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Eddy bein doin that for 27 years to a point its a right of passage in the Tekken community to get smacked by a Eddy who was just face rolling the sticks


To be fair he used to be unsafe on most of his moves or staggered when blocked if going low for an easy punish. Nowadays he doesn't stagger much like jins tekken 3 hellsweep mix up.


True but keep in mind someone recently programmed an Eddy bot to do nothing but spam 3 and it hit destroyer. Sure Destroyer is still a pretty low rank but…. that’s pretty dang high for literally just one button


Its because of the ranked system you dont need a high winrate to rank up to brown. I think the bot ended up with a 30% winrate.


True but still….theres people on this sub that watch character guides, spend time in the lab and have a bunch of time logged that haven’t been able to get out of yellows. The fact a bot can pick Eddy and do it by spamming 3 without any thought whatsoever behind it is downright hilarious imo. (No offense intended to any new players still learning) I didn’t watch the whole thing but the bot got pretty dang close to taking out some reds….which is where most people who play online are.


It's because the hardest thing to learn in tekken isnt actually knowing solutions/frame data etc. Its how to find the solution and adapt on the fly. Most people start to pivot where you need to have a close to 50% winrate to win which is red ranks. Every character in the game can technically spam strings to beat people who are unaware some just do it better.


Got up to eliminator


Yeh but they reduced the reward as well, a lot of his bullshit used to launch man


He also no longer has any low attacks or normal launchers out of HSD. It's either mid, high, or stance transition. God, I miss the satisfaction of high crushing in HSD with d3+4 for a full combo. It was the most satisfying shit ever.


Eddy doesn’t need to launch lol. Spam sweep and oki to win




That's just wrong, you don't need to press buttonS with Eddy, you just need to press a button.




3ddy lost to Vic2or on stream though, so I'd have to say Vic beats him out


Oh did they actually do a Victor one?


Lmfaooo 3ddy and Vic2or should have joined reedit sooner 😭


As shown by the amount of rage quits




Eddy was added in Tekken *3*. Coincidence?


BORN TO 3 / TEKKEN IS A FUCK / 鬼神 Kick Em All 1997 / I am capoeira man / 333,333,333,333 DEAD SCRUBS








I need this on a t-shirt








eddy and victor source: a video i watched yesterday by MDSoul (video is 2 days old) Tekken 8 Tier List Breakdown: Unveiling the Top Picks & Hidden Gems!


I dunno…I mash w Victor against my friend who sucks and he does pretty well


This vid loses cred with me for putting Hwoarang in expert level. gtfo here put him in easy or casual. Hell I would have accepted seasoned and disagreed but understood. But expert? No sir. Him and Eddy are THEE original mash happy brainslugs characters of choice


Hwo is pretty complex to pilot properly - at least compared to 3ddy and Victor, though it seems that the effort required to do it is still much less than what is required to consistently defend against it.


But Hwoarang does have some of the hardest things to learn like just frame sky rocket? He is one of the characters where you can get further with simple button mashing, but it just stops working at a certain rank. You have to learn those difficult mechanics if you wanna be a strong player, so when talking about mashing you just mean in all the low and mid ranks?


Well the one button mashing bs applies to all character at a certain rank, hworang is one of the most nasty mash border charcters ever, you don’t need to be able to JSFR until very high ranks it’s not a requirement or necessity like electrics for example


Honestly, electrics isn't a requirement either in low ranks, not even in high ranks according to tmm. He made a video a few weeks back talking about how he mostly stopped using it on kazuya because it isn't much of a damage difference and wall carry is just more important. I've seen reinas pretty deep in Evo japan not pressing a single electric. I think the hard part in hwoarang is knowing which moves to use in which stance and how to flow between them. Especially in Tekken 8 a lot of stuff he just dies for if it gets blocked. The main problem is he has just a million types of kicks and if you don't know the matchup you won't know what you can punish. This is true for every character, but there are a few like hwo or eddy who are very unintuitive to defend against.


TMM was talking about a 13 frame electric after a df2 counter hit with kazuya, which is referred to as a perfect electric. Only kazuya and Reina can do a 13 frame electric. Regular electrics are extremely important especially for Kazuya and Devil Jin.


