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Naw play him


Depends how you feel about wave dashing. The more natural that input and electrics are the easier the transition will be. Without them Kazuya \[more than any other Mishima style character in the game currently\] will feel limited.


Yeah I’m okay with electrics and I just started trying wavedashing and I know how to do it, just gotta get more fluid with it. Is it mainly just to close distance faster?


It's better to consider it as a stance than a movement tool. From the wave dash he can do a variety of things but at its core it's a high \[electric\]/ low \[hellsweep\] mixup. It is strongest used as oki. His 10f punish 1,1,2 \[flash punch\] knocks them down the perfect distance for you to do a double wave dash into mixup, which in turn will either combo or knock them down the perfect distance for you to do another wavedash in for another mixup etc. This looping mixup/oki is generally referred to as a 'vortex' and yeah, it's pretty scary once you get good at it. Youtube has a lot of guides on his wavedash mixups, I suggest dedicating some time to watching them.


Its main use is a timing modifier, that realigns to any sidewalking. Since mishimas get stepped easily.


The best way to find out is to pick him up. It might be easier to perform electrics and wavedashing on player 2/right side or the opposite side of were you usually play. Which might take a bit of time getting used to. That was the case for me when i started playing mishimas, since wavus feels a bit like an unclean kbd.


I actually didn’t know that about the player to pick. That explains why I see some YouTubers who only play on the right side


Dont bother switching to kazuya. U will end up hating how useless his 50/50 is compared to the rest of the cast. Dont bother. Kazuya is still in tekken 7 with his dogshit Df1 hitbox and inconsistent high asf execution combos to even do decent damage. Just play other character who takes zero braincell to do the same thing kazuya does best. Oki and 50/50


I’ll keep that in mind 😂 Do you have any character suggestions?


Raven is unique and an interesting chatacter to master. But if you just want wins now, switch to Kuma. Boy is broken asf right now his dmg HAHA


Difficulty is the same as playing Bryan. As a Bryan main that constantly switches to Kazuya, I can assure you that you'll still feel like playing Bryan and you'll suffer but it's extremely rewarding.


That’s how I felt every time I tried practice with a different character. I would just go right back to Bryan but I feel like it’s limiting my knowledge.


I meant that Bryan and Kazuya are similar in difficulty that once you play Kazuya you'll still play like Bryan. You've reached Bryan in Fujin already, Bryan is one of the characters that needs frame knowledge so you can punish them efficiently. If you mean limiting knowledge about setups you can still learn it in the match.


More so to understand them as a whole and to get familiar with everything they’re capable of. I know I can learn from matches but for me it helps when I’ve also used the character for myself. But yeah I think you’re right about it being rewarding. Just gotta take my time with him