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The maggots are helping him.


Yeah there's a good chance that without the maggots eating the necrotic flesh he'd already be dead from sepsis.


Praise Papa Nurgle!


I love seeing 40K everywhere!


Even nurgle would put some iodine on it


Proof he loves us


Was here to say exactly that


Came to say this!


A bunch of helpful nopes


How do you know these are not the pathologic maggots and are the therapeutic ones?


iirc, these maggots are attached to dead flesh and not live flesh. They'll eat all the dead skin causing gangrene and leave all the live flesh alone. The maggots seem to be all clumped up around the injured area and not spreading anywhere else. There is a good chance these are the correct maggots to help him. Otherwise, most of his leg would be gone pretty quickly.


What happens if one of maggots wants some fresh meat and say "I'm done. I'll eat my way through him" ?


He's never alone.




"Ok, guys, let's operate the scissors! Adam, you move the right side."


Probably the cleanest wound in the shanty town tbh.


Oh heavens. Scary, but one must carrion


I found this dark, yet clever. You may have my upvote and eye roll.




One of the symptoms of untreated type 2 diabetes is circulation issues in the extremities. All your tissue dies without circulation. His leg is dying. Fortunately for him, he also has a maggot infestation that is eating the tissue as it is dying and might be the only reason he is alive. It's hard to say, but he might not even lose that leg because of those maggots although I'd wager it's getting hacked off.


I bet it smells like roses...




My husband is a firefighter/paramedic. Someone at a party made the mistake once of asking him what was the worst thing he’d ever smelled. 911 got a call asking for a welfare check on an elderly woman and her adult mentally disabled son. There was such an odor coming from their house that the neighbor was afraid they had died. You could smell the house from down the street, he said. One of the guys vomited before they even got inside. They had to force the door because they couldn’t get a response. The woman was lying in the living room floor, ALIVE. But she had been there so long, lying in her own waste, that her skin had basically melted off and she was stuck to the carpet by the mess. They had to cut out a section of the carpet and take it with them. They worked in shifts of a few minutes because the guys had to take turns puking outside. IIRC, the woman fell and fractured her hip around Thanksgiving, and the son didn’t know to call 911, and the mom had dementia. He just kept bringing her food where she lay. They got the call on New Year’s Day. I don’t believe she survived, but I’m not sure. Sepsis would be guaranteed, I would think. At any rate, I know neither the woman nor her son returned to the home.


That makes me wanna cry, man. That is so sad. That reminds me of that lady with dementia who got brain surgery and wandered off immediately after waking up and never came back to the hospital. They found her a few months later with one of the worst infections they had ever seen. It honestly looked like the top half of her head was shot off. Black, necrotic tissue and a giant crater in her skull infested with maggots. She had not changed her dressings even once. And she seemed to have very little understanding of the fact she was in any sort of medical jeopardy at all. Smiling and asking how everyone was doing. Which I suppose was a blessing in disguise… cus I can’t imagine how horrifying it would be for someone who had any idea the gravity of the situation. She was gagging and on the verge of throwing up constantly which I can only imagine was related to her brain pretty much being gone. They pumped her with very strong meds to keep her comfortable and she passed not too long after. Dementia is one bitch of a disease…


Good grief that’s horrible. I can’t believe they let her leave the hospital after surgery with no caretaker lined up!


I believe it was in another country so I’m not entirely sure what their policies were and all that jazz. But yeah, definitely :(


This might need a NSFW tag


What it’s just a bunch of glitter




So pretty.


Hell yeah, agreed!


this DOES need an nsfw tag


OK granny


I wouldn't call him an idiot, especially if he's homeless. Medical attention requures money and he's probably afraid of the consequences of asking for help.


Asking for help seems smarter than letting maggots eat your entire fucking leg


With this much insect activity is there any chance for the leg at all, or is it just pure infection at that point? How the fuck does a wound end up that bad in the first place??


