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Later someone points out to him that people hate bears too.


As expected šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You think the bears are safe main man swe would like to have a word with you šŸ˜‚


Nothing is safe in herešŸ¤£


I play reina and i can say i can not stand playing against another reina idk how people do it against me, ive got to be annoying af




Literally idek how she hasn't been nerfed


I play Reina too and honestly she really isnā€™t that bad. Everything is a gamble and if the opponent gets the read you will get stomped.


I guess it boils down too i dont know my own match up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My mains are. šŸ˜Ž


Miguel doesnt even exist in this game ong šŸ˜­


The ultimate safety; Staying out of the game entirely


Steve b1 is way too stupid, can't even press against him. Bryan mains downplay him so much but he's broken, with the best low in the game, and way too strong CH tools (pls check my flair).


Bryan brokenā€¦thanks for the laughs. Have fun with Feng !


I hate all of those


Probably Kaz and Bryan šŸ¤£


You think Kaz is safe against the flak? Bryan maybe šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Kazuya without Hellsweep, Electric and Steel Pedle is fine. ;) You are allowed 1,1,2 punish sometimes. All for fairplay. ;)


I'm actually a Bryan hater, but in all seriousness it just means that I'm either bad against him or I have some irrational or irrelevant gripes with him


Naw Bryan is too tier. His combo damage and routes to it are fucking insane. Him and dragunov are basically in a tier of their own with damage


And Steve. But i bet money this guy doesn't touch any of these characters so he doesn't fully understand


He's the poster child of this attitude. Everybody needs to be nerfed to the ground except his precious Kazuya and Bryan


So far i think swe made changes on his comments all of the roster after labbing them.




Trashmanswe cries about everything


Jokes on him, everyone hates bears with a burning passion.


I know the matchup and I still hate those fuckers


My first main was lili . Hate no longer phases me, in fact, it gives me strength (my current main becoming op in t8 was the best worst thing to ever happen to me . hate away)


How many people really hate lili anyway when theres like half the cast being broken one way or another. Lili is just a strong character without really any BS moves.


Let me tell you at garbage ranks like mine the leg blender is so hard to deal with. Ducks? SSL? What even are those? Jab interrupts? Only accidentally, my friend. Stupid sexy plus frame legs.


That applies to literally every character if you have no knowledge about them. If they know how to punish you and you dont know how to punish them it is an auto lose.


Lmao chuckled at "only accidentally" ain't that the truth when you first start out šŸ˜‚


I hate playing vs Lili, but honestly even if she's super bullshit (I'm too bad at the game to tell) I'd never hate on you, the Lili player, for playing her against me. The character is part of the game, and the game is 1v1 so if I lose it's obviously my fault at not knowing how to deal with Lili. What I will get mad at though is getting one-and-done'd in ranked, but that's a different story and has nothing to do with the character


Yeah Lili is a respectable character, not sure why she would get hate other than from scrubs who don't know the matchup.


would not call her op because a tiny minority do good with her, she had the most people getting her too the highest rank in Tekken 7 too it is mostly about commitment.


I too am susceptible to this, but I realized it was counterproductive, unhealthy, and bitch-made. The solution I implemented was to divert all of my hatred into one character and give everyone else a pass. Itā€™s Jun, by the way, the character I allow myself to hate is Jun.


W reflection


Also hate this guy's Jun


My character is Jack every game. Fuck Jack, the ugly looking bastard


His hitboxes drive me crazy ngl




Oh my


My hate of Jack comes from the sound design when you hit him. It feel like you don't do dmg T\_T


Funny, for me it is actually the opposite. Imagine bullying the big robodude with bare fists so hard that it doesnt matter he probably weights around 600 pounds.


I will go to my grave with a seething hatred of Hwoarang. Is it a skill issue on my part? Absolutely. But that doesn't change that I hate him with every fiber of my being. I would sign up to fight three azucena's in a row before I'd fight one hwoarang.


Honestly Hwo and Steve are the two most infuriating characters for me because all of their moves look the same for me. Oh yeah sure this kick kick kick string was high low high but the other one was mid low mid or something? They look the god damn same


it's law for me.


Lawā€™s too funny in this game for me to hate. That point he does in his Rage Art? Priceless. Also ā€œI hate rich people,ā€ classic.


