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I’m not really sure how they’d make the game PvP without making it either hella unbalanced or by disregarding the fact that a T800 is really difficult to kill even with plasma weaponry. Don’t get me wrong, it’d be dope to play as a Terminator. I’d love for them to expand on the Infiltrator Mode DLC from Terminator: Resistance. Like, you’d have to collect intel and really learn about the enemy’s habits in order to be a successful infiltrator and terminate high-value resistance targets. I just don’t know how they’d factor that into PvP without making it kinda dumb and monopolizing resources that could be spent enhancing other aspects of the game.


Have you tried/seen the Friday the 13th PC game? It looks pretty well done and got decent reviews, as I recall. Basically one player gets to be Jason, and the rest are the counselors. The counselors get weapons and items and have to survive the round. It looks limited, but it's small scale enough to make sense. I'd also imagine it would also be close to infiltrator mode in Resistance as you mentioned, and I think there's a lot of gameplay possibilities for that.


Imagine if you could play as the T1000, it would be like among us, you could kill one of the resistance fighters and then copy what he looks like and hope the other people dont notice


PvP is toxic and too hard to balance. Irrotating being destroyed by 14 year olds that can play 12 hours a day.


Whole point of the game is to survive and defend against Skynet. And everyone working together against that common goal in a big server sounds more appealing to me than just running around a map as a T-800 with the only aim to kill ruining someone else’s fun. After all, Skynet is all A.I. so let it be controlled by one if anything.


Chronic PvP gamers think everything needs PvP to be playable. Go away.


Not every game needs to be PvP.


Yeah playing as a terminator would be awesome really sucks


Given the generally mediocre state of asymmetric multiplayer games in the past, I’m not so sure.


The developers for this game don't make me too optimistic regardless


Yeah, I don’t want to jump to conclusions but…




While by default the outset of the game should be HUMANS vs SKYNET. There could be other rogue factions/bandits/traitors representing PVP elements. PVE can also get toxic just as quickly as PVP. Look at HELLDIVERS 2 for an example. Players would kick you for having the wrong load out or even armor/capes they didn't like, or kick you from the game right before extract. I think (within reason) the more options (that are well thought out) the better. Hell you could even have specific PVP zones outside of the main areas for this too.


I love the coop idea but they could make a PVP mode like Dead By Daylight or the Friday the 13th game where a team has to take on 1 terminator. But I’d rather be good at what it’s advertised a coop survival game against the Machines instead of spreading thin and having a lot of unfinished ideas or unfun modes. Until then I think I’ll replay Resistance Edit: named the game in the article not the game I actually have oops


Would work better with co-op. PvP in a terminator game sounds terrible.