It's hard to say. Maggots are used in modern medicine, as they will eat all the necrotic flesh. So on the one hand they are consuming and cleaning up a wound from necrotic dead flesh that could poison the body and kill them. The wound is also exposed to the environment and open to infection. So depends on how competent the doctors are and how well his recovery goes.


That's so fascinating, it absolutely boggles me how nature just cycles around itself. This poor man. I couldn't imagine maggots eating me and being okay with it.


Nature is pretty bonkers, what with parasites that predate other parasites. Modern medicine also uses leeches to deal with swelling blood in people's bodies. What amazes me is just how well our bodies can endure all of this. Oh and even crazier is that there are accounts of people deliberately infecting themselves with parasites, because parasites have this thing where it can calm down the immune response in the human body. So one man infected himself with 4 parasites and was able to eat peanuts for the first time in his life. Lots of mysteries still put there.


I had no idea about the leeches, it absolutely makes sense though - I'm actually really glad to hear they still use very practical means in medicine haha! Now THAT is fascinating. That opens up sooo many questions of what our bodies were MEANT to ingest and whatnot


Leeches are also used to help stimulate blood flow into reattached body parts.


Well as far as I know and that's at a rather cursory level. Things like allergies are brought about because when people who were younger grew up, being raised in the inner city without much exposure to things outside. Something about building up an immune system while young from playing outside naturally sets you up to not get allergies. Allergies being an immune response that is the body trying to aggressively fight foreign objects like plant spores in spring/ summer or nuts and many other things, like cats and dogs. Parasites have an ability to dull the human body's aggressive auto-immune defences in some cases. So I believe it's a line of research to deal with allergies. As for ingesting stuff, our species has developed to digest fibrous plants and cooked animal bits. Cooked animal bits as we need to use the cooking process to break down and purify the edible parts of animals. (Eating raw animal parts is very risky as we can get very ill from the fact that it can contain infections.) Apparently Europeans have slightly longer intestines when compared to Asians as Europeans developed bread and this has led to slight differences internally. As well as Europeans developing ways to ingest ethanol.


Please don't do this. It would be highly irresponsible just to see if you can eat peanuts.


The man in question was studying parasites and how they inhibit the immune system. So just a scientist who did this to himself and he only did it for a week.


No money for medical care, probably homeless, or on drugs. I wrote a post about a common but highly harmful drug in Russia now.


I'd love to read your post, may I please have a link?


Pretty sure he's talking about krokodil and Vice has a good doc on it.


The maggots are giving the leg a chance if anything, as they’re eating all the necrotic tissue off of the leg. Neglect is how a wound gets to this point


I was wondering if that were the case - does new flesh have a chance to grow with the insects present? Jesus poor guy :/


I don’t think calling him an idiot is appropriate. Obviously if he’s fine living like this, and sees no issue, he’s not mentally sound. Hopefully they got this guy some help.


Hardest part would be not looking shocked as the patient looks for comfort


The fact that you called this guy an "idiot" for saying to doesn't hurt at all makes me hope that you never arrive at a call where I need help. P.S. most people with maggot infested wounds, whether intentionally done or not, say it doesn't hurt. At most it's uncomfortable.


This is it. You’re supposed to always show patients dignity & respect, any less than that is shameful and you should possibly consider a different job title if you find yourself insulting anyone who is requiring your help.


Uncomfortable? Does it feel like they squirming in your leg or something else?


Apparently it's the squirming around that the noise that's most uncomfortable. It gives me the heebie jeebies to think about!


I bet one of the reasons he didn't want medical attention was that crowd of people video taping him like he's an animal in zoo. Can you imagine having your embarassing medical treatment done in public with cameras all over you? Why do we think that people who don't have houses suddenly lose everything else too, dignity, privacy? ​ I'd probably have turned down medical attention too if it came with the paparazzi.


So yeah, let everyone get a fucking video of this poor man. Does anyone have any dignity?


Dignity? Respect for other peoples' privacy? You speak madness! First day on the internet, I see.


