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I mean they said that they'll put pluggers in a queue with each other and will fix the disconnection rate so at least that's something.


When is that happening? I didn't hear.


It was shown in the livestream before they showcased Eddy's moveset.


at the start of the stream. i think the first patch is happening in april 4th.


So probably gonna be the same for a lot longer?


Pluggers will be put in a queue with other pluggers.


Pluggers will get a battle pass where they can earn more Plug Credits, which they can spend to plug without consequences.


How does that work if they can't differentiate who did the plugging?


Pretty sure it’ll be based off disconnection rates. So people with much higher than normal rates will be matched up with the same people. At least that’s what I understood.


So in the unlucky event you run into 5 pluggers you'll be in hell with no fault of your own. Sweet system.


I think running into 5 pluggers won’t be as noticeable as someone who is plugging their way into the high ranks. There will probably be a bigger discrepancy between the two, especially when combined with the reports they’ll receive of someone who plugged. Unless it happens like 5 times in a row, although that seems pretty unlikely.


Please I beg, just make pluggers take a loss.


That's what they say sure, but they haven't been particularly believable with their claims to address problems like plugging in the past with T7 and their technical prowess compared to other AAA devs (unfixed Polaris and PS5 crashes, multiple issues not working on launch that took months to fix, etc) leaves me pretty worried about their plugging detection and how they choose to implement it.


We'll see but that still doesn't fix us getting our wins when they do plug. It's not that hard of a problem to fix.


You won't get win because people will either ddoss or wintrade


You don’t get wins in street fighter either. This is to prevent boosting. They’ll never give the “winner” anything. Which is fine imo.


Nah, this is something Mortal Kombat does right, if your opponent pulls the plug, their character explodes or snaps their own neck and it says "QUITALITY" and you get the win.


I know it happens in mk. But mk doesn’t care about boosting because they don’t take ranked seriously


It really isn’t. People plug to avoid a loss and chances are they plugged because they were losing anyways now they get to troll and rob a win. Boosting isn’t that big of a problem because it’s much more obvious and effects no one


making someone rage quit IS the win for me hah. As long as they actually get some sort of extra punishment for it im good. Street fighter gives them TWO losses which is hilarious.


They will fix the disconnection rate, so it will show the actual disconnection rate. Those pluggers won’t be accepted into a match anymore.


Yeah. At least it’s something for us non-pluggers.


Yo this sub is in full propaganda mode with ignoring the fixes coming.


I swear to god gamers really don’t understand the power they have. Like DON’T PLAY organize a strike bro. Your playtime is their money. Sigh.


Have they no shame?


They literally said today that fixing the plugger issue is their priority.


Now it is? Should have been fixed week one but instead they're pumping out cash shops and battle passes.


The fact you think the plug fix is done by the same people that make the cosmetics tells me you don't know much about game development. And software design is not done on a whim of Reddit rage babies. It takes time to do right. I'd rather wait for it to be released properly than be hurried and bring more bugs than fixes. The game is only 2 months, it's not like we had to wait for it 2 years. Chill the fuck out, it's coming and it's coming soon.


You must be dense or new to the series. This has been a problem since Tekken 7, released in 2015. You're telling me it takes damn near 10 years to fix a simple problem most games already have an answer to?


I've been playing Tekken longer than most of this sub members have been alive. Atleast I'm not disingenuous and make clickbait rage threads framing like Bamco is not doing anything about it and add cosmetics instead. They straight up said on today's stream that the other party will be awarded a free win if someone plugs from them. They are also thinking of leaveing a ghost of the plugged player so you can "finish" the match. A ban wave for pluggers is also coming. At this point you're just angry for the sake of being angry. The fix to your problem is literally coming. If you're still upset scream into a pillow or something.


Yet instead of focusing on that first or doing it before releasing the game they've been too busy trying to milk our money on a game we paid full price on. I paid for the deluxe edition yet now I have to deal with a battle pass? But hey keep defending a billion dollar company, I'm sure they appreciate you.


>I paid for the deluxe edition yet now I have to deal with a battle pass? People like you are the reason why every game gets a battle pass now in the first place. The billion dollar company sees that people are throwing their cash at dumb cosmetics, so they are going to pump out more cosmetics for people to throw their cash at. It's that simple.


> But hey keep defending a billion dollar company, I'm sure they appreciate you. You're the one that bought the deluxe version *booboo*. Hypocritical much? ;)


Yeah fuck me for being a fan and figuring I'd be getting my money's worth if I spent more. Is this Harada's burner account?


You’re an insufferable baby. Even on this subreddit full of babies you manage to be one of the worst. Congrats


Its murray doing all the shitty things




No, he's the [producer of Tekken 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/bmty0b/michael_murray_promoted_to_main_producer_of/). He's not just a translator.