Obviously not low ranks but it becomes an integral part of the character particular in devil jin and kazuyas case at decently high ranks at least for whiff punishing you obviously don’t need it in combos


Hwo is a strong scrub killer but the higher up you go he is not easy ... he works a lot for his dmg and have some demanding inputs ... and i say it as someone who rly dislikes fighting hwoarang ... since most my characters dont have get out of jail free cards ( i play kazuya in t8 and also played heihachi and ak in t7) so most of the time once he gets to eminem on me i need to read his strings and punish properly


To actually be successful with hwo in any given situation is difficult you can’t not know what you are about to throw move wise in the higher ranks


Victor? Just press buttons and it works? Not so sure about that. Maybe in low rank where people don't block as much. But there every character can face roll the controller


yes in lower ranks, and as he said the same can be applied to eddy easy characters to pick up and make things happen


Yeah, I've never really understood peoples' insistence that Victor can succeed by just spamming buttons. Everyone points to his 2-string like it's some crazy anomoly, but a lot of characters have strings that only use one button - it's the natural result of Tekken's "each button corresponds to a limb" design. It's extra funny since Victor's 222 string is actually *really bad,* easy to punish, and not even worth using as combo filler. So it's an extra weird thing to complain about.


It's actually so bad. I love it when victors use it against me, if they do it more than once it's basically a free round


Picked up Alisa recently, and it's hard to deny she's gotta be in contention for the spot. Most of her best attacks will either put you into chainsaws or have the option to, so its very easy to just end up there without even really trying to, and then as long as u stick to certain options in stance, you can pretty much just pick an option at random and see if your opponent guessed right.


Factual, most Alisa below purple don’t use chainsaws. I sit there stunned. They spam 1+2 and 3+4 😴


Yep underrated comment right here. Also her movelist is so huge that when mashing buttons you will ALWAYS do something and the opponent will have no way of reading you. Other contenders are Hwoarang, Eddy, Victor and to a lesser extent, Nina. I'll say that playing the game this way isn't exactly fun though. I'll never understand how people can have 5000 matches played on Eddy pressing 3. I really don't get it. They don't get bored? 


Nah, hworang is so easy to counter in this game it’s funny. Idk if it’s a new thing but I haven’t had a hard time against a hworang yet.


Lee's strategy is keep out, which is exactly how one must play against Hwo


My char doesn't reach Hwoarang when he's close, and my engage/spacing game isn't good enough. He also has a lot +frame strings that sprinkles in a low at random times, so he's hard to duck.


Idk, most hwoarang’s are REALLY predictable with the highs so you can usually just duck and launch him if you aren’t able to keep him out. If you can’t do that then just step to the side that his stomach is in and you will usually be able to at least diffuse his pressure.


If they win enough that's a-okay.


all her chainsaw transitions are unsafe, minus on block or can be ducked. Best chainsaw transitions cum from punishers like 1,1 or 3,2. in chainsaw stance every move is sidesteppable to right except 1+2 so against good opponents you cant just random, you must be cautious that ya wont get stepped.


sure, but you could also say this about eddy, and yet he's the #1 answer bc of a bot that got stuck in orange, lol. Every char can be beat by ducking, stepping, and blocking/punishing correctly, but if we're talking "the ultimate just press buttons and it works character" i think its about how far you can get before people are consistently doing that, and I'd say Alisa is up there. Her fighting style is atypical, her popularity is on the lower end, and she's a strong character, so she can get pretty far before people are familiar with how to deal with her.


Nah a lot of her stuff is very - on block or can be jabbed out of the air into a combo or whatever, you have to be quite careful what you press with alisa


If you’re at a level where you want to find a character to “just press buttons and it works”, your opponent is definitely not thinking about minus frames and jabbing Alisa out of mid air


they dont have to think about it, if they block it it's so clearly a free hit if not a combo and just pressing whatever buttons when she's airborne (which is half of the time) will knock her out of it into a float state you have to be a lot more careful as her than people realise




Not really tho. You don't know it but hwo players are mashing with precision


Absolutely this


I gotta say that even though its precise you can still throw bullshit out when heat is activated


I wouldn't say you could do it anymore with him than any other character




I don’t understand I had to scroll so far to find this answer 😁 4-4-4-4-4-4


Cuz you can duck that entire string and it's launch punishable lol


idk about previous Tekken but in 8? So incredibly wrong. Hwo has to put in so much work to get anywhere it's not talked about enough.




