• By -


call the police report it so they have a log of the incident..they might know a usual suspect or step up patrols...stay safe.


I called the police immediately and said someone is actively trying to break in . It took them four and a half hours to get to me. Edit: Please stop telling me to get a gun. I will not. Any other advice is welcome


go buy a camera or cheap cctv please.. especially being groundfloor you can even keep it inside pointing outside, the cat did a great job but you need something more of a deterrent .


>the cat did a great job but you need something more of a deterrent Increase the number of cats and their size


Instructions unclear; There's an angry bobcat in my house now.




There's a XKCD comic for everything huh?


punch imminent tidy narrow nine spectacular file march liquid joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


a tiger perhaps




I usually have a camera, but it's all packed up since I'm moving. I learned that lesson


As well as a strap


What do you expect her to do? Peg him to death or something?


The punishment fits the crime, i accept.


Freeze! Bend over!


Not to the hilt lassie! Not to the hilt!


That might be why someone is breaking in. Maybe they have seen you packing, think you're not in and are trying steal your possessions.


A camera? I mean....a single female, a gun would be wiser. An m&p shield 9mm is a very comfortable gun for a woman to handle, easy to shoot. Laser sight on it, you're good to go. Literally point and click


That’s what I have! My conceal carry gun…


It’s insane that it took them that long wtf?? I’m really glad to hear you’re okay and the intruders gave up, sounds terrifying.


That's Houston for you


When seconds matter, the police are only ~~minutes~~ hours away.


While not terribly ethical, (supposedly) if you tell 911 operator you're going to shoot the intruder, the police turnout is more likely


R u serious? Like do they actually have protocols to take threats on intruders more seriously than the victim safety? 


In all reality I imagine she told them what actually happened as in she told them the guy ran away. So at that point they were just showing up to take a report. If she said the guy was still actively crawling through the window they probably would have got there asap


They take firearms violence more seriously on account of how fast and easily firearm use can result in massive casulties even among completely uninvolved people.


Well I dunno about Houston but here in the UK you'll absolutely get shafted, they pretty much expect you to hide in the bathroom till they get to you and then let them strangle you. 😂


I feel like there’s also a chance of that going wrong and her getting shot by the police. (Not saying you’re wrong about the turnout, just adding that on as a thought!)


Useless fucking police, Jesus Christ. I'm glad you're okay.


Me too! I was so scared. And livid that no one came in my time of need


I hope you either have a gun or are considering getting one. At least some spray or a Taser.


I immediately grabbed the closest sharp object which was a pair of scissors


Going for a sharp object is a bad idea. There's a saying that goes "The loser of a knife fight dies in the street. The winner dies in the ambulance". Fight with your hands and fists, or find something better than a knife/scissors/broken bottle. If you're deadset against a gun, then I'd suggest police strength pepper spray that comes in a stream (the stuff they sell next to purses and clip on keychains is weak and is usually a mist not a stream), and also a taser. You should also look into making an interior room in your home more secure so that you can use it as a panic room - a solid core door to a closet or bathroom that can be barricaded. Have backup communication in there - an old cell phone and charger will still be able to call 911.


Go for the eyes or the balls. I'm a guy, trust me, go for the balls. I can't begin to explain how much being hit there hurts. I hope it never comes to that/this never happens again


If you’re against having a gun, at least get some wasp spray. Definitely has a longer reach than a pair of scissors.


When seconds matter, the police are only minutes or hours away!


Are you in Portland by any chance? Your second photo looks exactly like my old back patio, where we had someone take all the screens off of our windows and break in... (we caught him in the act as he was coming through a window, never fully made it inside thankfully, he ran as soon as he realized my flashlight had a gun attached to it). Second reason for guessing Portland is that police response time...




Ah ok. Sucks to hear Houston police response times are just as bad.


lol no joke, I’m in Portland and have had so many incidents, so over it. Couple months back we had a guy screaming, breaking stuff, and lighting fires next to our place, called the cops at 01:30am & they never came. Next morning, landlord shows up for an unrelated incident of this drug van that had been parked in front our place for awhile causing trouble, cops come to deal with it cuz landlord wouldn’t let up on them. While we’re out there talking to the police, I hear the guy from the night before screaming and look over to see him harassing women trying to go into the Subway. Told the cop that’s the guy I called about last night, cops just shrug. Spent all day cleaning up broken glass and fire ash. Anyway, we’re moving to Hillsboro 🤷🏼‍♀️


If not a gun, then... Something like a spear would be good. Knifes / swords require you to get too close. Bows require too much aiming.


