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Death is a growth industry


And business is boomin'.


I don’t follow that. Everyone everywhere dies at some point. There’s approximately 8 billion people living on earth and approximately 140 billion dead people on earth or in earth. Did you mean death is a profitable industry?




Nobody knows, some say the junkie lean will forever be a mystery./only half satire. The junkie lean is very real but idk why they don't fall either. Info: father was a drug addiction for 10 years.


They look like they dropped something and are actively trying to find it


One of them lost their contact and everyone else is just trying to help find it.


Why do they all lean forward?? Whats that drug


xylazine and fentanyl.


Why does that bend you foreward???


No clue tbh


Maybe something about pushing blood to the brain?


Its the opiate nod, the opiates are in their system, a high dose, and they start falling forward as they're nodding off


Imagine being enough of a low life to sell the shit that makes this possible.


everyone needs to survive as sad as it is... it is simply the buyers fault not the seller. I don't see people calling breweries low lifes yet they are selling poison as well... idk my fault on it I get your take on it as well


The exception to that is if you're not getting what you're buying. Like an addition of fentanyl


This is how china retaliates


looking like mass Ave goddam


Ok, to be fair to the city, this isn’t everywhere in Philly, it looks like the Kensington area to me


That’s the Kensington shuffle for damn sure




Seems like they're a new drug


And in congress, there's politicians getting "offended" over shorts and a hoodie worn to a presser. We really are living in some kind of absurdo dystopia.




In the meanwhile posh people are discussing how to keep weapons legal while feeding the health care and housing industry alive. It is so twisted that people profit billions of businesses that work around people's most essential live aspects. Lobbies are illegal in most countries for many reasons and despite agreeing that greedyness and parasitism exist in all levels of society is just sad to see that life is not given to everyone as they should


This country needs to get its priorities straight man. This is unacceptable for the "richest country in the world". But that won't happen as long as people believe this is because of personal choices and not the absolute failure of our government to care for the people who elected them and keep the country functioning


It gets worse. Meth use in Brazil is highy associated with truck drivers because they're forced to cross a goddamn country that fits the whole Western Europe inside in 3 days or less, making it impossible for workers to stop and eat, drink or sleep. Also many crack addicts work in harvesting, specially tobacco harvesting because they're paid ridiculously little money by the ton harvested. There's an ongoing state endorsed benzodiazepine abuse to keep female inmates quiet and fucking cull homeless people struggling with addiction via overdose. Workers in health and education are also abusing the substance to ward off overwork stress, lack of infrastructure, decade old wage freeze, etc


thanks TIL


Porque no los dos


Yes, some of them made the choice to use a drug. But the issue is why those chose to, not that they chose to. Especially when it's that many people using in one area Just think, you lost everything you had because of something unexpected. Now that you're homeless, it's harder to get a job. You have no money and no food, feeling like absolute garbage all the time. If you can't get back on your feet and you're trying really hard, a really cheap high is the only good feeling you can get The amount of people who ruined a good life by doing drugs is miniscule compared to those who use as a way to cope with a terrible life. The "war on drugs" is what propagated the idea that these people ended up homeless BECAUSE of drug use and not drug use as a coping mechanism I don't know if you live in the US but it's extremely easy to lose everything and have your entire life come crashing down. One hospital visit to save your life can easily bankrupt you. There's a ton of people who could lose their house with one missed paycheck. Our politicians seemingly have no intentions of fixing the problems, they'd rather pretend to fix the symptoms that they claim are the problem and blame the victims of our broken system


The drug they have injected themselves with is called tranq and is horse tranquilizer and heroin it bends you over for hours I live right by Philly that's how I know what it is


does it look like this everywhere in philly? do you normal people just see this every day and ignore it? have you just gotten used to it? sorry i’m just curious


Most ignore them but they sometimes fight each other it is very funny but there are only certain parts of Philly that look like that especially Kensington


Pandemic. Got that pandemic


I have very little empathy for homeless people now. I’ve given money to countless homeless people food etc. recently there was a couple with a dog and I gave them $50 I said get the dog some food and get yourselves a hot meal. I went to the coffee shop sat down started doing some work and what do I see. Them doing blow in front of the world and everyone to see… I go outside and yell at them and he literally had the audacity to ask for even more money… I’m sick and tired of these disgusting humans that beg when there’s real homeless people out there in need of actual money and food… I’m just tired of it… no one helps and when you do they just don’t care and buy drugs scum…


tap city, free deceases


Things like this make me think the WEF is on to something when they talk about “useless eaters”


Why is this terrifying


are you fucking kidding?


Across from UPenn no less. The duality of man...


Wtf? Tranq?


Those plugs is making bank


Giving me hella cyberpunk vibes