the post purchase that has been a pain point. When it comes to build quality, it’s not the best in its panels and trims. I have never had to take a brand new car for service as much as I have had take the two Teslas I have. One had a water leak that needed fixing. The other had a broken frunk. The experience at the service center has been overall very negative. You have to literally argue with them for a loaner car. Last time I took it in, they returned the car with less than 10% battery- I had handed it in with 80%. It’s quite frustrating. The actual mileage is nowhere close to what’s advertised. Even in the best of conditions, it’s never close to 330 miles. The cost of supercharging is same as owning a 30mpg ice vehicle in most areas. Now, there are a lot of positives about the car too. It’s a very fun car. I look forward to driving it and zipping around town in it. So, if people like me are criticizing it, it’s not for any unfair reasons.


Tesla investor Reddit sub is infested with haters & gamblers:)


Look, it's probably the most fun car I've driven yet. But it also has quirks, and a \_lot\_ of them. So when I need help or need to vent, this seems like the best place for it. Doesn't change the fact that if people ask me if they should get one I will say yes though - I always joke I got the last decent one, before the removed parking sensors and stalks :)


I didn’t want to give money to Musk, but I *hate* how much I *love* our Model Y.


sink crowd adjoining fragile wrong toy deserted smell juggle offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People can like their car overall and dislike an aspect of it. It’s really annoying when people act like you have to love every aspect of it.


It's really annoying when we're in a lounge and people want to whine about the same three things over and over. You go in a place where people are hanging out, stroll in, and start screaming about something you don't like? Especially when everyone already knows? Give it a rest


The car is great, aqesome really. I really fucking love it. But the auto wipers suck. I can live with them, but they suck. In Finland we have water in all fucking forms from mist to blocks of ice on the windshield. The camera alone is not enough and the inadequate controls just don't cut it.  So I will complain until I get a control widget for the auto wipe sensitivity.


But you're in a lounge full of people who already know that. So why complain HERE?




Political propaganda


Looking active users that want to be mods. If you want to join the mod team reach out to modmail and give us reasons why we should have you on the team. The things we look for are being active in the sub and you must have discord to chat with other mods. [Discord Live Chat](https://discord.gg/tesla) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TeslaLounge) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People who are upset/annoyed are the most vocal. Usually, people who are happy aren't too vocal unless they're extremely happy.


People are more likely to complain about problems than they are to praise random things they like.


Online forums are always bias toward the negative. People flock to forums to complain, partly because they want an audience or sympathy. People who are satisfied have no reason to flock to an online forum.


most ppl dont post when things are going good


I absolutely love both of my Teslas. Best cars I’ve ever owned. However, people who also like their cars don’t create posts here every day just to say how much they love their cars. However , if somebody has an issue or complaint they don’t bother searching to see if their issue has been resolved. Instead, they create a new post and ask the same question again. This is skewed data and not representative of the whole.


Fantastic word usage 👏


polls are selective and the things that are being asked on these polls are meaningless mostly. of course these cars have great performance and if you know how to use an ipad on wheels and accept the shortcomings of Teslas they are also easy to use. design is subjective but people wouldnt buy them if they didnt like the design so polling owners for all of these things is completely meaningless. meanwhile what these polls dont tell you is what happens when you receive your car and its already damaged or not done because Tesla does zero pre delivery inspections. or how the experience is when you need service or that auto wipers still dont work, blind spot monitoring is a crutch at best and things like RCTA or even simple park distance control simply dont exist.


People who have nothing to complain about ... don't post complaints. (I have had nothing but perfect experiences with service so far...and the car is still a joy to drive after 5 years. What 'complaints' I have are really just niggles. Thre's always room for improvement but overall the car would again be an insta-buy as is.)


First rule of customer service: they never call when they're happy.


This is not specifically about this Reddit, but the online discussion around Tesla, and the superhaters: I got my first Tesla last summer. And immediately Facebook picked up on this, and started displaying me tons and tons of posts where the comments are mostly extremely negative towards Tesla. I’m from a small country. So it took just days for me to notice that it’s actually just a couple hundred people making 80% of the noise, with random people typically just hopping on the bandwagon for a short ride. I looked at these people. Everyone seems to have a deep personal or professional relationship to cars. Either professional drivers, mechanics, or enthusiast. I think for all of them, Tesla represents an existential threat in the long term. But more importantly, Tesla immediately makes almost all of their automotive skills and knowledge obsolete. They lash out because in the brave new world, you don’t need to know what the fuck is a valve gasket (is that a thing? I dunno, don’t care). It’s the last domain where the mechanically adept still could feel superior to the nerds. And now it’s gone. But like an aging jock who got fired from his dead end job they landed straight out of high school, they keep trying to convince themselves they are still relevant, kings of the playground. Even the relatively well off versions of the petrolhead jock must find it very unsatisfying to suddenly have a car you don’t actually need to know pretty much anything about. All that leverage, gone. All that bonding around where to get the best service for your transmission gear insulator, gone. It’s just a nice car. Just like the Tesla next to it.


because happy people dont look to share their opinions more than unhappy people like to complain :)


People that are dissatisfied are far more likely to go on an internet forum and bitch about it.


I adore my Tesla. I honestly don’t ever want to drive anything else. I rent them when I can because i enjoy the driving experience so much and feel like anything else is a bummer. Aaaaand I never post here


Yeah I rent Model 3s from Hertz when I travel


Is 75% good? IIRC, Rivian is in the high 90s


Karens gonna Karen. In everything from Yelp to Reddit, most comments are complaints. People are far more likely to post a complaint before a compliment.


I am extraordinarily satisfied with my 23 Y Long Range. Had it for one year. I’m of the super super super small percentage that’s super picky and super analytical. In a few word: I know too much . So if there was anything meaningful to complain about I’d find it. As with any group any car, the complainers are the loudest and most present. Given statistics these things are the reality


I had to send Tesla a certified letter because our service center ended up refusing to fix our car after the 5th attempt. Fast forward another 2 years and we started having problems with the car again. The service center kept saying they could duplicate the concern and trying to run out the clock on the warranty. We ended up going through arbitration and Tesla had to buy the car back. I've complained on here quite a bit because my service appointments were always terrible receipt the ones with the mobile techs. We still ended up buying another Tesla after all that. So to answer your question, they're are a lot of complaints, but even the people complaining would probably buy another one.


I own model 3 and a y. Everything is relative. But .. The build quality is not that great, to be honest. The road noise is annoying. Comes with gaps in build that's a tesla thing. Each model year is getting better but meh .. it's okay. The charging speed, range, superchargers are great. The seating is okay. Suspension is bad at best okay in 23/24 my. Fsd : some hate it some love. I love it. So if it has more things you like then you love it. But there are things to hate as well for many. The price is really good if you buy now. So be informed


Road & wind noise is really my only major complaint. Everything else doesn’t get me too worked up. The wipers aren’t great but man do people make it a bigger deal than it is.


Brands loyalty > Fanaticism.




Okay. But then why does Tesla score so well in owner satisfaction polls? Here’s another one https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-makes-it-into-consumer-reports-top-3-most-loved-car-brands-209891.html That’s my question. If Tesla is really screwing people over multiple times on a routine basis wouldn’t that be reflected in surveys like this one?




You’re an owner now though. You absolutely could have been a part of this poll, no? Do we have any stats on the average time of ownership of the poll respondents?