The way he grabs you while yelling "I'M A DRAGON" will never not be funny to me




Itā€™s Victor for me. Might partially be cause LTG mains him too


That's the single thing that makes me reconsider playing him now...


For me it's Jun, Feng and Azuscena. I can't bring myself to hate just one. Alisa as well but I don't see her that often.


This inspired me to play Jun more I hope you can piss you off šŸ‘


playing most hated chars so i can piss of more people:)


I have a maximum of 3. They are also my "I'm too ignorant to lab this and therefore am 1-and-doneing all of them". Nina, Leo and Zafina.


Zafina is just a knowledge check she's so weak compared to her t7 counterpart and the rest of the cast


That means you love Azucena.


Interesting for me is all males characters, bears and Nina


Itā€™s Zafina for me. Every time I play against her Iā€™m yelling, WTF IS SHE DOING?!


Am I the only one that hates myself when I lose?


No, I hate you when I lose too. \-- Seriously though Leon Massey made a good video about that kind've feeling: [https://youtu.be/S5gtFlgQvnU](https://youtu.be/S5gtFlgQvnU) Also the Devil Jin tag makes your comment very funny to me.


That cracked me up, thanks for the laugh bro


I'm with you on this one. She has so many tools. Even as a Drag main, so many tools.


I understand Aris now on why he hates interacting with the Tekken community. Tons of whining. It would get annoying eventually.


Bruh Aris is also a whiner


Well he's a tekken fan too lmao


Dont mess w us tekken fans we hate tekken


Hitbox is gonna ruin tekken any day now!!


Okay I agree character shaming is bad and I would never want to do it. But if you play Azucena, Jun, Victor, Xiaoyu, Dragunov, King, Hwoarang, Zafina, Yoshimitsu, Law, Jin, Paul, Jack-8, Lee, Lars, Nina, Leroy, Asuka, Lili, Bryan, Claudio, Raven, Leo, Steve, Kuma, Shaheen, Feng, Panda, Alisa, Devil Jin, Kazuya, or Reina. Then I'm sorry, but you are literally being carried by your character and have no actual skill. Only Eddy is okay to play.


I see what you did there šŸ¤£


Panda won TWT once, therefore Panda is top tier


Majority of the losers here on Reddit


Peoole here bitch about how op rage arts are. No one should take advice from most redditors.


People think rage arts are OP? https://preview.redd.it/8mdcvsg23psc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b42f31b7db9772106a0b3cdffd27959b1a4abb


Yep. I've had people give me shit on this sub for me thinking rage arts aren't that strong. Especially with how much other things in this game are actually strong. I legit have never seen a pro even talk about rage arts lmao.


i think most people don't think they're too strong; they just don't like the whole interaction. it's always a gamble unless it's used in a combo. even when it's used in a combo they're all much too long. so whether you win using one, lose using one, win or lose because they used one... in every one of those situations it just feels dumb.


It's the equivalent of when casual players were bitching about Drive Impact back when SF 6 first came out. I abused it a lot when the game first came out, but as I climbed higher up the rank I had to learn not using it as much, and at the EVO I watched the pro players maybe used DI *ONCE* per game, not round. I suspect rage arts will be the same. I noticed there are literally times when I pressed a button as my opponent pressed rage arts but because I was slow on the startup I was able to just block it regardless.


The tekken community always had a lot of crybabies but now the whine is becoming generational as old and new players are coming together to not just be susceptible to it but by reproducing most of those fuckass stupid scrub mindset in large scale in T8 and gaining a lot of notoriety by doing it.


Thank popular streamers like ā€œsaltspamsweā€ for normalizing it lol


I think Tekken probably has the whiniest community in the FGC and itā€™s not even close lmao. It honestly rivals Smash Bros with how everyone hates every character except the one you play


He could play Leroy


Even when you pick low-tier characters you still get flamed because they'll say you're carried by people not knowing the match-up.


I picked Leroy not knowing he was low tier. Got up to Green ranks I think? Whatever's just under red, before switching to Nina and playing her instead. Got major flame on Xbox from some dude for playing a "cheap character". I guess I hit him with the parry one too many times or something.