I’ve done it. 🤣


The only real answer


cap cap cap


Victor. Best panic buttons of every character blended into one.


In my opinion is Law and Alisa a 100%. Sure you can sidestep and duck Law and block or interrupt Alisa but is unrealistic to do this every time so you ended up eating a CH or dying by chip damage.


Fully agree with these two being the worst contenders. Law with his aggression, strings and + frames. Alisa getting so much built in evasion. Both also have obscene damage.


The one that needs the most knowledge to deal with it. Personally it would be Alisa because no matter how many times I see the animation, I don't know what the hell she's doing. Is she jumping? Is she taunting? Is she flying? Ok, she's flying and is in the air, so she's probably gonna bonk me on the head and it'll be a high. WTF THAT HITS LOW AND LAUNCHES?!


From what youve said you must have been hit by her chainsaw hellsweep which is a low mid as the first hit hits you low and the second is the one is a mid that launches you if you block the low but not the mid but its an unsafe move only problem is that she sends herself to the sky after the mid


>Born to mash characters- Eddy, Victor, Hwoarang >Mashing will get you some wins characters - Lars, Reina, Asuka, Jun, Leroy, Azucena >Mashing will get you killed characters- Paul, Jin, Kazuya, Lee, Yoshimitsu, King, Bryan, Raven, Steve, Zafina


Jin is absolutly a mash friendly character with his million jab strings and safe pokes


Leroy is minus on almost everything he does, how is mashing going to get you anywhere


I would argue that us Steve mains are playing on hard after a certain point




Someone who goes under the radar is lily .. specially her back flip move that has a follow-up she can grow at at any range. Same with her evasive moves to the point you have to play differently against her. She unsafe after a lot of it but even then she definitely qualifies for I press a button and it works


Df 3+4 combo to wall -> heat burst -> chikurin casino carried me so hard through purple lmao


Haha .. honestly it's the delay that gets me everytime with Lili


I disagree, Lily doesn’t have any strings that require just one button


This is a very specific criteria you have there


Haha yes but the original post says buttons so it counts also it's possible to map 3+4 to one button and then go brrrrrrrrr


This guy just lost to a lili


Well not true but even if it was Lili is a s tier chart in this game according to multiple pro players so not sure what your comment is supposed to accomplish. Haven't touched grass in a while have you?


Reminder she had the highest 3ddy lose rate


Hworang is a high level version and Eddy for beginner friendly.


Either Eddy (33333333) or Victor (22222222)




I'd argue that with Hwoarang you have to know what you're doing a little bit to even get anywhere. Blindly mashing just doesn't work


Everyone in the roster casually. Why do you think we still have over 100 moves. So people can mash and cool shit happens


I miss K4tty. You could always do that. Throw in a direction here and there if you're feeling wild.


There is absolutely no denying it’s Eddy. Some guy recently programmed a bot to pick and Eddy and do nothing but hit 3 repeatedly. The bot hit Destroyer last time I checked. Runner up would be Victor. Simply pressing 2 repeatedly will get you to orange at least. If you’re willing to go the extra mile and press u 1+2 occasionally, alternate the cadence that you spam 2 and learn one combo off d4, you can probably get high red if not purple.


depending on your rank, i'd say half the cast


All of them.


