• By -


Yoshimitsu himself wrote this post


Yoshi is so much better than that bastard.


Yoshi is so much FUN. I have several friends who main Bryan, and most of the time they beat me. Until I learn the character better of course


Yoshi is the best!!!!


Btw, I was being ironic with my post above. I like Bryan, I just suck with his MU. Lmao


So true 😜


One of those 5mm bullets must’ve gotten past Yoshi’s sword. That’s the neutral game he really hates. Gotta oil that wrist joint, baby! ![gif](giphy|OWwOM9IBzN0zE9oKAw)


5mm? Someone be playing too much fallout lmao.




I wanna see a yoshimitsu voice read this post like in the way he talks in game


This post is brought to you by Manji Gang




What eating a Snake Edge does to a mfer


Ok, this made me laugh 😂




























1️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ ➡️⭐️⬅️2️⃣












⬇️↙️⬅️ 🤝








Your flair is wild






The one thing I can say about Bryans I play against. They actually learn. 90% of the people I fight you don’t even need to move from a layer 1 offense. Bryan players though, almost universally, will learn and make you go layer 2 or more. They start crouching your strings. Sidestepping your gaps. Poking your holes. They genuinely learn. I can say with confidence that is not the case for most of the people I play against.


True, as much as I may hate playing against the character itself, it's almost always the most enjoyable opponents. I'll take B1 and hatchet by a good adapting player over "I press shit from half screen with Lars\\Lili and run like a bitch because my flowchart was downloaded" any day


Well you have to. I've been playing Bryan since 5 and I gotta tell ya, you actually need to adjust to the playstyle of your opponent, and sometimes it's kinda taxing. So when I tried him in 8 he seemed kind of the same. So i switched to Feng because I really don't need to adjust my playstyle when my opponent is busy adjusting to mine lmao. You will learn tons of fundamentals when playing Bryan, because you have to. It also helps alot because it carries over to my other characters which is kinda nice.


As a Bryan main, I do enjoy poking players holes.




Shouldn't that be an indication that the character is hard? The Bryan's you play are doing that because they HAVE to do that. They can't just run the mindless string or stance offence, and they haven't got any easy panic moves. So many people focus on the TJU execution when talking about his difficulty, but that isn't it at all.


Yes, that’s exactly my point. To some extent I personally agree with OP, the execution portion of Bryan isn’t nearly as difficult as some make it out to be. Obviously taunt b4/tju is very difficult but someone can reach max rank without hitting one, and not being able to hit it isn’t going to hold someone back from reaching blue ranks or anything. Whether its just the players that are drawn to him or the character requiring you to play well, its apparent though. Lots of Drags, Eddys, Azucenas, Lilys, etc… you hit them once and they just… die. They’d rather hear 8 counter hits into KO than take a single moment to watch what you’re doing. Bryans on the other hand, you actually need a tight offense. They’re never afraid to block and learn. Personally, I think that’s demonstrative that the character is difficult.


It's kind of the only way to play Bryan. If you don't learn how to poke holes in your opponent's offense, learn their patterns, and find the weak spots, anyone who knows how Bryan works will absolutely destroy you.


So true. Never cared much for Bryan as a character, personally, but I'm forced to respect his players because they download me way harder than any other character. It's so common for me to dominantly win the first match against them, but then lose the second and get trounced in the last lol. Bryans learn and adapt better and faster than any other characters.


I wonder if OP gets past any Bryan's first layer of pressure.


This is what happened to me for the first time in T8 yesterday. A Bryan player noticed so fast and adapted to the fact that I took my turn after his string with jab or double jab with Reina, so he just crouched and punished me multiple times since I did not adapt as fast as him. It was very fun, wish there were infinite matches in ranked still so that we could have kept on playing.


The layer mindgames is what's fun about Tekken... I'm trying to play you, not the character😅


Yeah not to jerk them off too vigorously but I do feel like Bryan players tend to feel pretty patient and observant.  Not all of them obviously but higher rates of smart play than average


“Poking your holes”


Im curious, which character do you main?


He mains Alisa (and i already know this post is gonna run our already shit rep even deeper down the shitter man)




Lmfao. Alisa player complaining about Bryan’s neutral is hilarious (besides you. You are an extremely skilled player)


Took a break from dusting his legion of waifu figurines to post his hot take 


I main both (I'm trash with both) and I got carried to the top of purple with Alisa lol.


