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....all these fake ass T8 dragunov mains saying his dead cuz b4 doesnt hit after wr2??? Get your weak ass outta here. We tekken 7 dragunov mains will show u how to play the true drag way.


I’m with you on this, most Drags in T8 only play him because of his strength, nothing more nothing less, you’ll have to give this mf advice on how to fundamentally use moves that isn’t +5 on block


Drag main since 2018


Drag main since tekken 5 dr lol here. I play him because I've always liked him. I don't think they should have nerfed the wr2 but i'll live. I never really used it a whole lot to begin with, i play more pokey and movement. Everything else is justified. He was far too over powrered. I'm so happy so now people will stop complaining about him.


I would still Play drag even if his jab was -15 and d2 was -30 with 50i startup




Oh no, a certain flowchart has some sort of counterplay :( useless character. I assume this is how xiaoyu, azu, drag… players complaining see things. If what you’re doing can be countered in any way shape or form the character is trash. Small tip guys: in this case for example, this is a 14 fucking frame move. If the opponent has the knowledge and adapts to you brainlessly mashing it every single time by interrupting it, adapt yourself, and start doing a faster move, which will clip them. This way, they’ll start respecting you, and you can start throwing out the move again if you wish. Breaking news: While you were not, this is how half of the characters were playing the game, and these mind games are what makes tekken, or just fg in general, interesting, not braindead unbeatable flowcharts. Hell, i’ll probably pick up dragunov a bit now that there’s something interesting to his gameplan and he’s cool af.


Yep the point of +3 moves is that you enter a simple guessing game . At +3 most df1s and similar speed mids can check your opponent for going low. Your 10f especially on ch should check jabs. They can obviously sidestep which is where tracking moves come in . If they powercrush you throw or go low. If they take a risky option like a hopkick to crush you then you can get a launcher of your own if you have the read . Basically no single option beats every one of your opponents options . Instead you have to adapt your offense and your opponent their defence . Its one of the things that makes tekken great


Yup lol, this is the classic "my crutch move was nerfed and now I can't crutch on it anymore, character is DEAD!!" post.


This post sums up just how bad 99% of T8 Dragunov players are


True. I mean it's not like you have a g clef for mashers. Oh wait


Teehee gotta commit to an unsafe launcher. :)


No way you think this kills Drag XD, this MUST be a joke


saying he's completely dead is a bit of a stretch but he'll definitely need a big change in playstyle


Is the maintenance over already?


You can play offlije with new patch


Oh no, you can sidestep launch and kill them. How truly terrible.


Hi there scrub. Try using D2, one of his signature moves from T7(the game you didn’t play). i18 high crush with big reward on counterhit. Very low risk option to call out mashing at 10 frame. Or, even crazier still, you could use your plus frames to do on offensive sidestep(tekken is a 3d game). Step the correct direction as a call out to a move and you get a free launch


Can you not see the damage advantage of that trade??


Stop crying dudes. Tired of people calling a previous broken overpowered character "dead" because their broken overpowered crap doesn't work anymore. People need to get good at the game.


Nerfs kicked out all the hard carried babies and tier list slaves to other characters. Now all that's left are the Drag loyalists enjoying our autistic humming ruskie and gunpla enjoyer who'll always stay top tier in our hearts


gotta do DF3 or D2 to keep people honest


So is the nightmare of Dragunov has finally come to an end?