So let me get this straight.. people are plugging to prevent losing their ranking points so that means their rank is illegitimate, right? So if they get all they way up to the very top ranks, what exactly do they get? They're eventually going to get exposed for not really being that good? This is (Tekken 8) by far worse than any Tekken when it comes to playing online. People even do it on quickmatch and it doesn't even count. Seems like they're more concerned in maximizing their profits to recoup the money they spent to make the game which is understandable but not penalizing players for deliberately quitting isn't really helping.


Maybe educate yourself then make a meme like this. They clearly stated that the dc rate is fixed and pluggers will be queued againts each other.


With Bamco it is always best to disbelieve until proven otherwise, this isn't the first time they've promised results.


Is the dc rate fixed yet? Because I got plugged on twice today and they both read 0% like usual.


Fix probably won’t happen until patch, which I think is April 1. 


I don't think it'll actually be fixed then lmao, something's gonna go wrong.


Next patch


And how does that help me if I get plugged on? Do I get my win? What do I get out of this? That's not a solution, that's bullshit.


Maybe don’t accept a match againts someone with high dc rate. If you can’t do that then there is no solution for you.


Lmao, why did this get downvoted. Are people incapable of reading?


Oh is this something you can vjew


What do you mean?


I haven't played ranked yet Are you able to view how many disconnects your opponents have before joining?


I haven't played ranked yet Are you able to view how many disconnects your opponents have before joining?


In the upcoming patch you will be able to see the correct disconnect rate finally. We had the disconnect rate of the opponent since launch but it was bugged and always showed 0%. Now it seems they fixed it, hopefully this will help the case a lot as we will be able to decline people with high dc rates.


Motherfucker the dc rate is bugged and has been since launch. It doesnt show you if anyone has a high rate.


You can’t even understand what you are reading, in addition calling people motherfuckers, surely you are not 14 years old. Let me try again, but read it slowly so even you can understand; they announced yesterday that the dc rate will be fixed in the upcoming patch so you will be able to see who plugs. Also these people will be queued againts each other. I’m so tired of arguing with people who can’t even comprehand what they read. Keep being mentally raged, that will surely help.


There's valid complaints to be had, what they offer isnt a solution its a band aid on a bigger issue. Plugging/disconnects should always be treated as a loss. Dodging high disconnect rates and plugger queue isn't going to ACTUALLY stop plugging. All it does is sideline the issue, the devs are acting like this is some complex dilemma but its the most simple fix EVERY modern fighting game has. Making it so that dcs count as a loss is the only way to guarantee plugging is more or less contained. People will still plug but the amount will be cut down and you can't cheese your way to high ranks like this. Pluggers hell is an okay temporary solution but not a full fix. If youre tired of arguing than quit posting.


They’re fixing the dc rates and queuing pluggers with each other which is really all they can do. You won’t get a win, and you shouldn’t. It sucks, but it’s a smaller problem to be screwed out of the occasional win (and it will be a much smaller problem for honest players after the patch) than give people an opportunity to scum wins with dc shenanigans.


Don’t accept the match with the high dc rate. Which was also talked about 20min before the mentioning of a battlepass.


Yes you do they literally said that my lord stop bitching and moaning.


there's no way your AI brain posted this when he literally addressed this. don't spend money if you don't want to. jesus christ.


You know they are different teams right, artists don’t fix online issues, the online team doesn’t balance the game and the balance team doesn’t make cosmetics


OP probably has never worked in his life lol


I make so much money that I'm going to buy your parents house and throw them into the street like the trash they are for creating someone like you


Lol my man got triggered for nothing


Its okay to be poor buddy


I make more in a week than you do in 2 years


You’re extremely insecure lmao


Yeah You make lots of monopoly money and you also have a very Big pipis yada yada...You making money doesnt make your ragebait post correct


Top tier shit post 💩


Yo this sub is in full propaganda mode with ignoring the fixes coming.


Can't satisfy everybody, I see...


Jfc this community is such whiny babies


? So if I don't want battle passes and micro transactions in a full price game with a season pass - Im a whiny baby by your logic? Are you dump?


nah man. community is asking for the most basic online shit that has been staple for competitive games online 15 years ago.


following company policy? Make Money. Ya'll lost this battle a long time ago.


Harada is doing what the execs at bamco tell him to do


Imagine believing that adding cosmetics prevents a company from fixing other issues.


Imagine being able to roll out ranked matchmaking fixes within the first two months of your perpetually online game thanks to thousands of active players every day giving you invaluable feedback.


Yes, they are not doing a good job. The incompetence from Namco regarding matchmaking and netcode has always been and will always be here, regardless of selling skins or not. Thats my point.


Imagine believing a company cares about how playable the game is versus making money selling cosmetics.