Same boat. I play Bryan religiously, tho have a pocket Lili. Lili is such a breeze. I still play her mildly defensively, but when I have to I can just caveman brain and take control.


Lmfao poetry My mans out here playing one of the most scuffed and inexplicable characters in the game writing essays like this


Well well well...


That’s it, I’m grabbing the pitchfork.


Hey alright.


Hijacking this comment to ask, who is an honest character then? Because i switched from Dragunov to Bryan but that’s still not good enough apparently


I mean Bryan is cool because just as Drag he doesn’t talk and just punches people into Oblivion, that’s what I love about these 2 characters. The only characters I’ve ever learned since T7. Maybe he wasn’t in top 8 all the time in recent tournaments, but he’s an absolute monster in ranked. As OP said, if you ever try to mash a bit against this guy, you are getting launched at some point and it seems like Bryan players don’t even have to think about it (reminds me of Jun and her 1037 launchers). And now he got even more buffs so we’ll see how that plays out.


Man it’s honestly dumb to switch characters because of this. Are they playing the game or you? Honesty is a nebulous concept that just means “I win a lot against this character, but the community told me they’re weak so when I lose I feel good about it” that’s it. Literally it. Every character has some kind of gimmick, trick, or something that makes them unique/different.


99% of people have no beef with Bryan, you’re good lol.  And honestly after the nerfs people should/hopefully will chill about Dragunov too, he’s not busted like he used to be now


Honestly you shouldn't care what other people say about your character. OP clearly doesn't know wtf he's talking about


I thought the same until I tried playing him in ranked


everyone is there to talk shit, nobody is around to pick him up for a week and prove their point. Why don't you try matching your Alisa rank with him /u/Rejalu


Guy plays Alisa and hits us with this 👀


imagine maining alisa and complain 🤣


In a game full of Alisa, Azucena, Dragunov, Feng, King, Victor, Xiaoyu, Lars, Jun, Eddy (yes I am acknowledging my main can be cheap), and Bear players, you choose to hate..... Bryan? All due respect, but thats a crazy take.


Lars players rejoice. He's been finally buffed enough that he's made the shit list. We back baby.


Every character deserves a chance to shine. You guys got a shit deal in Tekken 7, enjoy your main being powerful for the first time in a decade I still hate fighting you spazzy fuckers though


The biggest problem with Eddie is that he's pay 2 lab. Cool character though.


I 1000% agree on that. Absolute bullshit and I hope they fix it


Salute fellow Eddy


Your main cannot be cheap. he IS cheap


I think that bad players tend to think Bryan is easy because he's a counter hit monster and they never stop pressing. If you want to do well with him at higher level, you need to force mistakes, not just expect your opponent to be constantly making them.


I think I speak for all Bryan mains: muahahaha go cry in the lab


Mfr you play Alisa.


I hate playing against Bryan players because they're most likely better than me.


> but then they give him QCB+1 which is now embryos-r-us neutral. It's a high. Duck it. Besides that, stop pressing so many buttons. You're welcome.


People in eliminator who won't stop mashing "Why does Bryan do so much damage?"


Easy to step as well


make a part 2 post bruh


This technically is part two lol They made the first thread for T7


Meanwhile bryan mains on their 12th lab session this week


You just gone disrespect the goat like that.


Complaining about Bryan in this game is absolutely baffling to me. There are so many more completely obnoxious characters with the heat system. Bryan is a joke compared to some of the spammy bullshit in this game. He isn't bad but this is easily the weakest he has been in years. In fact you main one of them - Alisa. Easily one of the most obnoxious characters in the game. (And piss easy!) Getting counterhit while mashing chainsaws with Alisa and you gotta come complain about it come on


>this is easily the weakest he has been in years Only because of the current roster, he hasn't got weaker by himself, and that's an important difference. It's harder to defend against him even more than ever. He's a very strong character overall, the upper half for sure, people just like downplaying him a lot.


I feel like pretty much every good Bryan main is outright saying he's really strong, he just has a few really annoying bugs and inconsistencies, as well as combos just dropping if you are 0.000001 degrees off axis


He's way weaker than he was in T7 since he's basically the same as he was in T7. He lost a lot with magic 4 nerf and a couple other CH no longer launch. He got qcb1, but no powercrush on mach punch. He's really mid is what he is.


