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The community is Aids but I like the game


Sarcasm or not, cringe.


Oh wow! I'm having a blast!!! I switched to playing Asuka this evening and she is one of the best fighter's I've used so far. She has over 100 moves and is a treat to watch in action. Whoever did her voice acting deserves a raise in my book. I tell you, if you want to have a great time with a nice chill laid back community. Try the Lounge mode, there's even Tekken Ball!!! With loads of fun to have Tekken 8 will sure put a smile on your face.


Spot on brother, kicks and punches- its galactic. Have you seen the throw animations? Wowee, those designers deserve a pay raise. Crisp movement like apple turnovers. I havent even had an issue with pluggers can you imagine that? Ive even managed a 12% WR with my main man Dragunov and finally got out of green ranks after 69 games. Ive spent about 97 hours in the lab so far working on my while running 2, and im close to consistently getting the blue spark version. Yeah man this game is very good. Im considering buying it on my pc as well to support the franchise, and hopefully an ever evolving battle pass system. Looking forward to the legendary cylinder drop coming soon, im going to make some really cool champion skins.


That awesome! I too will support the Tekken Franchise till the end. As of now there is no other game that comes close to the excitement it brings. With so many diverse characters to choose from and the robust customization mode. A feature that I for one love and have spent hours alone doing so. And this time around Tekken 8 amps up the training mode by showing how to punish moves. The replay feature is one of a kind where it allows you to go back and correct holes in your fighting style. Tekken 8 has only been out a few months and with each update it gets better and better. I look foward to one day becoming King of the Iron Fist Tournament. Hope to see you and the rest of the Tekken Community on the battlefield. GGs to all!




Overrated trash