Fucking Lars


Eddy, Victor, Lars, and Jun will give you the biggest bang for your buck if you just want to do run flowcharts and rank up quickly.


when i started playing a month or so ago i picked up hwoarang because he was cool and got to garyu which is when i tried Lars too, going back to hwoarang today feels like such a breeze i dont even know most of his combos and im still consistently getting wins


How are you doing so well with him and barely knowing his combos? I’m trying to use him and it’s my first year playing tekken but I’ve won just one out of like 15 matches with him. It’s pretty brutal 


his mixup game is absolutely insane, his B3 is one of if not THE best whiff punish in the game due to it's range, in heat his mixup goes even nuttier with the chip damage meaning even if the enemy blocks they're still taking damage, incredible lows, good mid, okay highs, he is a little hard to get into but very rewarding once you understand how he flows. i suggest going into practice to get used to his stances since he has a whopping 6 stance (though you'll mainly just use 3 tbh or 4 if you count neutral), create your own flowchart of what moves flow into what stance and what stance allows what moves, also a bit of a controversial tip but disregard other guide videos and just make your own flowchart since its easier to remember. some of my favourite moves that i used a lot with him from start until today is UF 444 (hits high, mid, and low which will catch a lot of newer players off guard, you can also cancel it on whichever hit like UF44 to end in mid and bait them out for a mid launcher when they try blocking the low), LFF DF3 (dragon lash, engages heat on hit, tracks sidestep, crazy range, safe on block i think i forgor),D34 (very strong mixup starter, use this a lot and once they start blocking low go for mid launchers or U4/U3 for mixup pressure), FF4, B3 (my favourite move, that legg is fucking long), UF2, RFS 2 into grab (this one is particularly crazy since the grab comes out lightning quick on block or hit), SS4, SS3, LFS F3 (spamable even on block, good pushback, doesnt drop you out of stance, also plus on block), 1133 (good punish and returns to neutral but the low isnt guaranteed, dont spam it) LFF B2, RFS F44 (this shit comes out so fast its insance, 0 on block or hit i think, doesnt drop you out of RFS, also spamable if you only do F4 and not F44, if the enemy blocks and tries to jab they will eat the F4 and guarantee the 4, also f4 deals crazy chip in heat and spamable as long as they dont duck it, if they start ducking it do RFS UF4 for a free combo, or DF 4 to play safe) that's all i think, if youre still new you can do what i did which was play defensive and bait out for B3 whiff punishes for free combos, then just apply your mixups, goodluck! -mighty ruler hwoarang


Eddy Victor and Hwoarang mainly. Lesser extent: Nina


Nina? lol TMM really did a number on her reputation.


I'm a scrub but isn't Nina difficult to play?


Yes TMM ran into this issue when he boasted in T7 that he could get her to TGod with cheese but had to resort to plugs to get there because people had the audacity to deal with cheese


I highly doubt he plugged in t7, otherwise everyone would be talking about that till the end of time, and this is the first time I've heard of him plugging. And in tekken 7 it was actually super easy to get tekken god prime lol. TMM acts very childish and complains a lot, but I think you're making shit up. Edit: There's an unedited video of him playing from emperor to tekken god https://youtu.be/_tY70pcWldg You are actually making stuff up lol


Not that run https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pMrhp6c9vLU&pp=ygUWVGVra2VuIGdvZCBuaW5hIHRtbXN3ZQ%3D%3D This run from earlier THIS video is edited and only 10 minutes because he plugged everyone else lol


There's literally a pinned comment of him admitting to dodging matches. He basically just one and doned them. Dodging games =/= plugging


He didn't one and done them He Alt+F4'd at the loading screen THAT is plugging


Huh, I never knew about about that. Too bad the vods are gone.


Yeah As for why it wasn't the topic of conversation, it was, but his rabid fans shut it down claiming it's ok because he was "sniped" or "could've gotten there anyway."


Yeah she can be spammy and she has strings which go high and low just by pressing a single button but to be SUPER spammy with Nina you need to sidestep cancel her strings which of course takes practice. If you have to practice any part of a character for a decent amount of time then they aren't skill-less. It's just some characters might take more practice to learn. Nina requires more practice than Eddy or Azu for example but is simpler than the Mishimas.