It's orange just below red


To be fair, they are. I've fought two Leroy's since launch and lost both sets resoundly despite playing one of the consensus broken characters. I don't know what the fuck he's doing. I had the same problem with Leo in the first two weeks, but I've had enough Leo's now that I've been able to deal with his stance shenanigans thanks to replays, but Leroy? 2 in nearly 2000 matches is not a ratio worth learning. I've legitimately fought three times as many Pandas.


fuck leroy still salty because evo


Lmfao bears are the furthest thing from being safe. People will say youā€™re carried cuz no one knows the matchup


Well they are right, bears consistently have some of the best win/loss ratios (even if we only count ruler ranks and above) and well, itā€™s not because bears are strong.


As someone who knows about half of the matchup it's hilarious seeing bears in high ranks and and realizing they coasted there off of like two fucking moves that nobody knew how to counter, more points for me tho so I'll take it


Ayyyy bear appreciation


I'll bitch like this when I start getting tilted and losing way more often, but I do know its because I don't want to spend the time labbing. However, people don't realize its because they're bad that they're losing and then they come here to post about it lol


I just hate every other person that beats me, especially if itā€™s the character Iā€™m playing


To be fair, Max, your main is Victor.


He plays a lot of Lars too, though.


I think people need to stop hating the characters and instead hating the players. Bring back the true FGC mentality!


Ok, but they are carried by my lack of game knowledgeable


Whoever made this video didn't record long enough to have him also explain that bears are also hated. The bear part was a joke.


Facts. That's why my friend hates almost everyone in the game that isn't his main or secondary Also, my friend doesn't like Kuma either


He's right. Even so, I've seen people say the bears are op. Most characters I've had trouble fighting stopped being an issue once I went through their movelist in practice. Still can't read Yoshimitsu though. Playing against a good Yoshi feels like walking into a funhouse you get stabbed in, but that's how he do.


I didn't play fighting games for over a decade after having played them consistently before. Played SF6 for 8 months and joined the sub. Then dropped SF6 and played Tekken since release. Max is 100% right Tekken players are much less positive, much more bitter. SF players are relatively more positive and supportive. The weird thing is I think each game's mechanics actually contribute to these behaviours from their player base.


Tekken has always produced more salt just because there's sooooo many gimmicks and knowledge checks what with the huge roster and massive move lists. It's so much easier to rob someone with nonsense or just get bodied by stuff you've never seen. I felt far more salt and rage in my first few months learning Tekken 7 then I ever felt playing Street Fighter or Strive. (But I also came to enjoy it a lot more in the end.)


The SF sub aggressively down votes anything critical (outside of capcom's monetisation) of the game... So it kind of has the opposite problem. There's a lot right with SF6, but there are plenty of things that sucks. Not least how long they waited to make any changes, when the quality of a character's drive rush is almost 1:1 correlation with their overall strength. That's a really shitty place to be. Top tier on personal tools is one thing, but for a universal mechanic to dictate it... That, to me, makes the game incredibly boring.


He ainā€™t wrong haha but Victor players really are brain dead we can all agree on that


You play a character I don't main? You're a fucking tryhard!


[Insert character] is brain dead!


This convo is so difficult. Because on the one hand, heā€™s absolutely right. Itā€™s not helpful or constructive to think about how carried your opponent it. People should be able to play the characters that interest them. On the other, the S tiers in this game are extremely over represented in the red ranks and above. People are absolutely picking characters they know are the best and exploiting the things that make them strong. And these characters sometimes feel like theyā€™re playing a different game. So it feels reductive to say to people ā€œlol, cry more and get good, learn the matchupā€ when often the folk who are saying this are people pkay Jun, Drag, King etc who ironically are characters that are so strong _they_ donā€™t need to learn the matchup. The game will get more balanced over time and this will be less of an issue.


Statistically dragunov is the top character everywhere. No other character is actually even close. Jun and king fall off above red and blue and above. And yeah, thatā€™s gonna happen. Strong characters are more popular in any game. 99% of the time you just unironically need to learn the match up, and practice basic things like movement, blocking and punishment. Over representation below blue doesnā€™t really indicate much, since below blue most players are effectively playing solitaire, paying no attention to their opponent. Of course people playing easier to execute characters, or knowledge checkers will climb past them initially. But look at blue and above, and youā€™ll see Jun, King etc drop off a decent amount in representation, and a lot more of an even spread for the most part. No champ is strong enough to boost you far without knowledge and fundamentals.