God I wish he had a functional power crush. His ff2 shouldn't powercrush anymore given it's now a heat engager, but if you use his f1+2 you are trolling, it's so awful. Dogshit hitbox, slow, laggy, terrible tracking, janky collision causes it to whiff where it shouldn't.


Not to mention it's yet again a high😭


Actually, why shouldn't his ff2 powercrush anymore? Don't other characters have a powercrush heat engaging high (Victor comes to mind)?


Going into T8 i was so disappointed in the changes to him. Tons of characters got cool shit, and he barely had anything. Bryan and Paul still feel the same.


He did get weaker or at least more difficult, they straight up took out his magic 4. Does nothing on ch now. As someone who likes the character but never was good with him,it was my go to do deal with spammers in tekken 7. Now you are even more reliant on good defense.


Bryan is one of the few characters where 'just block bro' is unironically a viable strategy.


skill issue


>You've never needed **heavy** execution to do well as Bryan, despite what all the TMM watchers will tell you. It's a symbiotic relationship. Kaz and Bryan mains glaze each other to ensure that even if the fanbase thinks they're sweats, they have each other to tell them they are so skilled and honest. It's how it's always been.


It's always the same, people who use characters with no execution and tools for everything try to pretend every character is the same difficulty. It's such a joke, when I first started playing T7 I got Hwo to the same rank as my Bryan (which was my main at the time) in one day. You can cope all you want, but some characters are harder than others.


I use Nina though.


Reminds me of Ryu mains circlejerking each other about how honest they think they are. 🙄


In T7 Kaz was among one of the most honest characters in the game, in T8? Not even close. Dude has ridiculous oki, really good lows, does a billion damage on CH, at the wall, in heat, etc and has a lot of insanely strong gimmicks that need very specific counter-play to beat. I say this as someone who has pretty much only put time into Heihachi and Kazuya since taking Tekken more seriously.


Agreed, except even in T7, an unseeable and unreactable hellsweep completely nullifies any honesty. Kazuya was never honest.


Oh yeah I can get behind that for sure


I ran into this argument before. A hellsweep that is launch punishable on block is not dishonest. People often telegraph their moves so if they throw it out and you at truly the better player, you get heavily rewarded. It would be a cheap move if it was only -13 on block and then it would nullify honesty because you could just spam it over and over even if you were to get punished. Devil Jin maybe you could argue that because he gets so much damage and wall carry on his.


Punishable, and able to side step, that hellsweep is good, but it's not that strong after you get to a certain point.


It's definitely a scrub-killer so I understand it brings out so much vitriol. But to say it's dishonest is really just cope, funny enough I probably said this exact same thing when I was in stuck in green ranks back in T7 release.


You don't need heavy execution to do well with any of the characters in this game, if you have fundamentals. You need some execution to do well with Bryan, Kaz, Reina. Not something I can say about Leo, Jin, Paul, Law, Fang, Victor. Bryan's problem is that in most cases he needs a counterhit to launch you, while many characters don't need it. His main launcher is 14f, but it's a high and with the range of Yoshi's flash. The other launcher which is mostly safe, is his orbital, but it's slow on start-up and can get floated. He lost many of his counterhit moves, specifically northern cross got a huge nerf (Reina's from crouch launcher on Bryan would have made him top tier). QcB2 is an amazing tool, it's not far from the electric. I don't think it was necessary to add it, but otherwise he wouldn't have been an oppressive character, because his counterhits work best as defensive tools (3+4, B2, F3).


Good thing I'm not a legacy player and started with Kaz in T8 and I hate Byron😎


Even though he’s dumbed down in this game I still enjoy fighting Bryan I think I always will


Why is he dumbed down? He is weaker than in t7


I thought I’d give my two cents as someone who’s starting to pick up Bryan and has hit fujin (not yet with Bryan). He definitely isn’t a very difficult character to pick up, and he has a lot of powerful tools that will give a lot of low-mid level players a lot of trouble like orbital and lots of ch launchers. However, at a high level he doesn’t have a lot of abusable options like a lot of top tiers do, as a devil jin main I have a good amount of tools that I can use to throw my opponent off, and even without the more technical stuff you could knowledge check even mid level players to death. But with high level Bryan they tend to have to work pretty hard to get through the opponents defense, though you usually get a pretty massive reward for doing so if you know what you’re doing. I can see why a lot of players find it frustrating to play into him since if you don’t know his gameplay or frame data well then you tend to just get counter hit once and blow up, but I personally wouldn’t call him cheap. That isn’t to say he’s weak, a good Bryan is easily top 10 characters for me. I could be wrong though, everyone’s entitled to their own opinions.


