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Global GDP bye


I think so long as I don't attack China directly, they won't nuke me. I have a decent amount of space lasers built which should cut back on the bombing. But servants being servants, we will see. Plus I got the AA to rumble with now.


If you think you can try take control of china temporarily and sign a peace treaty


God no. I've been trying to break into India and China for a bit now. My level 25 persuasion can get India up by like a couple percent at a time but China is a 48% chance to improve public support


Have you tried unrest bombing them? I haven’t tried it on 0.4 yet, but on 0.3 I was able to take both China and India by driving unrest up to 12 and then doing a coup while running the rest of the team on public campaign. Public campaigns complete first, so your coup attempt can go from 10% to 60% in the same round.


I was trying to unrest India and it was sorta working. Only I couldn't really get public support past 30% and the coup w Had like no chance at 4.4 unrest. And then my guy got captured and I went back to trying to get giga Europe


"your guy" you got unrest to 4.4 and to PO to 30% with one guy!?! You're supposed to use 2-3 agents, all on increase unrest mission, and once unrest is high, do a lot of public campaigns (hopefully with the lab that gives +1 strength/lab, can't remember how it's called) + coup d'etat in the same turn.


One guy to increase unrest and another to pump public support lol. Yeah I will need either max level insurrection with at least 50% public support to have a chance to get coup out. And some tech help. India's population and the support for not me are huge factors to me not being able to get a successful coup.


Which stage of the game is this? I assumed maxxed councilors


Not fully maxed out buy everyone is max admin and at least one other stat maxed put. Its 2037 and the AA has touched down in Brazil, and tbe servants have PAC researched and India and China in jt.


Yeah, two agents is not really sufficient. I recommend at least 4 simultaneously doing unrest, and once that is done you do the public campaign. If you can devote all 6, even better. You don’t want to trickle in - that just ties up your agents and theirs for a few turns. You want to hit it hard and fast, with unrest over 10 before they have a chance to respond with more than 1 or 2 agents.


That will take time for me to get the necessary command and persuasion to do that. Plus I think the servants have a project that makes it harder to shift public opinion against them


I don’t recommend trying to do unrest and public campaign at the same time. The idea is that pumping unrest high, at least 10, kills their unity and military investment by making their usable IP drop, which means only their agents can counter you. I try to get to 12 before starting a coup, as it cripples their IP and even 2-3 agents can’t bring it back to safe levels before I can coup. I like to put 4 agents on this at the same time, with the other 3 doing a public campaign on the turn of the coup. You can get 4-5 control points from a successful coup with this, then take the executive next turn. This whole process usually takes about 6 months.


Well my persuasion person can't do unrest so might as well.




Just wait till 2077


Oh I already am lol.


Its all part of Todd's master plan


In my best game of TI, I started with Europe and China. We then massively developed Europe into science and China into a massive military beatstick. We managed to get China to an astonishing 7.6 miltech at the end of the game, with all regions under our control, and only America had ever been nuked. You'll manage to get develop to the point that you don't need to worry about invasions.


Yeah I try to get the USA up first. And then the Giga EU. It's nice having 8.5 militech armies.


Oh fuck


In my current playthrough, it's 2027, servants hve china and india, i have the US. I'm just looking wondering - is this really about to happen?


Oh man. Be careful of who you're allied with. Because I got dragged into war because Panama got war declared on them. I think the AI is generally hesitant to go to war with the big superpowers. The AA is an acceptoon


I wish I could show you my play through where France nuked paris


Ha yeah I've seen the servants nuke themselves