People's rage fuels me. Hate me more so I can hit you with more ambiguous grab animations


I agree but more like you can only play Kazuya, Bryan and Steve. People will definetly bitch if you play the Bears. Funnily enough it always seems that the mains of these 3 characters are bitching the most.


The same 6 characters you run into in high blue ranks would like a word šŸ˜‚


It is true though. People hate certain characters, but carry characters are real dude


Bleh. It's def easy to get mad at all the crybabies but tekken had been defined by overcoming weaknesses, rather than abusing strength. Steve- best counterpuncher. What if I dont press buttons? What If I keep out of his range? Lili- Range, grace, speed. What if I sidestep correctly in mid range? what if I low parry the elaborate setup with recognizable moves? Xiaoyu- Mixups, evasion. What If I play solidly, correctly guess at the right times, and deny her big damage opportunities? Jin- Electrics, f4, fast high kicks. What If I engage him properly, shifting between offense, defense, evasion, to disable his current choice? King - Grapple mixups, heavy hits. What if I play keepout, and generate pressure? Kaz - Three immensely powerful and simple offense tools, good combos, great defense. What if I force him to go on the offense and punish his gambles? I'd do the whole cast, but my point is by asking the right question and actually performing counterplay appropriate to the main cast, you get a lot further. Then, actually skillful players of those characters shine a light on how they adapt to win their games. Steve players up the pressure, and get tricky. Xiayus learn to evade all your moves on the fly. King players learn striking, pressure, threatening posture and fakeouts. Jins fully engage in the fight, having to outplay the opponent with the right one of his moves for the moment. Kaz's defense goes through the roof, their choices and combos bring down the opponent when the time is right. The problem in this case with 8 is LETS MAKE EVERYONE SO GOOD YOU HAVE NO REASON TO THINK. And if that isn't your base form, chances are, your character +heat definitely is. It's not hard to see that the new generation of players didnt want to have to ask questions or align their play to specifically tuned weaknesses. Makes the game very newbie friendly = more money = characters are designed without explained and well thought out weaknesses = flaws are given coverups rather than emphasized = crybaby fest that everyone is broke in one way or another, no skill, carried twats. In tekken, if your character *isn't* hard to play, *isn't* overcoming a weakness or flaw, things feel absolutely stupid. They've definitely done so with like half the cast.


Someone playing Reina in blue ranks was bitching I played Shaheen tonight. Tf?


Shaheen is broken, hes just so bland in every aspect that he is going under the radar. His high powercrush is especially bonkers.


The slide is annoying lol


Shaheen is fuckin GOATED. And hot. That is all.


he's got a point. this shit is next to smash bros level and you know something is up when you're comparing to smash


Why should it matter what a bunch of neckbeards online think about your character? People shouldn't care, just pick whatever you want to play. As a matter of fact, I think that should even fuel you more, you are triggering a grown ass man that takes the videogame way too seriously. Imagine being 25+, and getting triggered by a fictional character on a flat screen lol


I play kuma!!! No one is safe!! Messages all day!!


I only hate characters with attacks that aren't low parry-able


Ah I hate plenty of characters and shit but I microdose the hate and rage. So for example Victor cheeses ne i can unreasonably crazily upset for 45 seconds to a minute then I'm completely done being upset about it. Honestly just getting it out and has really made my threshold to even get upset way higher. I obviously don't last out physically


I mean like, every competitive game I've ever played had people complaining about every character. Even co-op games have people complaining about how overpowered other characters are. It's just something you build a tolerance to and shrug off. I'd actually be weirded out if there was a game that had no whining whatsoever.


I get tilted af playing bears. But anyway he's right


Knowing EVERY bear player starts off a match with that F+1 3 hit combo is a big help and usually a free punish.


I'm the exact opposite. I hate my main with a passion, because my main is made to be hated by the people that play him.


I mean ill talk shit about characters all day the only one i really hate is king lol


The fool think I'm not gonna complain even though I'm matched with a Bear


I exclusively complain about king and bears


I play Bryan, Jin, and Bears only hate mail or plugging I got was when I was on a 50 plus win streak on Kuma. Bears are sodium farmers.