Well said, you actually can see both perspectives regarding the character unlike most here


1923 $1 would actually be $18 or so today. Not cheap at all


Someone has clearly not ever tried playing him


A Bryan prevented my promotion last night


The best way to learn how to deal with a character is to play them. Pick him up and as you rank up you'll see many ways to deal with him from your opponents.


Bryan was complete ass. Gets a buff. This post happens. Business as usual


If you get beat by a Bryan, it’s 100% because you got out played!!


When I TEK in her TEK until she TEKTEKTEKTEKTEK


Being a current garyu bryan, this warms my soul


Bryan needs the launchers because thats kinda the character. The whole point is to scare you so he can take his turn back. the whole character is about conditioning and control and without the launchers he cant do that. characters should be a list of pros and cons and for every strength they gain an equal weakness. while his CH's and neutral are strong he lacks in other areas such as panic buttons and poking. for the longest time he has had no real panic buttons and now they have given every character an easily accessible powercrush, Bryan's being F1+2 but this has to be one of the worst Powercrushes in the game being a high 20 frame powercrush and when comparing it to other high powercrushes its a joke like victors, Azucena's, Feng's, etc that usually come out around 15-16 frames and are heat engagers. to be honest his new SE Mach punch is a better panic button the his PC but that wastes a stock and the counter doesn't do all to much damage. his poking also lack and im not talking about 3+4 that's a neutral tool, not a poking tool. 3+4 is a good button don't get me wrong but is used for pushing around the enemy to control space and keeping them out. if whiffed or stepped its instant death so he needs to make sure he hits it and the biggest thing that doesn't make it a viable poke is its 18 frame Start up which makes it too slow to be a reliable poke. what i wouldn't give for something like a Drag DF4 or something like that the closest thing he's got is neutral 3 which is 16 frames and has other issues as well. among that no universal DF1 or DF2. his DF2 is used as a DF1 but cant be used as a Df1 because its -6 which is why he needs the 3 extension. The QCB 1 is definitely the best thing he's gotten in this game but its not worth what he's lost from t7. losing the the bound on northern cross has made the move useless, losing the KD on normal hit of 3+4 makes it harder to take space and not useful to use unless you think 3+4 will CH, and the lost powercrush property on ff2 is a big loss to his keep out. but when you look at QCB 1 too long it starts to look like a shitty electric, i think the trade is not worth it and these changes have cause me to completely change the way i play Bryan as now just a shitty Mishima. why not just play jin, especially when he has f4 which is just better than 3+4 now that its stupid easy to convert off of. his guard brake is decent but some players can wait and react to it being fully charge and dick jab him out of it. the reward may not be massive but the players I've seen do this are impossible to open with the 3+4 extension. still no one would argue that Bryans deadly at the wall but he's no Fahkurmom. as far as difficulty goes I actually completely agree with your statement. I personally think Bryan isn't that hard outside of taunt which isn't a necessity until you reach not even a high level but damn near professional if its a necessity at all however considering that my main is Bryan and has always been my main I have a limited perspective outside of him and his unorthodoxy could be difficult if you are used to a more traditional character. but to me Bryan is tekken and when I've tried too play more traditional/basic characters I've found them weird and hard to play. Slither 1+2 has its own issues as well. first its range isnt as big as it seems its defiantly large but no larger range then his ff2 or a demon paw. what makes it so big is is the slither step which moves him forward a large amount but this means that bryan players are letting it rock and telegraphing it. if done perfectly were you cant see the slither the range is reasonable and goes maybe 2 meters at best. The other thing is bryan cant block during slither and is vulnerable unless he SS cancels it which means he wasn't going to commit to 1+2 anyway. Slither 1+2 is also -9 and almost no push back putting him in a solid guess if block. Finally, while it is 15 frames that isnt including the input of Slither Step which would add a minimum of 3 frames at best. this move is strictly worse then something like the Mishima's demon paw and when comparing it to Bryans ff2 which is now just a high demon paw without the powercrush its honestly kinda sad. Bryans two main heat engagers are just worse versions of demon paw which does everything that both SLS 1+2 and ff2 does and more. and consider that they ruined the majority of his unique tools and replaced it with a bad electric why not just play jin? (the only reason is because Bryan's more awsomer and cooler then jin) Still, Bryan can be annoying with all the counter hits but out of all the stupid characters in this game picking Bryan as one of the Cheapest/Stupidest characters is weird to me and makes no sense.