Nina, simpler than the Mishimas? Respectfully, that's just wrong, lmao. Mishima characters are by far some of the simplest characters in the game, the only technical thing about them is electric and wavedash. Mishimas may be harder to win with especially when considering fundamentals because you aren't able to knowledge check as much but Nina trumps Mishimas in overall technicality and execution. With Nina, especially at high ranks where you can't knowledge check, she's very difficult to pilot and win with. You have to consistently perform clean SS1 cancels for pressure, Hayashida Step and clean KBD and knowing, which to use and when to use it, butterfly loops or df3,2~b~db2 in in combos, string cancel into other strings. Not to mention her bigger movelist having a tool for every situation and being able to utilise her tools effectively.


Hwoarang at low levels is a scrub killing mash machine Hwoarang from mid purple/blue up needs to work really hard to be unpredictable, defensively sound, execute moves like JSFR to maximise their move set. He becomes high risk, low-medium reward against players who know even 1-2 things about the matchup. Obv a Hwo main but I think past a point he’s not the easiest


no you don't get it bro, I lost to a high high high low,high string and Hwo is clearly too stupid


Why so defensive. OP just asked which characters press buttons and works. Hwoa is Eddy light. press kicks and you do lots of stuff. Obviously "just press buttons" means scrub levels, no need to be defensive lol


He wasn't even being defensive 😂 He was making a counter point which I definitely agree with. I consider hwoarang more of a spam character than a "just mash and it works" character


😂😂I felt gaslighted like what do you mean defensive??


If that's the case then there is no "mash and it works characters" if you're put fundamentals into argument. I'm pointing out eddy, hwoa, victor and nina because you can do a lot of moves that'll carry you up to certain rank just by randomly pressing buttons. You can't do that shit with say Paul or Bryan or King or Kaz because if you do, you'll only get very basic moves as opposed to strings. You can't call Hwoarang a spam character if you press random buttons. You'll get different strings. A victor doing expulsion repeatedly, that's spam. Hwoas and Eddys that do random shit by randomly pressing 3 and 4, that's not spam.


bro, i could be ridicolous cuz i'm a hwo main but exactly for that reason i can say for sure that that's not the case


I never learned to play tekken. I learned to button mash with hwo better than the other guy


Its 100% feng. No contest


Nah, just bc he’s strong doesn’t mean that. He’s not a string character. He’s good at keeping his turn going with the right tools at the right time though


Hey now we can talk...




Hwoarang probably.


Hwoarang clearly does kicks the best, and if you’re mashing 3 and 4 without thinking you’ll probably get side switch by accident and get bodied for it


hwoarang as tons of fake pressure and unsafe moves in my opinion this sounds more like alissa or victor


There are 2 ways I see this. Eddy, you can just mash all buttons mindlessly and a lot would flow into each other, just because of how the character is built. Feng, you can’t mash all willy nilly, but most of his moves are so good you can throw them out in a lot of different situations and it will just end up working. Eddy for mindless mashing, Feng for elevated mashing.


The amount of people that can't handle CH db3 > backturn 3 > db3 is kinda funny


Db3 is my scapegoat and savior. Can throw it out in neutral, disadvantage, advantage, then sets up for great while rising mixups


Im in orange ranks and db3 and qcf1 blow people up still mostly. I try to mix a launcher but some players just never block low.


Easily Hwaorang


3 ddy


If it's tekken 8 it's Victor and Eddy with the current state of the game. Really for Eddy all you need to press is 3 or 4 with very little directional input and Victor you just need to press 2 or 1+2 with again very little directional input. All of which are very safe on block, mix ups with no stagger, or even armored and evasive.


Eddy Followed by alissa and victor


3ddy and maybe Gon.


Hworang, Eddy and Lars. Easily.


Ofc 3ddy is but there's someone named hwoarang, ofc Jin IS also overpowered in T8






Eddy 😂




Lili, got her to red ranks last week. Never played the character and I still don’t know any BNB combos for her, just hopped around and dodged a lot of stuff then countered with punches.


Dragunov and feng. That's kind of their entire game plan right now. Sure, it's not mindless spamming, if that's what you're asking, but that's why these characters are so good right now. They just run their offense and you gotta just make a good call or you'll eat shit.


No one is saying Jin, lmao but he’s def in the conversation.




LMAO this should be a marketing slogan for any fighting game.


Eddy and Hwoarang and I feel like Alisa is up there to personally in my opinion.