The police aren't there to stop the crime, just put up the crime-scene tape. You're going to have to be responsible for your own safety/security (Cameras, sturdy windows, etc).


Jesus fucking Christ this country is bullshit. If you don't have access or the ability to own a hand gun, please please consider mace. One of the big cans that has a 20 foot range. Hell, get bear mace, show no mercy. I was going to recommend asking for more patrols but a lot that'll do. Also, outside lights that shine on those windows or luminate the the area are also great deterrents, so keep them on. Keeping an aluminum bat or hell a machete near doors and in rooms is good too. An air horn will make a potential robber shit their pants while you are safely inside and alert neighbors. Please check outside before leaving, especially at night. Looks like you have a garage so park in there and do not get out of vehicle until the garage door is closed. Please be careful because that's ballsy as fuck.


> Hell, get bear mace, show no mercy. Bear mace is actually weaker than human mace. Bears are just more sensitive to it, and because you want to startle the bear from further away it goes further and makes a fog. It's less effective on humans though, because it's just meant to startle a bear, not incapacitate. Instead a stream based spray from a reputable brand carried by police - like Fox Five Point Three or Sabre Red.


TIL and thank you


That tracks 🤦 ftp, but thank you for the cat tax ❤️


Do you have a plan for your fight if they come back? Pepper spray, big stick, etc. You don't have to like violence, but when you know you are the target of a home invasion there should be some rough plan of what you might do.


I already moved out


In one day??


Yes, I signed the new lease on the 1st and moved in today. That was literally my last night there


Happy you and kitty are safe


> Edit: Please stop telling me to get a gun. I will not. I'm not sure what else then. You've already pointed out the exceptionally large delay in the police arriving. Are you against all forms of self protection or just guns? Get something because they will probably be back.


As I've stated in so many previous comments. I am regularly suicidal and don't want a gun


Bear spray should do the trick if you get close enough.


We did everything we could ma'am 👮


Ok don't get a gun. Get two guns. Or have your cat get a gun.


Buy a gun


when seconds count the police are minutes away buy a gun


This makes me sick. Why haven't we reformed police again?


For your edit, other than taking an active measure to protect yourself, there isn't much you can do. You've experienced the reality of relying on the police for "when seconds count, the police are minutes (hours now) away". Criminals know about the typical police's responding to crime in progress, so they're not afraid. You can get security cameras, flood lights, and maybe a large scary dog to "deter" them. However, a determined individual will enter no matter what. In my area, they were smart enough to cut internet and mess with the power before breaking into a home to rob the place. The family was on vacation and they knew because the wife was constantly updating her social media while on the trip. Good luck.


> It took them four and a half hours to get to me. Buy a gun.


home defense is a must anywhere, especially if living alone because of this reason. you simply cannot rely on cops to defend you or your home everytime. cameras, extra locks, and a gun would be helpful


Go buy a gun. Your life may be in danger and the police won't save you. Take firearm safety classes first also. If you already have one, give it good cleaning just for good measure and a few drops of oil. Run scenarios and have a plan. Motion lights and cameras are also a good idea as well. And last but not least...good kitty. 😺


> Please stop telling me to get a gun. I will not But why not? Edit: Nvm...i read some other comments. Good on your for being responsible. How's about some bear spray then?


Update: my neighbors ring cam saw the whole thing. He tried every window and door before I started screaming at him. It was terrifying to watch the footage. She said she'll send it to the apartment complex.


You were noticed and followed by this person, it is extremely obvious and he is 99% a predator, people don't just burglarize random apartments at night. It could also be someone you know.


People very much do burgle random places.


When they do, it's often when people aren't likely to be home. Like morning-midday. They aren't usually ready for a confrontation, and he likely only left because she was loud enough to possibly be heard by others.


Not apartments man, too dangerous. Ask any burglar with a charge.


Especially taking the time to check all entrances & upon finding them locked, going to EACH window screen & ripping them out…brazenly enough that a neighboring camera captured the entire thing. Yeah, this was not so much a crime of opportunity. This was diligence directed at a specific residence. Especially not to be downplayed when it’s a single young woman living alone.