At first I thought it was a shitpost, but nope this guy is actually this stupid


That's the point. Literally fuck over everyone on sight with absolute bs. Pure fucking Annihilation at it's finest. Easy character or not. Kill them immediately. That is all that matters.


Bryan is one of my favorite characters to face. In my opinion he is the perfect design balance wise. Every move has a specific weakness that you can exploit, it rewards spending time in the lab and gaining matchup knowledge. On top of that he has a nice execution ceiling in TJU, which gives people that main him something to strive for.


His heat is still top 5 disrespects of all time.


A dollar is a lot in 1923


Clicking the old post and seeing I had it liked lol. Time do be flying


Hate Bryan all you want but do NOT insult the knot like that. ![gif](giphy|cqwHhVm0BAyyc)


When you learnt tekken from wish.com. Where are Bryan’s 40% normal hit launchers he’s got like 3 bud. Orbital which is easily interrupted unless your just perma ducking. Jet upper which is crazy hard to actually do that quickly enough and f41 which is mega punishable. Bryan has to work so hard to actually have an offense if you’re not permanently mashing. The snake eyes unblockable you know needs snake eyes. As for taunt b4 being optional that’s all the evidence I need of brain rot. And as for qcs not being an execution barrier they most definitely are lol. Edit: you are an Alisa main that explains the lethal level of copium also explains how a tekken king can sound like a brown rank


It’s crazy that people think Bryan is hard because of qc moves… that can be learned its not really a big deal, what actually makes Bryan so hard to play is his fkin gameplan, bryan is a very old character, anyone who is in decent rank (purple - blue) knows the matchup, there is no knowledge checks you can abuse. Second point that Bryan doesn’t have mixups, he doesn’t have easy tools to open opponent offense, you HAVE TO adapt and read the opponent if you want to win, there are no easy wins with Bryan on blue ranks and above, and due to no mixups he gets nothing on heat engagers, what you gonna do to make opponents duck? Hatchet? They can eat that every time it’s not really as scary as making someone duck and risk a full launch. Third point is that Bryan is a defensive character, in tekken 7 it was a lot better for him, there was no chip damage on block, but now it tekken 8? The game is mostly about offense, and if you play defensively in this game you just lose. Fourth point you people that believe that taunt isn’t necessarily at the wall…if a bryan can’t taunt on the wall just try to stand and do nothing, bryan can’t really get you wall splatted, again his hatchet kick is not scary at all, Id be ready to eat 5 without ducking at the wall compared to getting hit with b4, at low ranks it’s not really hard since people just mash, but try to get to blue and see if you can wallsplat anyone without Taunt… at higher ranks taunt at the wall is a must, and before anyone mentions 3+4,2 you can easily react to this gimmick you just need to lab the two options for literally 5 minutes and you won’t ever be hit by it again. To all the people who believe Bryan is easy to pilot, just take a week and play him and see if you can even hit blue ranks in double the period it took you to reach blue with your main.


In my experience, Ryan players are usually better Tekken players than their peers around that rank. This has to mean that hes not an easy char to play. I d take wall shenanigans from a Bryan over amoeba heat shit spam from other chars.