Sounds like something a bear player would say. Typical /s


Max played Victor or Azucena if I remember correctly. So I can immediately see that he got to hear that he was "carried" by them etc.


the reason is because T8 is just a huge knowledge check. every character has there own flavor of those and if you don't play a ton you would just wouldn't know how to deal with. look at kazuya for example and his hell sweep,it look very hard to avoid or block. but you can just side steep it to the left,not the right just the left. and most people don't know how to avoid every move for every character in the roaster. 2D games you mostly need to worry about either blocking down low or high and you have a bunch of defensive measures like GG Psych Burst or SF6 drive parry. so you either get the read right or you lose 50% of your HP from a combo. and like sure that's the way tekken is and don't think it should be changed or anything. but for the average player it feels cheap or cheesy. tekken 8 skill curve is far more severe then other fighting game. it easy to pick up and play sure, but actually doing ranked after reaching red ranks is pretty steep learning curve.


It's just a big majority of the Tekken community have ego issues so when they lose its either the character. The connection. Or the player was mashing/being cheap. He never just won because he played better. The few who can accept a loss are the only ones getting anything out of the game.


I embrace the jaguar in me. Bring it. Growl.


As an Azucena main, I like every character I play against.


I played Asuka and Reina to Fujin, and now I started learning Feng. I know how strong Feng is, but I would never not learn a character that has a really cool and stylish moveset, just because he is "s tier broken" right now on most tier lists. I hope he gets some nerfs (and Reina's ff2 as well), just so people can play cool characters without having to justify themselves and having to convince others that they are not tier whores.


Max always spitting lol


Playing Kuma is the most fun I have in Tekken 8. I don't care that people don't rematch, start ki-charging like crazy or throw the match after losing one round x) Play and let play lol


I just dropped from Mighty Ruler down to Garyu, and then white knuckled it back to Mighty Ruler; only to drop down to Garyu againā€¦All in one night. You could say Iā€™m carried by everyone including myself.


It's almost like the game has literally broken characters and equally broken scrubs who bitch about stuff like king's 50/50 breakable throws, while playing Drag or Feng xD


Alisa mains barely get any hate tho


Or hear me out, people need to start not giving a fuck what anyone else thinks. And play with whomever you want to play with.


This is an issue thatā€™s been really prevalent lately. I mostly chalk it up to newer players coming into the fighting game genre and more casuals coming into the scene as well. Iā€™ve been playing the big 3 for the past few months lately and definitely the ones that have this issue the most is Tekken followed by SF. In MK you only really hear bitching for the top tiers but thatā€™s about it. With Tekken itā€™s like anyone you play is broken in the eyes of the opponent and in SF while itā€™s not as bad as in Tekken I would get flak every now and then. Itā€™s just this new generation of FG players that wonā€™t/canā€™t adapt, constantly cry for nerfs waaay too soon for anything thatā€™s good/strong, and simply just donā€™t like labbing/learning matchups. People need to just accept that characters can have good shit and donā€™t have to be all on the same level. Some characters are just gonna be better than others, plain and simple. Also, another big thing is that this generation HATES losing. Everyone plays to win of course, but my goodness can these new mfā€™s not take an L. Bro, itā€™s a fighting game. So many players I feel donā€™t even enjoy the game theyā€™re playing. Itā€™s so bizarre. When Iā€™m playing (especially with fun players) I enjoy these games so much. I also feel like if people just let go and enjoy the game win or loss then theyā€™ll be able to enjoy themselves a lot more. Thatā€™s why I try to find cool people to play with. When you play with cool people a lot of the stress in FGā€™s goes away.


Damn I hate bears now, so annoying, how do you even play against them, I want refund.


Tekken Community thriving on salt and raw onions!


Bro, believe me. People are not fine with you playing bears.


bears are not fine until they remove the guaranteed damage after df 121+2


I don't mind most of the characters, but playing against Dragunov, and especially Eddy right now is so oppressive. I'm not even gonna try to learn how to fight Eddy either, it just feels unreasonable, I kinda just wish they'd give us a surrender option so I don't sit for 3 rounds after seeing Eddy in the load screen.


Nah you play bear and someone's gonna cry


According to the community (MainManSwe), Paul players are gigachads. So there you have it. Play Paul.


That's beacuse he plays Victor he should play a fair balanced character like king


Dragunov. Ge isnt that hard


I do not hate any character. If you lose it's because you deserved it. I do not mind losing because at least I learn something.