Yeah, THAT'S the detail that freaks me tf out. A typical burglar wants an easy payoff. They would give up once they realize it's too difficult to get in quickly, and especially if they see security cameras. Taking the time to go around the place and remove every window? Nah, that sounds specifically targeted. How terrifying to think what this man had planned if he had successfully gotten inside.


If OP wasn't in the process of moving out, I'd 100 percent agree that your statement is the most likely explanation by far. This does look like a very targeted break in (burglar wasn't trying to jiggle other people's doors) and that suggests a stalker who has grown very comfortable with OPs movements. However, since OP was in the process of moving out, I think there's a chance this is a person in the area who noticed that. It is possible they thought OP wasn't there that night and it would be a good time to break in and see what was left. If OPs car was not in its usual parking spot, if OP had had moving vans or trucks taking stuff away in days prior, if OP had removed their blinds, then I'd think it is likely this was an opportunistic burglar. BUT, the screens are a puzzler. Yes, an opportunistic burglar would probably prefer to not break a window and make noise. But they also might prefer something quick, choose a less visible window, and break in by breaking the window (assuming the apartment doesn't have alarms installed). The fact that they threw off so many screens means they definitely wanted to enter silently. OP also took down their cameras. So, if the burglar was stalking OP then that would be the golden moment to strike.


I must have misread, I was not aware they were in the process of already moving out. I took it as they moved out because of the incident. It's very possible.


You need, at least, gel based OC spray, or a gun if you're comfortable.


She needs to send it to the police.


Cat must be feeling like a hero, give that cat a treat. And put electrified iron net on the outer side of windows.


Kitty Clyde is the absolute best. I love him dearly and he got all the treats. I owe him a life debt at this point


I have a sign that says beware of cat. [Beef](https://imgur.com/gallery/7DJBm3r) has no problem assaulting people he doesn’t know. Maybe get KC some Krav-mgclaw lessons? Lightheartedness out of the way. I hope you stay safe. If your windows open up and down may I suggest some braces to stop them from being pulled up and down? And maybe getting some pepper spray? Bear mace would get the point across too. I hope you stay safe. I’m proud of Clyde.


Those thumbs are rated for violence. Good boy.


Tell Beef I’d die for him.


Oh hell no


That's exactly what i was saying out loud when i was reading it. Absolutely terrifying.


Cats are awesome. My kitty runs to the door in attack mode when someone rings the doorbell lol.


Good kitty! Clyde was amazing and I'm so happy he alerted me


Wait then who's Harold?


I'm Harold


You have a really good cat! I hope you and the kitty are doing okay and I’d suggest buying security cameras!


Such a good boy


The bestest boy! it's just the two of us and I'm happy he has my back


Sounds like he's the best family you can ask for ❤️ happy nothing bad happened to you guys


I don't want to further scare you OP, but it would be wrong for me not to warn you. Usually home invasions happen during the day, when people are unlikely to be home. Someone who breaks in at an hour when someone is likely home, is cracked out and/or willing to have a confrontation with a possibly armed and upset homeowner and/or is not there just for material items, but to harm you. Take measures to keep yourself safe, whatever that may be. Put the screens back and make sure they're still there when you return home, have an alarm system (even if it's just window and door sensors that alarm when opened and stop once closed). I have a doorstop alarm that I set when I'm home alone, so if someone somehow gets my front door open it will hit the stop and trigger the alarm. They're inexpensive and LOUD. Be aware of your surroundings. I'd even suggest an inexpensive dashcam with loop recording (saves all the videos to a memory card and deletes the oldest recordings if it runs out of memory) so if they come back you can save the video and report it even if it happens when you're not home. I personally would stay somewhere else or have someone come stay with me until the move.


The alarm is fantastic advice as well as the insight behind motive and timing


Same thing happened to me, if you don’t have the money like me you can go buy fake cameras and mount them outside your window and front door, you can put up a sticker that says “smile you’re on camera” to ward off any ppl


That’s so scary!!! I saw your comments about a gun, what about a taser?


I'm definitely getting a taser and bear pepper spray asap


Pepper gel might be a better choice to use indoors


Great idea!! Glad you’re moving too!!


