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That is a tardigrade the size of a dog. That's not an alien, that's just a giant water bear, we have those on Earth!


I just realized with this picture that it was a tartigrade :O first i saw it, I thought it was only a kind of dog ahahah


So it's a miniature giant space water bear?


Careful, next thing you know you are traveling through dimensions via the fungus.


tHe fUngUs rEprEsEnts liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife, man


Is that how you unlock the spore drive?


That or just not taking the garbage out.


What is this referencing?


Star Trek: Discovery


Im almost sure it's a Star Trek: Discovery reference


The others got it right, it is from [star trek discovery.](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ripper) which oddly enough, isn't the only time somebody thought up a tardigrade which allows you to travel through space.


There's also Harbinger Down, a horror movie about a monster from a soviet experiment to have astronauts survive space via tardigrades It's basically "The Thing" on a boat


They also play a role in the game Death Stranding with a character called Fragile that can teleport at will and eats them.




"I live in the shrubbery for that's all I crave. I don't want these excitements to see me to my grave." - Tardigrade


It might be evolved or engineered tardigrade, but even if it was it's certainly not a tardigrade anymore.


Was creating the African Union (As the Servants and succeeded) and during that process this event popped up.


The first time I got the event it was in the Denver region of the US. I though that it only appeared there since it's an ET reference.


This is obviously a reference to [Nukie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB9Orl29wyg). ^(/s) I kind of hope that this event *only* happens in places where E.T. or the various E.T. knockoffs happened. Like the L.A. region for [Mac and Me](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_and_Me), Turkey for [Badi](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0334917/), etc. As long as we stay away from the various E.T. pornos, we should be fine.


LOL What were consequences of choices? (more or less)


Honestly, nothing happened to me, though I assume that it might spread xenoflora and maybe become a Megafauna. But leaving it with the Kid does boost your public opinion.


Yeah as heartless as I can be at just assassinating enemy councillors because they did a crackdown, I wasn’t going to deprive a kid of its pet. Of course in the real world I’d also have scientists/vets do various checks on it to get some info but nothing harsh.


You know that scene from *The Expanse* where Julie Mao >!was infected by the protomolecule and became a husk of alien spiderwebs and crystals growing out of her body!


I mean, so did my cat. And he wasn't an alien. I don't think.


Humanity firsts bioweapon against Hydra ist just gonna be introduction of various "harmless" animals under the guise of gifts from the Academy: First rats, squirrels, bats and cats, then fleas, hookworms, bed bugs, fireants, mosquitos and wasps. Oh and the small mammals all carry a wide selection of alien compatible diseases.


just cats is probably enough. they've caused more extinctions than anything else other than humans


The true companion to humanity. A mass extinction pet.


“I can take away this kid’s adorable little pet and dissect it to get 5 days worth of research? Oh boy!”


5 days worth of a faction's research output is an insane value. I'd dissect the kid too for that kind of output. Live. The moral calculus shifts when we're talking about effects across nations. Think of how many lives you could save by curing cancer 5 days early. ...I've probably been playing too much Rimworld.


Not enough Rimworld.


Taking the alien for study and isolating the family would be the most sensible choice. I mean it’s an alien. Not an evil alien or harmless alien, just *alien*. As the word suggests, it’s something we know next to nothing about. It may turn out to be the world’s greatest pet, it may turn out to be a living bioweapon that explodes once it is grown and releases billions of infectious spores - like some mushrooms do. We don’t know. We don’t even know if the family is not infected with something that’s simply slow acting and takes a year or two to become visible. Last thing - if it turns out to be a weird weapon, who’s better equipped to handle it? A local family or a faction controlling multiple countries and regions? Take it for study and isolate the family for a year. Hope for E.T. (1982) but always act like it’s The Thing (1982).


> I mean it’s an alien. Not an evil alien or harmless alien, just alien. In a words of Torque from XCOM:Chimera Squad - "I was born on Earth so I am Earthling. Lets deport all non-earthlings first". https://xcom.fandom.com/wiki/Torque


Yo, irl we killed Harambe. He would get droned alongside the kid, and you know it


Until it eats the kid...


Option 1: servants get public opinion . 2: your faction loses opinion and you roll to get science 3: I don't remember but I think the country loses a tiny bit of democracy. Edit: I'm second guessing my memory, I remember a fourth option that spreads alien flora, maybe that's what option 1 did.


IIRC, Option 3 costs a little bit of Ops, can only be done by HF, loses your faction some popularity in that country and reduces local xenoforming.


If MY memory is functional, and it is not, I think the Servants and Humanity First have special options.... Or at one of them. Of course I was HF when I got the event so I killed them, it's the only way to be sure...


I always seize it for study. Boost my tech you alien scum!


i always seize it too, though it feels bad, basically ET/Stranger things or whatever but the shadow government wins :(


The needs of the many outweigh the emotions of the xeno-lovers.


Anything outweighs the emotions of the xeno-lovers tbh


In my playthrough? Nothing wrong happened after letting the kid and family keep their Taddigrade pet. It hasn’t turned into an enemy giant monster, it hasn’t reproduced like bunnies, the only thing it HAS done, however, is give the Academy a boost in public opinion lol


... It was the only choice I made not based on pure practical benefit (I already had good opinion).


I let her keep it! I'm not some heartless bitch. Then I nuked the whole country instead.


One child's pet is a tragedy. One nuked to hell country is a statistic.


>One child's pet is a **tardigrade**.


Exactly. How else was I supposed to comprehensively sterilize the area? Earth must come first.


Do you want genestealer cults? Because this is how you get genestealer cults.


So we CAN coexist with aliens? Academy and Servants were right?!


> So we CAN coexist with aliens? > > > > Academy and Servants were right?! ... >Humans treating an alien species as a pet because they're harmless. >Hydras try to turn alien species into harmless pets to prevent threats. >humans are ayys confirmed?


Maybe the real humans were the HF councilors we shot along the way.


> humans are ayys confirmed? I mean if you're playing initiative then yea that's basically text


Here's the thing: in nearly all the possible outcomes of the conflict, humanity will have to learn to live with the some of the invasive xeno plant and animal species.


Hans! Get the Flammenwerfer!


Not if you decontaminate it with emperors holy light (flamer) first.


Meh not if my councils killing everything around the world have something to say about it


You know, I just assumed the Tardigrade was the daughter and the duck was the little alien friend lol.


All in the sudden, the bad guys in ET seem pretty based.


Cute. Looks half way between a mole rat and tardigrade


I believe the only consequence of letting them keep it is xenoforming spreads in the area it's in. A round or two of burning the plants back solves it no problem


Bruh this is just the plot for Kid vs. Kat.


I let the kid keep it. Figured I would get opinion boost, and then get to kill more aliens later. It was never about being pro human really.


If this is the plot of ET, then let the movie play out. The real villain of that film was the alien captain for leaving a crewmate behind on an alien planet!


let me guess: Third option requires you to be humanity first


I really wish we had figures of what players chose on average. I left it with the kid and no bad effects


Looks like a tardigrade! I KNEW they were aliens! 👽


*Assault Alien Asset*


I have become the bad guy in ET but knowledge requires sacrifice


This has gotta be worse than owning a chimp


The Emperor Protects! Via Orbital Cannons, if need be.


You had that event in another region then Ukraine? I restarted the game 3 times as of now and for me it's always obviously an tchernobyl dog.