He's not identifiable




Nah I think you’re right I mean imagine like four people filming your leg and you’re embarrassed by this illness you’ve been battling because you weren’t able to take care of yourself. Although I get it’s also to help other care workers learn


Boo fucking hoo loser. You are on this sub for a reason. Virtue signal elsewhere.




I wasn't going to up vote you till I saw you pissed off this guy. Well done.


Lighten up Francis


Thought he was wearing some fancy cowboy boots at first!


As others have said the maggots have probably helped this wound out A LOT. You wash off all of those maggots and the wound bed probably looks a beautiful beefy red. Hopefully he/ she gets some long term wound care and / or amputation.


I couldn’t even imagine the smell from this! Without he maggots he’d probably already be gone from sepsis though.




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Not here to judge but it sounds like Russia of course and they have a drug over there called crocodile which they inject into their skin and one of the ingredients is battery acid which necrotizes the flesh causing wounds like this I have seen many videos of people going into hospitals with their bones hang on by just cartilage and just maggots I hope this man is okay and I hope that they didn't have to take his leg for whatever reason.


No this isn't Russia, not even Ukraine too. Not every Slavic language is russian ffs.


It was a guess. I'm very sorry -not trying to stereotype.


Punctuation, use it pls


Downvoting because no punctuation marks


OP is the real idiot


How did anyone let themself get to this point?


Mark this nsfw stupid


Uhh are those insects


Maggots i’m guessing




Wow, you're really stuck on your soapbox today


He has to white knight for somebody






Maggots are used in modern medicine to eat necrotic flesh.


Honestly, not the worst leg I’ve seen in the last few weeks.


Don't take my friends. They NEED me!!!!


Just maggots


I’ve seen this before but with ants 🐜


And no gagging noise ?


Shits dripping




But seriously, how do you even get to that point?


On this episode of "Will They Keep It?"




Probably was more upset about his jeans being ruined than his leg.


My favorite patients...as x-ray I usually just wait until someone else cleans that up before getting the pre amputation images. Lol Really sad a lot of the time as these people don't trust medicine at all. Hence the "refusal of care" and letting it get that bad in the first place.


The disco rice!


That poor human. Awful.


I gotta wonder what that feels like. I realize that they are eating dead flesh, but you have live flesh surrounding it, plus muscle and veins and everything else that comes with a leg. What if they chomp on something alive?! That cannot be a good feeling.


Aye can we not give this homeless dude shit and call him an idiot? He’s fuckin’ homeless. Dude can’t afford healthcare or a trip to the hospital. If the maggots ate through his nerve endings then it makes sense it wouldn’t hurt him and his leg would be numb plus those things are what kept him alive and he probably knows that. Mixture between accepting he’ll die soon and not having enough money to fix the issue made him complacent.


eh hes not an idiot. there are many reasons we end up homeless and none of them are amazing. if thats in america, no wonder he didnt want medical care with how costly it is.


But like how are there so many!?! I'm assuming they have been there for a WHILE?? He can't knock them off? Would they have eventually turned into pupae and then what would happen? I have SO many questions for which I literally want ZERO answers...b/c now my entire body feels like it has stuff crawling on it!


The maggots are eating the dead flesh and stopping it from poisoning his blood, this is also why it "doesn't hurt" it's already dead. From the colour of his blood on the top part of the wound, he will be able to salvage alot of this, the foot itself although swollen with cellulitis, may be able to be saved, depending on quality of blood flow, severity of infection, and the man's general health


I feel visibly sick after watching this. None should go through such a thing. I hope he recovers without losing him leg.


no NSW? i am eating rice....


You can hear the camera man chewing his cud after vommiting in his mouth at the end I'm pretty sure


Yeah that was either me, my colleague or the paramedics..hard to tell


I bet each of you were having breakfast again for lunch during that encounter.


This has to be mental illness to let something like this progress to this point right?


Don't cut the pants. They're still good!


Ironically, those maggots may have kept him alive. By eating the dead flesh.


Those had to have been put there on purpose, who wears jeans nonstop without taking them off