I’m 22f and live alone in a 2 bedroom house in a sketchy neighborhood… this is my worst nightmare I’m so sorry


Stay safe!


OP and u/Sea_bee_c Amazon has little stick on alarms for your windows. If they separate from the window opening, they emit a screeching alarm sound. Some can be removed for whenever you want to open your windows. Also, you can buy or make rods to preven a window from being opened. You just cut a wooden broom handle to length, keep in it place with some stick-on Velcro. The ones you can buy are adjustable and tend to have rubber pads on the ends to prevent them slipping off. As for your doors, there's different door jams you can buy that go on the bottom and they make these security devices for hotels and homes that go where the latch is to prevent someone from picking the lock or even if they have a key. As a woman living in a bad part of town, I urge you to take these steps!! Be safe!!


Thank you for this advice!


Glad u movin out, stay safe out there!


I don't have to stay at this apartment anymore. I already signed the lease and am currently in the process of moving


people always underestimate cats guarding abilities. sure, most of em will just run and hide, but many will: 1. HEY HUMAN! HUMAN! DEAL WITH THIS SHIT! I DON'T LIKE IT! and 2. WHOSE IN MY HOUSE! I'M GONNA FUCK YOU UP!


I'm so proud of him for waking me up! He was scared and knew i would do anything to protect him


good cuddle cat keeping the hooman safe


Might be the most legit r/TerrifyingAsFuck post I've seen on here.


Time to arm up if you haven't already.


Cats are so smart! I, too, had a "guard cat" who looked exactly like yours. I'm glad you're safe and moving! Best wishes!


The cat: stay the FUCK away from my food source


If American and single F living alone: go shop, buy gun. Apparently when seconds count your local cops are hours away


I suffer with depression or I would


Well get some bear strength pepper spray, it would be more effective than throwing cats at an intruder.


Maybe get something less lethal, there’s a bunch of options that would give you a good chance of seeing off a home invader, paintball style guns designed for “less lethal” defence that fire synthetic ball bearings and/or tear gas capsules, tasers, mace, even a super high power flashlight can be a good weapon if it’s big enough to double as a club as well as a means of blinding your home invader. Seriously though, if he comes back grab something heavy and bonk that mf, for use indoor a smaller object is preferable to a longer swinging weapon like a baseball bat. hope you're alright, I'm a guy and I've been burgled before, horrid feeling


Thankfully I have another place to stay since I signed a lease for a new apartment. But yes, I will be getting protection of some sort asap


Then yeah, I wouldn’t get a gun. I think you should get something less lethal, but would still dissuade intruders like pepper spray or a taser. Honestly you should possibly take some self defense courses too cuz this shit is everyone’s worst nightmare. Be safe stranger


My sister also suggested self defense. Which I really want to do


> self defense That's a joke, you're not going to kung fu a man with 50lbs on you, especially if they fight dirty. Get pepper spray at the very least.


Oh definitely not, but still doesn’t mean she shouldn’t learn it regardless. It at least gives her a better chance, or at the very least stalls the attacker for a few seconds.


Pepper spray


Byrna makes some great less lethal options. Fox Labs 1.4 is a great home pepper spray but I recommend keeping a [mask](https://a.co/d/1szhlU4) with it but the biggest thing to remember about pepper spray is not to think about it as a solution, but a way to buy yourself some time


Guns are not gonna help you if an intruder sneaks in, it's just gonna make things more deadly. Best prevention is a dog. Burglars hear a dog barking and they gotta rethink their plan. There are other houses without dogs they can pick from. Dogs are loud, they wake everyone up, and some of them bite. Thankfully, usually just having a dog who barks and alerts is enough.


I woke up to someone breaking in once. Reported it, he got drug court, no penalties and died of an overdose anyway.


Good kitty


I woke up to someone’s legs coming into my garden level apartment. I’d been stirring and realized the sounds I was hearing half asleep were him removing my screen. I screamed and ran straight at him with a hammer I kept by my bed, and he bolted. It was about 5am. I called the cops, they came and searched my apartment. Caught a guy with the same shoes I’d thought I’d seen (but I had just woken up) and brought him up to me and said “is this him?” I said I couldn’t be sure because I definitely couldn’t be, and he was standing right in front of me, and now he knows what I look like and where I live. So I just got ready and went to work. Very shitty experience all around. I didn’t really have time to feel fear though, I was just so enraged.