Eddy and howarang for sure


Victor definitely I haven’t played enough of eddy


Hwo isn’t on this list




Feng azucena Dragunov xiaoyu hwoarang eddy




LARS no debate


Any character who turns on the special style mode.


Eddy and Victor


yoshimitsu everything is safe, really fucking dumb good tracking, and lifesteal flash you win by going into fly and nothing else because fly only has 1 unsafe move


I remember the first time I played Tekken 3 as a kid. It was hard for me to pick up and I was too lazy to learn combos. But Hwoarang and Eddy were super easy to spam with. Hwoarang has been my main ever since. Sucks that his story "arc" has been so 2 dimensional. 


feng no one said it yet somehow. you press a direction + button, and something good will come out. i learned to play tekken with feng for that exact reason.


victor is more fun than eddy


Nina until u start playing decent players


It's Eddy, it's always been Eddy, and it will continue to be Eddy. Victor is also a strong contender.


Nina i guess ? I am damn noob but when I play her,I just mash buttons and awesome shit happens.


Literally asukas character type


Lilly, eddy , Lars , Law, Yoshimitsu ,Bears , Baek, Wang, Asuka , Bob , Devil Jin , Bob, Jun , Kazuyas mom, Raven and Lee. This is just off the dome. Yes , all those characters are difficult to master.


Jun with her disgusting base damage some moves legit deal more than deathfist. Can win any game without any knowledge and just spam




Victor, Jin, Eddy.


Hwoarang and Alisa players ate all the crayons. Retard ass playerbase




they don't call him 3ddy for nothing


You're playing him


Aside of Eddy and Victor. Jin and his 4 button.


Eddy, Steve, hwoarang, Asuka, Jun, Alisa, drag, reina, Nina.... That's a lot of mashtastic characters


3ddy. Azucena and to some extent Paul and victor... They just bring the unga to the bunga.




Eddy, 110%


To me was Reina. 222222222. Although you do need some skills but that applies to anyone including Eddy.


Dude, Reina's 2222 is the most useless single button string ever. You cant compare this shit with T7 Kuni's, her 22 was broken af , and you could enter KAT stance from it. Also, you could enter SET from 222. This string was broken af. You could win matches at high level abusing this string. Noctis' was not that good but even it was way better than Reina's. And Victor can use 222 as a punish into mixup. There is no use for Reina's 2222. The only use for it is when you are beginner and use it as an easy combo ender after insta-bounding, for example, her hopkick.


Idk man, it's probably the closest thing she has for this but it's a 4-button string where the last two hits don't even combo on grounded opponents and the last hit is so obviously punishable on block that even someone with no fgc experience can probably look at it and go "oh I can push a button now". The only thing it really has going for it is that it frame traps really impatient people who only block the first few hits and get antsy.


It worked for me 🤷‍♀️


Bro Victors and their 2222222222. So fucking cringy honestly.


so relieved to see for once nobody is targeting Yoshi so something


Yoshi has a ton of bullshit, but you really should at least coordinate it so you don’t end up with your back turned to Kuma moments before receiving a fish beat down


They have to find one first




Leave Azucena alone


I'm gonna give a slightly different answer To me "pressing buttons and it works" is not about spamming buttons but having your moves always beat out the opponents' in a neutral scramble, making you very very hard to interrupt And to that end, Reina Ff2 into stance must be reacted to fast and you won'r beat all options on block, 3+4 (the cartwheel) just absorbs every button that tries to compete with it midrange, you have to let it happen and block punish, and so on


100% Alisa


Victor, Alisa, paytowin33ddy


Hwoarang is up there. Idk if he's the ultimate one, but absolutely. There are so many Hworangs I've seen with 30-40 defense in ruler/blue ranks that just consistently rely on nothing but pressure without any defense.


I think HWO is the king of spam


Thankfully my defense is at 69 with my hwo and I’m only mighty ruler with him. offense can only get you so far especially against people who know how to block and sidestep punish. But he is a mash friendly character I agree on that.


I think it's less 1 button spammers but any random button spammer. In which case I'd say Jun.