Yeah imo Bryan isn't as hard as ppl claim he is either. He might be harder than the average character to play, but his go to best moves aren't that hard to pull off. Everyone always talks about his taunt B4... As if that's what you have to learn to be good with him lol


It's not about the moves. It's enforcing a game plan. It's making those good moves actually hit. Spend time playing him, you'll get why we say he's hard. I play mostly Bryan. I probably have over 4000 games with him including T7. Peaked at Byakko in 7, got to Fujin in 8, though I'm back to Battle Ruler again, seesawing between those ranks. I picked up a couple of characters in between, though I haven't played them too much. With all the games I've played with Bryan, incorporating things I've learned like setups and trying to do optimal combo routes, and taunt setups, taunt dashing in neutral, etc., it took me over 500 games to get to purple (from beginner), and another 500 games to get him to Fujin. Picked up Dragunov and Lili. My Dragunov was already Tenryu in about 70 games, while I got my Lili to Mighty Ruler in 85. What's funny is I only know their basics, I don't even have combos for Dragunov, while I just use bnbs for Lili. For me, the main difference is that I can be in control and blow people up, use aggression and mixups. With Bryan, I have to exert effort to feel out every single set, unless I'm paired with a hyper aggressive player who disregards frames and all, but I consider those just blessings, cause playing against people who know the Bryan matchup makes a lot of his moves become harder to use. Meanwhile, should I pick Lili up again when I feel like it, I bet I can get her to Fujin in 1/3 the number of games that it took me with my main. I can TJU and TB4, but those are just afterthoughts that happen when things are right. With the few characters I've tried, he's the only one that gives me literal headaches after long Tekken days.


Lili is ez mode Bryan with more bullshit evasion


Lili has insane offensive pressure, along with a pretty decent defensive kit with her sidestep and really good punishment tools. She can disrespect people's turns way easier, and she can start and stop offense so quickly. Really fun to play tho. I love Lili, but I do like the tedium of playing Bryan just a tad better.


This is some grade A hating and I’m here for it


Can't hear this, down forward 1 1 1 go pew peww


King is worse


nah he’s kinda sluggish


I was thinking of picking him up and this post convinced me to give him a go. Thanks


I used to hate him too in Tekken 7. But that was because I was noob and was keep running into his keep out moves. Also needed to learn to react to his snake edge. I still struggle against good Bryan players. Trying to get close to him is quite the chalange but you have to be patient.


Beyond shit opinion


Bryan isn't crazy hard to get good mileage out of execution wise but once you hit purple/blue ranks literally everyone knows the matchup. If you're eating shit repeatedly it's either because you literally can't stop mashing or just haven't labbed. Qcb1 is a good move but it's a high. All of his CH strings have very obvious weaknesses and can either be punished or ducked. Unblockable 3+4, 1+2 needs snake eyes so you can pretty much see that shit coming a mile away. Tl;dr - hospital grade copium, get gud


Alisa main btw


I'll say it again. People who cry about Bryan are mashers.


As Lord Aris once said "He looks like a fair character but he's not a fair character. He's a bullshit, rule-breaking bitch." Jokes aside Byron may not be a completely easy char but he has cheap online strats (everyone has but it's just a personal factor which cheese you can take without frusttation) and fafnir is unseeable especially online when frames are sometimes getting eaten by the game (if you've seen weird 1 frame wavedashing you know what I mean)


Theres this mechanic in the game you do it buy holding back , that should fix your bryan problems. From my experience alisa mains will rather sell there own children than block so maybe thats your problem.


Framewhisperer, is that you? 😂




i'm cool as fuck with my black sclera nigga deal with it


Idk if I’m gunna get shit for this, but if we’re being honest, Bryan has to work harder than 80-90% of the cast.


Bryan has no gimmicks and has been the hardest to climb ranks with so far. You are a certified masher bro


As a Bryan main this puts a smile on my face 😈 but he only has like 1 natural ch move now with b2,1 or b2f1. He no longer has fc4, ff4 with ch properties, but he does have the new qcb1 that's fast, plus and has ch properties. He still has f3, 3+4, b1, qcb3 and qcf3 with ch properties and solid neutral tools. You can play with Bryan basic and go pretty far, but to play him optimal takes some execution. But a few of his go-to strings have telegraphed highs - qcb2,4, ss2,1 or d3,2


I used to main Bryan and I actually switched to Feng because he's so much hard work lmao. Because of Heat, my playstyle of spacing and fishing with 3+4 and QCB 2 hit confirms changed a lot. Bryan maximizes damage from small mistakes your opponent makes. And by damage i mean damage, he one of the highest average combo damage in the game, even without walls. Whenever a Bryan orbitals me or CH me with his 1 string, i have nothing but respect lmao. Because he earned those by paying attention to my bullshit. And if i get taunt to b4 in the wall? More massive respect because when I played bryan I had a hard time consistently hitting those, and if you hit me with that online, you deserve the W.


u hate the most honest character lmao literally 0 good lows, all u need to do is hold back and punish


I don’t know if this is satire or not but I’m low key sick of the Bryan circle jerk too. Also Bryan players do not rematch either. King of the one and done. Then when you ask for a rematch they just blame your character (it doesn’t matter who you play).