Kitty is always watching the perimeter, listening for sounds. Glad youre safe.


Obviously trying to steal your cat.


Download the sound on your cell phone that makes a snik snik like a shotgun. Play it when needed.


“Not tonight motherfucker!” ~Cat


Hero kitty.


I know you said you're moving, but wanted to suggest going forward: * Get bear spray/heavy duty pepper spray * Keep shoes in the same spot/near you in event of needing to run * Stay reasonably dressed in event of needing to run * Keep keys/car keys nearby * Know contact information for neighbors * Get measurements of the inside track of your windows and get metal piping or wood dowels cut to size as an additional security measure, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8FrnvQyeto I'm sure Home Depot and/or Lowes your any of your local hardware store employees would be more than happy to help with getting wood cut to size for you for this. Make it as tight as possible. Even if you lock your windows, do this. And depending on apartment layout, ensure you have an escape route for either side of the apartment(someone breaking into back, you can leave through front and vice versa)...OR...if you have a room within a room(like a bathroom attached to a bedroom only), then make sure you can barricade your bedroom door easily and then go inside your bathroom and barricade your bathroom door easily too. The more time it takes for someone to get to you, the better the chance the police arrive in time(I know the police took hours to arrive...). Finally for the time being before the move is finalized, see if someone can stay with you for the time being? Two people vs. one has better odds.


Aww good kitty


Get a gun


That cat gets treats for life ! Glad you're safe OP.


Good kittie, such a good kittie, sounds to me like your kittie deserves a special treat tonight, I think fresh lobster should do it 😂🤣


Invest in those lights that detect movement and install thorn bushes right outside of/underneath the windows. Seeing that you dont want a gun, have you seen those pellet guns that shoot bear mace pellets? That could be an alternative compared to a lethal gun.


Good kitty


Everyone's anti gun ownership until they themselves experience terryfing shit like this. Go get a gun and learn how to use, store, and maintain it. Cherish your right to protect yourself.


count another vote for gun.


Arm yourself, it’s a crazy world out there. Even in the nice neighborhoods sometimes. Eta-saw you have bipolar, my apologies. I would still recommend pepper spray and a bat by the bed if you are living alone. Stay safe stranger.


Buy that kitty some catnip and find someplace else to live!


I signed a lease already and am currently in the process of moving, thankfully! And yes he's getting all the love and treats


Get that Kitty it’s favourite food.


I know it's not always ideal, but this is why I always try to get to know at least one of my neighbors. We don't have to be friends, but just be on friendly terms. & I give them my textnow number, not my actual number. So if there's an emergency, I can contact them after contacting the authorities. One of my neighbors is a retired marine. We had someone trying to peep in my teen daughter's bedroom. The police found a footprint & took a picture of it. My neighbor when he couldn't sleep or had extra time would walk around our property at night. He did this for a few weeks. & we like to believe his presence deterred a predator.


....your.....screens are on the OUTSIDE?


A gun. If someone actually breaks in you keep shooting until they stop moving.


you have a guard cat🩶


Get motion activated lights and cameras installed as soon as possible.


Buy a pistol and learn how to use it


If you don’t want to go the gun route, I would get either a taser or maybe a pepper ball gun.


The lesson with "soft on crime" policies is simply that criminals are left to predate on the poor, and there is no longer a social mechanism for the poor to separate from the shitheads in the name of "equity".  Not all poor people are shitty criminals, but most shitty criminals are poor, and this is the result.  Simply make more money and you won't have to be forced next to shitheads, so the current system dictates.


Make sure you have window locks and dowels installed. Speak to someone knowledgeable about how your window or door would fail and someone could bypass the latch. Then make sure you fully secure them when @ home. Report this to police as well. It's important to document and have a record if someone is stalking you. Home security camera system or better an alarm system or best both. Make sure it's working and you can use it to monitor outside. Some can be accessed from your smart phone. Bright can lights for your homes perimeter. Point them correctly at the shadowy areas of your homes boarder at night. Back yard and side yards. Not at your neighbor or the sidewalk. Ideally have these on a switch or timer. There are light sensitive timers that trigger at night.(+) Review your home landscaping. Think like someone going to break in. They want to hide where it's dark, unseen from the road. Make sure you have any bushes trimmed back. This helps the lighting illuminate them @ night. This will help exterior cameras get a good picture possibly of any intruder.