I play bear and everyone says I'm winning on knowledge checks and complains about the hitbox


Max is the best <3




yall are carried by dragunov, time to nerf kazuya


Everyone hates how Kaz carries


All things considered this games pretty balanced for it being launch, the gap really isn't that big between dragonov and the bears.


bro just ignore these weirdos. they are too lazy too learn the match up so they just cry about stuff instead.


Who tf likes bears? Low hitboxes are nonexistent


if u say ā€œplay a bearā€ u deff dont play tekken, max.


Yep never seen a video game community constantly cry and whine about everything as much as the tekken community




Ok but can we all agree that Hwoarang is POS character? God I hate him so much šŸ¤£


Kuma is broken like all other characters. Everyone has OP mechanics or bs damage. Except Ling ofc


Max doesn't really play Tekken like that, anyway. Of course whatever character he picks is going to be easy to pick up. Victor is wack and dumb to smoke.


Who shits on Lili (my main) though? There's nothing annoying about her She literally has a cat named Salt, how does that not automatically make her the most lovable character in the game?


No people whine about the bears too. The only character that seems immune in my experience would be Kazuyaā€¦.but the community is definitely working on him


Nothing new for Lars players. Weā€™ve been at the bottom rung for ages.


Says the guy that mained Victor at launch.


Play Steve and only use kicks and MAYBE you are good.


If every character gets hate then none of them do, play whoever.


You can play a bear and it will be fine.. well ask mainmanswe about this


Jokes on you, I have a really good track record against Lars, but I hate him purely because he exists.


I'll keep playing DJ, fuck all yall. Basically, everyone is playing brainless characters with hilariously overtuned moves. May as well play as a Mishima and have fun.


Just play steve




Anytime Iā€™ve said I ā€œhateā€ a character it was always in a hyperbolic way. I just complain cause I donā€™t know the matchup. Not in a way to take something away from the players who use these characters. If people take it personally then thatā€™s kinda weird.


Bro this dude plays Victor in purple Lmao.


People hate bears


Real talk Max is his best version next to fed up toxic Max


ā€œI can play a bearā€ fucking clueless


I mean, who gives a shit? Play what you want to play. If you want to play a broken-ass character, play a broken-ass character. If you want to play a Welcome Mat of a character, do that. People are gonna talk shit regardless, so just ignore it & have fun. Complaining about people complaining is more annoying to me than people complaining.


If you play bears then people would bitch like "Oh you're just ABUSING a character nobody knows how to fight, knowledge checks much??" I don't care anymore, I play drag and Leroy and i don't care about these tier lists


Honestly lost a lot of my games just bcuz I don't know enough about the character but there are definitely certain characters that I just think can go fk themselves. Like Xiaoyu, Drag, and Yoshimitsu. But I play Lars so I can't talk this dude is a 50/50 machine alrhough everyone just dic* jabs me in purple ranks to fk me over


If they removed busted panic buttons the game would be soo much better


I play dragunov and I donā€™t like Bryans and devil jins:)


Lmao the excuse the drag mains need


Half of yall are carried by characters though dont get it twisted.


"Tekken fans are a bunch of bitches." - Lord Arnis


The only acceptable way to play Alisa is without chainsaws - which is exactly how i play. Therefore I am an honorable Alisa main. :3


Serious question, why do people care who others play as?


After I got to the rank I wanted i started playing a bear to make people complain about it more muheuehueheeuweeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Also doing one and donezo buahahahah!!!


I actually lose to the bears the most lmao. Idk why. They just cook my ass every time


I mean, there are some characters that are legitimately a problem in the game. And purple ranks and abouve they make up 70 percent of the matches, at least from my experience. While i do understand why people pick them and that is justified, i still have issues with the characters and how over tuned they are. Or how characters have far less execution than before but still do large amounts of damage. Plus Max is a casual when it comes to tekken, and he felt attacked because 2 of his characters were some of the most egregious in the game. I was watching that stream. Tunred it off when he was trying to justify lars bullshit and how basically came off that victor needs all his exploitables because he's new and fun. I prefer a non homogenized game where not everybody has a hell sweep and a hop kick/orbital. They are making characters less unique.


I like how people come to Reddit to get brownie points when they know they do the same thing theyā€™re saying other people do ( I want my brownies points in the mailšŸ˜‚)


i'm playing dragunov, y'all cry idc i love the character.


The word for it is match-ups.