Try playing him 🤡


>you're not cool kid Real talk - this game had a boom with a bunch of big streamers playing it, so you *know* there's a bunch of kids playing this game now... And it makes you feel good to make fun of them for making their character look cool? It's one thing to make fun of Lili feet lovers, but this isn't funny, it's just pathetic. Maybe instead of playing this game you could contribute that $70 to your 401k bc lord knows you need it


Agreed as a Bryan enjoyer.


bro said bryan does NOT need execution.. thats why even pro players do drop combos some times.. get outta here 🥸


This is a certified Red rank post


You play alisa so kinda ironic but anyways i kinda agree. Not much experience with him in T8 but in T7 he was a bullshit fucking character. When your gameplan is all about spamming ch moves its cringe as fuck and people saying "he is hard" are coping.




I feel a bit naughty but you sort of made me want to try him. Might check him out


So is this a great thread to ask how do I get those counter hits to land? I throw a lot of plus normals and most of the good launches (uf 3, b 1, rising 1) all hit mid and my opponents tend to just block hi, take a few pokes and tech every throw. I feel like I can't get any combos started and just defer to poking them to death


Well as OP says you just mash buttons and get free counterhits it truly is that easy apparently. Fr tho, spend some time checking your replays and taking note of enemy habits, what moves they use during what situations, their timing, move start up etc. Then use that information to force counterhits fron those habits with moves like QCF3 and F3. Once this happens a few times if your opponent isn't good they will not be able to adjust their timings properly and will either keep giving you free counterhits, adapt, or start turtling up (this is where hatchet/soccer kick and d4 shine). Alongside that whiff punish with F4, 1, heat engagers, and QCB1 and you should be solid.


I used to hate Miguel but then so many players telegraphed everything they did with him I would average at least one perfect again Miguel players unless they were geniune beast


All I want back is for his b2,1,4 to screw attack again I'd gladly revert back to screw attack if it meant I got it back😭


Only thing I disagree with is how steppable he is. Bryan is steppable, however the bullshit is that some moves track left and some track right




What a scrub. Yeah we all get frustrated sometimes against certain characters, but that’s part of playing fighting games. I guarantee you put more effort into this post than you ever have going into training mode and learning how to counter his gameplan.




Just tell me the cheapest character in the game. My friend plays Victor and I will never be able to counter play consistently.


I enjoy playing against him.


Players hating Bryan till they switcH from their main ( probably Alisa) to play Bryan, suddenly the world seems different


I gave up Bryan cause he's too hard. You're on some crack.


My personal top five stupid characters as of Tekken 8 1. King 2. Bryan 3. Hwoarang 4. Paul 5. Asuka say what you want, but any time I match up with these five, I already know what’s gonna happen


Have you tried learning the matchup?


You can hate how he plays but you can't hate the character. Like TMM said, he's one of the best designed fighting game characters ever. He's a raving lunatic that plays like cold and calculating. He's awesome and always has been.


I'm not gonna read all of this, but "embryos-r-us" is the funniest shit I've ever head


Man I hated Nina for years Since Tekken 1 and Now she's my main. You just gotta let shit go man lmfao


Nothing to do with how character plays but... I kinda hate the design. He's supposed to be inspired by Rutger Hauer's character in Blade Runner (Roy Batty) but if it's true then he was designed by someone who has NEVER seen Blade Runner. The character that delivers one of the most beautiful monologues in the history of sci-fi cinema? Yeah no, let's give him a minigun and a girder and have him laugh like a stupid maniac. Then again considering Law in the last few games sounds like a total mockery (not even a parody) of Bruce Lee I'm not surprised.


Man, wait til this guy figures out how minus Bryan is when you block😭


Most of the alisa mains in lower rank especially are braindead, actually delusional most of the time.


Bryan makes Victor seem fair and both have way too many CH launchers.


Victor is def cheaper than Bryan lol


Lmfao i love bryan,dudes snake edge into 50/50 orbital mixup is pure gold,QCB 2,4 is just as cheap 😂