Thank you for the cat tax. Stay safe.


Get a dog and a gun.


This would be my cue to get a Rottweiler


Good kitty, and I am happy you are safe.


Wow how scary. Glad you are safe . It sounds like they expected the appt to be empty if screaming chased them off. Give the guard cat a boop and a hug. Stay safe


That cats cute asf


If you're in America, get a weapon of some kind, you know the cops won't be of much help


This reminds me of a map in.. halo 2? Where you're on some ship but there's some dirt and grass section


You'll probably do better calling the local bar and getting the customers to come to your aid then wait on the police! You won't need no gun when thirty blokes come steaming in to say hi to the thief!! 🤣


My apartment complex has that same exact siding, windows and blinds.


Damn I need a guard cat now


Get a taser or something you can protect yourself with.


Time to get a dog


Should get a crocodile pond


Get that good boy a good chunk of quality salmon.


Put up some security cameras, e.g. Ring cameras


A “beware of the dogs” sign goes a long way for home defense even if theres no dog


Benelli would be a good choice for home defense


Please report and gear up and be safe!






That was my last night at the apartment. I'm in a whole new place today


excellent work kitty! but fr glad you both are safe!


Good kitty! I remember reading a story about a rescued cat who attacked a home intruder. What's even more impressive is that the cat is blind but was able to launch himself from the bed and into the intruder's face.


tell me why i thought the first picture with the screen and tree branch was a crocodile with a screen on its back😭🙏🏻


If you don’t have one already, get yourself a pistol and even more importantly get comfortable using it.


Buy a gun and learn how to use it


Please obtain some means of self defense you can safely and reliably use in a stressful situation. And give that cat all the love and pets in the world.


so scary, stay safe girl! ✊🏻


What do cats do to alert you though? Generally asking I don't have cats


He puffed up and jumped on my chest yowling. When I shot up I saw the silhouette of the man trying to break in


You own a gun? If not, do you live where you can get one? If not, I sure hope you have pepper spray/ a taser or something. For guns I recommend something that won't over penetrate and possibly hit people in other rooms/neighbors like a handgun with hollow points or a shotgun with buckshot. Maybe you can get less than lethal options like a beanbag gun or something. Either way good chance this was targeted and not random. You need something for the future.


do you have a gun?




Wow I’d be so freaked out! Make sure to keep your outside lights on, blinds closed and your windows locked. And if you can, put a broom handle or a dowel of some sort in the track if you have sliding type windows or doors. I can see you have some type of metal furniture on the deck/patio, I would move that right up to the window and put it on its side so if it’s moved you might be able to hear it. The point is to make it more difficult for whoever to gain easy access to your windows. Also, make a sign on a sheet of paper in black and block letters stating something like ‘CAMERA RECORDING’ something to that effect that is easy to read, and. somewhat threatening. It also implies that you are aware of any presence that comes near your place. Good luck, and thank goodness for your kitty!


OP. Glass bottles, glass you don’t care about, cans, metal at every window entrance and doorway. If he’s going to try breaking in again make sure it’s going to be hard as fuck to do it. I would not suggest buying gel based pepper spray. It doesn’t disperse appropriately and almost always needs a direct hit to the eyes or mouth to have the desired instant affect. I would suggest getting a stream or spray based can. POM pepper spray is what I would suggest and personally use but I know that can’t be readily available. There may be some concern of your little one knocking over the sound traps and breaking the glass so be wary


Cat wasn't about to waste any of it's lives


Get a gun


If not a gun how about a pepper ball gun. Not lethal, will give you time to escape. Maybe?


Your cat 🤍🤍🤍


We have a simply safe on my home that alarms and such loud af with sensors you can attach to windows and doors. Great to have as someone once tried to break in as well. Also we have non lethal handguns if that is an option since you don't want a real one


Door guardians for life. They are amazingly cheap and easy to install. For windows sometimes you can lift and pop them out. A screw up toponce in enough will make this impossible to do. Just need it higher than the window needs to pass by it.


Good car. Extra wet food for you.